The earth is shifting; energetically shifting. Due to the intentional relentless assault on Mother Earth’s life support systems, earth’s survival requires this shift. While the agents and agencies of destruction have had their way in a kind of denial based normalcy, there are also agents of helpful support for healthy well being that are kind of hidden in our midst. Among these are beings, of help and harm, that did not incarnate here on earth. To get and begin to understand this ‘far out’ idea means major attitude, belief, stigma, and convention challenge. Crossing the threshold of the strictly terrestrial, to extra terrestrial agency and influence fictionally actually might help with the start. The galactic component of influence in our world has been systematically propagandized into the absurdity realm. By and large we think the ET suggestion is nuts, however, terrestrial history becomes much more coherent, interesting, and alive when the ET is factored in. From inception through Sumer to Egypt and beyond the thread of unity connection ties our common history with enduring relevance. The issues are about, what humans were designed for, who designed us, and the threat that human freedom poses to the designers. Combine this with spiritual polarity reality (another purposefully distorted organic component), and we have the framework of awakening and awareness, or decay and collapse. This is a big story wrapped in the complexity of orchestrated confusion; a necessary confusion created and perpetuated by our designers to prevent the unity consciousness and harmony that would have us realize our ascension destiny, and render our designers (which are extra terrestrial) power deprived. Choice begins with knowing there is a choice. What to make of it?
As has been mentioned, compassion and service is the means of realizing the energetic state which has us shift with earth to the higher vibrational state of abundance and well being promise. Choosing this path is almost counter intuitive. Based on the perpetuation of the fear ideas of fabricated threat shoved down our throats by powerful propagandists, we’re more likely to direct indignation, condemnation, and aggression outward to a world, and it’s inhabitants, we’ve been persuaded is hostile. Only when we begin to see clearly that our designers feed off of us when we’re in a fearful hostile state do we begin to get the real motivation behind disruptive social influences of orchestrated discord. This is the foundation of all the rigging to keep us down, and at each others throats. We’re talking about telepathic spiritual parasites, and extra terrestrial abusers. Ultimately they are animated by evil, and no degree of degeneracy, fallacy, or crime is beneath them. They know no bottom level of contempt or dishonor. It’s anti-life all the way. Evil is real. There is a choice.
By making the anti hostility life choice, and acting on it, we not only raise our vibrational energy, we deprive the parasite and the abusers. Choose righteousness enough, and guess what?? Energy for help grows, and that for harm shrinks. This is for the choosing for those that can break the disinformation manipulation lie spell. Chances are, many of us that have bought the bull shit will want to make a change, and begin gaining a faith confidence that will bring about a different contemporary reality. It seems remote, but it’s possible to assist our world in shifting to a much more just, peaceful, abundant, sustainable place. This is where the presently hidden, yet active, ET agents of help assistance can exercise their influence. The help is in our galactic realm. With any growing, awakening, activating collective terrestrial consciousness for life, an extra terrestrial agency alignment activates in it, and we begin to shake free of the domination controls that have been holding us way back as a race for an incredible amount of soul charge time. There are elements of internal truth that we each must face in order to start making a future of sustainable bounty real. Facing the truth is never easy, but the absolute truth is that it sets you free.
The prejudice to this topic is receding, but certainly entrenched. Relaxing and searching certain topics might loosen a channel of awareness… Galactic history… Quantum physics… DNA… Consciousness… Anunnaki and Hidden Technology… Bless this