Off or Buried

The Dali crashing into the Key Bridge in Baltimore is a good metaphor for the Modern World’s forceful, yet limited, ability to crash apart the structures of civilization. The open ocean cargo behemoth that was used as a battering ram on the Key effectively demonstrated that the sleepy inertia forces of moving bodies can present in surrealistically powerful impact. At the end of the day, however, the hulking behemoth stops; and just like Dali, sits dead in the water.

For the record, the conclusion here is that the Dali was intentionally steered into the bridge. This is the premise of the metaphor. Corporate reporting again tipped its hand. The breaking report of the incident included the determination that it was not terrorism. Not so fast gumshoe. Telling us immediately some conclusive “fact” means that the story was written before it actually happened. That’s the pattern. It is easy to see. This battering ram sabotage is the same intentional systemic attack plan that is running civil systems off the rails all over the place. The only mistake is to think we are experiencing a grand collaboration of accidents. It’s deliberate.

Collapsing civilization is the objective of corporate industrial complexes. Rivaling and colluding corporate interests are sold out, and in, to efforts to win the race to the bottom. Collapse is happening. People are collapsing. Species diversity is collapsing. The environment, boundaries, health, civility, logistics, mental health, language, trust, all collapsing. Society is pinned up in places, and ways, to keep certain civil Jenga blocks in place while the tower of society loses its last stability. Just like the Key, the Jenga tower of civilization is being hit; deliberately and critically hit. The fall is the necessary fundamental restructure of an over the top self service edifice designed, designated, and propagated to fleece the many while funneling up a bountiful excess to a parasitic class that insists, in the most masturbatory way, as being thought of as elite. As fate climaxes in destruction, the parasite class works to carpet bomb, poison, and wreck vestiges of culture while cowardly hiding behind a failing dyke of lies. As hard to reconcile as this chapter of evolution is, there are elements that are impossible to miss. As the collapse happens ,far better to let it go and allow oneself to settle with the rest of the dust of collateral than to hang on, crash down, getting mangled and buried under layers of injustice and unresolved karma. Get off or get buried.

All the holy books of the civilized age are fanning from cover to cover as the prophecies of end manifest. A landslide of fate is carrying all our dreams, memories, and nightmares into a forgotten future. The remembered past is of little use unless effective dots are by some means connected. For brevity, consider that The Holocaust in Europe during World War II is another trial case in the series of genocidal cases perpetrated throughout the human experience in this terrestrial realm. The playbook of kill off is not denied when thinking about the National Socialist Final Solution. There’s very little dispute that weaponized scientific programming was whipped on peoples. Now the concentration camps are so high profile, anyone can see them. The extermination is on in waves. Child abuse, slavery, and sacrifice has exploded. Medical experimentation is the norm. The gas chamber has been scaled up to include the entire atmosphere. Militaries are fighting in every direction, and the entire spectrum is glossed with propaganda that at this point is so utterly incoherent and absurd that the only way to reconcile it is to think that yes is no, and that up and down are the same direction. All these sciences of control are fueling the accelerating fall to crash. The captains of this modern world iconoclast ship of fools can have their own. It sure looks like a determined commitment to go down with ship. When the fall settles there will be beings left to build on the wreckage pile and rubble. Disconnection from the madness of the modern world is the effort to be one of those beings.

Gross Inhumanity

History has caught up to the, make it up as you go along, storytellers faster than they can make it up. The entire strategy of, create your own enemy, wind them up, essentially attack yourself, blame the wound up enemy, and then punish perceived rivals is a brutal failure.

The measure of this attack yourself and blame your rival is beyond astronomical levels of violence. The same history that works to justify this violence insanity is the same real time story that forces us into the awake awareness. It is a win the fight to fight some more equation that has reached a minus zero sum, and sinking!! Everything is connected. Nothing happens anywhere that doesn’t have an effect everywhere. We’re all on the hook AND eligible for reprieve.

The authors of the modern world landslide storyline which insists on “all or nothing or nothing at all” dichotomous definitions has long collapsed. The pattern of destructive warring is recursive, and absolutely predictable. It is coming around again, and is right now obvious and plain. The most heavily armed among us are in severe lack of courage. Bombast and military force masks a mighty cowardice. Industrialists have made a complete investment in imperialistic genocidal model. Destruction of human relations is a very apparent feature of humanity’s story. It is flashing right now with an obvious array of difficulties. Aside from the bone crushing karma piling up for all of us are the secrets, distortions, and lies which are the outstandingly flimsy foundational building blocks of the ongoing chapters of this egomaniacal aspect of civilization’s story being shared on earth.

Whether it is civil disobedience, or a respectful lack of cooperation, the willingness to help the kleptocratic monsters operating through the world’s most prolific corporations is gone. Luxury may suffer, but there is no more tagging along with this gross inhumanity.


The same doggon jerk offs that point their fingers at us, and tell us that we’re the problem for having a gun, are the same people that are getting fabulously wealthy making them, imposing their own will by using advanced weaponry (and some of these weapons are absolutely crazy powerful), and while they’re collateral of total war get displaced and wasted these same jerks fly a C-130 cargo plane over devastated people and drop “humanitarian aid” ?! What?! To keep them alive long enough to slaughter them?

When in the name of ever loving God are we ever going to wake up?

These finger pointing jack asses have no idea who they’re talking to. Some of us never had, don’t have, nor ever will have a gun. Who’s really on the higher ground?

God this is sick.

Internal Groups

Freedom may be of no more use than to those who look to take advantage of it, or exploit it. Inside all social hierarchies and governments are groups of insiders. Each internal group (IG) has orders. Established from corporate interests, the IGs are working freely and independently of any responsibility to anyone but themselves and operating with principles that are entirely unbounded for better or worse. The IG hides behind the cloak of authority which insulates them from accurate public identification. National interests have been lost to the corporate subculture of international organized business enterprise. Crediting one nation or another with accountabilities succeeds only in activating the prejudice of political dichotomy. It isn’t a nation driving an agenda; it’s the hijacking IG calling the shots, making agenda, and executing plans. The United States of America isn’t imperialistically running rough shod over other sovereign peoples, but its internal fascist IG is sure trying to. There’s no logic that makes any sense at all that nations of the people for the people would be so entirely dysfunctional that everything worth living for, everything that supports life, and every bit of life’s security would go up in wasteful flames while industrial bottom lines rise faster than the next eccentric playboy’s rocket ride into space. It makes a lot more sense to know that social systems are rigged by inside groups operating to leverage all the fiscal balances into their own favor, tear down the truth of what makes life manageable, distort basic elements of history, and maintain full spectrum instability with propagandistic fear pornography. It’s a loser’s game. The stakes, however, are so very very high.

The interconnectedness of all life and the inherent linkage of our collective fates is something one would never want to overlook. Just because operating IG members all over our realm have either forsaken this fact, lost track off it, or don’t think applies doesn’t mean that there is not going to be high levels of reckoning in store for all of us. If there is anything to the notion that what goes around comes around, then the return on the devastating upheaval of modern times will be bone-crushing. Entire populations of people can’t be herded into a problem without there being intense karmic blowback. Presently, the imagination strains to think of just how far inhumanity can go as it would appear that history’s most famously oppressed people has become a hyper violent aggressive oppressor. Indeed the compassionless IG inside the Israeli government have rigged history to justify a final solution plan of their own. How ironic is it to watch people that on face seem to be Jewish doing exactly what was done to them in WWII Europe? What an incredible optic.

The integrity of nations has been exploded. Existing in name only, and serving oligarchical masters that don’t even have the courage to identify themselves, or come out from the security perimeters and fortresses. Of the governmental marionettes and heads we do see there is treacherous and broken demeanor about them. These diatribes of wit and wonder are meant to spare the ordinary. Current events reporting has become an ongoing extreme of hyperbole, inversion, denial, and hype; dripping and oozing propaganda. With each passing instant the IG’s demonstrate that there is no honor among thieves and no coherence in knee jerk fraud. Not only have these internal groups provided a living example of how to waste a world of good will, and set evolution for back legions of the naively unknowing, but they have also provided a clear example of damned behavior, with an outline of exactly what not to do. And while any one’s inside struggle may be daunting and tough right now, when it comes to the unavoidable accounting for the inhumanity perpetrated by these inside groups, much better it is to be on the outside looking in.

Beyond Surreal

Brain dead. Battle fatigued. War weary. Beyond surreality.

As the limits of comprehension get stretched to a snapping maximum by all the devastating images of widespread war driven destruction, there grows a yearning for reliable context. All of recent history’s surprise events seem to come out of the blue with an immediate download of all you need to know news. The rest of what you don’t need to know that leaks through gets scrubbed, and first questioning of the corporate media driven insistence of reporting voracity is quickly damned as subversive. This damning, on its face, indicates the “official” dissolution of the freedom of the press. So, who to believe?

Although discernment in the modern world is at peak difficulty levels. Patterns of happening, however, are not hard to see, and violence is the common denominator. Again and again another mysterious terror group (well known to intelligence agencies) makes and executes a sophisticated “unprovoked” attack. Not all of these attacks on the king pin empire nations of western corporate civilization result in landslide popular outrage, but there are intense examples of ones that do. These false flags benefit the expansive western economy monsters that are hiding in plain view. The proceeding retaliatory outrage is dressed up with eccentric faux diplomacy, zero tolerance of restraint, and an all out hyper violent blitz of predetermined targets. Targeting that absolutely heartlessly causes collateral damage of every imaginable type. Unfortunately, right now, the gut is having difficulty differentiating what is propaganda and what isn’t. At the same time, there’s no way to see these surrealistic scenes of carnage and destruction, and not know that there is intense trauma being experienced. Those eerie images of bodies being bulldozed into the dirt are happening again. Literally! Mass graves dug in an eastern Mediterranean landscape apocalypse zone, being filled with bodies, then bulldozed under. Meanwhile, the deadening of popular mind has manifest as an apathetic malaise of knee jerk opinion mantras based on little more than the maintenance of my: I, me, mine.

Observable cycling and patterning provides an optic into the workings of the event procession of what we call history. It is beyond clear that the objective of advancing modern technology has nothing to do with growing, supporting, or helping the organic purposes of life and/or the living. Each technological psychological operational step has taken gross amounts of the human population away from itself. The corporate industrial world’s overt disdain, and hatred, of groups that don’t need their technology has been, and is, the motivation for the genocide of these same groups. It wouldn’t matter which Earth grounded culture you are. That culture is in the cross hairs of elimination. It is intolerable to the envious captains of the industrial complexes that it be any other way. And while the spirit of hate exists with or without popular/political leverage or technology, with technology and leverage there is an acceleration to insanity that is next to impossible to reckon in any ordinary sense.

So the beat goes on while sitting here wondering who’s going to win the next NFL game. At the same time there is some child, parent, and fellow traveler that’s on top of, or under, the pile of rubble of their previously structured community. Their thoughts, feelings, and immediate aspirations are ones that most of us may only know in some kind of fantasy or dream. I suspect that if that dream were to begin to unfold it would most likely be considered a nightmare.


If someone is rushed to an emergency room, nobody is saying, “How did this happen?” What they are saying is, ” Stop the bleeding!” The modern world industrial bloodletting of earth is an intentional, deliberate, gash into the resource rich veins of the planet. Thanks to gross irresponsibility of exploitation captains, agencies, and agents the environment is trashed, and in critical condition. It’s surely important to understand why groups of beings determined and willing to completely strip mine earth, but this is a first things first thing. We are bleeding out. The return on this planetary bleed out has been a facade of elevated living standards and a series of excuses for all the waste; an intense quantum industrial waste. The leaders of earth’s kleptocracy movement move quickly, and constantly, to assuage concerns for downstream problems with faux expertise tones claiming to know more than you do, that conditions are not that bad, and that oversight authorities secure collective protection. “Trust us”, we’re told. The ensuing malaise and concession of the populace has cleared the way for widespread toxicity. Then, occasionally, a news flash will pop up of a local concentration of poisonous pollution event. The result a grinding up the environment, extracting the worth, and recklessly, negligently, greedily, and unjustly dumping the byproducts straight into the environment. Then our leaders and authorities put their heads together, reinforce their scam, concoct some plausible excuse, shut up the loudest whistleblowers and critics, tell the rest of us to go home, move the operations, and get back to business. Conditions are right now beyond peak insanity. Social systems are broken. Governments are perverse. Extinction is advanced. People, all over the place, are distracted, broken, sick, and/or angry. We’re basically all hanging on in some way or another. There is more trouble in our realm than most can wrap their minds around, yet the conditioned follow the orders march toward material security continues. Code red! Code red!

There isn’t much point in claiming that one trouble or problem is more important than the next. Problems are real, and the one’s you believe are most serious, are; they really are. That said, anyone that really thought that developing atomic energy was sustainable was way off, especially given the attitude of the most antisocial and psychotic among us, which happen to be the one’s working the levers of control. The rest of the “businessmen”, and paid for in house “scientists” know that the presentation of atomic sustainability is disingenuous; it always has been. And give people credit, the technological, manufacturing, and construction abilities of humans is amazingly high. It’s amazing, and amazingly limited. With the right encouragement, and bribery, we’ll build this remarkably amazing TRAP! Perhaps the only technology rivaling the reactor technology is the mind numbing propaganda technology. Watching those South Pacific islanders sitting there on the beach, at the beginning of the Atomic Age, listening to those military guys explain to them, through an interpreter, about the nobility of relocating so the coast would be clear to nuke the island is so sadly sickening that it’s like heartbreaking. Now nuclear authorities that have claimed the right to responsibly develop atomic energy are caught with their pants so far down that one would have to want nuclear fallout contamination to allow these agencies to continue to operate. Failure! Absolute failure in terms of sustainability. Total success in terms of worldwide contamination. As a group, we are way down the road of, “Uh oh?!”

As a lay person, and an armchair researcher, the best my memory can pull up is that the world wide plan for what to ultimately do with radioactive materials is to store them until there’s a sound means of detoxification. As of now… No plan. In the meantime, geniuses of the technocratic order figure out how to repurpose nuke waste, like is done with fluorosilicic acid and coal fly ash; taking it out of hazardous waste containers and making it an ingredient in everyday use products. Hence, depleted uranium ammunition… The rest of the nuclear nightmare story is streamed as a thrilling tragedy. Thanks to non stop propaganda most of us sleep our way through stories we don’t really want to hear anyway. Accidents and decay have a leak legacy that will not be denied. Like everything else, it’s not a problem till it is.

A brief list of some headlines relating to the nuclear energy industry; TEPCO analysis and releases ground water at Fukushima. Results confirm that samples are below operational targets at the site of Fukushima’s nuclear meltdown; triple meltdown. – Imminent collapse of the Chernobyl sarcophagus. – Endless fallout: the Pacific idyll still facing nuclear blight 77 years on. -Nuked & Sinking; The Marshall Islands. -The thawing arctic and the nuclear tests at Novaya Zemlya and Camp Century. -Hanford tank leaks. -Oak Ridge ships 80,000 pounds of waste. -CBS News as of 2011, radioactive leaks found at 75% of US nuke sites. -Depleted uranium ammunition sent to Ukraine. . ..and on, and on…

The disqualification of any authority, or any official source stating, that atomic material is, has, or ever will be handled responsibly is complete. Atomic energy is just one element of an engineering/scientific field of endeavor (albeit a big one) that calls for the utmost respect and deliberate care. It has been so terrifically carelessly disrespected that words can’t even begin to effectively describe the calamitously disgraceful behavior of industrial leaders. The obviousness of dastardly crime is the only upside to the tragedies of abuse and degradation. Enough. Stop the bleeding.

Heads Up

“Walk out of any doorway / Feel your way, feel your way like the day before / Maybe you’ll find direction / Around some corner where it’s been waiting to meet you” -Box of Rain, Grateful Dead

When the student is ready, teachers appear. Almost every day, I feel like I’m getting a valuable lesson. A fascinating fact is sinking in. You never know who you’re talking to. Everyone is their own existential composition, and knows stuff that is going to blow my mind with interest. I just don’t yet know what it is. Listen up… Whether it is a formula, an insight, wisdom, a coincidence, an answer, a question, sadness, surprise, or delight my world a listener grows with each utterance. A magnificent element of engaging with a new teacher is the dialogue. Most meaningful conversations often ensue. Discussions that are independent of some of the regurgitative repetition of propagandistic parrot speak which works to dumb down existence by media. Our personal references to independent thought and deed expose a wonder life that is most compelling. We have thought for ourselves. Every experience has not had to be explained to us by talking heads of the conformity industry. This becomes very obvious when we stick together and share our stories. Our first hand experience has merit quality that perverted journalism can’t touch. You have taught me that if I patiently allow myself the experience of having information come in from a variety of angles, the overall picture will make more sense. It has a chance of actually being coherent. News feeds are streaming incessantly. Forget mainstream journalistic integrity; it is long gone. A lot of our world’s power players have an agenda to push. Push. Push. Push all you want. Displacing our first hand connection to what matters to us can’t be done, and we’re sharing the better part of what works for us with each other. Teaching, Learning, Growing. Eat your heart out; we’re coming into our own.

Becoming informed comes with a warning in the modern world. As an example: We all know people that are current events mavens, and I do too. A thought came to mind one day about what the difference is between Ashli Babbitt and George Floyd. I asked an active current events friend of mine if he had any thoughts about what the difference might be. He responded that he didn’t know who Ashli Babbitt was. I told him who she was. In less than five minutes I got back to me with a definitive assessment that there was a difference. Floyd was unjustly murdered, and Babbitt was a collateral death of a violent riot. I pointed out that both died at the hands of law enforcement. That didn’t matter. George Floyd was an innocent victim of police brutality, and Ashli Babbitt was a hot headed whore that should not have been violently storming the capital. The superficiality of this conclusion bothered me, but it also taught me a lesson. All of us are at the mercy of a very real media machine that is purposefully framing information. Caution the leap of belief, information runs importantly deep. Ultimately stories range of hopeful and uplifting to the tragic and terrible. The ones that get the ink do so for psychological operation reasons. Caution the conclusion.

There is a lot to learn. It feels like there is a lot more than meets the eye. I am convinced that the answer to the riddle of the real begins to fill in as the patterns of lives are taught by people describing what they know, have known, and how it got that way. The objectivity of news reporting is in serious retrograde. The art of propaganda is interesting to say the least, but troubling. If I want to get it straight I had better remain teachable, keep the ears open, and the mind open too as you explain your story, your passion, pension, point of view, and truth. One lesson has sunk in. It is best to put the pride aside, consider the source, challenge beliefs, and don’t avoid meaningfully speaking with others. Our wisdom body grows with the quality of caring which comes through the sharing. Sharing visions, dreams, dialects, understandings, histories, mythologies, epiphanies, and prayers. So much for redundancy and repetitive enforcement of authoritative despondency. The dye is clearly cast. It is possible to see right through the drain, and frankly I’m tired of flushing fate and posterity down it.

About Face

As the collapse of industrialized society proceeds through ever advanced stages, the principles of the architecture and engineering become easier and easier to see. Monopolistic combines, and the captains of them, have created a societal model that has had its utopian veil thin so much that the dystopia of its truth is all but seen through. It is hard to imagine how this all but transparent veil can be held up at all much longer. Discernment of contemporary actuality is incredibly difficult right now. However, there is an interesting contemporary phenomena that has developed. Of course, like most aspects of the modern world, the development is fast. The most outspoken individuals of our recent societal upheaval are fading and disappearing like people pulling an Irish goodbye, or a David Copperfield vanishing act. It’s increasingly difficult to find the previously, omnipresent in every media everything, heavy sway influencers of ours lives. All the “official alerts”, virtue signaling, fear mongering, and shaming accusations adds up to one big ball of incoherency guess work, and the purveyors slip out of sight. As the procession of events continues, and the evolution of understanding increases in clarity, the characters that brought us the previous critical updates of our lives get harder and harder to find. The cowardice of not being to follow up on all the tough talk is a clear indication that the talk is cover. These freakin people are all the same. They have alligator’s mouths and hummingbird’s asses. Hiding behind titles, security details, and rigged laws isn’t enough. The nearly complete disappearance of these once major power players says it all… None of it was true. None of it!

The entire premise of the carbon fuel/petroleum based industrial era of societal evolution is fundamentally unsound. The, oh so famous, leaders of the industrial revolution were/are preeminently selfish. The goal has always been to gather, guard, and continuously expand the harvest of resources monopolistically. All for one, and it’s all mine. The ensuing abuse of all the branches of governance, science, and ever intensifying predatory philanthropy has created a societal imbalance of magnificent proportion. Nature is an eternally working system of compensation and near perfect balance. The current eccentric IS being compensated for. Correction can not not happen. The industrialist kleptocrats, that rely on imbalance, absolutely know this. The bet that one can beat Nature to a place of perpetually, feed me alone, free resource is a loser. We are all finding out, whether we know it or not, this fact. Those that believe, and have acted as if, everything is theirs are spastically pulling levers of control in effort to avoid the rest of us clearly seeing the Wizard of Oz like rouge that has been in effect. There are some valuable lessons to be learned by experiencing this civilizational train wreck. In short, it is fair to say that whatever the mouthpieces of the modern world narration suggest to do next… do the opposite.

It appears as though the sycophantic, lightweight, opportunistic, technology launderers that have had so much recent influence on societal affairs don’t really need to be removed at all. Once they are called on their line of story, and not genuflected for, they vanish on their own. These power grabbers have no power. That’s why they frantically, fraudulently grab for it. They exploit leverage. Leverage that tempts the rest of us to GIVE them power. Literally give away our energy. It’s a huge energetic resource, and the planet’s energetic resources have been distortedly abused to create the leverage. Misunderstanding and types of ignorance are unavoidable and part of the deal; yet so is intuition, learning, and understanding. Thank you to the line of misanthropic talking heads that have perpetuated this headlong failure; from Joe Biden, to Don Lemon, to Benjamin Netanyahu to Douglas MacMartin, to the Cuomo brothers, to Jacinda Ardern, to Justin Trudeau, to Bill Gates, to Anthony Fauci, to Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, to Rachel Maddow, to Jim Cantore, to Boris Johnson, to Rochelle Walensky, to Peter Hotez, to Steven Colbert are the names that come off the top of the head. Some of these people maintain a level of audacity that allows them to continue to face us, and lecture us on further levels of distraction propaganda, but shameful cowardice continues to reduce their credibility to all time low, and demonstrate to the growing knowing, rest of us, a very real direction to liberation and reprieve from the modern world’s dogged demands. About face. We’ve been repeatedly been told the exact direction to not go.

The Benefit of Intensity

The kleptocratic class of syndicated corporate, self imposed, dictators of world affairs have confidence, and faith, in their control tools. The wrong obviousness of themes like, “Borrow you way out of debt.”, Peace through superior force.” is lost to the “trust us”, “must be” propaganda politics of the modern world industries developed to harvest all of our attention, interest, and resource. Unless all of us dopy minions inhabiting the vast communities making up society at large don’t drop into lockstep with the coded demands delivered to us through sycophantic “yes” puppets posing as chief executives, legislators, prime ministers, and justices then the intensity of the control tools, are increased. So all the different war forms, which are the tools of control, progressively become gratuitously abused. The upside of this abusive intensity is that, one by one by eventually many, it blasts through the denial of the existence, viability, necessity, and truth of these controls. Waking up to madness is the benefit of progressively intensifying harmful conditions, and is a valuable redeeming counter balance to the protracted tragedy of all those that find themselves on the business end of all this spastic warfare. One thing has been demonstrated without any question, the levels of barbarism, the agents and bosses of the current corporate world, has no limit. Truth of the disastrous failure of relying on toxic control tools still resides as denial for swaths of the human community. That, however, hasn’t proven to be any kind of brake system for the controls that have clearly run out of control. The hopeful optimist presents as if the world’s pressures of control will relax and stop. In one person’s view that can’t happen soon enough. An inside upheaval, displacement, and rearrangement of all our current understandings is the prerequisite. Surely, this is the major benefit of the circumstantial intensity of the present environmental and existential now.

Flimsy and Cheap

The undead terrorists that have spent millennia rigging social systems for their own personal gains have so overplayed their hand that they have come to look like a silly cheap joke. Wound up and set up actors all over earth are executing shootings, false flags, pseudo scientific attacks, energy weapon and munition abuse. All the while the news (hard to believe anyone still trusts) reports support all the engineered warfare as being legitimate geopolitical and geophysical phenomena. These reports are flimsy and cheap alibis for all the manipulation schemes conducted to leverage political and public opinion in favor of all out imperialistic aggression. So aggressive is the onslaught, and so pervasive, that it cannot be escaped or avoided in this, most common shared reality bubble, terrestrial realm. Even the weather is modified and controlled.

Geophysical manipulation is a duly tested practice and is abundantly obvious in the area of weather modification and control. Here in the northeast part of the United States we just had a hyped weather event. The hype included a winter weather warning. The warning is on the phone. There are warnings up and down the interstate. The forecast is rain, wind, and apparently snow, ice, or slush. The sensationally promoted weather event is scheduled for Sunday int Monday. On Saturday I got out early, and was out all day. The only way I can describe what I saw in the sky Saturday would be with intense hyperbole. Early, often, and unyielding throughout the day were daunting, thickening, and constant stream billows emanating from criss crossing jets in every direction; non-stop. Seeding clouds is basically a primitive technology. It’s cheap weather control. The insatiable social controllers that (so clearly) desperately want to dominate every aspect of the human race attention span are, among other variations of inhumane, weather hacks. Decades and years of “augmenting”/creating winter weather has resulted in type of geophysical, or weather, crash (or crashing). More and more manipulation is required in order to achieve the same “winter as we know it” result, and I just witnessed it.

One can only wonder how much material is delivered into the atmosphere to make the huge, thick, deep banks of the “whatever” chemical clouds that fill the sky and the approaching front. All I know is that after watching the sky for years, the current phenomena is off the chart intense. Winter watches and warnings in recent years, and again this week, fall impotently short of each and every sensational meteorological alert hype. Collectively we are in a different climate place. I count it as a damn shame, and a blessing that manipulator failure is upon us. Awareness of paradigm collapse/shift is at an all time high. To be standing in the shoes of these cheap and flimsy geo modification hacks is the last place you would want to be. Like Dylan said, “It’s a hard rain gonna fall.”