Care Less

News and current events have become things that are better off monitored rather than relied on. It might be just as well to forsake traditional journalism and news media altogether. Estrangement from the mind control, propaganda, and placebo that is delivered through the news might help with a head start to an authentic sovereignty. However, for the time being the news is still being monitored, and there are some devastating recurring stories cycling in the news. With now metronomic regularity the reports of intense ultra violence and war. With almost equal regularity are the reports of horrendous “natural” disasters. The hardship, tragedy, and decimation people all over the world are facing is off the chart. So societal, civic, and government leaders are charged with giving press conferences and interviews on the status of current events. Thus, these officials pop up all the time when scanning headlines and overviewing the news. There’s an attitude among these people that is consistent and telling.

In this era of political hedonism a lot of officials become celebrities. There is a lot of personality and schtick. In the midst floods, firestorms, pestilence, terror, and war the leadership provides the public with assessments, updates, news on the state of affairs, and what to expect. It is all delivered with authority, assuredness, and a type of caring. What is it, however, do these people care about? The caring seems to be a lot more about the appearance of their competency and job performance than the well being of those that are dealing with present tense trauma. There’s this combative attitude about the audacity of questioning authority during time of crisis. This utterly selfish attitude demonstrates that these people are coming from a place of extremely low compassion. There is a warning that goes with compassionless people. Anyone in their path is in some form of jeopardy. As we are seeing on a case by case basis, the authorities that have persuaded the public to trust them are struggling make it count. About their own reputations, fortunes, and posterity they are oppressively careful. About the people for whom they have a responsibility to, they appear to largely be able to care less.

Routing troublesome social leaders from their positions of influence seems mighty daunting. They are, however, by virtue of their intensifying pomposity and grossly inconsiderate responses to decaying standards of living are sure providing reasons why one might try.

Nearly a Last Gasp

We live in a gas chamber. The concentrations and chemistry is forever mixing and changing in the bubble of Earth’s atmosphere. Then one day, and many days away, another symbiotic balance came to be. Stability, harmony, and reciprocity have characterized the plan in, and through, a climactic age of lucrative thriving diversity. The chemical composition of the earth, water, and air was at once its own. In near perfect harmony the filters and functions of each and all withstood and withheld all the dynamics the perpetual adjustments of evolution. On its face Earth shone. A majestic magnificent marvel of advanced expression; radiantly attractive. The attractiveness was noticeable. All I can figure is that, among others, a race of compassionless, slightly radioactive, observers witnessed the marvel and began fantasize about exploitively laundering the glowingly resource rich terrestrial gold mine. The heist has been evolving ever since with growing concentrations of pollution. Hence a bitter odor which eventually has gassed the atmosphere with the most inhospitable stench. The invasive compassionless companions in this terrestrial biosphere effort to secure the planet’s resource fortune with every last bit of tactical injustice. As the obviousness of these affairs becomes more and more intense I scratch my head and wonder about how strong the Maya must be, and how desperate the denial must be, to ignore the toxic aerosol brew we call our air. We are basically at the point that we’re consuming the sludge off the bottom of the oil tank, and calling it chocolate milk.

For the sake of one’s own sanity, here’s a list (basically from memory) of openly reported atmospheric and weather phenomena. Geoengineering is the intentional interference with earth’s atmosphere and geophysical function. It mimics the effect of volcanic eruptions on earth’s climate. It can be done reasonably cheaply and easily; as a spray from a fleet of planes. Elements of geoengineering include solar radiation management (SRM), stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI), precipitation and cloud albedo augmentation , CO2 sequestration using ocean iron fertilization, and ice nucleating for weather modification. Governments fund geoengineering research projects. Convection and hydrological cycle interference, as well as, ozone layer depletion are results of geoengineering. Geoengineering has not been deployed at scale. At scale??

Whatever you want to call it, the fact remains that the sky is routinely filled with jet plane trails in every direction, and increasing frequency news reports of the world roll in. Condensation trails (contrails) behind jet planes are the result of atmospheric moisture and upper level winds. Contrails are affecting the earth’s weather. Flash drought is all over the world. Two to three foot diameter ice balls in above freezing temperature water in the Great Lakes. Flash freezing, or rapid temperature drops of 20-50 degrees Fahrenheit are regular occurrences. Unprecedented wildfire behavior and fire tornadoes. Unprecedented deluge, and devastating flooding. Swarms of insects detected on radar like clouds. Saharan dust not only crosses the Atlantic Ocean, it turns the snow orange in Europe. Brown snow coats a town in Maine; experts say don’t touch it. Global dimming, the decline in the amount of sunlight reaching earth’s surface, is happening. Global stilling is the decrease in observable wind speeds over the past thirty years. PFA forever Chemicals are in every drop of rain all over the world (think of the scale of that). Polymer fibers are everywhere on earth, and are in the tissues of every living thing. None of this information is difficult to find. There are multiple reports on all this stuff, and more. Recently there have been unidentified drones over locations all over the place. Some identified as spraying stuff. Now it’s reported that there’s a mysterious toxic fog over like eleven states in the US, some people smell chemicals, and others feel sick. It is remarkably curious to me how anyone aware of any, or all, of these parallel reports are not at least saying, “We need some definitive information!”

We live in a gas chamber. The compassionless fascists cowardly hiding in the board rooms of central banks and corporate complexes are flailing at the wasted controls of every conceivable type. They are trying to keep a grip on the planetary bounty that has been savagely stolen by upping the ante on control programs like geoengineering. In an obviously desperate effort to avoid the accountability of liberty violation, the captains of industry are going all out to wipe out anyone, or anything, they are afraid to answer to. Which is essentially everyone. There is no quick fix for this crazily messy maelstrom. Actually, there shouldn’t be. (That’s kind of a separate topic) However, if we don’t stop apologizing for this madness, and cooperating with it, it sure will be a quick crash. The machines of control have been throttled up way passed the red line. Get the heck away from it and trying to prop up a system set up to remove us. This gas chamber is not even the only kind of attack plan set to get the sentient, the critically thinking, and the living out of the way. The obviousness of this planetary attack plan isn’t going to get less, and it’s no fun wearing a gas mask just to breathe “fresh” air. The day will arrive that many modern world control functions will stop. As interesting as these times are, a phase change is welcome. It would be great to arrive with it.

The Spell of Control

A major component of popular domination of Earth’s resources is corporate industrial medicine. Everything the medical industry offers as a means of promoting well being undermines well being. This function has been operating for generations now, and has provided intense data about the resilience of Nature and the determination of corporate controllers. As sick as people get, they are not getting sick enough quick enough, ant not enough of them are falling far enough into the spell of control. The solution is simple. Increase the intensity of the un-wellness programming.

The fundamental belief that there is an engineering justification to control Earth’s resources is the operating mission of our most desperate fellow travelers. Without a fundamental reconsideration to everything that has been suggested that is needed to survive, everything else is lost. By using a simple form of arithmetic, the answer in stark relief is that it all adds up to nothing. Nothing but an intense waste. Unless…


Buyer beware. It’s pass at your own risk with the material world’s plan of perpetual purchase. There are tentacles and tethers to a powerful spirit trap lurking in every price tag. For the one low price of blankety-blank dollars and 99 cents, you can have this disposable whatever-it-is, and we will help ourselves to your attention, your fortune, and your will. Hurry now before this offer expires into the next “don’t miss this” got-to-have-it. It’s yours and you’re ours.

In one neighborhood of the kingdom the unwitting tear into their prizes and surprises. It’s Christmas. With astrological precision the masters of materialism prepare the annual orgy of a massive download of molded plastic flotsam. Wrapping is shredded carefully, curiously, and furiously; thusly creating a wake through a reserve of who’s-this-for presents. Meanwhile, in another part of the kingdom children and elders alike hunker down in residual stalwarts of a debris field carefully, curiously, and deliberately listening for the whistle of the next incoming ordinance. The rubbles of these communities are piled in hulks of destruction which serve as the neighborhood sarcophagus of those who’s fates had happened to be critically intermingled with the war crimes of modernity. Another holy-day made safe by an unfettered assault on the intolerable mass of “mistakes” that Providence has apparently burdened civilization with. Someone is crying in each neighborhood. In one they are reduced to tears when someone else touches their stuff. In the other one children and adults cry alike into the exploded dirt and fire. Crying out into the obliterating nightmare for some Stone Age annihilation.

Such is the corporate trap of the common man and woman. We succumb to the hype, agreeing to link our destiny to the cosmic monopoly monster that is bent on utter domination, or fail to comply at the risk of violent back blow and ethnic cleansing. This planetary scale scenario is easy to recognize, but extremely difficult to admit too. A serious element of the trap is the psychological commitment to it. The current status quo may leave a lot to be desired, But what else can you do!? The ace in the hole for the commoner, that wants independence, is that the monopolist needs us a lot more than we need it. One might reconsider the commitment to the world as it is presented. Reality, and its necessity has been inverted. Presently it would be wise to make an about face. It will certainly take a minute to sever the tethers, get free of modern dependencies, and clearly see the path to unify, and re-unify, with each other and Mother Earth. The monopolistic parasites that have been deceptively running amok on earth are well aware that the birth right of life, liberty, and freedom is supported by nature, not them. This is why the maniac grab for attention and resource is so urgent. When the populace of earth lets the monopolist go it will be the parasite that loses its edge, not the rest of us.

Theory of Forms

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!! Breaking new. Another flash current events driven spectacular just broke. “Reporters” promote the headlines of the day, pushing choice subject matter. Developing stories of the hour make up a body of reporting constructed to “inform”. As subjects of the intended recipient gaggle of versions of journalism, we absorb directed intelligence in the form of news. As fantastical, surprising, and sublime as reports may be and are, we subjects are impacted with impressionable bombshells that create indelible dents, folds, and persuasions in our thoughts and minds. We are under an influence. World view, self sense, relations, attitudes, and evolution are all held in the balance. The recipient is, in a strong way, at the mercy of the news mover. Without sturdy discernment, and critical thought, the news consumer can be led to attitude places of very questionable relevance and value. Virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and the looming menace of persistent propaganda are conditioners. It feels like it might be wise to transition from the place of not believing everything you hear to not believing anything you hear. Socrates say, “…they can only see shadows on the wall.”

Over time the allegory of the cave may have just as well have become a cave within cave within cave within a… Who knows how far Earth’s body of collective souls have been removed from the actuality of our shared reality. There have been manipulative forces operating the levers of control for generations. For any guess, right now almost every belief has to be jaundiced and prejudiced. It might very well be considered that every word and every image is delivered through media is for propagandistic purpose. Actually, right now, it seems naive to think that virtual reality generators are not at work generating and ingredients of all reporting. As CIA Director William J Casey said years ago, “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” Even this quote is now fact checked into doubt. This all leads to a most burdensome question. How heavy a karmic load is the collective of sentience of the earth realm able to bear?

If the images of the war torn landscapes about the world are accurate in any way, we are in a critically balanced world of hurt. Looking at, and/or, describing ANYTHING in an apolitical way is not easy. That may not mean that much, but the gut is saying that there’s a reckoning either happening, or about to. There is just no way that this many communities worldwide can be displaced and destroyed without a reckoning. The karma load is just too heavy. Take it for whatever that may be worth. That’s one way things are being seen.


There is renaissance of culture(s). It is experienced abundantly in the art of the times. Return again to the Beat/Hippie explosion in the U.S. Those hippies had ideals. The freedom ideal had monumental and prolific expression. Freedom, however, has vulnerability chinks. The “Free” Market pilot fished on the renaissance. Capitalistic steering and syphoning ensues, initiating a paraplegic weave of creativity and commercialism marched art systematically into facsimile and plastic. The pioneers themselves were surrounded, channeled, and milked to every available inch of production. A factory of consumption that cashed in on the works, interrupted the process, and maimed the artists. Thank Providence for the timeless gift of artistic expression. Mercy to those sensitive souls that are snared, and gobbled up, by a system that could care less. Again and again the pieces of work that we can visit, shine with a majesty no thieving jerk off can sunder. Under the once and forever guise of innocence, the true vitality, merit, and potential can respire the renaissance breath. Inhale the quality of expression the parasitic capitalist can’t identify; hold it, and let the bountiful culture of depth, breadth, and bliss continue to grow on the freedom stream from which it came.

Nature’s Embrace

Look out of any window / Any morning, any evening, any day / Maybe the sun is shining / Birds are winging or rain is falling from a heavy sky.

— Box of Rain. Robert Hunter / Philip Lesh. The Grateful Dead

Gradually and deliberately historical weather patterns have been displaced by technology driven “weather patterns” of the modern world. Weather forecasters and meteorologists have been showing us maps for years. Systems, fronts, and storms displayed in color code and motion over the maps the world. They become familiar, and perhaps particularly interesting at times of severity. The earthy, organic, familiarity is more about how things feel outside. “Brrrrr… It feels like snow.” ,”The sky looks ominous, a storm’s on the way.”, “It’s going to be a hot one.”, Beautiful day; not a cloud in the sky.”, “A rainbow.” Weather vernacular; the small talk dialogue heard everyday, just like, “Good morning,”, “Good day”, and “How are you?” Climate, and its features permeate all being. It reflects in cultures, customs, and rights. Each climate’s historical features are born out in features of those that live in it. It is intrinsic. It is manifest in migrations, fur coat thickness, diet plans, hibernation schedules, and on, and on, in to a myriad of phenomenal aspects. The magnitude of the influence on the whole of existence can’t be overstated. It’s big.

Everyone has a relationship with the world around them, the climate that exists there, and the patterns about it. Intimate, romantic, relationships develop for many outdoor species, and people.. The subtleties (which at times are not so subtle) of climate and weather, and its patterns, are often endearing. The weather is like Nature’s embrace. It is felt all over, and it never lets go. So total is the presence, the energetic expression of the climate, that it is the baseline for each moment’s realization, whether one realizes it or not.

Storms command attention, and are often the set and scene of romance, apprehension, threat, intrigue, and mystery. Subtleties ground awareness ; a gentle breeze, slow rain tapping, dew mist rising in the sunshine, the softness of snowflakes muffling to earth. Nature has this rhythmic way of reaching the offspring of the Earth, we are of it and in it, it is meant for us and we for it. Interference with the weather is interference with most meaningful relationships, identities, and senses.. The modified “weather patterns” of the modern world is a sin. Weather manipulation, and modification, in the modern world has grown so greatly that it has reached the limit of assassination. Where the climate and weather go, so go we.

Late November 2024 here in the Northeast part of the U.S.A. a “winter storm” just came and went. On the way in patterned jet trails filled, filled, and re-filled the sky ahead of the encroaching clouds. This observable, never welcome, phenomena is so intense that it requires prayer and restraint to avoid cries of distraction, discontent and rage. Then the most bizarre weather begins happening. Without ever seeing the temperature drop to 32 degrees Fahrenheit, snow begins mixing in with the rain. 35, 36, 37,34, 33, and maybe eventually touching 32. The snow picks up replacing the rain. Cement snow begins sticking to the ground. In globs and pellets the frozen stuff begins to add up in the unfriendly form of instant slush. Slippery and soaked is everything burdened with the intense weight and presence of this stuff while plane after plane can be heard passing overhead, augmenting this latest unnatural disaster. These now, routine, desperate attempts at creating weather events demonstrate, in a nearly obvious way, that the monopolistic, sick-tech, kepto-class of industrial complex corporate nar-do-wells are grasping at straws to maintain their scurrilous grip on the levers of social/climate control, Oh for The Grace Of God may these be the last straws that break the camel’s back of these insidious efforts to deprive the inhabitants of the Earth realm of a most fundamental birthright; connection with the earth that bears and supports us.

Difficult, Not Oppressive

Life has its challenges, frustrations, satisfactions, and rewards. Peck pointed out that, “:Life is difficult.” There is, no doubt, an advantage to having awareness of this basic feature. It provides some leverage for accepting, learning from, and transcending inevitable life challenges. However, the intense, and intensifying, levels of hardship of the modern world is an unnatural function of forces that are taxing the limits of endurance. It can’t be this hard, and yet it is. Life’s difficulties are at far out extremes, and we’re all under spell. The majority of humanity has been duped into thinking that massive dysfunction, toxicity, death, and destruction is the unavoidable consequence of having reached the pinnacle of evolution. The prevailing thought is that this is just the way it goes. Horse shit!

Like everything else bastardized, the framework of functioning society has had an element implanted in it which throws it into eccentricity. Progressively the eccentric has become so wildly out of whack that maintaining one’s own balance becomes an issue. The effort now is to make it in an environment raging with dysfunction. John Lash really said a lot when describing the nature of the space in which our lives are unfolding. In an ordinary societal sense contest and conflict will exit. This is natural. There is, however, an influencer present in our midst that amplifies these natural expressions, and they go to extremes. This is the influence of the mind parasite. It thrives on disharmony and discontent. It just so happens that there’s dark vampiric agency operating as well. This is a rock and a hard place environmental situation. The vampire’s influence has been persistent through the millennia. We’re at the point now that we really seem to think, and believe, that extremes of violence, difficulty, illness, and dishonor are normal. Meanwhile our actual, organic, planetary host is being obliterated in the name of “progress”, while we all work overtime, living hand to mouth, and tapping deeper and deeper inner resources just to get by. That’s not what life’s about. It’s not about working as hard as you can as a set up to work harder. The birthright of any living thing is not to work as hard as possible just to scrape by. This notion needs to be evaluated, and in my view scrapped. We can do much better than this. Revelation and relief comes with transcendence, no doubt. Can we get there?

There’s no coincidence that Bram Stoker chose the name Dracula for the the blood sucking parasite that mangled the lives of those it scoured in his classic tale. Rivaling Draconian cartel like groups are, and have been, vying for control of Earth’s resources for generations. Constantly monopolistically angling for supremacy with an absolute bankruptcy of honor, compassion, and fairness has landed dishonorable, untrustworthy, frauds at the head of decision making enterprises around the world. They have gained support for multi tiered societal decimation programs that are being funded and manned by the very people that are being consumed. You want to talk about sick!? Industrial strength technology is the ground of our collective difficulty. Sold the bill of goods that life gets easier through technology is the inversion. It’s an illness. It can be fatal, but it’s treatable. Evil, and those it animates, does not have to be eradicated. It loses its juice when it is transcended. Remember the plan belongs to the vampiric Draco. It is theirs. Ultimately the heaviest amount of the karma load belongs with the despicable. Leave it with them, and transcendentaly move through this now amazing difficult reality to our quantum reality home in which life is difficult, not oppressive.

A Gordian knot

Here comes the next download of fiery red sunset photos. The brilliance! The beauty! The horror off mistaken identity. Ironically enough, those same aerosols that red the sky at sunset have also desiccated the forests below the picture postcard skies. Now in a tinder, sparks fly, and the same red glow grows below the horizon as it does above. Metaphorically, the spraying of the atmosphere, the geoengineering, has become an at scale phenomena that provides many with the bliss and sublime wonder of “natural” beauty AND the gripping horror of “natural” disaster. Man’s insistence on dominating Nature while simultaneously detaching from it has made manifest the stark juxtaposition that our modern solutions are our modern problems.