Majesty and Madness

When you realize that fundamental components of your reality are far from okay, you are in the cross hairs of majesty and madness. This sink or swim passage place is difficult to negotiate. The difficulties originate from the propensity to negativity, fear, and loathing. Stated plainly, I strongly believe that the parameters of the reality in which I find residence are collapsing under the weight of purposeful kleptomania driven calamity, and secretly obvious domination programming. I know this is a crisis time, and I’m finding remarkable difficulty preventing the imagination from railroading into the fear fury hostility realm. The madness of this mind set is that, when in it, I make a contribution to the problem of unfolding catastrophe I desperately wish wasn’t. I would much prefer to apply what imaginative powers I have to the uprising of soluble miracle power, which right now seems immediately urgent. How to make this definite choice, and make it stick?

First, I have to break the denial about the fact that the world, and those on it, are under attack. Attacks of multi various forms from eco contamination to societal/cultural exploitation and extermination. Then I’ve got to admit that there have been, and continue to be, massive perception programs, or misperception programs, at work on us, and me. These programs of control strictly channel free thought into paradigms of control, ultra limited originality, and warped destructive creativity. These programs have jilted my perceptions and subjugated my awareness. This is a potential point of big hope, however, because with some reflection I find that the mass mind crimes don’t, and didn’t, work on everybody. Dreamers, entrepreneurs, artists, and salvation workers have stood out through the generations. Some of the names come to mind, Hendrix, Thoreau, Washington, Rousseau, Teresa, Twain, Orwell… a list of grand proportion, and growing with any application of earnest. How about choosing to allow them to work on me, and for me in inspiration and hope, avoiding madness and imagining majesty? It’s the intrepid art and expression of these and other authentics which may resonate with the bold beyond that exists within, thus catalyzing the solution contribution available for me to make. It boils down to this. There is no time to spare in becoming the best selves we can be. We need help, and to be of help. This is about compassion, service, contemplation of the wonders of salvation, and expressive antidote living.

O Creator have mercy on us all.


The next thing I know is that we are in an unfamiliar neighborhood. It’s like an average out of the way middle class type place. Houses line the street, and each one is separated by modest yards and driveways. I’m among a group that is here by direction. There’s an understanding among us all that we are to criminally destroy this particular two story house. I don’t know any of the other people in the group tasked with the take down, or who’s house it is. It’s hard to tell how many of us there are, however, it’s a big group, and every time you turn around there’s another new face. No one seems at all conflicted about what we are to do. This is an arson job, but for some reason we’re to do a partial demolition before setting it on fire.

I know that I’ve witnessed the entire place being dowsed, loaded, and packed with incendiary and accelerant. When it’s ignited it will be a virtual explosion. I realize that the part of the plan I’m unaware of is the detonation. Walking across the much demolished second floor I get the sense of the impending inevitable ignition. This place is about to go up in flames. Actually, I’m right now anticipating the trigger spark which sets this whole place ablaze. I’m out. I’m standing here, kind of metaphorically, looking back at the semi wrecked house. I can see people moving around inside. These are the same people that were prepping this place with the incendiary. They’re not working anymore. They seem to be inspecting the work we’ve done, almost like they’re acting out a crime scene investigation movie scene. I have an anonymous relationship with my coworkers. In spite of feeling strongly that the place is about to blow, I don’t immediately leave the side yard. For some reason communication with those left behind is not possible. I realize that we never really had communicated. Sensing the impending fire storm I can feel any commitment to remain go away.

In spite of knowing that I’ve been a cursory part of the plan to set this place on fire, I no longer feel connected to it. In my mind I’m thinking that the people left  must know the danger of having the place blow at any time. I can’t figure why they continue to go through the motions of making a show. Do they know the timing?  Do they think they can get out after it blows? Why would you want to? Not only am I not communicating with my coconspirators, there is a dwindling feeling of wanting to. I grab my hammer. It feels more comfortable in my hand than I remember. I start walking away from the building we’ve wrecked and made ready for inferno. Purpose builds with each stride. With each step the feeling grows that what I’m leaving behind is a great curiosity. Curious, for sure, in many ways. What was this all about? How many, if any, got out before it blew? Did anyone survive the blast/ burn? There’s no doubt it’s going to be intense. Stop! Without turning around I begin to wonder…

Shake and Wake

Metaphysics is the philosophy of that which begins and underlies all reality. Myths are the stories that make up the evolutionary record the sentient create to describe the manifest metaphysic. The myth story is explicit, intuitive, and imaginary. It’s like an imaginarium response that is sense stimulated by what is. Mythological stories are the means of communicating culture, practice, and place with the essentials for life procession, progression, heritage, and maturation from generation to generation one to another through rites of shared experience cemented with derived wisdom. It is time tested. Authenticity, potential, and identity is survived by the living myth; effectively maintaining the connection to our own DNA (which is mostly memory) and the penultimate reality bestowed divinely. There are big noticeable truth parallels rendered in seemingly otherwise unconnected cultures’ mythological themes. These are the lifeline themes of the coherency continuum which provides the body access to full collective/individual potential and destiny.  Metaphysically speaking everything that is alive coexists in the eternal present with It, and the myth is the story of that truth.

The degree to which wisdom, memory, and practices that connect us to our fellows, the world, the universe, and ourselves, works for us is proportional to the effectiveness and purity of our mythology. The ability to evolve in full depends on the integrity and coherence of mythological lives. Healthy working mythology is fertile spiritual growth ground. Those that choose it’s truth grow into the astrological time/space metaphysical place of enlightenment that is meant to be. Once connected to truth, spontaneous clarity can happen, however, it is likely that in real time we would not even recognize it as being the truth that it is. Hence it is of paramount importance to have a healthy, dedicated, working core mythology on which we can rely be operating. We’re talking about the real story of time, space, place, and the characters called to inhabit. Any disruption in the living schema inhibits growth and stalls our evolution, personal and collective. It is literally the shared coherent traditions that save us, elevate us, and make our expressions as near to what they are meant to be as possible. We rise our fall based on the integrity of our mythology and the culture it breeds.

The life essence integrity of the preeminent mythologies of the modern world are in major question now. The profound influence of the I’m right, me first, techno, pseudo conscious, material pleasure demand culture has largely overrun the intuitively mystic, contemplative, service conscious culture. The imbalance of materialist mythology has an incoherency quotient which is noticeably manifest in inequality, confusion, conflict, and ill. Self created of the ego, the material myth is inauthentically delivered in twisted forms of commandeered themes lifted from the true and authentic. Systematically the mass is steered away from it’s connection to the truth, and led into the hopper of consumption by overlords of fraudulence and theft. This bastardization of our mythology now deprives us of metaphysical context. Not only is there mass disregard of the big picture in favor of acute immediate personal desires, but also is lost the ability to know at all the favor of basic common sense. It’s like narcissistic suicide. Dissonant conflict has become the prevailing default for the modern world in which our mythologies have been destroyed, coopted, distorted, and/or unmaintained. This is the formula for life loss catastrophe.

This is a seminal time. The living planet is at remarkable risk. Earth’s life support systems have been massively undermined. The survivability event horizon is upon us. Thanks to our dysfunctional mythologies and eugenically crushed cultures, a critical amount of world population is unaware of the pressing threat. Incoherent myth signals have supplanted the working ones leaving us unable to access our better selves, our awareness senses, and sentiments of caring. The resulting vacuum finds us focused on immediate gratification rewards and arbitrary irrelevant status paradigms of nonsense. The most shallow consciousness level is barely scratched as component masses rush to self sufficiency. The resources required to sustain the demand scramble dwindle quick. Meanwhile, the planetary power brokers, or colluded creep body of energy vampire parasites, perpetuate the false/failing myths which keep us disconnected from the metaphysic and indeed ourselves. Confusion reigns and the planet exhausts while a good number of us fail in numbing inconsideration.

Penetrate the malaise. This is the call and objective here. Be the light. Find the practices of eternity in song, dance, ritual, and worship which are presented and repeated in the review of cultural dialogue. Join forces! The mythological schedule is eternal; not lost but misgiven, forgotten, and relinquished unwittingly. Slow down. Breathe more deeply, more often. Find the compassion that’s squeezed into the reaches of our hearts by the love of personal material prestige. Activate on behalf of our fellows in need, and respond in turn by allowing others to minister to us. A revival is in store, but a shock awaits. Metaphysically speaking our retardation period has been critical and extinction is racing critically as Earth’s life support systems are on life support themselves. Mother Earth has provided us with the material of our being, and the nutrition of our survival. Man, I’ll tell you what… It is so time to wake up to Mother Earth’s rape, author ourselves with sincerity, drop material aspiration, and find/return to the course of mythos quality. The myths that describe the manifest metaphysic are about growth, bliss, life! It’s a wildly big picture with wonder scope stories of growth and life giving direction. The scintilla mini view of our current state is due to pass, and indeed it is. Shake and wake. It’s not a millisecond too soon.



There is nothing unusual about seeing airplane after airplane fly by leaving white trails in their wake. There is also nothing unusual about seeing these trails create patterns. There we sat watching the patterns get resprayed above us in the regular insulting way. As we watched we noticed an increased complexity and determination. The sky writing now defied the simple crude letter, grid, and hashtag patterns. We watched a bit transfixed, looking basically straight up, witnessing development of an inspirational type. Our eyes and acknowledgment met with terrific surprise as the unmistakable spelling of a new message identity  was sky written right above us. The verification is conclusive because what we saw written in english was, # BREATHE THIS

Most Often Reminded

I’m very often reminded of an observation made by Henry David Thoreau…

“All machines have their friction; and possibly this does enough to counter-balance the evil. At any rate, it is a great evil to make a stir about it. But when the friction comes to have its machine, and oppression and robbery are organized, I say, let us not have such a machine any longer. In other words, when a sixth of the population of a nation which has undertaken to be the refuge of liberty are slaves, and a whole country is unjustly overrun and conquered by a foreign army, and subjected to military law, I think that it is not too soon for honest men to rebel and revolutionize. What makes the duty more urgent is the fact that the country so overrun is not our own, but ours is the invading army.”

Henry David Thoreau – Civil Disobedience

Delivered in 1849, Civil Disobedience is long iconic. The form of slavery referred to here has obviously changed. If, however, poverty were to replace slavery in contemporary terms of consideration it should be noted that just under one sixth of the United States population is in poverty. The evidence is sure that the social agreement between the citizenry and the government is broken, and it has been for a long time. In other words, the vast majority of ordinary people are not represented by their government. The progressive descent of cultural/societal conditions has been proceeding through the generations. Seen clearly, the need for revolution feels urgent, and the requirement of non violence is imperative (if any civility may be expected). Making matters more intense is the unholy belief that the societal structure machine is a government in name only. With adroit prescient accuracy Thoreau identifies the threat of progressive corruption. We’ve reached the point where it’s not the resistance (or friction) to a principled governing system that is interfering with government function for the common welfare; its the remnants of organized principled decency, and that part of the populace still awake, that’s slowing the inertia of dysfunction and malevolence organized against the citizenry.

The terms of civil revolution is worthy of serious consideration for sure. There is, however, a prime prerequisite… Awareness. Accurate awareness of our current state, and the ability to wake up to it is a necessity. It seems that by in large most people are wildly unaware of the current state of world affairs, and have a double jeopardy component of not caring. A real oblivious consent consumes demographic after demographic that are blitzed into states of mental mania and fatigue about issues which are rooted in prediction. The media bell of Pavlovian response is sounded, and collective confusion distraction is perpetuated. Systematically we’re led astray and pit versus our fellows while the string pullers operate with impunity.  Stating this reality clearly, and then repeating it, seems of paramount importance. Counter balancing corruption confusion narration is an obligation. God bless all those who have abandoned trying to convince us that we are under attack, and rather simply refer to it as fact.



Moon Shadow

Moon shadow, moon shadow.

Being outside tonight with the moon brightly shining above the winter covered ground. With the familiar celestial satellite casting moon grey shadows about the snow grey landscape, I wonder…   How disconnected do you gotta be to do harm to this world, or anything on it?


Revelations crashing all around the gasping thoughts of remaining hope. Hope, for the end of the flagrant insanity which has become omnipresent to every sense, runs thin. Moment to moment cataclysmic dread consumes any remaining countenance of calm. And as dread fills in, visions about shreds of innocence are put to the match. Another surge of complaint mania anger rushes to the surface of personal expression. What about the loss! Look at the crime! We’re under death attack! Evil is organized! We’re all in incredible peril! More and more comes the response of unrestrained ignorance and contempt. Words all seem to ring meaningless in an exasperated race to persuasion. The fundamental commitment to civility is breaking down. It’s breaking down, evaporating, and leaving a residue of hostility on the bottom of the soul. Corruption becomes complete when it’s surrendered to.

Thud, the knees hit the floor. Help…

The Capture of the Great North Wind

The Great North Wind regularly building, in the north and west, filling the horizon with the deep authority of the provisional power of creation. For millennia it’s poured out of the north with bracing strength and clean purity. So pure, in fact, that those in it’s path shield themselves from exposure and the purity burn. In the presence of the Wind there is no mistaking humanity’s humble metaphase place in the forever unfolding drama of Creation. In it’s wake is left the atmosphere of purity, virginity, health, and refreshment. In this air of deep hygiene and organic essence, everything absorbs cell depth deep release, nature exhales it’s ill to dispose while inhaling Origin’s rudiment molecule mix with birth’s perpetual promise; the promise of health support provision. Organically nature knows deference to the verity of conclusion, and the Great North Wind has provided it’s regular gifting of cleansing necessity and essential purity health support. The coordinate position is perfect. Left unmolested, there is no degree of high destiny or evolutionary fulfillment it cannot support. The Great North Wind is for and of the essence of Bio-life support and Life Giving Miracle.

The Great North Wind’s seasonal return in force has it’s familiar reminder. The defining chill, freeze ,snap, and snow. The snow. The snow? The snow! Walking across the back porch after a brief period of what appeared to be snow. Patches on the ground are covered by this stuff. It begs inspection. Just look at it. Pellets! The ground is coated with white pellets. It looks like a styrofoam mold that was scratched apart leaving all the styro-digit balls littering every where. I stop. The snow flake meditation takes hold. What exactly is snow?

The snowflake is an ice crystal. The crystal pattern is as individual as a finger print. The simple fact we learn as kids, no two are alike. When you stick out your hand and catch one, then maybe another, the flake crystals are right there to check out. If the hand is gloved the flakes don’t melt. Look, look, there, there, flake after flake land softly. What patterns?! As if the artist rendered an imaginative burst of unyielding creativity, the crystals are of complete intricate simplicity soft and innumerable, beautiful. Look around… Other than maybe sand on the beach, is there any better concept approaching infinity? The snowflake is the mystical signature crystal of the Great North Wind. Created in the magically true crystalline creation process. Masaru Emoto’s work here relates. Water is an information collector, a consciousness collector. The quality of the info, and the conscious intent affects the quality of water. Hence, the type of crystal formed signates the quality.  Higher quality positive renders more beautiful crystal, lower quality negative means less beautiful, approaching blotch like nothing ice, without any crystalline structure at all. The crystal belies the quality of the water which made it, and of the intent the water had collected. The Great North Wind’s snow crystals are legendary for their sublime intense beauty. The Wind’s pure intention is on display in it’s ravishing crystalline form. So what of these pellets!? Oh God! Oh Creation! Oh no!!

A sure feeling of prevailing fraud falls over me. Looking up through the roof window above I can see the skeletal high branches of the local tree begin to sway under the steel gray sky. I step outside, and view to the west in a growing breeze of offensive malice. Wave like cloud layers, shades of grey cover the sky. Crossing surely is a thin darker line, like would be drawn by turning one nob of an Etch A Sketch, the straight line smile of Satan’s cue. Malicious intent is on display in a vainglorious freak front approaching. A pelting sound begins, and I reach forward. Bouncing pellets ricochet in all different directions off most everything they hit, including my arm and hand. Some stick to be immediately viewed up close. It’s a pellet ball blob with no discernible crystal-ness at all. Low beauty crystal again! Conviction is sure, these are the signature droppings of a Life support consciousness imposter. As much as the Great North Wind’s intent is to help; this weather masquerading as winter means harm. This cannot cleanse. This is poison, and the gut knows it. We’re in a world of hurt that’s being systematically, scientifically, purposefully activated against us. This witness to deviant malice consciousness manifest in frozen pellets says two things. One is that I don’t need damn news stories to tell me we’re under attack. Two, something has seized, transferred, and captured the Great North Wind. Man, do we miss it now? A dark consciousness is locked in against us. Creation have mercy on us all.