Everyday, all the time, I watch the sky. Every once in a while, I talk about what it is that I see there. In the recent window of calendar time from December 14-17, 2021, here in southeast New York, there has been a constant dispersion of cloud material coming from jet planes overhead. It is not at all uncommon to see this phenomena, however, over these past few days it has been remarkable. There hasn’t been a single moment’s reprieve. There is constantly a jet visibly leaving a trail. Three’s and four’s in formation, parallel lines – 4, 5, 6, 7 lines wide, multiple crosses randomly scattered, square and trapezoid hash tags all over the place, fine lines, expanding lines, brief short lines littering the entire sky panorama, curved arcs, intermittent starts and stops, darker shade like lines over brighter “cloud” banks, faint prism spectrum panels, very long trails, not so long, short, very high, not so high, and actually pretty low cloud trails… The list of descriptions could go on and on. The trails are as multi various as clouds themselves. Because These trails are not an innocent by product of the combustion process. It’s disconcerting any time there’s a plane leaving a cloud trail. This week it has ratcheted up the attention to the next level of alarm. It has been an onslaught! The sky, here in this part of the world, is absolutely full of pollution.
Author: jplivz@yahoo.com
Required Reading
The Epilogue in The Devils of Louden by Aldous Huxley is required reading. It is about transcendence; self-transcendence. The description of man’s vulnerability to choosing and/or being herded into a downward self-transcendence is compelling. Huxley’s insight into human nature, the condition of man, spirituality, and the practices of conditioning is exquisite. I started out highlighting sentences of the Epilogue, and quickly realized I was highlighting everything. The Epilogue is an amplification of the third chapter in the book. Chapter Three introduces, and develops the subject of the nature of man’s sense of self. The ideas are of the self and beyond the self, and the consistent yearning to be out of the self; to be someone else. The Epilogue captures the majesty, drama, and potentials, of character development for better and worse. It provides a third person like look at the effects of environmental stimulus programming on individuals and groups The objective third person perspective may diffuse the readers emotional pride and prejudice about what’s driving the self. While the effects of suggestion programming range from the dire to the delightful, it’s the power of suggestion that jumps out of the book. I could not help but re-evaluate my own truth after this reading. What’s driving me? Where do my ideas and attitudes come from? What is my level of sovereignty? Are the changes happening for the better, or worse? How objective is my view of things? Can I effectively identify the nature of that which is influencing me? How strong is that influence? What is becoming of me and us? The value of the truth can’t be over rated. So what is my truth status? The Epilogue illuminates brightly with rhythmic prose the workings of man. and has a resonant description of the impact of those workings on the culture, society, and the world. The clearer there view, perhaps the wiser the choice. Remarkable how simple the control can be. Beware the source of informational feed. There is a purity of drive, but realizing it is a trick, and Aldous lets us know, very well, what that looks like. Get hip. Get read. Read, among other things, The Epilogue in The Devils of Louden.
Of Course There Is!
There are planes flying around in every direction, all day, every day, spraying who knows what, and there’s sickness on the ground. Of course there is sickness on the ground!
The Big Stuff
Skeptical skeptical skeptical…. Who isn’t skeptical about what government is telling us? Almost everybody lacks trust in the government. It’s cliche for almost everyone to remark, “They’re all corrupt!” Such is the prevailing attitude regarding the servants of society. Government function, that so often seems like dysfunction, is what drives opinions. Regular reports of corruption and crime, among government members, have served to fuel a prevailing attitude of distaste, disdain, and disregard for the whole body of political members. In fact, even the processes of government aren’t trusted either. Another newer cliche is, “The system is broken.” Yet, with all this said, when we get to the big stuff, all of a sudden, officials are taken at their word. Stories that come out of government sources are, apparently, valid. What exactly is the barrier of belief? What’s the threshold of trust, for the critical mass of peoples, between the information that’s questionable and that which is not. My guess is that it has very little to do with the political agents of the world that wouldn’t know factual truth even if it bumped right into them, and a lot more to do with the rest of us that aren’t critically thinking on either the big, or seemingly smaller stuff. The gut that something is wrong is right. I just have to get over the bridge of realization that it’s an important matter to verify my skepticism, and if it’s real, apply it where it really matters. It matters with the big stuff.
If Or When It Sinks In
It’s not at all uncommon to see athletes out of breath, winded, or exhausted. They’re always breathing heavily at one time or another. You kind of get used to seeing players catching their breath all the time. So, when a player is sucking wind between plays, you don’t think twice about it. All of a sudden, though, during a soccer game last week, that changed. The camera was on the footballer who was standing at mid field after the play had stopped. He was taking deep breaths. You can see a competitive shift take place on the player’s face. This guy’s no longer interested in the game. There’s something wrong. He reaches up and presses the finger tips of his right hand on the middle of his chest, just below his throat. A rapidly growing expression of distress is coming over this guy. He looks earnestly at the game official, and then at the other player standing right next to him. It looks like he’s beginning to ask himself a big question, “What!? This doesn’t feel right!” There’s a flash look of of innocence, of serious concern, followed quickly by a kind of relax. He starts to slowly sit down. He drops. Once on the ground, he’s quickly surrounded by feverish attendants. My gut turns, watching this scene unfold. Something, obviously, much more than a game score is at stake here. An ominous, haunting, sense about what has caused this dude to vapor lock on the field comes over me. The drugs. The drugs. The drugs. It’s really starting to sink in. It’s the drugs.
The multi pronged approach to mass dose people has hit fever pitch. There’s no mistake about it. The captains o\f societal influence want us drugged. There is no exception. The possibility that one can be generally, organically, healthy is out of the question according to modern world bosses. This is a madness scandal. The elimination of the idea that without a drug you can’t be ok is wildly alarming. That’s a massive reach! When is it gonna sink in that we’ve followed a societal leadership plan right off the rails. No such thing as drug free living!? Really!?
If it does sink in, before these chemical compounds do, maybe some sense of reason will begin the establish, or re-establish, itself. The whole idea that drug taking is an unavoidable necessity challenges every notion of liberty. Once the effect of the drug kicks in, we’re kicked out. Kicked out of our own lives. In the present version of the modern world, the drug maker is calling the shots. There’s no way to know who the heck made it, or even what it is. Isn’t it challenging enough to avoid the pitfalls of taking recreational drugs, at the risk of addiction, without the threat presence of some medical military agent forcing feeding us more? Intensifying the madness is the mystery as to why. Even the “authorities” that claim to know the reasons why, also claim to not know. Could be, maybe, maybe not, but take the medicine anyway. How in the hell can we trust this nonsense? Many do however. When is it gonna sink in that we are way down the tracks of rapid fire reactions to orders that add up to trouble? This guy’s running around on the field in the prime of his life, when all of a sudden the side effect grip of a drug pushers product plants him right in the dirt. Thank goodness the realization of the foolish, and fatal, nature of these capitalist concoctions of un-wellness sunk in before the damn needle did, because with these drug plans we’re going down. It’s not a matter of if: it’s when.
I must say, there is a major disconnect between the interactive world experienced outside the door, and the world described by the news of the world. The pandemic overlay definitely is influencing the context of life’s experience, but the actual face to face stuff defies the imminent disaster that we’re told we risk by not following the “safety” rules. High impact news overloading, definitely has a dissonance effect that has developed over the long haul. Chicken Little would eventually lose the ear of those he was warning of the falling sky. (Which, by the way, is actually more severe than Covid.) So, the doom sayers have their say, while more and more of us go our way. There’s also the farcical aspect. You know, people that don’t seem to grasp the concept, and remove their masks to sneeze an uncovered sneeze. It’s kind of sad. It’s very funny, and it’s the reality.
Unpredictabilities are what result from plans that are pushed by the human will of control. Things will not go as planned. Applying more control pressure succeeds in creating to greater irregularities and deformities, and each individual has a tolerance point for mania. Then comes the crack. Then comes the split. There’s a difference between being defiant and being true. It may have seemed defiant to not put my hand in the door jam while you were standing there ready to slam the door, but I’d seen this trick before, and truly did not want my hand slammed by that door. Reckoning is at hand. There is an obvious schism, and serious split from the multi phase full court press being applied to the membership of our world. It’s noticeable, also, that the talking heads delivering the warning messages are disingenuous. Not at all, at any point, have societal, or media, figures appeared to actually care about those they’ve been addressing. With all due respect, when it comes to actually finding an affective path through this thing called life, thank you societal leaders for your input. Now I have a much better idea of which way to not go. Time to split.
Sweet One
A very soft, lightly colored pulse was pumping into the ether. It was emanating from a very slight domo, tucked into the most inconspicuous spot. Though lacking attention catching volume, the steadiness of the signal got it noticed above suspicions. Gradually it became comfortably familiar. Familiar like an old friend. It was recognized to be uninterrupted. The soft signal could always be sensed, in spite of all the other continuously changing polar events, and vacillating happenings. It was reliable. The colored pulse kept pumping with the rhythm of ageless pastel bright, into the fluid of the atmosphere all about. It is a sacred space which holds the domo. The signal seeking it’s lone. The wave pressures would reach our tissue fondly. Remote aches dissolved in an embrace of delicate cover now holding each lovely. As the broken hearts, of each of the lost, cried despair, the pulsing soft signal provided it’s most profound meaning. Broken hearts heal with the love prayed through the domo. Get well. Get well. You are loved.
The End Is The Beginning, The Beginning The End
An unquantifiable, unmitigated, catastrophic disaster is taking place. It is the official, recommended, encouraged, and executed drug injection of children. The images of this taking place are gut wrenching and heartbreaking. On levels psychologic, metabolic, and soul there is a crying grief laden lament. No!!
Because the ultimate collapse of failed systems must climax in failure, these control happenings must run their course. It is an extremely difficult process to witness. I will never forget getting permission, during this covid pandemic, from the nursing home to visit a convalescing loved one. Watching the administrator point the thermometer gun at my daughter’s head was stunning. It struck me that this, new common practice protocol, behavior is traumatizing to see. It is a sense shock thing. There is a deliberate programming element designed to normalize the sight of watching one person point a gun at another’s head while you passively stand there and do nothing. Progressive desensitization orders are an infection. This conditioning is mass production crushing of natural visceral responses to preeminent danger. It has been, and continues to be, promoted and pushed. Healthy responses to obvious wrongs are being obliterated. We are all at the mercy of failing systems. The external failures are the obvious indicators of internal ones. Not recognizing the noose going around the neck is the confusion about why suddenly it’s so hard to breathe. Now the next image comes up. Kids in hazmat settings being shot up in high profile displays of obedience. The fact that this doesn’t set off survival instinct alarm bells all over the place is big evidence that the conditioning of desensitization is mighty advanced. This is an advanced dilemma.
As we collectively circle the drain in a vapid whirlpool of whatever black hole is sucking us in, the pace of event processing has accelerated from allegory, to fantasy, to rumor, to exposition, to exclusive, to privilege, to common place, to taken for granted, to reliance, to suspect, to dangerous, to ominous, to blinding. The gore of the prostituted official world grabbing incessantly at the attention and belief of as many travelers that it can is constant. Officially pushing kids into disease behind their parents mental impressions has shattered a natural dam of tolerance, sacrifice, and trust. These incredibly distopic images of kids sitting politely nervous in inoculation station hot seats, surrounded by personnel that appear to be dressed for decommissioning Fukushima Daiichi have presented images reserved only for terroristic fables. Monumental wrong is arrived in full. Put a mark down for independent and critical thought. There have been shrinking levels of cooperation with the modern world, now it is ever increasing levels of determined civil disobedience.
A great wonderment of reality is that most of it is unrealized. Cycles of beginning and end, end and beginning are perpetual. Every end is a beginning. Healing is real, so injury never goes untreated, however, the price in sacrifice is supreme when hurtful attacks become as sublime as they are right now in the medical military industrial techno psycho beast environment in which earth, and it’s inhabitants now reside. With each injurious injection there is a seal. The fate of enduring suffrage, contempt, longing, and reprieve hangs in the balance of our collective endurance of intolerable circumstantial procession. Just because there does not appear to be a workable solution that can be met with a unified harmonious agreement, does not mean it doesn’t exist. Favor shared is favor earned. Over the precipice of calamity is the high point of potential for hope. One is never closer to the top than when they are crashing onto the bottom. A remarkable example of our last innocence is the low down form of kids surrounded by doctors, nurses, and parents surrounding them while they team up to forcibly inoculate. King Herod would be envious of this success. In another time and space it’s a terrible tragedy, and the catalyst for freedom that only we, one at a time, and together, can flip the on switch for. Pull up the news and current events. See the kids there? Well?! Really!?
The Day No One Listened To The King
The king had had his way for a long time. For all the authority, the last word had been heard. The clamoring clacking racket had worked to deafen the ears of over exposed peoples from here to eternity. The oppressive demand and command atmosphere broke with the relief of ignorance. The king had had his say.
All of a sudden, no-one was listening to the king. A massive coincidental current events circuit overload has resulted in an instant collective deafness. Dawn breaks!! What do you know!? This is a freedom happening! Not being focused on following orders all the time is freeing. As it turns out, the king, and the king’s court, have been collecting the attention of people everywhere. Along with the attention goes energies, thoughts, ideas, creativity, dreams, and will. A humongous amount of liberty is restored with this disconnection snap. An entire cultural redirect results from the simple difference of, “Did you hear what I said?” to “Did you hear something?” So long, for now, to the king’s dominance of control for the comings and goings of the kingdom. As it turns out, the king is impotent, and the court is sycophantic. The only juice they’ve got is the juice their subjects give them, and today that’s none. Today no one listened to the king. The king’s ration went to zero. Everything has changed.
Butterfly effects are very interesting to ponder. The what if phenomena is generally relegated to supposition and hypothesis. Today, however, a gestalt bubble was pricked by innocent timely fate. Pop!! Double jeopardy for the king. A prime objective for the ruler has been to control the subjects. The court works to make the subjects dependent on the civic systems of the kingdom’s control. The cosmic twist is that it is the king’s over dependence on the strategy that has created in a wide open hole of vulnerability. Either the the people do what they’re told, or the king goes weak. The natural response to the over bearing demands of King Takeitall has created dissonance, and tone deafness. The orders have gone unheard. No one listened to the king today, and the free bird of liberty took flight. There’s no catch phrase that can reel it in right quick. It’s a good bet that tomorrow the barking of kingly orders is going to resume. Anybody listening?
It’s A Setup
It’s a massive setup. The entire body of our understanding has been formulated to funnel us all (every species, plant and animal) into a feeding hopper for some kind of cosmic tapeworm. Any legitimate, worthwhile, meaningful, and useful information about our truth, purpose, reason, and principle is marginalized, discredited, covered up, or killed. The current massive planetary smoke screen is more than than a waste lay to the forests of earth, it’s a metaphor for the blind behind which the real operations of heist purposes are prepared, made, and executed. We’re being setup. Temporary pleasures experienced in this corporatized persuasion reality is the belief bate of a self destruction trap. The distorted idea, which is imposed and reinforced, that pleasure, happiness, and joy are expediencies, is a tool of self imposed, soul sold, planetary handlers. It’s a tool which is used without any regard for responsibility, legitimacy, or fairness. Lo and behold, of all the species roaming the earth, which one does this tool work on the best? Humans. And of all the species on earth, which one can make the highest material impact on the environment about them? The human. You want to talk about a setup!?
First things first, gotta get off this runaway train of so called, “material success”. Every structural element that supports this “success” notion is fraudulent. Disconnecting is an imperative; it’s not going to be easy. Without really realizing it, dependency on structures of the modern world has displaced virtually every organic survival mechanism Nature has provided. There isn’t an element of any part of daily life that isn’t provisioned by a source that can’t be cut off. Now what!? What happens now when everything we need to control is controlled by something beyond our control? What faculties are still mine to claim? Without being able to claim authority of body or mind with conviction, the ground of this forward plan must be bare bone basic. Like I heard Joe Dispenza once say, if I want things to change, the first thing I have to change is my mind. With that said, I’ll say this, the agreement that there is merit to any officially sourced, or endorsed, notification or assertion is broken. Until further notice, all standard issue, mainstream, official announcements and directives, or historical references will be considered to be the exact opposite of what’s true, and/or what’s right to do. The idea is that gradually, systematically, deliberately, and definitely an independence of thought, word, and deed comes about that is estranged from this tired, “you better, or else”, bull crap that we’re being force fed by self serving agents, and agencies. Sycophantic world, media, and business “leaders” have clearly sold us out, along with themselves, and are setting us up for the problems of being self serving. This set up trains us to set our selves up. We’re participating in programming of abject un-sustainability, only to be consumed into a paradigm of penultimate loss at the behest and bidding of those that have doubled, tripled, and quadrupled down so many times on an exploitive take over plan that their fate is nearly sealed. Sealed in struggle, sickness, despair, and doom. With all due respect, the modern world can go on without me. The immediate concern is to get loose of this mad set up.