
The feature of the human curiosity for the bizarre transcends any and all differences between us. There is a consistent intrigue which belies our intelligence, refinement, and modesty. It’s humbling to think that the potentially perverse exploitation of the freak is a part of what is widely accepted as entertainment. History, however, says that this voyeuristic curiosity is as sure as is the reluctance to admit that separating others out for their peculiarity is somehow cool. So it is that the curious are routinely vulnerable to the suggestion of looking behind the curtain at the spectacle of the strange, unusual, unbelievable, and unnatural. The spectacle of sideshow freaks right now well describes the public face of political leadership peoples and institutions, as well as, those that choose to apologize for them. On one hand, there is a daily feed of salacious “news” to satisfy the voyeur within, on the other hand it seems wise to view it with a grain of salt. Beware emotion committed to today’s broadcast sideshow.

In the modern world of 2023, we find ourselves in what seems to be a live version of a drama driven theater event all about us, all the time. Thanks to a fantastical propaganda complex masquerading as news media outlets, the daily current events feed looks as much like lunatic fiction as it does legitimate journalism. Yet the dedication to the use of media as a propaganda tool keeps intensifying. As a result, the freakish nature of the ambassadors of the prevailing narratives keeps showing with greater and greater clarity. Some of these journalism program hosts are one gaslight away from reporting that the sun rises at dusk and sets at dawn. It is really laughable. The tables, however, have turned. Authentic journalism is independent, and behind the screen. The once trusted news sources, which are up front, have evolved into this bizarre, make it up as you go, group of unconscious puppet like ideologues that have this tone of authority in their voice that now sounds positively ridiculous. If these “news” reporting nincompoops have a rival for lack of credibility it would be some of the political and corporate leaders they are reporting on. The buffoon parade is being led by Earth’s preeminent puppets. The ultimate watch with one eye, if you dare, sideshow characters are the presidents of the United States of America. This ultra high profile position, appointed by high corporate finance captains, is manned by society’s most spectacular specimens of outrageousness. The commentary ranges from bombastic boast to gibberish levels of incoherency. One leader of the “free world” actually had an administrative highlight as he apparently played a version of dodgeball while happily ducking shoes in a Iraqi press room. It all makes the record books for babbling failure. As has been noted before, if it were not for the seriousness of the harm being whipped on peoples and ecologies worldwide, this sideshow could be regarded as an all time, world class comedy.

Because freak shows, car crashes, and other bizarro phenomena are hard to not watch, it is now of paramount importance to compartmentalize all “breaking news” and official dictums into some healthy cordoned off place that is reserved for the most phenomenally absurd. These official sources are their own grain of salt. The front people for the corporate institutions of control either volunteered to, or been suckered into performing in this cosmic level, “Who could ever believe?” sideshow. Each of these sideshow freaks have their own destiny to reconcile. Perhaps there is some compassion that can be offered them as they face whatever judgement they have coming. I for one would not want to be standing in the shoes of any of our modern world puppets or puppeteers. Once the voyeuristic curiosity is satisfied by peaking into the propaganda driven modern world sideshow, it should be possible to get back to the midway of the carnival of life, and set a course for somewhere other than where these anomalous social characters have so far delivered us.

A Smokescreen

This blog site evolved out of a journal. The journal was necessary to prevent anger about the pollution clouds behind jet planes from firing out in all directions. By writing down the thoughts, feelings, and observations about geoengineering, it was possible to continue on in daily life with a modicum of civility and calm. The obsession with sky spraying did not have to manifest as an ongoing rant. Meaningful relationships of all varieties did not have to suffer from a near constant Chicken Little warning and complaint. Each day’s aerial observations would get journaled into a log. The number of days that no spraying was happening were scant. Alarms persistently were going off in the mind, “DO SOMETHING!!”

The early activist efforts were very low tech. The composition of an information message was hand written on pieces of loose leaf paper. Each piece was triple-folded and left in random spots all over. From gas pump to grocery store, restaurants, lumber yards, transfer stations, playgrounds, bus stops… All over. There wasn’t any need for the satisfaction of seeing results of this, however, there was a very real satisfaction in knowing that this passionate message was spreading. The next incremental step was the step into technology. A flyer was chosen from the activist suggestion section on the website. A printable flyer could be downloaded for free, and it resulted in a box full of hundreds of pieces. The local area was littered with these flyers. Some of them got handed directly to people who had questions and concerns of their own. All the while, the sky above is raging daily with planes leaving vast amounts of pollution in what often appeared to be a massive and ominous sky writing campaign. Again the mind shout was happening, “DO SOMETHING!!”

The is an amalgam. It is meant to refer to civilization’s and culture’s collective story. It’s the big picture stuff that is built with individual stories from traditions galore. It is referring to the metaphysic of planetary conditions and development as the planets’ inhabitants make their impact. Any and all mythological stories that clarifies cultural reference points are more than welcome. It is a combined tale. Like the Hopi Indian apocalypse prophecy, -toward the end of the world, Spider Woman will come back… Everywhere we will see her web.-

The synthetic myth is an offering. The offering goes any place that it may help in appropriately raising awareness. If the matters are of no concern, or unwelcome, so be it. That said, the recent haze that has enveloped our air has raised the bar again, “DO SOMETHING!!”

Atmospheric spraying is part of a systemic control system that has a long chronology. The sky spraying happening in the modern world of today is a continuation of control efforts that are generations old. The noticeable “cobweb” in the sky features in the past two decades are part of geoengineering programs that have been increasing in intensity. The agents, and agencies, that are deploying the programs must be of the psycho-science variety because the entirety of the “at scale” programming is officially denied. That, in my view, makes the whole topic, officially, a cosmic level joke. The fallout, however, is no laughing matter. So, while the generators of the atmospheric tampering programs do their level best to marginalize any exposé of now full throttle geoengineering programs (which by the way, the experts of go out of their way to define and describe in thorough detail), the observable features of the geoengineering become more, and more, and more obvious. The wake up is now out of the margin. The present mass scale smoke screen enveloping big sections of continents is a sad, and obvious, strategy meant to obfuscate facts about geoengineering. Literally hide atmospheric intervantion elements in plumes of plausible denial smoke. God only knows what the karmic weight of intentionally preparing earth’s forests for incineration, intentionally lighting them, then reinforcing normalcy biased about forest fires while a mass scale choke out happens. That karmic weight has to be off the chart heavy!

The commitment of the industrial captains to continue to double, triple, quadruple… down on their geoengineering programs not withstanding, the smoke and mirror plans are shattering and blowing away. The minute that this most recent wave of haze began moving in the United States, questions immediately began being asked about the true source of the smoke. The same questions were asked here. A month ago it was easy to track the pollution from a Canadian wildfire. This time the plume appeared to be coming from a central location that would’ve had to coincide with major cities, and/or The Great Lakes being on fire. Obviously the denial of geoengineering has become farcical. Ironically the proverbial smoke screen of confusion and distraction is lifting just as a most terrible literal smoke screens are settling in. We have collectively made it to a most remarkable place. It is heart wrenching to think how desperately toxic the environment can be, and also refreshing to know that in spite of the haze, the view could be so clear.


The world that we work to make is the world that we will inherit. The engineers that are working overtime to manipulate the earth’s energetic systems are working intentionally engineering means to steal planet Earth’s resources for themselves. There is some seriously tough karma created with the mass degradation these engineering experiments are responsible for. The kleptocratic monopolists that have long angled for domination are closing in on a finished product. Behind the lines of each new war ordinance detonation, radioactive waste dump, and forest burn down is a hulking mass of inhospitable sterility. This resource rich world is what these war mongering monopolistic kleptocrats want; the byproduct of the terror storm being used to take it is what your left with. Guess what? This isn’t the only state, or form, of the world that there is. It’s surprising that the devilish corporate oligarchs, that are clearly animated by evil, don’t realize the futility of the take over quest, but apparently they don’t. The world we make is the world that we will inherit. There is another option. Multiple options actually.

As deprived as we are about nature’s capacities for provision, and humanity’s capacities for growth are, we still aren’t as full of gluttony, selfishness, hatred, ignorance, and fear as would be required to run a planet down. Look around. Watch yourself. Right action is happening. There are any number of people that operate daily from the do no harm place. There is love being shared in homes, towns, and precincts all over. This creates a world reality too. For crying out loud, the puppet masters that push the narration that all the world is a problem waiting to happen are just scintilla of the whole. Corporate captains may have grabbed the broadcast mic, and screamed, “Fear thy neighbor! Fear the sicknesses! Fear the insects! Fear the extra terrestrial. Fear the…”, but who are these fear pornographer puppet masters anyway!? They’re not anybody I know. We the people have unknowingly done some of the corporation’s bidding, but one will never know any of these scam artist string pullers in person. They’re too scared themselves to actually face any one of us. They’re in the guarded constancy of, what might be perceived, a privileged luxury and material fortune. This is the precursor to the disaster they are actively creating. Meanwhile the rest of us are largely coping with the fallout of technological “progress’ and sharing good will in a variety of forms without even really trying. Even the most screwed up and selfish among us don’t go out of our way to commit acts of harm, terrorism, or wide scale wrong. We’re literally in separate worlds. The separation at hand is literal, and actual; not virtual. Once the recognition kicks in that life is not what any president, talking head, of corporate boss says it is, and critical thought kicks in, things change.

So, what world do I really want? One doesn’t have to look any further than the latest news cast to see what our current shared reality is characterized by. There is heightened sensitivity about every subject imaginable. From ethnicity, to gender, to class, to politics, to sex, to guns, to germs, to nation, to the environment, to space, to economics, to GMOs, to medicine, to history, to mental health, to justice, and even to matters of taste the bounds of offense, threat, confusion, and concern know no limit. That’s what is consistently reported on about our modern world. It is being driven by corporate interests; period. Conversely, there is the juxtaposition of terms when it comes to actual first hand experience. Whenever you look around, you see a wide variety of expressions. Some expressions are down right peaceful. It is undeniable. How is this possible in a world of stress? Good question. Like the saying goes, “If you can keep your head when those about you are losing theirs, you clearly don’t understand the situation. There is a sort of bliss associated with not being too hung up on current events of the modern world. We can make choices that are alternative to what the established modern media suggests we should. A commitment to right action, pays off in a right feeling. With enough right action, the integrity of the feeling, the okay-ness of the world, and one’s place in it, becomes firm. Come what may, our world, the view of it, and the experience in it becomes solid, sturdy, steady, and orderly.

The parasitic kleptocrats that have had their way in steering popular thinking for millennia. Just because the prevailing idea about sentience is trashed and the formidable nature of collective consciousness is lost, doesn’t mean that the quantum impacts of these co-creative elements are not eternally in play. There’s a big difference in worlds that are driven by interests of service to self and service to others. They are in fact worlds apart. So, does the day get characterized by give and take, or take and waste? It would be great to think that right now this can be distinguished. What’ll it be?


Is this upside down enough, or what? It’s presumptuous to consider myself educated, yet it is fair to say that I have been educated. Of the layers upon layers of education that have taken place through this lifetime, what is the nature of what has been learned? The evaluation of the learned teachings ranges; from the sure, to the sublime, to subliminal. The teachers have also ranged. Some teachers care about who they’re teaching, some care about the subject, some perhaps both. Some educators may revere posterity, some may care primarily about themselves. The objective quality of an education relies on the root. What is the education rooted in? Is it rooted in helping someone gain skills which will help them become their own best selves, or to become what effective commodities of the educating system itself? What is the basic mission of the education programs in which I’ve been involved? How much propaganda makes it into the curriculum?

Well, I personally broke ranks with, what I believe, is the standard mission of education some time ago. Which is basically to make students subjects of the machine that is running the education system. The pursuit of a variety of versions of instruction on themes of social studies, religion/spirituality, philosophy, physics/metaphysics, anthropology, chemistry/alchemy, energy/free energy, and HISTORY has been a growing experience of wonder. The experience of life, and the expressions of this experience one provides, expands greatly with the consideration of the possibility of knowing that the standard education process has had its way with us, and we’ve got a lot to learn. The primary reason for having been left with this wide open field of unexplored education is because the standardized teaching has capped curiosity with belief. The rooted, supported, and reinforced belief system installed by educations is standardized. By design standardized education cuts off the nourishment for effective criticism and growth. The resultant belief system is so doggone rigid that it strangles the imagination, undercuts the ability to conceive, and makes any “outside the box” theme unbelievable. Students are at the mercy of the system’s objectives, and (very importantly) the quality of the character of the teachers. The products of education indoctrination are profound. Profound yet transcend-able.

A most hopeful, and sort of tragic, aspect of the modern world’s teaching, learning, and believing systems is the spirit in which it has been delivered. The teacher and the school’s culture is an enormous factor in the quality of the learning process. We can’t escape our humanity. An example that frequently comes to mind is from a grade school teacher I had the privilege to spend time in the classroom with as an aid. The year was 2002. A preeminent theme at the time was 911. This particular teacher was, in my view, progressive, disciplined, organized, fair, and genuinely seemed to care about the kids in the class. The attending rhetorical rap, regarding world news, delivered by this teacher was straight out of traditional media. It did, also include some opinion. At the time it felt like steering. As time has gone on, the realization has become critical. Any repetition of the standard narration on the 911 story in order to instruct, or teach, is wrong. This is the metaphor for all our education. Consider the source.

Learning takes place all the time. Generally speaking, the world is our classroom; the occupants are our teachers. It is absolutely critical that I learn how to learn. Once a, so called, fact has been accepted a belief is established. The lengths that we as people will go to to protect beliefs is far out. Challenges are not welcome. The unwelcoming place is a closed minded place. Even the slightest departure from the standard narration is unbelievable for many. Objectively speaking, this has a critical effect on the overall experience we are all sharing. Our everything is a function of the completeness of the beliefs and the known. In many ways, our collective world experience includes a very real amount of stress, confusion, illness, violence, disillusion, and injustice. It really is hard to believe that with all the advancements in technology that the modern world would ever suffer as intensely as it surely appears to be. Something is seriously lacking here. This I believe has a lot to do with what we do, and do not, really know. The whole idea that people don’t, in mass, take a greater interest in critically researching this world, human culture, the raw teachings of civilization, and the freaking crazy contradictions that we’re fed on a daily basis blows my mind. This is unbelievable.

Reverent Memorial Day

Many of us are realizing that the failure status of our collective social organization is forcing us all up against the wall. It is with great reverence that I remember those people that were ordered into one warring disaster fray after the next, and set up to pay with their lives.

God bless those that have sacrificed their lives for the sake of others, the truths of their own hearts, and the charitable salvation that can’t be lost to any sleight of hand. We are collectively indebted to you that have died for the instruction demands of war. In the most honorable trust, today I push to make sure that those charities are not made in vain. Let the reverence run as deep as it can, and the lives lost live large in honorable memorial. Thank you.

There’s a Better Way

While the imperialists are screeching their paranoid alarm and condescending sarcasm at a rapidly growing group of concerned, disillusioned, disgruntled, and disturbed people that want more detailed information than, “Because I said so…”, cracks in the imperialist’s integrity show and grow. These cracks have become like an explosion of fissures racing across the body of a collapsing structure. Group after group, after group, after one after the other of former human lemmings are no longer resigned to obey the whimsical dictates of authorities that have either evaporated in the growing light of scrutiny, or spun around so many times that all that’s left is dizziness. If one can maintain a critical tolerance and calm, and not depend too much on the elements of need our indoctrination teachings have programmed us to believe in, it totally looks like the societal vehicle our imperialist drivers have insisted on steering has progressed from traveling the road of social evolution, to all over the road, to off it! It continues. There are talking heads that have aggressively supported dogmatic madness through this evolution that continue to trumpet authority without the slightest inkling of acknowledgment that they have been as far off base as is possible. It is laughable to watch anyone with a straight face continue to address standard narrations of vaccines, elections, terrorism, economy, war, politics, 911, and on, and on… If it weren’t for the tragic injustices of the clearly eugenics driven mania by a determined group of imperialists down pressing everything in our shared reality realm, this whole scene would be one big joke. There’s one question that keeps coming upon my head. One cannot possess more material wealth than the architects and drivers of the ruling corporate oligarchies have. What makes them so boldly desperate at dominating the environment and everything in it? From the viewpoint of seeing this domination plan’s futility, it seems to be of critical importance to claim independence of it. There is a better way; a much better way.

It’s Wearing Off

Who knows how real the shedding, sharing, and spreading of the technology in the CV-19 inoculations from person to person really is. All I know is that in the past couple years the occasions of getting together in groups has picked back up. Nearly every time I find myself in a group of people (social functions, concerts, parties, etc…) the sensation of the onset of a cold, or chill starts. The first thought is, “I hope I’m not coming down with something.” Then I remember. More than half the people in this gathering have gotten the COVID jab. I’m sure of it. Consistently my sensation of ill rises in the crowd, and subsides after exit. Alternative news reported on this shedding feature of the shots. I did hear the reports. The feelings of ill might be psychosomatic, but I kind of doubt it because I usually forget about the possibility until the sensation kicks in. Fortunately an illness has not actually developed in all this time. Life goes on.

Last night we were down to Port Chester to see Mihali. Typical music club crowd. This is a crowd that would be expected to be at least fifty percent shot up; maybe more. As the evening was winding down a thought came to mind. I still feel fine?! Maybe the effects of the so called, “vaccines” is wearing off. Word?! How great would this be? For whatever it’s worth one of two things is taking place, or hopefully both. One, fewer people are getting jabbed with fraudulent mRNA serum. Two, an immunity is building up to the elements that shed. Ultimately, it would be great to know that nature’s organic response overrides the nasty effects of this technocratic attack. However, the sinister deployment of sickness shots is an element of a current anti-life aggression that we will do very well to squarely meet. What I’m sensing as a graduated immunity could very well be a protection working in our favor as we work to reach a higher state of being. It’s hard to believe that this theme is one that would be considered to be even remotely possible. That said, it is what I believe, and at least for this occasion nature wins. What a superb rallying point. Now let’s see how much progress can happen for lifting away at the mind control overlay that’s been down pressed on us by the world’s self appointed overlords of control. We’re due, no overdue, to rise.

Here’s A Chance

Liberty is rooted in authenticity. Facsimile, fraud, and misguidance degrade one’s truth, pervert objectives, and distort the meaning of freedom. The liberty to be one’s full self is a birth right. Actively supporting this birth right has layers of responsibility. Personal, familial, group, and civic responsibilities underpin the whole deal. It’s difficult to overstate the importance of knowing the truth about our lives when it comes to actually understanding them. So, exercising liberty, growing our spirits, and our selves as people, really relies on the variables of factual accuracy in the function of social, communal, and personal development, not to mention some real context integrity to our heritage. As inhabitants of a modern version of the world, we find ourselves in an environment full of official descriptions of the world, and our place in it. Because environmental quality affects the quality of everything in it, and vice versa, it is key that the space in which our shared reality happens is as pure as can be. Discerning the quality of our environment right now is a challenge for sure. The ongoing info mania explosion bombards emotional and attention senses from all over. The raging inconsistencies of the official world story rapidly accelerated the crushing of trust. Trust of official authorities has been in atrophy, and the response by those that demand informational command is to double down on absurdity and control. Absurdity tremors are so quaking the ground that even those committed to burying their collective heads in the sand can’t miss the wake call. Bravery is an asset now with the lid of merit has been blown off the traditional vessels of truth, and most every belief system will hang in the balance. There is more to believe in than the material monstrosity lie that’s been force fed to generations of people through the millennia. There are intrepid guides leading the way into the exploration of true heritage and through the ghastly mess of this shameful paradigm collapse. This disintegration of technocratic theft system is a big chance to shake the chains of imposed servitude and claiming a most precious, though largely unknown, liberty.

The Curtain Keeps Inching Higher…

With fewer and fewer people following the Wizards’ orders to pay no attention to those behind the curtain, there are more and more people applying their professional skills to lifting the curtain, and traditional news is reporting about it. Scientists in the Sierra USA are sampling this year’s historic snowfall. In the fresh-fallen snow they are finding micro-plastics pollution. We are way past the point of the undeniably of atmospheric spraying. These filaments are in the snow (and rain) because they are in the air. They are in the air because they are sprayed up there for patented atmospheric engineering purposes. Thus, the intentional contamination of earth has gone exponential. People can keep working normalcy contortions as long as they like, but the denial option is running mad short. This is like an annihilation phase of an all system breakdown. Reaching this level of mainstream exposure, and environmental ubiquity means permeation. As intense and wide ranging as this all pervasive saturation is, there are still more “next level” amounts of contamination that graduate surrealism in ways that skyrocket the rational mind.

With all the inexplicably irresponsible, contradictory, and ridiculous information about viruses and diseases that are promoted, broadcast, printed, and reprinted, the average thinker is left to their own devices to understand environmental health and medical mania, as well as the sources of it. In my view, Covid is an all lab sourced bio industry product. The idea that CV-19 like some far out singular natural long shot is naive. The germ warfare industry has innumerable types and varieties of germs. The only thing unique about SARS-CoV-2 is that it was the one that got chosen for distribution in 2019. The SARS bio-weaponry material was spread and sprayed by aircraft, hyped by broadcast, further activated and exacerbated by 5G, and made lethal by intentionally dangerous medical procedures. The whole idea that anyone would try to defend themselves by taking advice from those that are actively harming them is an almost incomprehensibly difficult concept to grasp. Yet the harm keeps multiplying and multiplying. Inputting mRNA is chilling enough, but the overall draft plan for this gene therapy is staggering because the animal kingdom is in the cross hairs too. This has to be end game stuff. Zoetis is the Pfizer subsidiary producing the poison. Inoculating pets, zoo animals, and wildlife with more experimental veterinary SARS-CoV-2 mRNA material is an industrial reach that is terminating the last shreds of willingness about trying to salvage anything of the modern world’s operating social systems. With each passing instant it seems wise to do the absolute best to distance ourselves from this failure. With a, cosmically abnormal, disastrous bio-crash happening, and the luxury of denial gone, this signal goes out again and again. Wake up!