The scales had tipped. Prejudice was running high. Everyone had their own ignorance and bias. Politicized perversions skewed all manners of observation and perception. Official instructions and news routinely contradicted itself, running a gamut of the mondo bizarre. Discernment had become a vaguery. Confusion prevailed insistently. Cynicism and doubt had become the forward guard for the vast majority, of people, that were plowing headlong into the endeavor of preserving a paradigm of decay disguised as “the way”. Absolutes of apathy, irrelevancy, imbecility, hostility, injustice, dishonor, and fraud were burdening the limits of tolerance and understanding for those that had not yet succumbed to the overload distraction hype. Nature is in balance. Lopsided existence has a term limit that will never be ultimately defied. Ordinary reality breaks down intermittently with falling renewal cascade, and the era of self service was crashing to term. Selfishness and self serving systemic social functioning had created a planetary vacuum. Into this vacuum is rushing waves of energy. Astronomers are reporting that Earth is receiving extra energetic waves, pulses, and beams from the cosmos. Make of it what you will.
Imagine the dream of spontaneous compassion. Organized, deliberate expressions of love increasingly pouring into an environment. Multi-various forms of aid, healing, friendship, and relief offered as help to any need. Like waves of grace energies of healing pour over all of us; over everything. Life, however, is still life, and the human maintains a quantum key; choice. Being offered help is one thing, accepting it is another. A prevailing sickness is going to make help threatening, unrecognized, unnoticed, unappreciated, rejected, and denied. Jaundice in the modern world of inversion isn’t easy to overcome. A world turned upside down and inside out by corporate agencies of heist operating in a vast void of conscience have devastatingly distorted attitudes about health, wealth, and well being. Capacities of feeling and sensation have been overtaken. Key, organic, reflexes of basic care and consideration for one and another have been overridden. The overall body of world society is not well. There is a prevailing illness and malady. A major, and rudimentary feature, of the malady is spiritual; energetic. There are healthy cells left in the sick body, and anything uncorrected can be corrected. The basics of every solution are built in to each and every problem. There is help. The most far out concepts are readily accepted in dreamscape. Reports of strange and persistent radio signals arriving at earth from far off in the cosmos is interesting. It makes me think that the race to the bottom, lead by corporate industrialists here on earth, is a panic move. Panicked kleptocrats that lost the genocide race, and know there are far too many dreamers that never went under the spell of apologizing for a nightmare. Real people that did not fearfully lose love of their fellows, abandon critical thought, were still willing to offer and receive help, and woke up in a dream of healing supported by waves of antidote energy streaming liberally all over as a counterbalance to epochs of exploitation which had nearly killed everything. A closing lotus will reopen.
…to be continued.