The sketchy denial of planetary scale geoengineering is long past ridiculous. After recently reading the article DISCOVERING A NEW WAY BY WHICH AEROSOLS RAPIDLY FORM AND GROW AT HIGH ALTITUDE at, it hit home that we’ve hit a new high water mark for creative denial. As the obviousness of unnatural phenomena explodes, and can not, any longer be excused with the lame blame of “irresponsible behavior” in other countries, we get this “trust the science” stuff. The collective, “We don’t know.” that continues to be the calling card of the systematic denial deception of intentional climate intervention. It has become such an amazing joke.
It Is That It Is
The narration of modern society, here on planet earth on the enforced calendar marker of 2022, has collapsed into absurdity. With that, it feels like being pushed up against the wall of re-evaluation. The unreconcilable mess that’s being promoted as viable, professional statesmanship and leadership is the tragic sitcom that has outlasted the screenplay, and nobody in the public eye is any good at making it up on the fly. The crush of political correctness has left a gaping inability to communicate even the simplest forms of hellos and goodbyes. Thusly, the actors in the theater of state are reduced to these incoherent babbling rants of nonsense. Speeches and talks that are routinely interrupted by pauses of blank expressionless stares reserved for those that have just woken up from a delirious nap. The novelty of all this brain locking malfunction would be highly comedic if it were not so tragic. The tragedy is, for sure, that people all over have not only had their liberty crushed, they’ve had to deal with murderous injustice. Widespread active and tacit consent of ever increasing, and increasingly glaring, wrongs among those less immediately threatened has weighted the scales reconciliation. We can’t snap out of our collective state of normalcy biased hypnosis quickly enough. At some point you gotta figure that one of these gaffe riddled official absurdity displays is going to act like a psychological smelling salt, and wake us the hell up. The fact of the matter is that it is.
Of Course
Of course the society crashed. All the heritage rich detailed rites, honors, and traditions had been uprooted, dismembered, scrambled, and trashed. True belief went to waste while the inhabitants were persuaded to trust imposed systems of belief delivered causticly by cold agents of supreme chaos. The deception has been grand. Delusional ideas have intensified to the point that most of the light duty faithful will swear with great conviction that when one drops a rock, it will fall up. Gravity defiance may be real, however, Newton accurately recognized a very real feature of the natural order. In brief, garbage in … garbage out. Society at large has had a bountiful serving of a mountain of service to self garbage. Out comes squat. Gradually madness prevails, and of course the societal ship crashed.
More To Come…
It’s very difficult, right now, to consider traditional societal institutions as anything more than a complete joke. It’s like a theater play that’s gone on too long. The actors, and participants have become lazy embarrassments. One empty suit after the next feigning sincerity, through a look of obvious could give a shit, and delivering patterned scripts that got old generations ago. Today’s speech makers are always at the mercy of silly absurdity. As each “national affair” unfolds along the tired lines of history repeating itself. The cliches of the supporting narrative get thinner and thinner with a pale transparency leaving the narrater looking like a nakedly discredited buffoon. Nobody would ever repeat these fraudulent national interest updates unless they were completely sold out, on the take, and/or serving as a puppet parrot. You couldn’t leave half of our so called societal leaders in charge of a shopping list for Piggly Wiggly let alone nuclear policy. The only thing keeping this tragic failure going is the intense lingering political commitment of the we’re right, you’re not scorekeeping game that is holding on by nothing more than pridefully closed minds at this point.
More to come…
Occidental Collapse
Every official agent, and agency, of western culture is catastrophically discredited.
Where Would You Like To Go?
Is there anywhere in particular that you would like to go? Greece, Istanbul, Prague, Egypt, Peru, Moscow, Tokyo, Buenos Aires, Paris, Costa Rica, or maybe somewhere remote? Wherever it may be, you can plan a travel, embark on it, and head to the destination you choose. Historical travels around the world are romantic and enchanting. The journeys of Erikkson, the ancient island hoppers of Oceania, Hudson, Roald Amundsen, and Lewis and Clark, right down to you and me going to the beach for the weekend. All trips are their own adventure. All the encounters and happenings along the way make up each own’s Odyssey. There are geographical destinations and there are destinations in time. We follow time paths too. In fact, there are paths of time and space that we are on now, always have been, and only have the most bare understanding of. While it’s easier to wrap the mind around ideas of being in a certain place, at a certain time, or planning a trip to LA in December then it is to inhabit time like we inhabit our neighborhood, it doesn’t mean we can’t. It may be impossible to grasp the illusion we call time, but it doesn’t mean we don’t.
Where would you like to go? What destination would you like to reach? Time destinations have qualities and characteristics like geographical destinations do. Time journeys have us passing through a time-scape of events, just like the landscapes of the geography journey. We’re going to be going through some stuff, but where are we going? Let’s choose the nature of the space we would like to reach, and make that the goal. How about choosing a place that’s free of coordinated injustice and hostility? How about a place devoid of fear mongering? How about a place of spontaneous liberty? What about a place of reinforced freedom? How about a place of some real harmonious unity? Herein lies the determination. Herein lies the belief and the dream. In a sense this could be referred to as a future. The present we reside in now is a future to a preceding ambition; a preceding choice. It’s a future of a dream and goal that is a time destination that we’re constantly arriving in, and are going through. We’re on a time path, a timeline, of some real determination. It’s unlikely that this reality is ever considered seriously, or understood. There’s a reason for this. The dreamers, and choosers, that have chosen this present future have duped many into believing in their dream. It’s a dream come true in the terms of a destination in time. How satisfying is this!?
Mind blowing and mind blown. Let it go. Let the event procession on the timeline we’re on go. Someone else has this in mind, and they surely have their reasons. Currently it would seem like some mighty selfish reasons to me. The future now has a big component of “a lot for a few at the expense of a lot for the many.” Bust the paradigm. There is a time destination the is inverse to this. It has a path. The path is accessible. It’s not impossible to grasp, or get on. Immediately after getting on a different path, things get different. It’s not fair to say, “Anywhere but here and now.”, but I will say, “Somewhere but here and now.” Where would you really like to go?
Recently a couple people were discussing the details of the riotous event in Washington DC on January 6, 2021. The emotionally polarizing details regarding the artifacts and events of that day are still charged up. The point that isn’t part of the discourse, however, is the shadowy one that doesn’t make the mainstream. The storming of the capitol was a staged theatrical event that the media and government could claim as legitimate evidence of an organization activated to forcibly interfere with government function. This false flag lacks the sophistication of good planning. The scenes are unmistakably scripted. Security people literally step aside as if they’re ready to hold the door for the “invaders’ to head in. There’s no real life threatening violence minus the attack on Ashley Babbit, who is assassinated by a gunman that had clearly singled her out of a crowd. There is also a glaring shortcoming of this sloppily planned inside job. There’s no identified head villain. Where’s the Osama bin Laden, Tim McVeigh, Lee Harvey Oswald, Stephen Paddock, etc. etc??? The organizers of this most recent mind control theater operation don’t even bother to complete the basic elements of the script. To lazily lay it on someone speaking earlier in the day is as weak as laying off the 2012 siege of the embassy in Benghazi on a Nakoula Basseley Nakoula film. We, the general public, are treated as, believe anything we’re told fools. The flagrancy of the foul disregard for legitimacy of the social narration we are being fed will continue to serve as a wake up call. When the waking up reaches critical mass, the agents that continuously endeavor to gain unjust control will only have themselves to thank for totally losing control. This January 6th story is another case, and a big case, of being sloppy; mad sloppy.
Flip the Script
Powerful ruling elite…. Gimme a break! How about psychotic parasitic albatross, or cosmic leach!? The massively self serving, self imposed, leaders of society are a titanic ball and chain around the ankles of the soul groups of people that have been herded into a vast sick sad morass of deception. It’s deceit built on broken rules of honor, sovereignty, and free will. Every bit of the direction sourced from the monopolistic, kleptocratic hoarders of earth’s resources, the so called elite, is meant to influence and infect the perception, cognition, and beliefs of the people of earth. With every next utterance we reach further and further into an inversion. An inversion of what is and what is ok. This inference that a superior class has some command and status that can’t be challenged is a contrived, emphasized, and reinforced custom used as a rudiment of misunderstanding. It’s a basic layer of many layers of deep seated belief drivers supporting our subservience identity that has us stuck in the cross hairs of exploitation. It’s time, if not past time, to flip the script. From here on in, every time I hear or think ruling elite, I’m replacing it with the over-reaching misanthropes.
The influence of language and terminology can’t be overstated in terms of their effects on the context of our lives, consciousness, collective consciousness; and shared reality. So this agency of people that has manipulated the structure of society in the way that puts them in charge and on top has long duped the common mass of man into believing in the fallacy of class. With all the honest effort that has been offered through generations of well intended activity we exist here now in an environment that has large elements of hostility, discontent, and disease. Rather than climbing the ladder of meaningful living, we’re making an unprecedented and accelerating race to a bottom. The recognition of this case is noticeable in the complaints and protests that are rising in a variety of forms all over the place. The compliance with the orders of the misanthropic few isn’t working to a greater good. We’ve largely reached a flash point of awareness. Bursts of awareness that are hitting home that basic elements of need have been flipped upside down. The trajectory of our common reality to a place that is an incoherent mess can be traced to the manipulators that have worked deliberately, scientifically, and knowingly to influence us all into a feeding hopper of super food of their own. This paradigm isn’t indestructible at all. Up end the thinking. Flip the script. The class of societal string pullers have had plenty of say, and have proven most superior at working well to a definite and powerful state of disarray. Time for an about face, and find a better way.
Let Me See If I Get This
Neurotic groups of power mongers have headed the subtly insidious corporate control mechanisms of earth, and have long influenced, if not hijacked, social systems, aka governments; governments full of agencies. There are secret agencies that are in the business of creating biological products that can be used to bring about, and spread, illness. Also, in order to diversify a thorough tech portfolio, there is a diverse menu of bio and genetic technologies always in development. In the array of bio weaponry there are multitudes of creations which include SARS, virus, germs, and the now familiar SARS-coV-2. SARS-coV-2, the virus that can lead to COVID 19. These same secret agencies, that have fronts like NIAID, NIH, CDC WHO, etc, have been prepared to administer their work, and the motivated for no good bosses have created the cover to do it. The pseudo scientists, that have this arsenal of bio technologies, are working experimental programs on the inhabitants of the world. Earth is a planetary scale laboratory. So, the same, so called, scientists that have made careers of developing, now released bio weapons, are consecutively, experimentally, applying genetic technologies, under the guise of a helpful response to an unfortunate challenge in the arena of human health.
Let me see if I get this. We’re supposed to get ok with being experimented on?
Treat the fellow occupants of this laboratory vessel with care and compassion; all the compassion that can be mustered, because a big part of this experiment is psyche science applied to the mind of the test subjects. It looks like we’re standing on a metaphysical gallows with our, formerly thought to be a friend, advisor telling us to stick our head in the noose. It’s far out to think that we’re about to be hanging by the neck thinking that it’s good for us. Maybe I’m missing something, however, this is how I get it. We need a lot of help; loving help.
That’s It
We’re not going to debate the merits of the merit-less. There is no argument. There is no debate. It is, and that’s it.