Here comes the next download of fiery red sunset photos. The brilliance! The beauty! The horror off mistaken identity. Ironically enough, those same aerosols that red the sky at sunset have also desiccated the forests below the picture postcard skies. Now in a tinder, sparks fly, and the same red glow grows below the horizon as it does above. Metaphorically, the spraying of the atmosphere, the geoengineering, has become an at scale phenomena that provides many with the bliss and sublime wonder of “natural” beauty AND the gripping horror of “natural” disaster. Man’s insistence on dominating Nature while simultaneously detaching from it has made manifest the stark juxtaposition that our modern solutions are our modern problems.
Above the Field of Fraud
Earth is energetically rich, nutrient rich, mineral rich, fertility rich, metaphysically and alchemically rich. This richness has manifest as a thriving, climaxing living being, harmoniously exploding diversely with life. This thriving exuberance radiates and shines like a radiant wonder orb, penetrating the ages. It’s a bountifully blue tune, shining, and ringing a tonally high consciousness state. Through an evacuated void the blue song stirs a decayed mass of twisted intelligence. Buried vampiric parasites begin to feel. They want more… more… more. So again the universal entity of discontent is on the move. Envy and hate drive the disagreeable. Like slime in a maze, the cosmic leech follows the blue song signal, and arrives in the realm of the bright blue wonder. It has arrived on, and about, earth. The desperation of the envious grips and grapples with the finitude of its own choices. It madly grabs for all it can, with the belief that in time the conjuring of small “m” masterminding will leverage Eternity into its small” h’ hands. As the Sand of Eternity slips through the fingers of the parasite’s mad miscalculation, stones of labor break furiously about the realm which has had its shine severely dulled by the damn dimming of the parasitic klepto-creeps that can’t keep their hands off the jewels of Creation that they crave. The galactic level of voracious insatiability of the parasites in our midst obviously can’t be satisfied. All the resources go to waste, and when it comes to terms of any kind of manifest equity, sustainability, or justice they can’t get it right.
So here we find ourselves, down the path of progress as promised by the parasite. Born, and reborn, into this realm of consciousness manipulation, and sickness progression. We the populace of the planet don’t understand our realm. We’re out of harmony with our environment. We don’t understand our capacities. We don’t know our history. We absolutely don’t know our purpose, and we’ve become almost totally dependent on a system that is wasting every resource it can extract, including us. Forget about the misappropriation of resources. How about the psychotic appropriation of them? This is exploitation at the galactic level. It’s corporate. It’s industrial. It’s thorough. It’s flawed; fatally flawed.
The massive chink in the parasitic class’s foundation is the conviction the Creation needs to be enhanced. At every turn the vampire rejects Creation, and the Creator, for its own vision of reality. In an advanced state of the parasites plan, the only reality left available is a virtual one. The organic one has been trashed. It’s a fool’s guess to keep coming back to an empty well when thirsty, however, it does stop a fraudulent guide from suggesting to you that you are satisfied with ashes in your mouth; dryness is actually desirable. As the inversion approaches fulfillment psychosis prevails. One will have immense difficulty discerning fact from fallacy. The truth is within, not without. This brings to the fore the concept for takeover the vampire relies on, and cannot do without. It wants in. It must get in. Think of all the avenues that the (m) masterminds of our world have leveraged in order to get in. It needs to get in.
Entertainment, medicine, education, more media (news/advertisement/propaganda), religion, government are all exploitable systems through which motivated beings gain degrees of influence. That is obviously not saying much until we start considering who, and what, exactly is motivated to occupy this institutional complexes that are progressing and evolving with us. It would seem to me that if one were to take a critical look at any particular aspect of here and now that immediate questioning of relevance, purpose, perspective, and consistency arise. In my view, there are more inconsistencies and incoherence in the world about us than can be quantified. It’s like a field of fraud. One element of world viewing that is a daily reminder of the presence of the damned (the parasite) is the planes spraying the sky. We’ve reached the point now at which even the most remotely informed people have at least heard of cloud seeding. It is not like going out on a limb to suggest that it is happening. This reference is about the scale.
We left the middle part of Virginia yesterday to make a drive up to Sullivan County NY. Driving up I-81 from mid-morning till mid-afternoon afforded, right through the windshield, a constant view of a big, expansive, broad view of the sky all around; ahead and panoramically around. The otherwise hazy blue sky was raked with plane trails; raked. At no point during the six hour ride was any part of the sky left untainted. Atmospheric spraying and engineering is programming that for some of us is well known. There is no reason now to try to prove that there are intentional seeding programs actively happening. This is all about the volume and scale. There were way more trails up there than one could begin to count. The patterns were both orderly (parallel line, crosses, and hashes) and random. The sky scape was this far out weave of near complete coverage. The modern world has a nagging refrain that too much carbon based fuel is being burned. That alone makes the visible number of flights alerting. Combine that with the knowledge that those jets are dispensing technology in a spray and the intrigue grows. For one thing, we’ve got to breathe that air. For another thing, this is no innocent misappropriation of resources. It is a psychotic appropriation of them. A worm is turning. Disillusionment is turning into conviction. The parasitic class has its collective hands full right now. A lot of us are no longer looking around and wondering; we know.
Get Out of the Way
People in Lahaina were reluctant to accept the ultra wealthy’s invitation to move. Apparently the ocean side resort mansions of Earth’s most wealth privileged should be buffered by space uniquely their own. Legislation is leveraged, favor granted, and with a flip of critical geophysical switches an anomalous unprecedented fire storm is unleashed. Almost the entire town is reduced to ash while the mansions are spared. Thusly, the town, regarded sacred by the indigenous, is rendered free space for the fifteen minute playground the ultra wealthy can exploit with their narcissism orgies and adrenochrome baths. With all due respect to the venerable people of Lahaina, but you were in the way.
People in the Piedmont of western North Carolina have been reluctant to agree with mining companies expanding their enterprises there. The people are living on a gold mine mountain of lithium. The battery manufacturing world can’t wait for non toxic extraction practices in order to supply the EV demand. There’s a mountain of lithium in them thar hills. With another throw of geophysical control switches seed planes fly their sorties into the desired weather center, microwave transmitters on earth steer a rapidly developed Franken-caine straight into the Piedmont, and blast the drop zone with a washout inland tsunami deluge that bible verse would have trouble dreaming up. So for all the people in the Chimney Rock – Asheville swath of total war annihilation you once called home, there are plans for your place, and you were in the way.
Shorter and Shorter
About a year ago the criminal organization posing as the Israeli government got so impatient with the elimination of a demographic of people that it staged an event which would provide the political license to speed up the process. God damn it if a Pandora’s box of how deep the bottom of despair, destruction, and criminal war goes. God damn it. When are we going to say no more?
Hamas is a creation of the West just like ISIS and Al Qaeda. Damn it! We’re attacking ourselves, unleashing the most incredibly hellish hyper violence imaginable. This sucks. How perverted does it get when exercising the right to defend oneself becomes suicide? The long view of this madness is getting shorter and shorter for sure.
Sitting right on the block with the hammer held poised. Treacherous elements of black in retrograde lost adhesion to light meant to hold it. As the light leak brightened, a fanatic frenzy of confusion ensued. Yes, no, this is it, isn’t, forget that, remember, all things, nothing. A light dawn silence brightened with a corresponding warm hum. The past caught up, the future collapsed, and moment to moment wonder of eternity sang harmoniously, continuously, through firmament and sense. Not without devastating harm, trauma, and near fatal injury had the execution of bliss been stayed. Ohm…
Globe trotting the world of ecology news headlines reveals a number of unprecedented ecological, habitat, and high impact environmental conditions. Vanishing kelp, bleaching corral, dried up rain, and incinerating forests are all contemporary happenings on Earth today. In the United States of America there is a debate going on about the size of crowds at political rallies. Yup. With straight faces this is point the candidates choose to debate. Lost. Just plain lost.
Globe trotting the world of opiate addiction headlines reveals a number of unprecedented conditions…
Light Carriers
Another light being in the womb. Sparked by the Divine to bring light into the world. The human has been coded to grow; spiritually grow. Natural processes of ritual and rite climb the spirit to fulfillment and enlightenment. When each support the other a phenomena occurs. The status of the whole is on an evolutionary uptick. Within each infant, parent, and child are the capacities of eternity and life. It is shared lovingly from one and another as a harmonious blaze of elevation. These beings are inherently heavenly, bountiful, and free. The habitation of the free on Earth, however, is and has been systematically down pressed.
The vampiric social controllers in our realm hide behind corporate boards and political veils that are most commonly thought of as indispensable elements of the Anthropocene. These mad genius creations serve the cowardly controllers insulation from the blowback of the down pressing, self serving policy executions that tears the fabric of civility, and leaves people and nature hurt. Freedom has recourse. Recourse freedom and life prevail, although is not without a depravity of existence playing out in a conflict which progresses to soul armageddon. This is an age of remarkable difficulty.
It always sounded a bit over the top that King Herod would order the slaughter of every child born in a certain place through a period of time. Murderous orders of this scale to avoid losing control smack of exaggeration. Yet the modern world, and its controllers, have taken this order and made it planetary. Because the unencumbered human being will spiritually evolve out out the control grip of societal order (and help others wake up to possibility as well), it is necessary to block each person’s path to enlightenment. You want to talk about a cosmic level crime? Confuse the mass and cripple the kids.
Fast forward into the sovereignty choking, DNA hacking, neurologic and immunity compromising medical, “entertainment”, and educational weapons systems that are working overtime to deprive everyone of their birthright, independence, and the high culture aspiration of sustainable bliss. Herod would blush over the totality of this kill order. Not only does the vampire seek to deprive the soul being of life’s potential, it steals light in the process. Reduction to dark is an insatiable lust that will not stop. It can not be satisfied. The mania of this day is driven by the parasite’s panic. Neurotically flailing about, pointing the desperate finger of blame it EVERY direction but their own. Taking zero accountability for earthen difficulties. Doubling, tripling and quadrupling down on failed insistences for cause and effect harm realities that have been intentionally whipped on the world to screw us up, and set us up. Now that I think of it, panic, paranoia, and neurotic behavior is not surprising when you realize that the whole system implodes with a wake up.
Let there be light.
Reality Bubbles of Liberty and Freedom
This whole thing is a mind trick. The guarded space of earth’s “we said so” history is an intentional, deliberate, hack of the complex of neurologic interfaces between consciousness and its manifest. Minds are being hacked. Bodies are being poisoned. Spirits are being sequestered by programed idiocy that is not recognized thanks to a devastating critical thought compromise. A stunted, limited, version of reality prevails as a merry go round socio-political worldwide argument runs us all around with a stranglehold preoccupation. At every broken turn we are told that world happenings are a natural evolution. It’s natural alright, like getting a stomach ache after drinking a gallon of anti freeze. This lower case creation of modernity is a cheap trick; cheap but cunning. We’re experiencing a rip off of the majesty of Creation. Man is sure vulnerable to being hoodwinked, and there are undead species pushing this weakness to maximum extremity. The ever increasingly expensive price tag of wasting resources, will, and wellness has way crossed the threshold of sanity, sustainability, and ok. It feels like there is nothing really left to do but drop the rock, and cut bait with this modern world madness.
By declaring sovereignty and independence, I believe, that it is possible to audit the course of modern life, take official announcements with a grain of salt, and remove consent from the actively vicious hostility being spread throughout this realm in our collective name. The importance of declaring independence has become paramount. Being at the mercy of heartless fear pornographers that endeavor to indefinitely hold the world hostage to threats of shortage and security is awful; it’s downright debilitating. Throw in the fact that these same fear mongers push one scientific attack program after another through weaponized, industrial strength, corporate kill systems pointed at every living thing. All of a sudden it doesn’t seem like a surprise to know that legions of our fellows are literally under the gun, sicker than hell, or lining up for the next round of vaccination and radiation therapy. Meanwhile, the mouthpiece whores masquerading as public servants are pushing this idea that it is outrageous and offensive to disagree with them. These same people can not, and will not, give the facts on basic elements of the obvious that only the utterly brain dead could miss. In terms of critical thinking, careful observation, and accurate estimation a critical amount of Earth’s human population has been rendered effectively brain dead. Right now, and for some time now, there is account after account of life everywhere collapsing in retrograde, habitat collapse by sterility and incineration, and people being blown to smithereens after being held ghetto captive for generations while “leaders” of society lecture on and on with stupefying lip service. It is profoundly cheap.
Beyond the mind hack is another version of reality that the bastard press tries to ignore, marginalize, and dismiss. Rallies of thousand (tens and hundreds of thousands), integral journalists, whistleblowers, independent scientists, mystics, and seers that live independently of modern world insistence are happening. In fact, the the mind hack systems actually fortify the independent by galvanizing their resolve to get more clear of the wasting, collapsing parasite systems of technological modernity. Within the space of this alternative version of what is happening in the vessel of our shared experience. Drivers of the modern narrative have their reasons for insisting on repeating themselves about information that is contrived, distorted, weaponized, and false. The arrow of the modern is pointed at an ineffectual problem that is continuing to intensity. That won’t stop. An alternative is required in order to continue to live without falling prey to a hacking that is contributing more and more to suicide every day. Value is in the exercising of independent choices. Breaking ranks with those that seem to insist on the validity of the lunacy tale may be the single most important commitment I can make and maintain. It seems more clear than ever that if moving into free space is the objective then it is going to require defying the lockdown.
This is happening. It is actually happening. You want talk about hopeful? Choosing justice, fairness, and charity is resulting in formidable stability. It is probably wise to reinforce the these principles. In the reality bubbles of liberty and freedom there is power for sure. There will need to be. this is going to continue to be a bumpy ride.
Genocide Survival
I remember hearing System of a Down doing their Wake Up the Souls Tour. The tour commemorated the 100 year anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. Armenian Genocide?! What Armenian Genocide?
Genocide is the eradication of culture. The systematic effort to eliminate any trace, artifact, or memory of a culture. It obviously includes killing people. The Armenian Genocide was intense. While researching what had happened in the Ottoman Empire a century ago, a distressing feeling developed. How had I not been more aware of this? How many other groups of people had their stories totally obliterated? If not wiped out, then unilaterally twisted into the incomplete and distorted narration of the world known as history. As it would be, I’m more aware of genocide than I thought. Manifest destiny is genocidal. From Tibet to the Killing Fields, Rwanda and America, the lists are staggering.
Researching the eradication of nations and cultures is easy. Anti life zealotry is a repetitively horrific feature of “civilized” beings that runs through the stories of societies all over this planetary realm. Oppressive dominance, and the endeavor to achieve it, doesn’t seem to be reserved to any one particular race, or group. However, the systematic nature of planning, persuading, and executing are consistent. Power grabbers through the ages have exploited the predictability of their fellows’ emotional responses to leverage dominance again and again. After gaining a critical amount of public trust, burgeoning control organizations introduce, and continuously reinforce, the prime influencer of personality… fear. With threat leverage applied to the minds of subjugated groups, formidable formations develop which provide social control masterminds access to commandos of a most mind washed brand. The ensuing nightmares of exploitation and eradication then take place with a truly baffling cosmic rationale. Mass murder and total destruction then ensue in the names of diplomacy, justice, security, and peace. In the ensuing tug of information war, schisms of worldview develop, clarity evaporates, propaganda is brokered, confusion reigns, and history narrations develop in selfishly distorted ways. Once the lopsidedness of the story telling evolves. reality gets inverted, and it as if what has always been, never was.
I’m finding the stories of cultural preservation compelling. Races that become aware of their own pending demise have demonstrated a commitment, conviction, and resolve that re-balances nightmarish extermination with hope. Control over story telling is not reserved. As overwhelmingly tragic as genocidal mass murdering and cultural scrubbing is, is as brilliant are the stories of emergency preservation of culture that oppressed groups have made. Within the huddled critical mass of those still living begins a fascinating transcendency. We are not dependent upon dominators to care for our own story. We are going to need keepers. Keepers of the heritage, the memories, rites, and customs. Oh faith… Oh favor… It is never a bad time to listen for the song of the nation while it can still be sung; fearlessly sung.
Word by word, a written history can be manipulated. The victor writes a story, not the story. Taking responsibility for the preservation of one’s own story is survival. Obviously, the key is to know it. Wake Up the Souls is a down stream example of a nation that would not let the memorial version of their own story disappear. The story of how this, and other, peoples that have not been successfully choked out by the stranglehold of murderous genocidal efforts which had them on the brink of disappearance, now gets told along with the oppressors’ story. Coherence is a revelation away, and the cadence of truth is revelation’s antecedent. Down the ages the sages sing abundantly lively that, “We’ve been here.” As the chorus grows, our collective voices raise. Heart harmonies bulge, swell, and reveal that it is much easier to voice memorial truths than to adjust a bastardized jumble of convenient heroics which always and only favor one cause. The strategy of twisting the story to favor the winner has run its course. Desperate overlords of the status quo are resorting to absurdity to mask an exposed, recognized, ongoing, ever expanding, genocidal attack. With this, the world of the oppressors shrinks, cooperation the sickness stops,. and an age infused with truth, vitality, and authenticity rises. Reconciling ourselves to the actuality of existence is far from easy, although doing it interrupts the race to blind oblivion that dark force agents, that have laid waste to nations, insist upon. Eradication is no given.
Take hold of alternatives. Learn and tell your story! Knowing that we’ve been living in a progressively sickening organ is a start. Informational bastardization engineering will always be a strategy. It cannot prevail. It is built to fail. Look and listen through each sentence and hymn. The oppressors have tipped their hands. It is wise to invert the official narrative. Ensuing understandings won’t near be perfect, but they will be heading in a different direction. The voices voicing the survival of the crushed have a weight and merit that raises and carries all of us to a new experience with ourselves. The prevailing residuals will announce that we have very much lived, done it in our long standing traditional way, and survived.
Frozen in Quartz
In the shades of a mockery; a farce. / Planning planning forever shaming and marking the by parts of course. / Subliminal sisters watering sprouts. /. Carousing cartographers, lost, carry blame /. For leading an hombre – a femme long astray. /. Yet he left reminders and she left for long. /. The hungry grow brighter / The abused join in song. / Fairly left bit early, squarely, and strong. /. Beware holding heavy. /. You arms racing fools. / An augmenting twist moment. /. Spring gales lash the king. /. Hell holds a blessing in the searing of night. /. Dominance control freaks have broken the bell. / Liberty’s crying this sinister knell. /. The hopeless have favor /. The favored now fall. /. Left long a plenty. /. The poet has lifted; lifted the veil. /. Scared running scumbags have forgotten to cover. /. The last signs of scandal /. A dishonorable rail. /. The squashed now breathe freely. /. Oppressors hold court. /. Each pointing the other, now frozen in quartz