
Man, I will tell you what… Of all the current event themes, there is one that is just incredibly difficult to reconcile. That one is the current state of plant and animal die off; extinction. The extinction rate on earth right now is critical. Observable planet earth is experiencing it’s sixth mass extinction. This majestic biosphere space ship has lost sixty percent of it’s total biomass in the last forty years. That statistic lingers, for me, unforgotten all the time. The magnitude and impression of global life loss haunts the consciousness with a sense of catastrophic depth and a growing growing massive sadness. The wonder of creation and it’s manifest beauty is being matter of factly obliterated and wiped out. Wiped out in the blink of an astrological flash. And we, the supposed peak beings of evolution, remarkably don’t even seem to realize it’s happening. Amazing!! I mean we’re still applying conventional consideration to our quote-unquote future.

Today is December 8, 2016. In the last ten days it has been reported that thousands (or acres) of snow geese died in Montana – 3.4 million poultry killed in South Korea – 700 geese found dead, Lubuskie Province, Poland – 5000 ducks killed, Tarn Department, France – thousands of dead fish, Cornwall, England – 540,000 chickens killed, Niigata, Japan – thousands of fish ‘continue’ to wash ashore, Nova Scotia, Canada – Massive fish kill ‘state of calamity’, Buhi in Camarines Sur Philippines – 300 Blackbirds found dead, Slow Creek, New Jersey – thousands of ‘strange jelly like’ creatures wash up, California – 2000 deer dead, South Dakota – 1 million pounds of dead fish wash up, Southampton, NY – 190,000 ducks to be killed due to avian flu, Biddinghuizen, Netherlands – mass die off of fish, Khanh Hoa, Vietnam. This is a list of reported die offs in the past ten days. Ten days!! Trauma; it feels like staggering trauma. Actually, reading reports seems to get compartmentalized in a sort of stat file in the mind, but whenever there are pictures associated with this news it’s staggering. These numbers represent mountains of dead.

Earth is a seed planet. Among other things the life support here has been hugely generous, with life destined to thrive and ascend here. Mountainous piles of dead is not normal. So what’s up!? The suspicion here is that the death plan is intentional. It’s being perpetrated by an extra terrestrial race. As has been mentioned before, there is a galactic presence in this planetary realm. There are ET’s that have interfered with this planet, and done so big time. They’ve genetically engineered a slave race (us) to labor for them while they exhaust natural resources including the vampiric theft of actual life energy. When you think about it, we’re talking about a huge, relentless, voracious, insatiable race of energy suckers. We’re their prey, and they have no stake in the survivability of the planet other than this exploitation. By the Grace of God these dark agents do not have the final say. Separating and splitting from the constructed nightmare darkness scenario is doable, however, it is going to be a real challenge. We don’t know our whole story, thanks to purposeful manipulation, and severe compromise. We not only have lost awareness of our consciousness power, we’ve forgotten the practices that maintain it. We are way more materialistic than spiritual. It’s not entirely our fault, but it’s a big real fact. Now we face immediate severity with broken faculties, while the survivability of our observable planet is about lost. Now what?

Nikola Tesla was an energy field visionary. He spoke of huge massive much unknown but real forces. At the quantum level these forces are about change, the likes of which, our limited minds will likely never be able to wrap around. One such energy would be an energy to split the earth. Split the earth… Split the earth… An earth split of an energetic order. These Draco ET dominators of our present observable world operate at an ugly low energy level. Nature and Creation preserve their own. The earth is destined to, and probably realizing, an energetic shift; an increase (like a vibrational energy increase). It will rise above this despotic, degenerate, sick, feed off level we’ve been enduring, and make it’s own ascension. Along with it, I’m persuaded, will go all the life forms that make, and likely contribute to, that same energetic shift. This is the surreal hope thought. All these wonderfully innocent extinctions of collateral murder loss in disgrace are not lost at all; they’ve shifted. We can’t perceive them anymore, but they reside in the restored abundance of a world that is energetically shaking the parasitic control creeps that would steal all energies of soul and resource with no regard for the well being of any common good. We see the dead bodies that were formerly animated by the living entities that have energetically moved on. Now who do I feel sad for??

The spirit entities of the plant and animal world right now have a very much enviable position compared to the human in our present state. Plants and animals really allow themselves to be lived by Life (there’s very little internal conflict). We must choose it. We must choose compassion and service to fully live our lives, thus fulfilling and realizing our promise. By doing this we’re giving Life a chance to live us. But that’s our choice. Energetic ascension depends on this. The higher level beckons in prosperous awareness, bliss and reward. For those of us that remain at this current low death level, may God have mercy.

Again, again, and again… WAKE UP!

How Does It Feel ?

Reactionarily buffeted about by observation, fate, and circumstance we, the formerly free agents of expression, stagger with degrees of dissatisfaction. The telling, retelling, and instructing of how to feel, when to feel, and how to react by control agents galore has routinely, systematically, and definitely denied and deprived us the instructions of our essence. Populace programming proceeds, and now Bob Dylan’s iconic question lingers… “How does it feel?”

Feelings, and the paradox of conventional comfort come into consideration. Desire/demand to feel good is premium, and the willingness to feel less than is largely rejected. The no stop, me first temptation push is hard to avoid. When the push is systematically enhanced, imposed, and forced; the ability avoid it and remain untainted shrinks and disappears. Directions onto the one track feel good course dominates, and has the inherent telautomatic imbalance feature of the deprivation of genuine nature. Inauthentic beings with disconnected feelings begin to fill in. Our ability to organically deal with low feelings is compromised and dismissed in the modern world. The price were pay in conclusion procession has it’s delivery in blast level frustration, hair trigger intolerance, and spontaneous panic. As individuals and groups we pass a threshold of pain to suffering. With an inorganic anesthetic prevailing, entrance into the intolerable looms. Intolerable feelings of discomfort sabotage victims into a field of unremitting suffering as they lash out in rage conflict. The insistence of the deserve/need to feel good is paying off in tragedy. Reflect.

Time to look in the mirror. The reflection prompts reflection. I too want to feel good. The mind’s eye fills with a view. A mountain of prescription/illicit panacea. An ocean of chemical flush relaxant. Regular routine of entertainment distraction pursuit. The environment we live in looks highly stressed and highly contaminated with frequent available cop out options.. The era is characterized by pain and regular attempt to alleviate it. Tick tick tick… The cultural societal ratchet of control ratchets up. Stop! Stop and consider what M. Scott Peck states immediately in THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED, “Life is difficult. This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths. It is a great truth because once we truly see this truth we transcend it. Once we truly see that life is difficult – once we truly understand and accept it – then life is no longer difficult. Because once it is accepted, the fact that life is difficult no longer matters.” This is exactly the idea and attitude that is lost in the modern world. The result of this loss, and it’s progression, is that the fact that life is difficult IS ALL that matters. And that’s how it feels.

Quick question… What are feelings for? Feelings are a feedback function of the sentient. Sensory feelings protect and explore, developing identity. In an open minded expression reality survival instincts are intact, and self identity remains tethered to the universal mind. Mentoring guidance passes tradition and ritual from generation to generation in metaphysical context with meaning and relative purity. The feeling created by sensory stimulus are fed back to the source, and consciousness grows. Growth, if allowed to proceed, results in fulfillment. This is an energetic increase growth cycle. The bliss feeling of growth results from having felt through sadness, fear, longing, waiting, and disappointment feelings. The actuality of the high is built on the honor of the low. There are parasites, however, that purposefully pervert the cycle and capture the energy.  The perversion is the singularly failing idea that there is no merit, or reason to feel lower feelings. But that’s how we grow!! When those lower feelings, which have genuine positively healthy vibrations, get interrupted they distort. They become distinctly negative. Known in ways and as envy, greed, spite, hate… off these negative forms the parasites feed. With relentless insatiable contempt they feed, and feed, and feed, and will till host decease.

Perversion and egomania is unavoidable for human history charting, however, when it begins to dominate and result in loss, as well as, the systematic extermination and elimination of cultural spirit guides we experience a great rape of innocence and maelstrom of terrible harm. We of the modern world have had an over exposure to perversion controls and forgotten basic essentials. Life is energetic. Spirit is energetic. Feelings are energetic. Everything is energy! When life is chosen it results in an energetic ascension all the way to the bliss state of an ultimate connection to Source field light in the fullness of expression. This is realized by being allowed to feel, and allowing, ALL feelings to develop and be felt. Choices have never been more important in this window of atrophy consciousness. This planetary experience hangs in the balance as the end of an anti life control cycle is upon us. Seek truth and let the feelings flow. Enthusiastic rewards are immediate and supplant, depression, discouragement, parasitic theft, and encroaching doom. How does it feel?

We’re Asleep

Beginning a consciousness inquiry, upon which the most brief little scratch reveals amazingly compelling intrigue . The Solvay Conferences beginning in 1911 were cutting edge collectives in physics and chemistry. They had a famous get together in 1927. At this time the physicists discussed the newly formed quantum theory. There was made a most amazing observation. I heard it described like this, “The minds of the researchers were affecting the results of the experiments.” What!?!? “The minds of the researchers were affecting the results of the experiments.” This describes a reality depth that reaches and reaches and reaches. To reach with it suggests disciplines of imagination, contemplation, and meditation which seem daunting. A flaming feature signals… Consciousness collaboration. The idea that belief creates reality snaps into focus and resounding reminder. Belief creates reality. Imagination is the only thing that is real. Belief creates reality. Imagination is the only thing that is real. Belief creates reality. Imagination is the only thing that is real. The knowledge associated consciousness is variously familiar. It is familiar to the mystic, to the visionary, to the shaman, to the psychotic, and perhaps the artist. A couple of William Blake’s quotes come to mind, “Imagination is the body of God.” and, “If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite.” The magnitude of the cosmos, it’s accessibility, and our role in the function of creation has never seemed so valuable, tangible, forgotten, and un cultivated. We’ve strayed from our participation place in the majesty of being. Or have we been lured away? Again call to mind our history, and the stories of evolution. The culture collections of wonder (the pyramids, the astrologers, the mystics, stone structures, the mayans, the visionaries, and the savages… the list goes on and on and on.) are noticeably low tech and highly evolved. We’re missing. We’re off track. We’re being sentenced with technology in a virtual view of static imagination of some one else’s experience, will and motive. That motive is now in question, big time!! Our entertainment course has run ignorance trance deep. To escape requires alertness, awareness, and survival sense essence. This is a bare beginning and we’re not only out of practice, we’re vastly unaware. The immediate return on our current state is that we’ve been lulled to sleep. The path is decipherable, the contributing factors are noticeable, the reason is terrible, but the fact is indeed, we’re asleep. Wrest. Wrest. Wrest. A shock awakening is building. The severity is variable to our own awakening. The ability to flow with the building energetic shockwave requires we be conscious. This is another way to basically share the same repeating choral message… WAKE UP!!!

Stay Ready

God will only allow suffering to last so long. Misery is not the plan for life. It is meant to be joy filled, purposeful, unrestrained, and satisfying. Life is meant to thrive, and unless it’s retarded it will. This bountiful intent has been blasted for a great many. Simply by virtue of proximity, whole populations face the strife of war, famine, genocide, extinction, and systematic exploitation. The endurance of persistent harm and persistent need is the reality of progressive decay many face. This affects us all. Hazard to forget that we are all connected, and harm befallen any befalls all. Without liberty, or basic need satisfaction, whole groups are swallowed up innocently in suspension. Luxury beckons, and overlook prevails.The massive suffering of hunger, illness, depravation, and loss leaves  our collective emotions damaged and down turned in confusion, turmoil, depravity, chaos, and pain. Certain logic says that this will not be allowed, by Providence, to continue indefinitely. Planetary consciousness upheaval is not a common view point, but the idea’s alive. The relentless pursuit of blood theft, resource rape, and conflict has nearly come full cycle. The capacitance storage of a cosmically judicial energy charge is near capacity. It can and will surely arc. God will only allow suffering to last so long.

Efforts to secure positions of power and control at the expense of any,  let alone many, is addressed in karma which has become increasingly difficult to reconcile. The salvation energy of the suffering is massing at hand. Exposure to this energetic reality shift will result in sure devastating shock. Ordinary conceptions stand no sustainable chance of avoiding the critical psych smashing breakdown which is inherent to revelation witness. (Sodom and Gomorrah comes to mind.) Our practices today, and the life attitudes we maintain, minute to minute speak to a survivability course and ascension possibility for each, and as collectives. Choices matter. There is no ‘wrapping our minds around’ rapturous events. If it’s not instant insanity there is only awe honor wonder acceptance peace bliss. Efforts today work to our fate. Considering the reckoning at hand, and that the conclusion of each choice is dripping with meaning, stay in ready preparation of service to others and righteous stewardship of our terrestrial home. The rewarding energetic payoff is sure for those who stay with our living Mother in the energetic split of the New Earth. For the consequence regarding the remainder who’s energetic level stays ego low… Pity oh pity…


“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a monied aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The issuing power (of money) should be taken away from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs.”

-Thomas Jefferson

Hell To Pay

Yesterday arrived a New York Times list and another Huffington Post article with responses to the president elect. Each line more negative and mortified than the last. Let’s put a couple thoughts into words. To demonstrate sincere consideration, I will discipline myself and not use profanity.

Are we ever going to wake up? Does anyone even know what a false choice is, as we dedicate so much attention on the next ‘puppet’? For the one millionth and first time… A kleptocratic corporate oligarchy has hijacked this government and many others.  With 6th grade mass extinction, perpetual war, 3 china syndrome meltdowns at Fukushima, massive debt slavery, neurotoxins in vaccines, runaway greenhouse effect, over the top geoengineering, two incredible years of news dominated by president election, and now they’re gonna force feed more. We are so asleep and wildly missing the real picture. God have Mercy on us all. What a waste.

And one more thing… For all the self serving people out there that think it’s their color, religion, gender, or bleeping hair style that is the only thing that matters… Drop the rock and get off the cross. We need the wood! Man, are we idiots.

A recent view of Damascus reveals an absolutely war torn view. A viciously violent view of a scene rivaling ancient ruins. A modern city laid waste, and looking like a lunar apocalypse. Here’s what we can thank the war mongering schmucks that run this world for. How many happy kids can make it down to the ball field in this neighborhood? Gimme a break. And here’s a little more sorry news for everybody that doesn’t want to hear it. This tsunami of hell violence is coming our way. All the vast lion’s share of ultra violence devices are made right here in the good old U.S.A.. (Ha?! Isn’t that rich!?) It all happens with our ignorance while we discuss the definition of ‘is’. The      definition of is!! Here’s a definition to look up, for the slumbering morons that know everything there is to know about presidential breeding habits, HELL TO PAY!

…and people wonder why I’m pissed.

Wake Up and Repeat… Wake Up!!!

Truth is always being divined; constantly being disclosed. Through experiences, coincidences, symbols, art, stories, candor, mental images, and on, and on. Waking up is always important and never complete. It is enlightening to awaken, but doing it is another story. It’s most always uncomfortable, if not downright painful and scary. We’re very much accustomed and comfortable with a condition that is founded in an amalgam of truth and fallacy. A gradual imbalance to untruth, or virtual reality, leaves us at the mercy of vulnerability. Daring to face the truth requires courage. Realizing it requires actual practice. The practice is the practice of activating and trying to maintain an open mind. We’re reminded by Herbert Spencer, “There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is a proof against all arguments and cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance – that principle is contempt prior to investigation.” By degree the amount we’re able to stomach at once will vary, but consideration is key. There are not unlimited chances to get this. When the provocation next presents itself to react in contradictory maintenance of the status quo, pause…   The open minded practice lets light through remote fissures in the denial wall that’s been established by repetitive reinforcement. Awakening  begins the energetic healing process. It’s about healing individually, collectively, globally, universally. This can not spread quickly enough, for this is an age characterized by extinction, illness, upheaval, confusion, and catastrophe perpetrated with deliberate intensity. While the program of kleptocratic takeover is advanced, our response is retarded. Listen for the call, the echo, the message, the resonant truth… Answer the bell. Activate the healing. A major, massive, energetic split is at hand.

Antidote Living

Many have woken up to the fact that our collective story is about controls, and the dystopia they are ushering in. We’re living in a world of ever encroaching controls on natural and human resources. Multifarious controls including social, legal, environmental, economic, health, identity, and mind controls. For anyone that has not begun to wake, the urgency of making life changes to counteract controls won’t seem relevant. The conditions, however, are ripe. As confused and selfish as people may be, the majority likely do not have malicious intent. The issue is that there are powerful factions activating controls that do. By any and every means available power control groups seek to dominate. The domination effort cause has it’s effect in harm. Ever growing numbers of peoples around the globe suffer from hunger, violence, threat, destabilization, disease, poverty, bankruptcy, and a crushing of sovereignty and freedom. All the while we hear the trumpeting of progress toward a better world of prosperity with an effective strategy for quelling the despotic. Here in the U.S. news of crises home and abroad are routinely suppressed by bare mention, or none at all. Our collective story is about control pressure, from above, meant to hold us down, dumb us down, rob us blind, and blot us out. Through induced, learned, and practiced mental illness we unknowingly participate in our own take down and demise. We’ve been trained to pursue our living in a mentally unwell unsustainable way which is inorganic and unnatural. This is our ill, and the antidote is about making a practical about face.

Imagine a different storyline. A story built on the inclusion of ourselves in numbers dedicated to the common well being. How about the effect this would cause!? This is the living antidote to the social ill which is becoming harder and harder to disagree with, or stay asleep to. While our personal desperate need may have not yet been realized, many have already. Without a change in the storyline, these numbers pick up speed to grow fast consuming the rest of us.

There comes to mind a vision story. Who gets credit for this, I don’t know. It goes like this… A visitor passes by a door, it opens. Looking inside is seen a dining room, and a well served meal on the tables with everything one could ever desire. The people around the room have looks of stubborn frustration and aggravated suffering. It just so happens that the tables have been rewarded with everything they could ever want, but the people have come handicapped by arms without elbows. Their arms will not bend. Their hands cannot reach their mouths. They can’t feed themselves. The food goes uneaten and the lamenting inhabitants starve. The door shuts. ‘What!?’, the visitor asks. “Hell. You have just seen a bit of hell.”, he is told. Continuing they come to another door, it opens, and inside is the same room. The same tables, the same food, and the same elbow less people. There is, however, an obvious big difference. The expressions of the people in the room is happy! “What!? But what!?”, comes the visitors’ inquiry. “Heaven the visitor is told. Heaven. You see, in hell they are lost for how to feed themselves, but in heaven they feed each other.”

The vision story is an example of antidote living. While certainly not available, or chosen, by everyone all the time. It is available to anyone anytime. This means course adjustment, if not reversal, for most of us. While charitable at times, it’s not our regular habit. If the current unsustainable crash crisis course is going to be altered for the better, service to others is a practice which needs to be adopted ASAP. The energy released by selfless giving counter balances control. It is the antidote. The same is true when we allow others to be of service to us. Pride to the side in real time is to the benefit of everything and all. Restoration of health is beyond our power, but practicing healthy choices might not be. Now really is the time to be our best most authentic selves. There is no substitute for being present when it comes to authenticity, availability, or effectiveness for positive change. Being present is an underlying principle of awakening. Now is an essential urgent moment. Here are two quotes that may very well resonate. One is Eckart Tolle, “The eternal present is the space in which your whole life unfolds.” The other is a Sanskrit proverb by Kalidasa, Indian poet and playwright, Fourth century A.D. , “Look to this day/ For it is life/ The very life of life./ In it’s brief course lie all/ The realities and verities of existence,/ The bliss of growth,/ The splendor of action,/ The glory of power-        For yesterday is but a dream,/ And tomorrow a vision,/ But today, well lived,/ Makes every yesterday a dream of happiness,/ And every tomorrow a vision of hope     Look well therefore, to this day.

In our collective story we’ve past the point of critical nature. True antidotal benefit and reality is realized when we reach critical mass awakening, and effect our efforts for the common good.

Loose to Escape

The mythology of energy shortage and it’s hostages. This is largely the theme of our contemporary story. The bait we’ve collectively taken is the bait of form. By limitation we are systematically deprived of variety, and the ultimate form; free form. Form freedom allows residence in a field of fully expressive photonic light. A field characterized by harmonic peace, and experienced without the slightest exertion of effort. Meanwhile, deprived of form freedom, and lured into a form lock, the field constricts with glimmers through heavy mass black in which the most bare movements require great effort. Without popular awareness, choices are made for us as a mass demographic of all life here on terrestrial earth. These strict form energetic demands in fact require greater and greater sacrifice of the planet itself, and those on it, with lost regard for exhaustion. This is a mythology of futility, failure, collapse, tragedy, and waste. Hope resides in the fleeting arts expression which is born of the greatest gift… Imagination.

The raw abundance of energetic output of the imagination is incalculable. With a minute stimulus the imagining engine can expand to cosmic proportion. With the inherent ability to choose resonant levels, mind exploration reaches capacities in wonder. The manifest results of practicality and possibility are boundless. Here’s the massive seminal point of departure. Benevolence or malevolence!? Each has the same potential, although distinctly divergent results. One, organic sustainability and growth, the other desperate decay and waste. Imagination reality is forever. In one sense it is enhanced, and in the other it is handicapped. The price in malevolence is sure. Open minded creativity is a threat to wrong. Thus, creative sparks are snuffed and suppressed, resulting in the requirement of unimaginable pain to catalyze positive activity. Working imagination, as unarrested as can be, is helpful to the common welfare.  Reactivation to right begins an upstream process of capacity to collective awareness and use to the greater good. We’re likely to find a long road back. Here to take heart in the notion that to begin a journey is to have arrived.

Distinction… Right and wrong, simple and complicated, innocent and corrupt, helpful and hurtful, giving and taking… We’re all vulnerable to material allure. Without realizing the energetic loss consequence of negative choice many of us want for luxury, comfort, power, and prestige. Here’s where I’m likely to make the fatal sacrifice. It’s not without the encouragement of convention, however. Initially this may be a very innocent choice. What happens next is defining and decisively directional. There is no rule that says the only path is an ascension path. The dissension path, the hidden reality path masked by manipulated mythology to exploit innocence and favor access of vulnerability. It’s been built on systematic controls over generations, and left most to us psychologically handcuffed and restrained. Now potentially begins a revival search. The search for the ghost lost imaginations of our own. On whom/what to rely? The suggestion here is to explore the contemporary and lingering lost myths of the visionaries. Mind relax… Observe to openness. Mind relaxing is not a regular practice of the modern world. Mind relaxing without the use of a drug is even more remote. Relax… Relax… Relax… The visionary tales revive maybe. The tales of the prophet, the quantum mechanic, the shaman, and the mystic may leak in. Perhaps the hibernating imagination in us will stir and find start up resonance to compartmentalize the material overload, and loose us to escape into the forever realm of formlessness, abundance, freedom, and bliss glory imagination for the benefit of all, overriding this manipulation myth of scarcity and shortage that defines our age and holds us hostage.

The Synthetic Myth

Free Flowing Free

This is all about energy; vibration and energy. The theft of our life energy is a humongous part of our story, both historically and contemporarily. The ability to understand this is fleeting. The most basic, and traditional, social systems have been weaponized against us. Systems financial, educational, military, medical, media/ entertainment, political, and religious are all rigged to rob us. The chance that, in the common sense, we differentiate and discern with reasonable perspective is virtually lost. The systemic controls are wildly pervasive, calculated and engineered. So complete with subtle progression that the permeation resides in denial of our own. At the same time, when we’re removed from jaundiced contempt, the evidence of our status is remarkably clear, the reality glaring, and the view remarkable. The conditions of our age speak, in fact roar, for themselves. Dropping IQ’s, spiking neurological disorders, racing radiation, perpetual war, and delirious debt. We’re being put to sleep, kept in the dark, dumbed down, sickened, stupefied, and tapped. Who signed up for this!?

Here’s a newsworthy note of what to trust in a confused responsibility position. This figure was taken from usdebtclock.org. The US National Debt is $19.736 trillion. It’s actually more than $19,736,000,000,000. Broken down it comes to over $60,000 per citizen and over $165,000 per taxpayer. HELLO?!?! Units of currency are a form of stored energy!! We’ve been absolutely sold. This what is meant by debt slavery. How would this ever get paid? Where could this possibly be going? What is the story? And who really thinks this is a working system of any viability? It’s clearly unsustainable and it goes like unknown with seemingly nobody caring. It is unreal. It’s really unreal, yet someone is counting… We’re held to standards of a story we don’t understand, and have never really checked in with it to confirm if we believe in it or not. We’re being kept distracted, asleep and robbed. We’re working to pay back our energies to an entity that most of us never agreed to give to in the first place. Combine another number with these and the clear fact that we’re collectively being hosed jumps out. This number comes straight from the mainstream; it’s not even hidden. While the National Debt again is more than $19,736,000,000,000, the amount of money the US Department of Defense cannot account for is $6,500,000,000,000 in taxpayer funds. That’s $6.5 TRILLION!! WHAT!?!? Based on these easily checkable numbers, the question beckons… What’s the story!?

The story of society, indeed civilization at this point, is totally fabricated; totally inorganic. The idea that there’s any consideration of the common good is lost. Society’s story is manipulated and controlled for the express purpose of robbing us of our true inheritance. The inheritance of realizing our own energetic (imaginative) realities in any kind of amount approaching our potential. In fact, we’re left for loss, liability, and calamity. It feels like betrayal. In large the majority agree to cooperate and participate based on a social civic agreement. This is one sidedly broken. This is not what I personally agree to. I do not agree to have my energies taken. I do not lend myself to this contract. Those in positions of trust are not trustworthy. From this rotten permeation of the organized part of the social structure I withdraw my consent. This is done verbally. The spoken word is one of the most powerful forces in the universe. The ability to organically create energetic waves (sound waves) communicating info of intent, belief, realization, and thought is mesmerizingly powerful. It is now said, said, and repeated out loud, “I do not give permission to have my energies stolen or used for anything but benevolent purpose.” Also, “Based on the firm belief that those that would represent me, make, execute, and interpret the laws by which I am to abide, have gained their position by false witness and dismissed promise, I withdraw my consent for them, or the offices they occupy, to govern me. I no longer agree that any currency has any value, or can be used as tender for transactions public or private. I am disconnecting, to the best of my ability, from all organized systems of control.” This is being done in actuality. In practicality it feels like there’s a need for patience during a deliberate dismissal of all said systems, while the inertia of insanity is lost. Again I repeat, “I do not give permission to have my energies taken. I no longer agree that established government offices can govern me.” Here now is the square residence in one of the most profound expression spots of liberty and freedom; the power is inherent, and the responsibility big. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Let it flow…