Ensuing Prayer

For who shall it most relate in a world of non stop propagandistic fate. On and on the full battles cry. Bomb blasts screaming and bleeding a concussive post beat. Rhythmically drumming a deafening desire, a drastic dream. We’re leaving now forgotten the last lost faint chimes.A freedom to lose the lesser extreme. Our handles fave fallen, so we grab the red sand, beneath what’s left of the palms and the man. Broken and fatal no less recommend. How to stand by while reckoning the damned.

Fateful for sure a blindness repose. The last of the times memorial compose. The matter is ours, the exterminant kind. Servile repentance, a child, a flower child of mine. The hands they are blasted, the eyes blink burnt blind, the feet seep green heavy, casualty shell deafening shattering mind. The tacit referrals have spun up my spine. I leave this a plenty, a prayer on the mind.

Breaking… Down.

One of the more rewarding aspects of witnessing the modern world collapse is watching critically important, earth shaking news stories wisp, fade, disappear, and die. As soon as these critical “Breaking News” stories run up against actual accounting and reckoning, they are gone with a fawn, a wash, and denial. The next thing you know, nobody said that, the situation was fluid, and another breakthrough crisis takes place. This entire news cycle drive to distraction has spun right into the criminally absurd. Headline news failure is now so abrupt, shock and awe events are basically D.O.A. If it were not for the abject tragedies of this dark modern world faux journalism comedy, all these wars, illnesses, and outrages would be laughed off and dismissed out of hand. Every now and then it comes to mind how much energy goes into bringing all these orchestrated events to bear. What a waste! These disaster event progenitors have no regard for voracity, and just like the stories that ensue from the fraud, they are fading into irrelevancy. The dark anti life consciousness that today is failing out has been in progressively intensifying operations for generations and millennia. While it goes down, a consciousness rises in the ebb and flow of resperative equilibrium. Alert! The next critical news story is breaking… down.

Some Witness

It must have been roughly 2012 when my good friend Irene and I were standing in her front yard. We were wrapping up a conversation when Irene noticed a jet plane flying overhead. She explained that the white stream behind the plane was an intentional aerosol dispersion, and the government was spraying us. Irene has been one of my best friends. I know her to have an alternative, unconventional, worldview. Irene gets a lot of latitude with me. I appreciate her thoughts and ideas regardless of how far out they seem. Initially the story impressed me as being ridiculously speculative, hyper, and wrong. That said, the information prompted a search. The reports of geoengineering were not difficult to find. The history of weather modification is not disputed, atmospheric engineering geophysical phenomena (like global dimming) was being reported on, and a handful media personalities were explain the geoengineering programming. My worldview changed. Observationally, I started paying a lot more attention to the sky.

All of a sudden the number of planes leaving trails seemed to be every where. There was daily evidence. On some days the number of planes was overwhelming, and the intensity of the jet plane made clouds was staggering. The alert was on. “Look! Look! Look!” I would exclaim. The witness and warning I found myself providing went nowhere. It went nowhere with everybody. The lonely feeling wasn’t too bad because there were people hip to the programming that were reporting on it. That provided solace, but the obsession with watching the sky preoccupied me, and I got pissed. Make no mistake; this was a burning discontent and anger about, what I strongly believed to be, an enormous injustice. There may be people out there somewhere that cared about what looked like a sky crime, but in my immediate world I was alienating myself. …Not good.

Journaling was a the first strategy for diffusing the internal angst brought on by jet plane spraying. It worked well until it didn’t. Eventually the dissatisfaction of not recognizing a deescalation of the geoengineering programming began working me back into conflict. At this point I went into more action. I created flyers, and began distributing them. This activation calmed my senses, although it also began to wear off. In 2016 this blog started. The Synthetic Myth has always been a metaphysical tool used to share a point of view that could be added to the cyber collective, and the overall collective consciousness, as a perceived element of reality . Whatever progressive form our overall awareness, consciousness, and reality becomes will have this in the collection. The sense that this writing, and continued message carrying, is the best I can do right now has helped to bring about a calmness of knowing that this witnessing is working as a part the force for healing and help.

Today things are different. The sense of being alienated, or alone, is gone. Reports are everywhere about the geophysical fallout of climate engineering, aka geoengineering. Sky spray contamination is ubiquitous, identified, measurable, and measured. How can you hold it against people that don’t see it, or believe it’s happening? I was one of those people. At the same time, there are innumerable numbers of people for whom the exposure of geoengineering is a passion. This is some witnessing. It is growing and growing. The trend of increasing numbers of people that are facing up to, and reporting on sky spraying is telltale. We are witnessing an immense social structural collapse. The frequent reports on climate engineering, and its fallout, keep coming. The deniers and defenders of sky spray programming are in, what has to be, a shrinking lot. Grade school kids are routinely aware of the spraying for crying out loud; just ask them. This general awakening is satisfying to witness, however, there is a metaphysic to this story.

Geoengineering is a symptom. Better understanding what it is reported to be has opened up a type of Pandora’s box of worldview. In a vacuum, I would say, that the ability to trust big tech, big corp, big government has been destroyed. My first real alert to the magnitude of this was 911. It turns out that the evidence of nefarious dark forces working on Earth is as old as civilization itself. Let’s face it, dark force is a cosmic reality. It has its expressions. An important issue is how one recognizes it and operates with it. The operations are a matter of choice. The recognition is tricky. There is some witness now to the essential nature of what is taking place in our shared reality bubble. Subjects that are no longer marginalized as being conspiratorial include false flags, vaccines and big Pharma racketeering, criminal warring, rigged finances, hijacked politics, mind control indoctrination, human origin, free energy, flat earth, and on, and on. This is the upside of the obviousness of being part of a populace that is under attack. Now, let’s see how this same populace, or some part of it, can wriggle out of the straight jacket of control that, by almost any account, is tight and getting tighter. Any way it gets sliced, this is something remarkable to witness.

(Un?)Acceptable Norm

It’s a false flag frenzy. The inexplicable holes in the most sophisticated defense systems ever dreamed of are not anything but intentional. Imperial fortresses like the USA and Israeli have astronomical security surveillance systems. All the planning for violent attacks through these security boundaries is coming from within them. It is beyond obvious. Organized groups hiding in and behind the societal political arms (aka governments) of corporate enterprises are masterminding theatrical attack plans against themselves. The plans are facilitated and executed, the finger is pointed, the blame is laid, and the righteous call for justice is immediately blared in order to initiate retribution before any one with any common senses left can come to them. The immediate political will to unleash a mercilessly hyper violent type of “revenge” is manufactured. Fury has been unleashed again and again. The false flag schema does not always work because the scheme requires that a heavy percentage of the gross population buy the shock, share the outrage, and condemn the enemy, and cry for justice; a justice that today can be just as easily referred to as a genocidal death sentence, The karmic loading of these event processions is staggering. This karmic load has become so insanely heavy that Atlas’s back has been crushed. And as this monumental tragedy of, beyond nightmarish, brutality is being leveled, I find myself actually having an emotional response to a ball game?! A ball game!! There is some evaluating, and re-evaluating to do.

It’s important to get beyond the cliche. The repetition of lines like, “They have a right to defend themselves.”, “They have been fighting generations.”, “All they understand is violence.”, “Peace through superior force.” is pointless unless one consider that this vernacular is the refrain of the doomsday theme song, and it reinforces superficial attitudes about fairness, objectivity, and the trajectory of civility. There is a severe mentality affliction on us of a selfishness contagion that keeps the severity of our eternal everlasting linkage to ourselves, our earth, and our fellow travelers remote, unseen, and seemingly unknown. This is true because there are scenes of unspeakably violent content that come up on the screen, and there is no sustained visceral response. There is more of an intellectual opinion response delivered with some self righteous tone of what other people need to do. It’s a programmed response, and my ego runs with it. There is more.

The overall planning that has established the ground work for the workings of organized war machine operations deserve more scrutiny. it’s one thing to have a disagreement that degenerates to violence, it’s another thing to outrightly dedicate massive resources to the creative development of sophisticated anti personal munitions. The entire mirage surrounding the insistence of the requirement of industrial war making capacity is driving a narrative that infects anyone exposed to it. All the subjects of societies exposed to this military might first culture are infected. That’s a big part as to why I can see an image of a street (that could just as easily be mine) littered with the exploded, bloated, dismembered bodies, turn around, self righteously criticize the war scene, and then get back to the ball game. I’ve been affected by a serious cultural infection.

Whispers keep happening subtly in what might be called the uninfected mind, “Do something.” This writing is part of the effort to do that; to do something outside the programmed response box of predictability. Care for something. Care for someone. Try to do it without keeping a scoresheet of what to get in return. Consider the possibility of not needing immediate gratification. This type of stuff needs no justification, and it earns a reprieve from the ghastly gruesome compartment of reality in which brutality is normalized. The ultra controllers of modern, hyper military, society are covertly attacking themselves, in this barely veiled false flag frenzy that chronically opens the door on the next bombardment of human collateral. These imperial controllers have lost control. This out of control type of unquenchable thirst for more is forcing the progenitors of the military capitalization to reach. Their reaching exposes them. The obviousness of the fraud is our liberation. It has been accessed for now. To heck with the ball game. It sucks knowing that people, places, and things are being gratuitously exploded so insatiable war mongers can go on critically wasting nature’s most wondrous resources, and futilely trying to satisfy blood lust, envy, and hatred. With all the tolerance, courage, and compassion that can be summoned it’s time to turn the corner on this mesmerizing insanity. Whether it’s a random act of kindness, civil disobedience, or resisting the urge to lash out in anger, almost anything is an improvement over the grotesque ultra violence that has progressively become a type of acceptable norm of the modern world.

Prepared to Expand?

It’s not just metaphoric to say that all the world is a stage. The theater into which people are born has evolutionarily become an intensely strict combine of agreements which cunningly limit spirit development, dash liberty, and displace freedom with subtle incarceration. The casualties of this developmental limiting are staggering. There is absolutely no value to the relative perception of how big, or small, the theater bubble of our collective residence is or isn’t. It’s a shared realty bubble. Every player is under an influence; millennia old mind domination influences that have definite and distinct scientific effects. This terrestrial stage is set with tools and features of limitation and control which are deliberately imposed, strictly enforced, exploited and abused by hysterically neurotic directors. Directors that routinely show up to order the cast around, brag, bow, and accept self congratulations while perpetuating perverse distorted storylines consistently with idiotically simplistic cliches like, “Defending freedom”, “Demanding justice”, “Peaceful solution”, You’re either with us, or with them.”, “Safe and effective” and on, and on with a solid string dummy down buzz words. If any amount of critical thought is applied to understanding the score this production, as it’s described by the directors, it’s not a reach to conclude that we are dealing with the theater of the absurd. The ludicrous abomination of social order and (dis)function that is promoted as being a logical necessary function of natural evolutionary function is wrong. We are on an enforced timeline that has effectively theatrical scenes in the chronology, of so called “history”. It is designed. There are alternatives outside these theater company constraints. If one really wants a clear view “reality” within REALITY a massive upheaval of the whole world story has to happen, as well as, how it’s told, and how it’s heard.

Intentionally loving communion begins with prayer, hymn, or tone… * Hindu… lead us from unreal to the real;

It’s not easy to catch a moth. If one turns on a light, the moth effectively catches itself. So it is with the influence of madness and fear bait. The key element that makes all the theatrical machinery work is trust. The delicacy and vulnerability of believe is accessed by the portal of trust. With all the precision of fine surgical technique, a mass mind invasion has been executed behind the moniker of authority. In a sense it is impossible to miss, and in an, almost equal and, opposite sense it is nearly perfectly invisible. It’s a systematic scientific plan. It’s been working deliberately for many generations. The spread of the influences of scientific theatrical distraction have genocided the rites of genuine organic culture to the marginal perimeter of peer gathered belief, decimated critical thought, and created serious illness. There may very likely come a point where the theater goer comes to the believe that the show they are involved in is a mess; an incoherent mess. If we’re gonna get through a mess, we’re going to need a guide.

The guidance system is within. It is no wonder that the leaders of our society work so hard to get inside. The now vast sprawling complexes of entertainment, medicine, “law”, defense, government, market, and banking have like a propagandistic domination of most observable things. Take it for what it’s worth; there is a very real place beyond the boundaries of these theater walls. It one person’s view (and maybe more than just one) this is an area of the world worth exploring an expansion into. Embarkation on an expansion will expose guides. When the student is ready, the teacher appears type of stuff. Are we prepared?

A Great Cheer

There is no way for a neophyte, novice, or someone just coming of age to really understand the intensity of compromise, depravity, stress, and inevitable collapse that comes with supporting a lie. Part of the human condition is to test limits of decision making. Secrecy, however, is the first demand of the commitment to dishonesty. Secrecy and sickness are linked. Like an intensifying haunting, the apparent cool of initial personal gain progresses to trouble. Without the correction of admission, life’s path and spirit states become an intensifying, eventually searing, discombobulation of mind, body, and soul. Every defense of dishonesty and fraud is another lace in the straight jacket of one’s own confinement. It is in a type of blindness do intelligent beings enter the program of deceit. Consorts and conspirators determine to install the best truth cloak they are able, thus perpetuating distorted understanding Wrong is unjust, and those on whom the injustice reigns have their liberty interrupted. Systemic deceit programming furthers the progressive advancement of bullshit narratives, the karmic stakes grow big, and the difficulties are complex. To be caught up in a system of deceit is as important a challenge to face for growing spiritually as can happen. Without question those that work in the service of wrong will eventually find themselves at the gates of hell.

The attractive allure of temptation stresses one’s sense of right and wrong. Personality types not withstanding, progressive wrong doing is devastating. The dark power of exploitation parasitically inhabits various beings. Many of these beings are people. Progressively, an inhabited one will know no such thing as restraint. The inhabited host is now, in part, animated by the guest. The resulting behavior has a range. From white lies, to petty theft, to planned injustice, to mad debauchery, So it is that a takeover be known with greed, incredible lust, and the most breathtaking acts of treachery. The snowball of disaster will gain a type of quantum karmic inertia. The despairing environment, or stage, in/on which the procession of events plays out is the environment in which the actors of the reality play must reside. It’s the world one makes, and we’ve got to live in it. What of the world, however, for the ones that have not bought into the dark force allure? The environment is polluted, yet there are honorable, charitable, honest people in it; not to mention virtually the entire populace of the rest of the animal kingdom. Fate is likely a dynamically morphing determination of a chosen world. Since not everyone is committed to a world leveraged to benefit themselves first, the fate of the world isn’t driven solely by power driving corporate brokers of me first material gain. In spite of the fact that power broker influences are not really seen for what they are, nobody misses them. There are choices to make; important ones.

The ramifications of the movement of wrong burdensome. Over time the burden intensifies for sure. Nature, and the universe are balanced however. Nature’s unyielding and constant equal and opposite balancing properties compensate for all the efforts of injustice. The cosmic balancing force is working perpetually always. So, lopsidedness is an impermanent state of conditions that are just plain out of balance. At the risk of being philosophical, let’s say, “That’s life.” So, for anyone that has tipped over on a bicycle, gotten dizzy, or gone too far one way or the other emotionally or physically, it is not a reach to say that when one has lost their balance they are likely to tip over and fall. The state of one’s being during the fall is a most relevant property. If my life is in large part in agreement with the requirements of complying with the wrong, then I’m at risk of the illnesses in a despairing world. As the walls of treachery and control close in, the stress of reconciling growing fantastical incoherencies of red hot gas lights will become increasingly more difficult to tolerate. Breakdown is inevitable. There will appear to be no way out. Like the toll to cross the River Styx, we are paying dearly for this life of trouble. There is another way.

There is no way to sugar coat this. The persuasion to commit to a system that has been created, cultivated, maintained, and advanced to exploit the resources of the environment in which it resides is very difficult to not buy into, if not cave into. The normalcy of the reliances, and dependencies, of an advanced social system are sure, and there is a maya which disguises that same system brilliantly. That is, until the failure, which is inevitable, and collapse ensue. Eventually the flaws, discrepancies, and wrongness become glaring and obvious. Systemic lie systems have very sticky features. It is very hard/impossible to let go of that which one has come to believe is an essential need for their well being. In spite of the fact that the system is, and has been, attacking all the subjects within it without restraint, a dedication to it will insure that the intensification of dire consequences will continue. There is an out.

Voices of confidence have quizzically, curiously, and interestingly contradicted the long running narration that an organic nature based life can be enhanced, and improved upon with technology. That is the wrong idea. That is it! Technology cannot improve nature, or any natural system. Period. Obviously machinery will be. A healthy relationship with machines is a question. What is it really for? In one persons view, let’s say machinery should not exceed the limit of recreation. Once technology replaces an organic system with an attenuating dependency, look out. Add profiteering to the mix, and hang on. The downstream effects of these elements of truth are devastating. The reconciliation of the karma created with the evolution of the, “improve on nature with tech” plan is its progenitors dream, and the rest of ours nightmare. Yet we, in a very naively distorted way, fuel it. This is the point of departure.

To be fair, detaching from advanced technology is extremely tough, and clearing any small amount of the staggering black karma that has built up by generations of hostile wrong doing, self serving, injustice, and anti life programming is very difficult. It is transcendental. It’s simple. It is way not easy. It actually sucks. Yet once the clearing happens, peace fills in. A very noticeable, and rewarding peace. With all the unmistakable warring, continued injustice, and advanced wrong that absolutely can’t be missed in the most perceptible version of world currently, a real sense of purpose displaces some of the disillusionment with it. Purposefully into the difficulty of clearing bits of the mountainous karmic reality wreckage can be a choice. It feels like a type of civil disobedience, in that perceived harm and wrong doing is not met in kind. It’s the desperation of being fed up with the direction of events that prompts this experiment. In it is found an alternative source of motivating energy. There is a power that brings sustainable life thriving order out of any chaos. It is the power that one is persuaded, by corporate conspirators, to surrender in favor of a cheap techno facsimile. A facsimile we have to pay for! A great cheer it is to know that this life giving power can be claimed, and reclaimed, rather than be given away.


I was sitting yesterday morning by the lake in the southern part of the Adirondacks. It was very calm. A foggy cloud covered the entire lake, and almost totally obscured the profile of the surrounding landscape. The sun had already come up; it lit the fog to a soft bright white hinting the gold of sun. This lake is lifetime familiar to myself, as well as, many members of the community which reside here. The dusty stained surface is calmly undulating with slack random directionless waves. Surface “pollen like” stains are all over the surface. They are rare here. Maybe occasionally the lake surface has a pond like characteristic, but it is rare; very rare as far as I’ve known. Below the surface can be seen something more. There are fine bits of material floating in suspension in the water. From the surface to the bottom and all around is this stuff. I’ve long heard of degrading water qualities in lakes, and other aquatic environments, all over the world. This lake has been noticeably clean, and like consistently pristine looking and smelling. In spite of a consistent community effort to protect this body from invasion, I always wondered about the encroachment of degradation here. Has water quality foulness made it to this lake? With that thought I gander at the morning sky above the fog hanging at ground level. The perverse trademark skywriting trails mark the sky above. A breeze comes up. The fog cloud immediately begins moving. Across the lake in this direction comes the fog cloud, thinning as it moves. The profile of the hills and small mountains come quickly into clear focus. A complete change of scenery has happened. The green late summer landscape is brilliantly clear and shining with the morning sun. Now the broad view of the sky is visible. There is an extensive panorama of white “cloud” lines above. The trails have the appearance of a complete coverage fan. A fan that has veins converging at a point on the horizon. It’s as if all these flights are coming from a variety of spread out places down on this end, and meeting at a common destination up on that end. From my perspective, this is a most gruesome observation. How long will this spraying programming be allowed to be officially denied?

Personally, I am past the anger, although the critical thought and overall concern levels keep rising It is also very impact-fully difficult to come to terms with the first hand witness of, what looks like, environmental degradation. Sitting lakeside pondering these thoughts, the exercise of sky writing is on in full force. Each line in the sky is being traced with another, and another, and another, and… The beginning of a new day.

This is a travel day for me. I’m driving back in the direction of New York City. Those sorties that were happening over the lake are not restricted, they are everywhere. Layer after layer the lines lye. Lying like a ladder, with the rungs getting closer together, like finer teeth on a comb, in the direction of the city. Thanks to the concentrated coverup of the elements in the atmosphere, and how they get there, one would have no way of knowing what that stuff is. Except perhaps for symptoms that are noticeable. Among innumerable possibilities, right now there’s an undeniable foreign particulate permeating clean water and the COVID din is happening again. A New York Times headline reads, “Why Are So Many Players Getting Sick at the U.S. Open?” Fear pornography is the propagandists preeminent weapon, and high profile targets are going to stay in the cross hairs. The question is sustainability. The guess is here that the entire “control the globe with technology” plan and strategy is going to crack. Nature will not indefinitely support the methods, and the inhabitants of the land under attack will not indefinitely support the story. These elements are definite.

The Braids of Reality

Dutch rushed to make the train. He caught the wrong one. Exhausted, he quickly fell asleep with his train pass on his chest. A dream ensued. After some time the train approached a station that was under construction. A jack hammer filled the air with a sharp, deep, pounding racket. This would become the destination and the end of the, now random trip. The stop coincidentally corresponded with the climax of the dream. Startled awake by a mountain avalanche derailing the train, Dutch exited the train excitedly unaware. He drearily hustled. He came to on the platform. Scanning the area, he briefly wondered how the derailed train had been returned to the tracks, and where was all the avalanche debris!? Gradually his thoughts cobbled back into particular coherence. “I was dreaming. Where am I?”

So much for the world I think I’m in. There are so many information influences, and trickle down sources, that the accuracy of the first hand perception and understanding is at best up for grads; at worst totally distorted. Discernment is so difficult right now that on a certain level of material awareness it is wise, in my view, to abandon ship. With all these different sources vying for attention, and pressing their points of view, I’m left perpetually wondering; Where do psychological operations end and reliable information begin? How important is it to stay up to speed with current events? What is the true state of the observable world? What’s not being told? These questions, and more, are entry points into an evaluation which may very well serve to provide a critical alteration of worldview, as well as, an internal world awakening. Not unlike Dutch, one may be startled awake. Hell knows that the alarms of events are plenty startling. If one can stop long enough for what’s left of our naturally provided intuition and senses to kick in, there’s a chance that a light of reason cracks through. The old world becomes new.

The informational overlays that blanket us have been numbing. Choices have butterfly effects. The reality streams of each choice comprise an infinity array of expression and form. Sacred mandalas, randomness, and archetypical constructs, of eternal wonder ebb and flow with an eternally dynamic movement. Truly awesome is the majesty of consciousness. In free space the development and diversity of expression is stunningly rich. Patterns of form, however, can develop. There are intelligences that are hip to this patterning. Thought, and parts of the consciousness of the thinker, can be directed. The directing and streamlining of reality streams has been masterminded by monopolistic charlatans of self service. There is such a thing as refined self service; parasitism. The idea that a parasitic class has had a powerful influence on the perceived world, and how the world is perceived is not a pleasant idea. There are, for lack of a better way to describe them, characteristics of healthy and unhealthy circumstances, environments, and things. We’ve been taught critical lessons about what responsible civic and social agreements are supposed to be. The root source of those motivated to mold civilization, and culture, should be moved into the spotlight of objective inquiry. While the jury is out, the traditional social agreement is on hold.

If not agreeing with the now overwhelming body of conspiratorial stories and events means that one is on the outside, so be it. Without any dispute, or insistence that others change their mind I’ve changed mine. I no longer agree with the traditional source of truth about where we find ourselves, or how we got here. Thoughts and understandings all have a unique quality. Each splinter of consciousness manifest in a being has a point of view. For all the uniformity, there is nuance. Each being’s viewpoint is a thread in the braid of reality. The whole-ism of the the braid is the metaphysic in which we exist and are. The micro/macro braid we’ve been traditionally encouraged to believe in, trust, and agree with is off the rails. The un-sustainability of the event stream that is delineated on the calendar 2023 is beyond obvious. The primary bench mark of evaluation being used here is the routine reporting of hyper violence and attack. The intentionality of these attacks is driving a very serious event procession. This event stream cannot be trusted to break into liberation, justice, and peace. One will have to break with it, and make a new agreement, minus the menace, in order to experience a different destiny. A destiny, perhaps, with a corollary environment that, by the Grace of God, is less less less hostile.

It’s Getting Late; It’s Getting Hot

There is an intentional effort being routinely made to stress the world, and everything on it. Multi-various are the means that the power brokers of our attention field use to pollute, disrupt, and damage the environment in which we largely reside. A far out vulnerability is enhanced by lingering elements of misplaced trust, apathy, and naivety. We’re bugged and so is our home. The “smart” device, “smart” home, “smart” city, “smart” anything is a cryptic term for weaponized. So when we get burned, one can bet that there is a setup. It’s a setup.

Perfect storm elements of flash dry, flash fan, flash ignition, flash fire have again driven coastal residents right into the sea. Unprecedented once. Now it’s happened at least twice. These are battles in an overall attack. Attacked by an attacker with a hubris level that is stratospheric. A hubris only rivaled by the boldness of the attack exercises. It figures that this bold “I can do whatever I want” attitude and arrogance will be the main ingredients of the collective wake up that diffuses the powers of exploitation and abuse. To be fair, it is surprising that the bomb squad of good will, compassion, and reason hasn’t disabled more of this weaponry already. There’s a reason for everything for sure, however, liberation is surely welcome anytime now. There is no way the perpetrators of this intensely harmful programming are going to turn it off on their own. Hence expressing this point of view.

There is a contrast to mania, disturbance, toxicity, and war. It starts inside the individual. The antidote to ill contrasts the mania with an acknowledgment that problems have an intrinsic solution. Accessing the solution requires breaking through the denial about the problem. The effort to blame away the source of trouble on one, or another, villain is lost. The source of all trouble is within. Evil won’t have its way once beings with a heart find theirs. In the enduring words of Robert Hunter, “There are things you can replace / And others you cannot / The time has come to weigh those things / This space is gettin’ hot / You know this space is gettin’ hot”