The calculation proceeds in order to fulfill the individual lust, desire, and demand. Once convinced on the course of self interest, catastrophe builds. Built on the neglect of any common good. The hero was heard to say, “Never again will my ambition be frustrated!” He knew what it meant. The image of success relied on key timing, and object material appearance. The escort had to be it in full sex appeal, and the object of collective envy. All trappings needed to be of prestige. Only categorical success rates would do. The rates on accounts, the privilege, the ornaments, and the social climb arc of romantic arrival. Built on the carnal platform of pleasure, the end justifies the means.
He is reminded of the protagonist he can’t dismiss, and the insult to his ego image. He had felt humiliated and inferior in the face of the calm together agent of authenticity that overwhelmed him. Now angst rises to release the notion and framework of honor. At all costs the image promotion becomes paramount. His impatience to impress forces the issue into obsession. “Just wait!”
With no regard for the values of conscience a true insistence drive proceeds. The all important first person flexes it’s way into comprehension while ethics, morality, decency, and honor become adjustable. “I deserve better! I’m not doing anything anyone else wouldn’t do! I deserve to be happy, I’m a good person.” With that he allowed the virus to spread. His self created malware was now loose. The virus will be linked to his partner who will be discredited and removed in disgrace, leaving a vacancy that he is prepared to fill with the malware virus antidote at the ready. The frame job will be complete when his own heroic savior role will leap frog him into the power chair of corporate command.
The stage was set for fail safe fraud, and now the trigger. All that’s left to do is provide the theater response of innocent dismay, sorry surprise, and the best humble acceptance of promotion he could make believe. The coup will be successful, and he will take his rightful place up the food chain hierarchy of self righteousness. Coincidentally a parasitic nation breathed deeply and swelled with corruptive delight. Another soul sold.