The Dali crashing into the Key Bridge in Baltimore is a good metaphor for the Modern World’s forceful, yet limited, ability to crash apart the structures of civilization. The open ocean cargo behemoth that was used as a battering ram on the Key effectively demonstrated that the sleepy inertia forces of moving bodies can present in surrealistically powerful impact. At the end of the day, however, the hulking behemoth stops; and just like Dali, sits dead in the water.
For the record, the conclusion here is that the Dali was intentionally steered into the bridge. This is the premise of the metaphor. Corporate reporting again tipped its hand. The breaking report of the incident included the determination that it was not terrorism. Not so fast gumshoe. Telling us immediately some conclusive “fact” means that the story was written before it actually happened. That’s the pattern. It is easy to see. This battering ram sabotage is the same intentional systemic attack plan that is running civil systems off the rails all over the place. The only mistake is to think we are experiencing a grand collaboration of accidents. It’s deliberate.
Collapsing civilization is the objective of corporate industrial complexes. Rivaling and colluding corporate interests are sold out, and in, to efforts to win the race to the bottom. Collapse is happening. People are collapsing. Species diversity is collapsing. The environment, boundaries, health, civility, logistics, mental health, language, trust, all collapsing. Society is pinned up in places, and ways, to keep certain civil Jenga blocks in place while the tower of society loses its last stability. Just like the Key, the Jenga tower of civilization is being hit; deliberately and critically hit. The fall is the necessary fundamental restructure of an over the top self service edifice designed, designated, and propagated to fleece the many while funneling up a bountiful excess to a parasitic class that insists, in the most masturbatory way, as being thought of as elite. As fate climaxes in destruction, the parasite class works to carpet bomb, poison, and wreck vestiges of culture while cowardly hiding behind a failing dyke of lies. As hard to reconcile as this chapter of evolution is, there are elements that are impossible to miss. As the collapse happens ,far better to let it go and allow oneself to settle with the rest of the dust of collateral than to hang on, crash down, getting mangled and buried under layers of injustice and unresolved karma. Get off or get buried.
All the holy books of the civilized age are fanning from cover to cover as the prophecies of end manifest. A landslide of fate is carrying all our dreams, memories, and nightmares into a forgotten future. The remembered past is of little use unless effective dots are by some means connected. For brevity, consider that The Holocaust in Europe during World War II is another trial case in the series of genocidal cases perpetrated throughout the human experience in this terrestrial realm. The playbook of kill off is not denied when thinking about the National Socialist Final Solution. There’s very little dispute that weaponized scientific programming was whipped on peoples. Now the concentration camps are so high profile, anyone can see them. The extermination is on in waves. Child abuse, slavery, and sacrifice has exploded. Medical experimentation is the norm. The gas chamber has been scaled up to include the entire atmosphere. Militaries are fighting in every direction, and the entire spectrum is glossed with propaganda that at this point is so utterly incoherent and absurd that the only way to reconcile it is to think that yes is no, and that up and down are the same direction. All these sciences of control are fueling the accelerating fall to crash. The captains of this modern world iconoclast ship of fools can have their own. It sure looks like a determined commitment to go down with ship. When the fall settles there will be beings left to build on the wreckage pile and rubble. Disconnection from the madness of the modern world is the effort to be one of those beings.