Darkness. In the dim. Dim darkening sidelight. Patterns. Systematic patterns sublime fractal experiments of thought being sights heard clearly. Sought through agents mad mind mimes pantomime permission. Aware of only and dreaming. The memory of survival longing wandering essence. In regret lost changling growing invisible. Awake lasting longly lost. Awake collapsing argue to remnant mountain classing heights foreign drop cream. Create. Create. Create and leave a master warning. Lost is our intention motive pure enduring to be and to be. The measure endurance forgotten to glass absorption the eternally unremitting unforgotten. Sensory relations to soothe the bastion mounting. Alas, start over.
Category: mythology
The Synthetic Myth
The synthetic myth is a truth continuum quest. The reconciliation of seemingly divergent stories and themes. While being encouraged through authoritative judgement and criticism we arrive at a place of ignorance to our collective commonality. By contrasting our mythologies we will likely see the constant timeless coherence which might (if we break our conditioning) make us aware that we have no fundamental differences when it comes to the Source of our soul life experience and expressions. The differences we perpetuate and fortify have been impressed upon us by those hording power in their attempt to keep the common majority from unifying and knowing it’s great spiritual psychic magnificence potential which allows transcendence of ordinary reality and the spiritual evolution growth to the birthright of total freedom and ascension. Our biologic experience should enhance and help transform our essence by increasing our density through the feelings of profound joy. Bliss! Yet the pilgrims progress is purposefully retarded leaving the mystical place of timeless eternity unavailable.
The agents denying this freedom experience are undead agents of darkness; agents of the Devil exploiting innocence while stealing as much life energy and vitality they can in the process. Without the constraints of ethics or morality the continuation of anti life scheming takes on it’s dressing. As long as we’re deprived (systematically deprived) of our ultimate story we will languish, atrophy, and decay. In effect many transcendental cases of transformation, transience, and ascension will be unfulfilled, thrown away, and wasted. Our collective good suffers.
It would seem to me that now is the time to evaluate what is of our essence, and ramp up the slow race toward survival space at any encouragement. While our lives, our awareness, and our consciousness can be manipulated and taken, we’re very likely to give it away without proper regard. The synthetic myth is a truth quest which when applied, told, felt, and realized will wake us from the engineered apathy and discouraging dichotomy which keeps us asleep and apart. The weakened collective is left more and more compromised in terms of it’s ability to access it’s humanity and destiny. Any degree of awakening is so welcome! The immediate benefit could be an improved connection to the Ultimate and Nature, prompting a release from our contradiction of Nature’s pure loving sanity and Eternal good will.
The seriousness of the matter is that we all fundamentally have the same story. A story so tremendous that it really can’t be put into words. Our story is myth relayed by allegory, symbolism, metaphor, parable, and song. Our mythology has been fractured, told in pieces by authorities that endeavor to use aspects of the whole for their own good. This means schism. This schism, originally and repetitively, deprives us of our connection to that which gives us life and supports it. While the majority are cast off to life loss, the minority perpetuate their own demise, and total demise, by becoming undead parasitic practitioners of dire disgrace. While ultimately Creation may have It’s desired expression, the guess is here that OUR collective destiny to develop in full is being severely handicapped. A more thoroughly complete mythic story can mend. The more complete story could provision elevated ideals, improved characters, better connections, greater awareness, and more than likely healthier sensitivity. To not know this mythology is sure to leave us bickering and contesting issues of no metaphysical value as our capacity for righteousness reduces and we rot.
The synthetic myth is a truth quest. By discernment we separate what’s helpful from what’s harmful allowing the bubbles of control, that the progenitors of control have created and perpetuated, to starve and erode while we pursue our spiritual, actual, intentional incarnation. All stories, from the primitive to the creative, and all of history’s culture marvels are welcome to inclusion. May the awakening proceed.
Convex Invisibility
Light. The properties and characteristics of light. What it means to us, and it’s essence in creation. The bending of light which makes a straight straw appear bent at the surface of water. The distortions of figures reflecting from warped mirrors. The colors from white which separate and reintegrate through prisms. The imagination spawned by the contemplation of light’s emanation and passing. The wonder phenomena… Light.
Just sitting here with this goldfish. He lives in a vase. He’s swimming in place with his nose pressed against the inside of his space. Curiosity and activity have him swimming in this relatively small confined interior home. The vase is shaped like an apple with a sort of hour glass type of top which opens to the air through an inverted like glass cone. He swims. He swims. He swims to the inside of the top of the apple curve as it turns to the would be stem. He disappears!! There’s the feather fabric looking tail waving out of the invisibility. The imagination fires. Convex invisibility!
Now exploring a relaxed mindscape to chance and physical feature a clarity arrives. He’s right here and I can’t see him. The fish is nowhere, and right here. The convex glass. The water. The disappearing fish. A dimensional trick? A light property observation without knowing how to explain it or understand. All that’s clear is that he can’t be seen when we’re in these relative spots.
Could light be affected the same way by another means of warping the space/time it’s passing through? If yes, that means there is wide open possibility of the presence of things/entities here in a blind spot. Right here? Anywhere… Fever pitched mind excite! Access to a dimensional realm by intelligence. Access to a dimensional realm by consciousness. The mystic realm, the shamanic realm, inter dimensions, clairvoyance, awareness, suspicion, and intuition all seem terrifically real and regular right now. The great beyond feels present, not only without, but very much within. Excitedly, I think of the potential. At this moment I do not take for granted that perceptible reality is at all reliable. The realization of the potential for understanding beyond knowing by intuitive feeling has never seemed more valid. The importance of honoring the vastness of temporal limitations settles in. And respect grows for the importance of trying to maintain a quiet mind. As the fish swims back into the blindspot of convex invisibility the refrain rings and rings,”‘There’s more than meets the eye!”
What is happening? I am finding a strange internal response to a serious current events issue. I firmly believe that we are, and everything is, experiencing a multi various toxic assault. Yet I’m having difficulty staying motivated and active in helping to raise awareness about geoengineering. Geoengineering is a total crime and like a metaphor for the theft of freedom. This modification engineering phenomena often reduces me to distraction with frustration and outrage! The urgency, however, of consistent activation I’m finding unsustainable with apathy. This attitude is difficult to reconcile. It’s not enough to merely complain. I really believe this intense anti life attack is taking place. How can I not react strongly in an effort to protect myself and everything I care about? It’s clear we’re being poisoned. Where is my survival instinct!?
Pause. Pause. Take a deep breath. (How ironic is that?) Consider the personal experience path so far regarding this issue.
Geoengineering was first brought to my attention about three years ago. “Yeah sure. A plane with a white trail behind it. Big deal.” The scene was explained to me in terms I no longer recall other than “intentional” and “not good”. It was also suggested I look up Dane Wiggington. This is the point where the story of response goes from apathetic to apoplectic! The surface of the geoengineering topic barely required a scratch before it exploded into my biologic main frame! What!?
A form of enlightenment caused all conspiratorial topics crash into the psyche with plausibility The mind door cracks to possibility. The story of 911 being an inside job. The idea that social systems are rigged to keep us under control. Social system rigging along with rigged financial systems, media systems, medical systems, religious systems, education systems, and government systems. All bursting with technological inertia meant to overwhelm the attention of those exposed. Literally overwhelming everything living biologically and conscientiously. This is what initially motivated me to try to inform others, and myself, about the state of our collective found reality. This effort has been met with responses which leave me personally discouraged. Hardly anybody cares, and the visitation of the topic really seems to put people off. I don’t feel like I can afford to alienate important people in my life. The realization of this happening, and a loss of the sense of urgency has me stalled. Could the stall be beneficial?
Grappling the tug of war between action and inaction in an awareness cause to help get geoengineering pushed into the collective conscious has forced a soul search necessity and a solution searching prayer practice. This feels too important to ignore. What to do?
The realization sets in about the benefits of seeking, and having sought, within and without for a direction path that works. Following down the rabbit hole of research has brought a sub culture of intuitive, imaginative, free thinking people into view. These intuitive people are very intriguing. Along with the independent investigative journalists of our time is found a sharing of information, awareness, memories, ideas, intuition, imagination, realization, and hope. Through conversations, interviews, and lectures it has been possible to recognize a reality of direction and purpose in the cause of promoting the common good, and transcending the daunting difficulties of our time.
Now conviction. The conviction of accessing a faith based progressive life of transcendence and ascension built on the the coherent stories regarding Life, life on earth, and my spot in it evolves. It feels abundantly possible to activate in an awareness building solution without having to offend the sensibilities of those around. The stall prayer filled pause is working it’s benefit in calm. In this calm the starting point is clear. I cannot afford to be controlled or subsumed by the control agents that are clearly making this domination effort. To this end I state clearly that I do not permit that to happen. I do not give permission to anyone or anything to take my vitality, energies, or imagination power. While the onslaught continues I repeat, “I do not give permission for any entity to steal the properties of my life. I will choose with That which I will align!”
What’s to say that the path of technological industrial progression has been the only or right one. There are certainly unexplored as well as discouraged paths of tech discovery and application. What about alternate moral ethical application? This inquiry produces a queer feeling of suspicion. I’m suspicious that the exploitation of limited natural resources, and the corresponding blame for the negative effects of industrialization is reaching it’s climax. Pondering the seminal crossroad spots in the industrial time line spotlight the butterfly effect. The butterfly effect of Wardenclyffe Tower is the point of departure for this consideration. What was happening with that tower? What energy potential was it tapping? Was this to be a free energy enterprise? Was the idea stolen, hoarded, and twisted to be used for the benefit of a few at the top of the industrial pyramid? Nikola Tesla’s story is big about intuitive genius, and how his technology was stolen. The potential for a shape shifted timeline is immense. Social evolution hinges on critical path choices made by agents of industry. Individual and collective power motives have set the stage for the realization of sustainability, or the lack thereof. Symbolized in Wardenclyffe is the possibility of knowing an entirely different world and social reality. This whole contemplation brings on a feeling of constrictive straight jacket pressure. The pressure of knowing that imagination freedom to benefit the common good is routinely commandeered by the power leveraged few for their own monopolistic inclination. Now how do we, the greater collective, Houdini out of this straight jacket of deprivation and theft?
Lurching for the truth of reality. What is the essence of righteousness? I mean the captains of finance and industry have persuaded us that we would benefit from having, and gain greater life quality by using/possessing their products. In some cases we’re told we need these things. Then we’re blamed for the negative side effects of the self same production. The carbon footprint stuff. This is where we suffer from a story which lacks coherence. Our ability to know ourselves, and our right place depends on the truth of our story, and there is no doubt it’s being withheld, manipulated, distorted, and falsified. This is where we suffer from a weak mythological backbone. Help here is of significant importance. It seems clear we need it. But what will have us want it?
The desperation of our common cause may eventually take hold. With life guidance we see that the collective holds the true power. Real power is totally immaterial! The compass of effective morality sets itself, we follow. Then we see, feel, and execute the principle of balancing personal gain with the common good. We encroach on core coherence as belief systems boil in the refinement vessel of common sense and calm reason. The truth path allows transcendence of credited difference fabrications, thus synthesizing our stories into a fused story of familiarity to so so many. It’s possible. It’s available. It’s real.
We’re reaching a climax of events which will provide an ultimatum display. The synthetic mythology is a means of knowing each other, realizing a common truth, while our current timeline proceeds with a chance for survivability.
The synthetic myth is a truth evaluation
The Master Race
There’s a big difference between low level creation and the Ultimate. Low level creators have the scientific ability to manipulate life, not create it. Not unlike what we see in our world today with genetic modification. There has already begun a debate about what rights the humanoid has?! The point here is that the human race IS an engineered race! ( I recommend Lloyd Pye’s lecture, EVERYTHING YOU KNOW IS WRONG) The engineers are of another race, and most definitely do not have terrestrial restraint. Humans were designed to be a work force, a slave race. A genetic synthesis of terrestrial and extra terrestrial instruction coding. Is there any wonder why slavery is so consistently prominent in recorded human history?
There are devastating consequences to this story. The designer race is still here on earth. And as far as the imagination can creep, it’s difficult to find a place where the master would ever consider the slave as anything but subservient. The inequality is inherent. Through force, manipulation, and control humanity resides in a metaphysical state of bondage as control patterns repeat themselves era after era after era. Gone is the primary resource reason for initially bringing about our engineered inception, however, the vampiric assumption of our vitality proceeds, and the imbalanced relationship of inequality remains. The effort required to maintain control of an increasingly threatened, exploited, and abused population is reaching a zenith. The impact of this effort has a remarkably negative effect on the planet herself, and it will kill almost all indigenous life. In the material sense the world has never seemed smaller, while in the spiritual/ eternal sense the stakes have never seemed higher.
A Preface
At the risk of sounding philosophic, let’s say that there such a thing as reality. There is a planet earth, and most of us are on it. We have been on earth as a species, and we most likely are now. Here’s a story. The planet is unique. Earth has been teaming with life all over. Through it, with it, in it. The planet earth is alive, and intelligent life forms have, through the millennia, interacted with, and inhabited earth. Some of these living beings have realized earth’s potential, and have collected as much as possible for there own needs and desires. These beings are responsible for a genetic engineering practice which resulted in us, humanity. Humans are a reasonably self sufficient, reproductive species brought into existence to do work. Not unlike an inventor that creates a tool to increase productivity, so to is this human race created to be used. We’re here to work. A slave species whose energies have been considered to be property of their creative masters. Ownership which prevailed then, now, and presumably always. To the chagrin of the master class, however, we slaves have access to an eternal existence quality they no longer know. Ascension, bliss, freedom! An energy of joy which is the high reward promise of Creation Itself. The theft, and denial, of this experience, as well as it’s associated energies, has been the agenda of the slave class master rulers since inception. The perpetuation of the theft programming requires agents to be animated by antilife black field force energy. The story proceeds…
Sitting here listening to Dr. Andrew Wakefield talk about his film Vaxxed From Cover-up to Catastrophe, I am prompted. Dr. Wakefield, with all apparent conviction, lays out the details of a criminal medical cover-up in which members of industry and government knowingly and willingly supply and distribute vaccines that are tainted with toxins. These toxins are dangerous, and are capable of causing serious illness in the people injected with them. The scale and scope of the story hits home. It’s consistent with what I’ve come to believe about the assault from the sky, and through our food and water. There is an entity out there that wants the general population crippled sick! This story is about a huge compromise to the common good and well being. I can feel the fire of fury glowing temperature rise internal. God damn it!!!
Experience here suggests that right about now I lose it. Losing anything like discretion, judgement, stability, and effectiveness at expressing myself the way I would like to. I mean we’re talking about getting pissed off and lashing out! So now what?
The recent reflection consideration of the possibility of staying calm comes back. Examples come to mind, and I notice that Wakefield is deliberate, measured, and calm. He very much seems full of conviction. Check with the conviction. Check with the internal attitude. A finding. A finding of a trust. It’s the trust that the information, awareness, and knowledge that’s being sought has an innocence about it. While not looking for personal gain argument leverage there has been an unfolding of information that has a real thread of coherence. This story is explaining itself, and it results in the exposure of awareness shared. There’s a purity to that, and it is not self created. Conviction is founded. Confidence grows.
Hidden Intuition
We waited, the checkout line had stalled. The register guy was busy inputting numbers into the lottery machine, and the fellow at the front had a lot of numbers to play. The impatience in the line grew. Muttering discontent spread down the line. When it reached me I made my contribution. My standard lament of the vice of numbers games in the first place. I looked over my shoulder at the face of the dude behind me. He appeared undisturbed. It was like he would have been waiting in this spot regardless of how fast the line moved. He made no comment critical, only nodded his head with it’s tied gray hair.
When I looked back to the front of the waiting line I could not help but notice, through the all window store front, a blue SUV speeding into the parking lot. This guy is in a rush. The SUV turned to pull into an empty parking space right in front of the store. Immediate notice, “He’s not slowing down?!” Suddenly all hell breaks loose! Loud, loud, loud smashing, crashing, reviving, screeching, and screaming. It was not possible to differentiate who was screaming what from what was crashing screaming engine wheels SUV. The vehicle plowed into the store front, lurching, winding. It was sending shattering debris, racks, paper, bottles, glass, bars, and an ATM machine exploding from the impact. I don’t think anyone saw it coming. The sudden crush happened so fast it was impossible to get out of the way. Severely shoved and pushed back, the people were like a bundle of socks being crammed into an overstuffed drawer. As quickly as it started, it stopped.
The three people in front of me had been pushed back into me. I had felt the push pressure forcing me back until we stopped with my rear end in a cooler of sandwiches, and my shoulders pressing the shelf of produce. There was a sweetness fragrance overridden by a pungent burning oder, like burnt hair and plastic. Am I hurt, I wondered? Thinking for a moment in what seemed like a long echo of silence, I remembered seeing a kind of flash from out behind me. And what happened to the guy that had just been there?
The SUV had been stopped. It looked like mangled racks and shelves had stopped it about half way through the store. The driver was climbing out the window screaming, “That’s it! I’ve had it! I’ve fuckin’ had it! I’m not taking this shit anymore! Fuck all of you! Fuck everybody! I’m not taking it anymore!” The cashier was on the phone, And there was a big guy with a bloody shirt climbing over the broken pile to the drivers door. The big guy grabbed the driver. The two of them grappled for a moment. Then the big guy, who now seemed more enraged than the driver, had a strong hold on the maniac SUV driver. This big dude punched the driver flush in the face. His fist in he face made a squishing sound, and the driver’s body went weak. Then punch, punch after repeated punch! Squish, squish, sickening squish! It seemed like the was gonna kill him!
There was repeated exclamatory questioning. There was sobbing. There was quiet. I noticed that the fellow with the tied gray hair was limping over a twisted rack. There was a young man on the floor, sort of pinched in. He was saying to the gray haired guy, “Thank you. Thank you. If you hadn’t… I might have been… been…” His words trailed in tears. The man with the tied gray hair put his hand on the young guy’s shoulder and moved close to his ear. The young man looked up, stopped crying, and then displayed the appearance of calm relaxation that defied the circumstance. Bliss?!? Curiosity rose. What’s with this guy with the tied hair? I asked him, “How are you able to stay so calm?” He looked directly at me. At that moment the world fell silent. His eyes were alight, and he was bright himself while the periphery seemed to shade. I heard him say, “You know.”