Beyond the Puppet

Future tripping about a reality that does not exist, influenced by distorted descriptions of what did, and presently operating with mangled facts is proving to be a real formula for the degeneration of culture. Various combinations of fracture, fury, apathy, disillusionment, forfeit, and demise among people is routine. The formula of failure is advanced whenever the next modern day puppet gives a current events update on the state of the modern world. The depressive nature of our collective being defies the promise of life’s abundance that is inherent with the gift of having life. At what place, through what avenue, and at what source are the counter conditions of unity, calm, interest, faith, engagement, and fulfillment found? It must be at a place beyond the puppet. There’s something that the puppet is obscuring. For better (there’s always room for improvement), or worse (situation critical now in my view) there is no better practice than to look to see past the puppet.

Theater concentrates the real. It concentrates the surreal. The signaling within the myth world of the theater has degrees of purpose and intent. Theatrical space is the metaphor for everywhere. In space is resource. An imminent resource of resources is attention. You’ve got my attention. One automaton puppet after another marionettes scripted lines of a dramatic sequence to a real within the Real. Come to understand that the audience can trust the producer and puppet master only so far. While the fantasy, conjured up in the play, may have a ticklish appeal with seemingly limited risk, the risk of surrendering to the appeal is beyond fantastic. Fantastically the puppeteer may now steer the audience. A romantic trance pulls the audience toward a magnetic pole of the string puller’s desire. The theater as a tool of control now has transcended its place, of higher cultural integrity, with a broader perimeter than it should be allowed. But who’s to say, and when? “Don’t you dare rock my real!!”, clamors the audience as the puppet turns its back. The puppet masters admire the control of the audience which is now also at their finger tips. Like an irresponsible hypnotist, the puppet masters embark on a series of experiments on the audience which proves to be menacing. It’s not a given that the experiments should turn for the dire, but they sure have. Also, there is no story line so dire that from which the audience, or some member of, may not retire. However, the plot line, and development of a modern day marionette drama on this world stage is severe enough that Stanley Milgram would most surely blush. Retiring is, right now, a very strong suggestion.

There’s really only one way to begin to get an idea about the actuality of the setting in which the audience resides. Suspend the belief created by the romance of our play. Sever the tether animating the puppet. Let the puppet fall. Hold steady with an attention beyond the fallen actor. Look beyond the puppet. What’s there? Who’s there?

There’s Obviously An Attack

The glaring disparity of resources in our world by the means of systematic, organized, kleptomania is in our faces. From Jeff Bezos’ multi-amazing mega yacht to the mile long Kentucky food line, an equitability balance of nature has been effectively flipped. This shredding of equality is unreconcilable. Nobody(s) “earns’ this much fortune, and the rest of us are not “slackers’. The rigged societal system we all do our best to get by in has reached the terminal velocity of unravelling. Like a high speed pinwheel flying apart, there are tatters and shreds of storylines flying out of the behemoth current events mainframe as controllers throw every tidbit of “news” at the wall hoping that some of it will stick. Everything that doesn’t stick gets denied or re-defined. Watching the controllers panic sink would be a great source of comedy if the stakes were not so high and so many beings were not having their basic rights crushed. This crushing is forcing more and more of us to re-evaluate who we trust, and with what. This is a challenge that the control class won’t tolerate. There is way too much fear for that. The end of this serious slavery epoch has come to term. The galactic cast of slave holders that have run so much of this miracle planet into ruin lack the honor to bow out with anything other than disgrace. It’s high time to step aside, and let them go. When the rulers are no longer obeyed their grasp is cast, and freedom fills in. Free thought is growing, and it is the threat to the system, and this the controllers know is the last stand.

It strongly appears that the self appointed ruling class of earth has had it with the other inhabitants of “their’ planet. The corporate cowards are armed to the teeth. They hide behind layers of mercenary security lines while pulling the strings of hyper violence, engineered pestilence, zero sum distraction “news”, and spastic finger pointing. Each passing hour is greeted with another ordinance exploding on battlegrounds randomly delineated by whimsical bitterness wishes and spite. There are ignition sparks, lighting of toxic infernos everywhere. All these catastrophe events, wars, and security threats are so obviously manufactured that even the comatose are gaining awareness of societal fraud. One by one by one hundred and one the ranks of the awakened grows. As the sycophant pack in which the power hungry parasite class of so called “leaders” is faced with challenges of actual, factual, reality there is desertion. As the ranks of the thieving corporate kleptocrat parasites thins, their concentration increases. With less and less low hanging fruit to steal, they turn on each other. The out shoot of this disastrous failure is an outward bound attack. With greater and greater numbers of perceived enemies, the fighting goes stratospheric. Every weapon available is turned on, but the cooperation of the foot soldiers of empire is getting less and less. A brand new, yet eternal, balance point is in achievement. While there’s obviously an attack, and it’s damn serious, it is a death throw. Clearing the karma of this epoch of harm is going to be way difficult, however, we’ll be free of the parasitic class that never had the sense to realize that when their plan fully fails, they disappear. What an amazing time!!


How long can I afford to stare at a problem?

Under the heading, “The solution for each and every problem is built into that problem.”, it seems wise to take some time to focus on solution. For lack of a better way to describe a major problem, a problem trunk off of which many other limbs of problem branch, is to say that societal directors require that their perceived subjects rely only on the limited power supplies which the directors themselves control. The end justifying the means necessary to accomplish this objective has obscured the ability to perceive real alternatives and true solution. The truth is that there is an accessible unlimited power source which cannot be restricted. It takes a definite method to realize this power, however, once the method is known, accessed, and practiced the power flows freely. This is the solution which unlocks the mass capacities of liberty and expression which are in perilous atrophy in the modern world. Focus on free unlimited energy, and the practices which let it loose.

It has been, heretofore, difficult to stop trying to get validation of problems, I perceive, from those around me. In this it has been difficult to actively accept problems that have long been admitted. There’s nothing to say that a problem repeating itself, requires my reinforcement. Pass…


Atmospheric technologies used to manipulate earth’s environment is geoengineering. On face, it is proposed to mimic the temporary planetary cooling effects of a large volcanic eruption. The 1991 Mount Pinatubo eruption in the Philippines would be an example of the scale of exhaust into the atmosphere the engineers talk about achieving. Geoengineering tech has been reported for decades. It is mainstream now. If contemporary reports are sewn together, some glaring contradictions stand out in my view. It is right now in the news that an estimated 26 million tons of dust has blown up into the atmosphere from dry landscapes. This dust is scientifically estimated to be hiding the real nature of earth’s climate change by reflecting some of the sun’s rays back into space. That’s exactly what the solar radiation management geoengineering plan is designed to do. Exactly. If governments are studying the possibility of deploying atmospheric geoengineering, what exactly are they studying? What gives? Sure seems like broken logic to add more reflective elements to the sky if all it’s going to do is mask a supposedly real problem. Geoengineering is also always sighted as being controversial for a variety of reasons. It can’t be localized and the elements have pollution effects all the way down to, and into, the ground. So given the dust and danger components now in the news, what else factors into an effective world view regarding geoengineering? Damning evidence if you ask me.

Micro-particle pollution is everywhere. On every continent. On every mountain. In every drop of rain. Inside the organs and tissues of people, and I’d assume all life. It’s in the soil and air. It is everywhere. The scale, scope, and prediction of the geoengineering fallout is upon us. In spite of the fact that we live in a world in which denial is an art form, the ubiquity of world wide pollution cannot help but get noticed. This notice has catalyzed the engine of plausibility in the world of corporate “journalism”. With growing intensity and desperation the corporate propaganda lords have to utilize bold absurdity in the alibi narrative. To their credit, they do it with a pretty steady conviction. We’re not being fooled, however. Not all off us.

Because the industrial powers that be have taken the time to describe, in detail, the engineering of atmospheric spraying, they’ve actually sounded an alert. If it looks like spray program and manifests as one too, it’s not a reach to conclude that it is what it is; atmospheric spray programing. Now it is seen renewed that all the reported observations and expectations is of a source which industry will not confirm, but some of us must point out. The thread of coherence is easy to trace, as far as I’m concerned. In the process of following the thread, certain notions begin to seem funny. When “science” first informed us of an ozone hole, we were persuaded that the contributing factors of ozone decay was not the jets flying up to, and into the stratosphere, or the rockets punching through it, but rather that it was you and me in our garages using cans of Krylon spray paint. That announcement always seemed odd. Now it seems ridiculous. The ozone tale is like an earlier chapter of the plausible alibi era that has us now getting report after report of progressively greater and greater failure. Desperate failure, in fact, in the attempt to explain the unexplainable, and continue to capitalize on the gullibility of an indoctrinated population that is as apathetic as it is trained. Unfortunately for the corporate creeps that have been intentionally filling the atmosphere with “dust” not everybody is going the compliance with authority route. Too many people are too awake, and with every new distortion report of the unfolding geophysical nightmare more and more people are forced awake. So to all those that would poison the world, and all of us on it, damn you for forcing us into this toxicity corner, and thank for making it so obvious.

Livin’ As If

As today’s high velocity tornadic psycho drama tears through the landscape of grass roots confusion and fields of zombie apathy, it might well be time we regard the depths of commitment to empathetic generosity with renewed style. Give freely of favor, friendship, care, and blemish free smiles. Give, give, and keep giving. Make beauty break back like wave after wave up on the shores of cynicism, disillusionment, mistrust, and corruption. Let waves of favor erode the hardened coastal ego crust. Clear rinse the composites of fear that have been laid down by the fairly disguised pornographers of fear. Flagrant fear pornographers have had the run of the mill ever since some ancestral genetic hacks insisted that slavery was the highest priority business model. The primal solution to this bizarre fit of cosmic selfishness manifest in our now inferno filled toxified terrarium is love. If one has it; It’s time to share it.

The redundancy and regurgitation THE problem(s) is at peak recognition. With every repetition the problem gets worse and worse. So with one last frown, it’s time to bid adieu to you problem. It’s been a period of living with an increasing angst, anger, and dyspepsia over the raging degradation of memories, moments, and hopes. One at a time try this little exercise. Grab the leaf of customary conventional acceptable norm and turn it over. Turn over the leaf of this spellbound perception that the agencies running our lives into the ground can at all be trusted for even one more second. It’s an ever monumental gestalt shift. How about living’as if everything up to this point has been a clumsy mistake? The mistake of handing our destined inheritance over to a cult of parasitic blood lust predators that have worked overtime for eons to convince us that we owe them our fortune. In this waste product schema of insatiable deserves, the lion’s share of all willful energies disappears into the cosmic black hole toilet bowl of tragic disappointment. The commode is flushed by a bunch of undead posers that never give back anything worthwhile for all the stolen favor. How bout we try living as if the customary boss has no jurisdiction? Tell your service to self homily walking..

A big way to live free now is to claim freedom and share it. Enough with living to hoard what the material dream suggests is a need. Screw that. It’s lead us up to, over, and beyond the precipice of disastrous shortage. The encouragement has been to live as if a fortune needs to be secured in some far off future securities fund. It’s all presented with this asinine competition objective of perpetual growth, while the organic world goes belly up. Ugh?! What a rotten disaster and a terrible shame. From here on in I’m giving a try at liven’ as if the real objective is charity. With all the certain imperfections the last word is less likely to be, “Give me that, it’s mine.”, and maybe, just maybe, some thing more along the lines of, “This is working for me. Would you like some?” And do it with some favor, an eased edge, and a smile. Start living’ as if we have good will toward the world and everything in it.

Set Up

What’s the deal with these public people that had been so outspoken about telling us we are under perpetual threat? Telling us we had no other choice than, ” Do what you’re told.” With each passing minute it becomes more and more clear, in fact ridiculously clear, that the entire foundation of the messaging from these loud mouthed dictators is completely inaccurate, misleading, false, and wrong. It was audacious enough to man the phalanx of microphones all over the world and pin us down with weapons grade propaganda, but now with the evaporation of all trust in the so called science BS, all those talking heads that were running their mouths have gone mum. Forget naming names. I’m personally tired of giving power away to these puppets, and even more so to the puppeteers pulling their strings. So now we’re supposed to basically forget the recently past fear mongering that herded us into this sickness box, and move onto the next phase of being told what to do by another wave of “because I said so” people. No way!

It’s all one big colossal set up. Promises of profound reward are everywhere. It’s as if tech, and its ministers, have become refined in full. The total commitment has bourn down on the brethren without reserve. Total reliance, compliance, and allegiance is the only option. It is commanded of the many without question. It starts at the top. A top which as much a nadir as a zenith. Top bottom, bottom top. Lasting longly for those that have bit the bait of furthering hell’s parasitic message. Do this for those that deserve better than your selfish sovereignty, or suffer. Suffer your ignominy. Suffer your selfishness. Suffer your guilt. You should be ashamed of yourself. How dare you, dare you question, or think to resist. We are the proprietors of promise, and this is the way to get get right. Do it or else…

Those that have taken the deepest dive, however, into the abyss of disgrace are the purveyors of the fear porn we all call infectious disease, health, and Pharma. These agents of alarm and compliance are as shady as the most low down hustler. The karmic behemoth these individuals have developed for themselves is as inversely great as the false promise they’ve been pushing. The fancy allure that has people succumb to the temptation of greatness has to be blinding. As the gross pigeons come home to roost, I can only imagine how dire the nausea is to become for those now caught in the web they themselves created. Reconciling one’s contribution to the intentional interruption of others liberty takes the mighty weight of the entire material reward one was promised, and whips it down repeatedly with the ferocity and spike. When I engage in harming others I set myself up for the promise that I will eventually feel all the feelings my actions caused others to have to feel. Period. Set up and knocked down.

Through the Blood of the Ghost

Look deeply. Deeply if you care. It is through the blood of the ghost revealed the world alternative she says we may invite. It’s true. It’s true. Old and the new. As the climaxed world we think we’re in thins, the veil between now and then dissolves. Faint we lay upon the ground. Gulping breathes of ground and suspending the nausea until the breath steady movement promotes meaning. We dream? Seeing a clear sight of another tragic minded despotic mistake. It’s Sitting Bull in retiring repose. Again the army makes a preemptive strike. Without reliability, without honor, without fair deliberation the death act spikes. Another genocidal shiver deprives the ignorant of bliss. Yet we look. Look deeply. See through the blood of the ghost which streams in blind space. Thoughts to erase and remember. Blasts of psychedelic fractures broker brightness of the furnace of forgiveness in the land behind time. It’s our leisure. Forgotten by a scramble of metric signals and false relations, and reminded with the love long features of the most favorite friends. Alive. Alive. Alive. Alive. So alive. The deep greens, spirals, and blues drape the apparently lost in remarkable hue. It’s the splendor reward of not forgetting the dream, facing a horror, and beating, pounding, thumping the ground with a blood line conviction of ocular compound. It’s the heritage you see. The beginning the end, ending begin. Liberty is at hand with enhancement and strength, while the forces of parasitism must freeze in the sand. Walking calmly and holding the space for all free who witnessed through the bloodline of a ghost just like me.


Two events side by side. Both focus on the topic of COVID 19, and the medical response to it. One seems really genuine with fact and evidence basis; the other doesn’t. One event is in Cincinnati on July 21, 2021 and the other in Washington DC on January 24, 2022. Viewing this Town Hall meeting in Cincy and the panel in DC together one after the other has resulted in a very real internal response. Some of these people are speaking from a place close to the heart. There is noticeable integrity. Where can you feel the gravity, in Cincinnati or DC?

Right Above Us

This blog site originated out of a journal. The journal contained observations of the sky. What I believed I was observing in the sky was deeply troubling. The verbal complaining, railing, ranting, and raving was having a really negative effect on myself and on my important relationships. The planes that so often that could be seen leaving trails in their wake had become an obsession. Guess what??? They still are.

Thankfully, the journal has worked as an outlet of angst. This is a channel for the obsessive thoughts and madness associated with the awareness of geoengineering. At the end of 2022, I would say that the better term would be hyper-geoengineering. The enormity of the up ramp in numbers and amount of volume in the sky observable in this area is very large. I have a regular view of the I84 corridor from the NY/CT state line to the Delaware River. The vistas and sky views in all directions are, with rare exception, littered with trails. All year my commute has had me on the road. There has not been a single zero sum day. The cloud covered days shield the eyes, however, the imagination and mind are stimulated every time the sound of an over flight can be heard. There is no reprieve. The journal entry for the end of 2022 is this, the past month has seen the amount of sprayed material in the skies above our area increase tremendously. It has seemed like an onslaught before, and this has been an increase on top of that. In a word, intense.

All the commentary about the consequences of this much pollution can wait. Reports are popping up with regularity now regarding the toxic downstream effects of filling the atmosphere with engineering materials. There are also articles, and reports, popping up on the plausibility of trails behind planes, and their effects. Geoengineering isn’t really a fringe issue anymore. The ramifications are sinking in. The awareness is growing, and the obviousness is making it impossible to ignore. The level of environmental and ecological catastrophe is what we are going to experience. We are now. My personal tolerance level for this witness is increased by logging another journal entry. At the beginning of 2023 it feels like we have reached an incredibly high point of insanity. There are many elements of the modern world that are weaponized against the inhabitants of this world. The “pedal to the metal” acceleration of atmospheric spraying from jet planes is, for lack of a better way of saying it, right above it all.