Many have woken up to the fact that our collective story is about controls, and the dystopia they are ushering in. We’re living in a world of ever encroaching controls on natural and human resources. Multifarious controls including social, legal, environmental, economic, health, identity, and mind controls. For anyone that has not begun to wake, the urgency of making life changes to counteract controls won’t seem relevant. The conditions, however, are ripe. As confused and selfish as people may be, the majority likely do not have malicious intent. The issue is that there are powerful factions activating controls that do. By any and every means available power control groups seek to dominate. The domination effort cause has it’s effect in harm. Ever growing numbers of peoples around the globe suffer from hunger, violence, threat, destabilization, disease, poverty, bankruptcy, and a crushing of sovereignty and freedom. All the while we hear the trumpeting of progress toward a better world of prosperity with an effective strategy for quelling the despotic. Here in the U.S. news of crises home and abroad are routinely suppressed by bare mention, or none at all. Our collective story is about control pressure, from above, meant to hold us down, dumb us down, rob us blind, and blot us out. Through induced, learned, and practiced mental illness we unknowingly participate in our own take down and demise. We’ve been trained to pursue our living in a mentally unwell unsustainable way which is inorganic and unnatural. This is our ill, and the antidote is about making a practical about face.
Imagine a different storyline. A story built on the inclusion of ourselves in numbers dedicated to the common well being. How about the effect this would cause!? This is the living antidote to the social ill which is becoming harder and harder to disagree with, or stay asleep to. While our personal desperate need may have not yet been realized, many have already. Without a change in the storyline, these numbers pick up speed to grow fast consuming the rest of us.
There comes to mind a vision story. Who gets credit for this, I don’t know. It goes like this… A visitor passes by a door, it opens. Looking inside is seen a dining room, and a well served meal on the tables with everything one could ever desire. The people around the room have looks of stubborn frustration and aggravated suffering. It just so happens that the tables have been rewarded with everything they could ever want, but the people have come handicapped by arms without elbows. Their arms will not bend. Their hands cannot reach their mouths. They can’t feed themselves. The food goes uneaten and the lamenting inhabitants starve. The door shuts. ‘What!?’, the visitor asks. “Hell. You have just seen a bit of hell.”, he is told. Continuing they come to another door, it opens, and inside is the same room. The same tables, the same food, and the same elbow less people. There is, however, an obvious big difference. The expressions of the people in the room is happy! “What!? But what!?”, comes the visitors’ inquiry. “Heaven the visitor is told. Heaven. You see, in hell they are lost for how to feed themselves, but in heaven they feed each other.”
The vision story is an example of antidote living. While certainly not available, or chosen, by everyone all the time. It is available to anyone anytime. This means course adjustment, if not reversal, for most of us. While charitable at times, it’s not our regular habit. If the current unsustainable crash crisis course is going to be altered for the better, service to others is a practice which needs to be adopted ASAP. The energy released by selfless giving counter balances control. It is the antidote. The same is true when we allow others to be of service to us. Pride to the side in real time is to the benefit of everything and all. Restoration of health is beyond our power, but practicing healthy choices might not be. Now really is the time to be our best most authentic selves. There is no substitute for being present when it comes to authenticity, availability, or effectiveness for positive change. Being present is an underlying principle of awakening. Now is an essential urgent moment. Here are two quotes that may very well resonate. One is Eckart Tolle, “The eternal present is the space in which your whole life unfolds.” The other is a Sanskrit proverb by Kalidasa, Indian poet and playwright, Fourth century A.D. , “Look to this day/ For it is life/ The very life of life./ In it’s brief course lie all/ The realities and verities of existence,/ The bliss of growth,/ The splendor of action,/ The glory of power- For yesterday is but a dream,/ And tomorrow a vision,/ But today, well lived,/ Makes every yesterday a dream of happiness,/ And every tomorrow a vision of hope Look well therefore, to this day.
In our collective story we’ve past the point of critical nature. True antidotal benefit and reality is realized when we reach critical mass awakening, and effect our efforts for the common good.