How important?

How important is what we’re taught and told? Perhaps it’s as important as unbroken DNA, and our intrinsic faith origin. We are at the mercy of what we’re told. We are at the mercy of the spirit animating those that tell us, as well as, those that are telling our teachers. Systems have inertia. Learning systems have cause and effect inertia. How important is it? Massively important!

Bombarded by information. It comes from every direction. Stimulus. Stimulus. More stimulus. Info sources abounding. We learn. Beliefs, understanding, ideas, and attitudes fill in automatically. The evaluation now begins about the quality, merit, and validity, of what we’re told because it has such a profound effect on decision making, and our ability to become people in full. This evaluation requires a steady internal system below and above the mind. A system characterized by objectivity, purity, intuition, sensibility, and balance. A system which is source reliant. The most trustworthy source is the most desirable source it would seem to me. What is this source reliant internal system??? What is the source???

The internal system is our conscience. The source… The source is a collectively realized truth harmony of consistent response. While the source is immaterial absolutely, there is unmistakable evidence it exists. It has been witnessed over and over again. An example could be the acrobat. The acrobat performs a stunt to amaze. The extraordinary witness prompts an automatic response. We witness spontaneously, and it’s realized by a collective,”Ahhhhh!! Ohhhhh!!” Together we have known a truth, and have responded accordingly. These internal spontaneous responses happen just the same in spite of the fact that we may be by ourselves when they’re prompted. . We seek to synthesize our current individual truths to find originality. Collectively created we find a story of origin which will provide a stable connection to the ultimate. In this way we set a course for liberation from misinformation, freedom depriving controls, deceit, and exploitation.

The Synthetic Myth

The sky

I woke up the other morning, and I was looking out my bedroom window. It was about 5:30am. The moon was just past full, and it was shining brightly. It is staring me in the right in the face, and illuminating the landscape with trademark moon shadows reaching across the ground. The sky is clear. I notice a line streaking through the sky like the trail of a missile shot at the moon. The streaking trail stream crosses the sky just below the moon. It’s like a lunar underline. The sky trail and it’s jet airplane antecedent sail into my jaundiced conscious. The mixed feelings of resignation, disappointment, sadness, and fury rise up. This perversion disturbance of Nature’s good morning welcome is more than a metaphor for the current anti life campaign. It reminds me that my original trust has been smashed.

One single sky stream is another in a relentless continuous stream body that is driven with intensity. Long gone is the curiosity about why this majestic wonder sphere we call our atmosphere would be pumped full of poison pollution. Now it is about getting right with reality, and setting a course to revelation and re-creation. An internal course with invitation. Reaching out, searching, for others with need desire for a re-creation direction. Together we may embark on making a new realm reality…

The Synthetic Myth

Up for grabs.

Santa Claus. Santa Claus’s story is the best example that comes to mind of the baseline of a doomed faith. When we’re very impressionable we’re taught about this Christmas character, and his story, by those that know it’s hugely exaggerated and largely untrue. How many kids believe it? In this case, it is the foundation of the belief for the gift giving wizardry of the holiday. It’s a working mythology. It’s doomed. The vast majority of people can’t maintain it as they grow up. How many other beliefs fall into this category?

Recently it has pressed heavily on my conscious that there is a need to reassess all my beliefs. Beliefs about myself, relationships, family, faith, the structures of society, the motives of  leaders, and the ultimate existence of the powers for good and evil. These are not subjects which get reviewed often. It seems philosophic. While some ideas are likely sound, it’s clear that many current views are based on a good amount of flawed, failed, and nonfactual information. Information that was provided wrongly, or for impure, corrupt, and/or distorted reasons. The degree to which my beliefs are based on what’s incorrect and untrue is the degree to which I’m incomplete. Any hope for completeness and authenticity resides in the reassessment of foundational beliefs. Man?! I feel the need for a working mythology. One that’s consistent with the real and eternal.

Loss of Origin

I have known a higher authority/authorities. There have been ritualistic practices to it/them, and I have known. Then came the shock. Shocked into surrender and the loss of origin. The superficiality of my faith had been exposed. The event?? The collapse of WTC 7 on the afternoon of 9-11-01.

While watching an article on YouTube ( I can’t recall what it was) I must have noticed in the suggestion area the video of WTC 7. I hit it and it streamed… WHAT!?!? Wait a second. It’s 2012?! How could I not know about this? With this a rabbit hole opened. A portal to awakening.

The full measure of fact remained unclear. There is no denying now that this revelation started a chain reaction of interest which is amounting to a truth quest. Foundational assessment to follow…

The Synthetic Myth

The Synthetic Myth

Selected at the loss of origin. Stripped of originality, imagination, and belief. Left with confused broken instructions we grope. Groping in the decay of compromised faculties combined with the deprivation of our loss.

Beginning we feel. We weave our passion for breath, our passion for fertility, our passion for connection and love. We start at the end. The end of a misinformed joy, fear, anger, and prayer. Combined with the collapse of structure, structures, and well being. The balance has been struck in doom, and we are left to grope, wonder, and wail. Born of confusion, anger, pain, and a trapped lust. Euphoria explodes forth into being. Genesis has passed. The tribal rituals have been practiced, ingrained, and sustained only to fail in disillusionment crisis. With an unyielding unified cry of otherwise misunderstood unrelated throated voices of nuclear edema it is brought forth. The Synthetic Myth

More to come…