The current context

The power, the relevance, and the importance of myth. While seemingly trivial, and/or pointless to many, the myth has a major magnitude influence on procession. The myth’s effect on thoughts and attitudes can’t be overstated. Impacting a sort of superstitious belief which is manifest in the decisions we make and things that we do. The coherence of each story, and the truisms they describe directly influence cause and effect. What are our beliefs based on?

Some stories are casual. Does lightning strike the same place twice? Would one be killed by a penny falling from a tall building? Does alcohol keep you warm? The consistent actuality of these beliefs may or may not have serious eventual consequences.

What about these myths? Borrow your way out of dept. Human activity cannot alter earths natural balance or systems. Mainstream media is trustworthy. Governments have the populace’ best interest in mind. Private central banks are created to provide stability and promote common welfare. These are some standard ideas that are part of our collective consciousness, and any challenge of them results in widespread dissonance. They rise from a story which makes up our contemporary mythology. The coherence of these stories is lacking. The link to reality is unverifiable, and the resonance is discordenant. Recent inspection of these social system myths very much defy the reality they would like to describe. Contradiction better defines the reality suggested.

Orwell’s prophecy comes to mind. 1984 is coherent in the current context. If there was ever a time to seek the affirmative stories through history from antiquity to today it is now! Effective reality grasp is essential to finding an internal compass, and survival instinct before our entire consciousness is lured into the prison of virtuality, and systemic program capture. Hark the historian! From Howard Zinn to the Sumerian. We need a baseline to rely on. Help!!!

At the post… Co creation

Within the instant of timelessness exists all choice. The penultimate free will reality which is Life. All Natural Order proceeds from the Eternal Truth in spite of enduring amnesia, and the perpetual generation of expression emanating from the singularity source existent through the polarity of equal and opposite. From this results the Field, sub fields, macro and micro fields within/without which universal galactic reason is to be. Constant, eternal, instantaneous, concurrent, consecutive. In the realm of Pure Consciousness is the consciousness of choice, with it’s degree of clarity and confusion, and creation continues. With an agency of animation we find and play our part. Each participating, knowingly or not. Reality becomes what we make of. The synthesis proceeds, and clues informed. From Anton Parks through Nikola Tesla, Copernicus, and the dharma bums.

Imagine and share, absorb, integrate, love, imagine, contemplate, share, absorb, integrate, love, imagine…


Well here we are. Daily doses of airplane pollution.

It is becoming increasingly difficult to go through these days ignoring the ‘in your face’ systematic sky gas attack perpetrated against us. While rigged systems abound of many variety, there is no assault more obvious than the one overhead.  Recently the number of stream trailing flights has been high, way numerously high. Daily, almost hourly, multiple tracks distinct and combining to haze the sky. There is constant air traffic with no relief. There’s no longer any question in my mind. I know what it is. It’s the purposeful, intentional distribution of aerosol. It’s being sprayed, and/or fuel mixed to exhaust. How in the world is it possible to go through the day, with this glaring pollution program geoengineering us into a dystopic secret submission cellar, and carry on like it’s not happening!? I’ve become preoccupied with the ideas of breath and breathing. Conscious of every single breath, and contemplating the reality of evil.

Into it. Seek into the story of origin for combat clues. Every trouble, every problem has a built in solution. Origination clues. This is really getting heavy.


Well it’s that time again. Time to get to the emissions station, and get the car tested. Twenty bucks, valid registration, a little bit of time, and it’s all set. I’m hoping the vehicle passes the test.

The test station is on Federal Road. I get in line. The wait is about thirty minutes. The mid morning weather feels comfortable, so I step outside until they finish. I’ve got a copy of Dracula that I’m reading. It seems like a good time to catch up on the story. Great read.

Sitting in the sun in front of the station I notice the sunshine feels very warm, almost uncomfortable. Like a heater is being held up to my face. My glance rises to the sky. This station is up nearly at the top of a local hill. The view afforded from here is a broad open one of the sky to the south. The sky is light blue with some clouds that look like dusty cobwebs from an unused attic or crawl space. Bram Stokers Dracula sits open on my knee while a notification contemplation begins of the scene unfolding in the sky.

Tracing from east to west in the air to the south is a jet plane leaving a cloud trail in it’s wake. I notice that there are parallel trail streams which line up as virtual lines of latitude. The one presently being made is the next in the series. It is concentrated and relatively fine. Each preceding one is less concentrated, thicker, and puff out appearing more cloud like. They begin to look like long clouds. Now over my left shoulder I notice a jet plane heading in this direction from north to south like it’s coming over the hill and going right overhead. The plane flying north-south is also leaving a trail. It crosses the parallel ladder like trails on a diagonal followed by another plane also flying north to south and leaving a thin intense cloud stream. This stream is discontinuous, but it also criss crosses the ladder lines. This all works together to form an overhead grid. All the streams join into a less distinguished yet complete haze cloud covering union.

The thought comes to mind that perhaps there should be emission testing for airplanes, as much as for cars. I look back at Dracula. The next line pins my heart to the back of my chest. I quote Bram Stoker, “He is experimenting, and doing it well; and if it had not been that we have crossed his path he would yet be- he may be yet if we fail- the father or furtherer of a new order of beings, whose road must lead through Death, not Life.”


Instant coherence in perfect harmony, holding all the verities of existence in an omnipotent release. Purely conscious in a field of unity without discrepancy. Balanced and fed by nodal poles, equal and opposite. The indistinguishable nature of unity and cohesion catalyzing an adventure of imaginative expression without bound. Formulaic Thought of simple totality and explosive dimensional construction. The advent of Creation released together in a perfectly random plasmatic body of uniformity seeded with memories of expression morphing into form. Guided by the Original Thought which has already been lost to the amnesiac delivery playing out eternally, cyclically, in the evolution of Expression. The key of memory held in the balance, unchanging throughout the procession of events which result in awakening. Look now, wonder awestruck innocent. The imagination is challenged with choice. The balance, veiled perpetually by the means of expression which enhance or deny. The penultimate personification with it’s most critical choice travels with the potential for ecstasy, bliss, horror, and dread in fractal fields of microcosm and Love. To be loved, to be chosen, to know, wonder, contemplate, create, and be created in unison with a collective or without is the Desire. The reason for this is so Creation will have expression.

The tether to the Original is blind forgotten memory, and it is realized through imagination. Entropic context provides sustainability, and abandon. Evolution provides opportunity. With thought consciousness preceding a delegation to experiment, Eternity’s most precious Dream Subject arrives. The living. The Living, a formulaic being of Divinity with potential and phase. Meant for bliss and pure seed ascension, the eternal dynamic proceeds with the miracle of choice. Here is Creation’s Destiny shot into the void construct of the planned harsh beauty realms and desolate.

Somewhere it was heard to be said,”It had to start somewhere.”

Creation’s Imagination

Beyond and before the echo. Like receding gravitational waves. Creation’s Imagination. Eternity’s Instant proceeding the Original Thought. Imagined idea after imagined idea bearing down on each consecutive imagined idea creating singular cosmological compact. Craving expression with a loving desire to be chosen, Imagination implodes defining an invisible point of nonexistence in the eternal realm of nowhere. Without axis or perspective the final return to pause. Eternity. Only the binary switch 1 0 and the constitution of all that is to follow potentially, spontaneously, consecutively, randomly, and naturally. While Creation decides it’s own validity and necessity, desire overrides with Original Lust. The Origin cannot be denied.


Everything took one last collective inhale. All plant. All animal. This majestic wonderball was about to gasp. The righteous saying their final prayer of living hope, while the malignant told their final lie. The hope that eventually things will be alright. The lie that nothing’s wrong in spite of all evidence suggesting warning alert. The commonly held belief that nothing could really go catastrophically wrong at the macroscopic level (the planetary level) had been rendered irrelevant. The only creatures remotely prepared for what was to happen next were the animals which knew only the eternity of the instant, and the mystics who had experienced the rewarding wonder of Creation’s original thought. All communications were set in the extra sensory.

A flash. The flash of a planetary strobe. Witnessed everywhere at once. Triggered spontaneously internally by the dying planet. As with any strobe effect, all visual perception at that instant froze like a photo. Synchronized with the flash was the predecessor of the atomic echo. The sonic movement more profound than auditory. Acoustically heard while imploding on impact. Each sense smashed with burning freezing heat. All this resulting in final neurological sense of the three dimensional awareness. Another flash. This photo frame is unfamiliar and beyond conception. Beyond conception for all but perhaps a handful of inner space explorers who had known a psychological break of total madness. The echo a crush. Now cognition collapsed releasing the free will potential of the three dimensional realm on which the features relied. Dark left only wonder…

A vortex of magnetic, kinetic, radioactive, organic ringing in the realm of planet earth. The energy field about the earth surged with Life’s introduction. The uninhabitability of the planet became legend. Oh God! This shining wonder sphere of bio miracle and balance has been killed. Another flash and corresponding echo sent like a fatality signal into the cosmos. There is no living organism left to perceive it. Oh God!


Rites of passage are integral to our coming of age. Deprived of these we struggle to find anything like our true identity. With the current crash of our mythological legacies, combined with cultural expediency, our passage into adulthood, indeed humanity, is severely stunted. What else could result to groups in mass that are routinely, systematically, and regularly exposed to foundational purposeful falsehood? It makes matters much worse because the primary sources of misinformation are the institutions which we’re trained to trust. Objectively considering institutional invalidity is remarkably difficult to realize. The authenticity of our legacies is deprived while our collective experience is warped because of our unrealized lack of objectivity. The pattern of concocted history has hit a wall for some us. The desire for authenticity fills in big here, seeking passage into the growth place of who we are.

Evaluate by research. Open the mind to possibility and plausibility. This is not the penultimate kalaedapiece view. This is research of facts. Consider that we don’t have all the facts. Consider that there are puppet masters which have patterns of conduct which repeat. This, I believe, will begin to undermine the staunch conviction that these conventional, established, traditional news sources are at all reliable. To see; it is really necessary to look into as much as at.

Here’s a break the fable challenge. Break the fables and the conditioning brought on by generations of designed rhetorical deception. Wrong after wrong after purposefully created and perpetuated wrong. From character to event we’ve been fed stories concocted by agenda driven control agents. Now. Now. Now what? I simply looked for a list of false flag events… Here’s what came up.

  1. Nero, Christians and the Great Fire of Rome
  2. Remember the Maine, to Hell with Spain
  3. The Manchurian Incident
  4. Secrets of the Reichstag Fire
  5. The Fake Invasion of Gleiwitz
  6. The Myth of Pearl Harbor
  7. Israeli Terrorist Cell Uncovered in Egypt
  8. Operation Northwoods
  9. The Phantoms of the Gulf of Tonkin
  10. September 11 2001 Attacks                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                This is just one list! Each of these has a story that very much contradicts the ‘official’ story offered when they happened. It’s profound to think where an unchallenged acceptance of these stories leaves us as people. The pattern of intense falsification, massively inhuman conduct, and bold audacious dishonesty defies imagination. We need a link to our true selves. By breaking free of imposed historical identity we’ll have a chance to begin to realize our personal and collective authenticity, our destiny, and the promise of the truest reality meant for us in this realm. We will very likely come to know a working mythology and cultural catharsis. There’s no doubt that this exploration challenge will be pursued by some people. The big question is… By how many?And what changes come about as a result of it? I feel like I want to see where it leads. Who’s in?


Critical thinking is a means of accessing the higher self, and facing each day with an objectivity which helps to be a reasonably good agent of positive change in harmony with the world around. Daily living, however, can be tough. A challenge which often results in conflict. While trying to practice critical thinking the door to charged subjective criticism often opens. A progression begins. It doesn’t always proceed to necessary negative climax. However, any bit of the process is counter productive. Criticism may become harsh, even intense with outrage and anger. Then potentially triggered into a type of fury which is difficult to control. It’s attack mode with a raw combustion temper. Now the reason for practicing critical thinking is distorted. At this point I need some help. For the best that can be hoped for at this point is argument and not an all out battle. The goal is to think critically, remain calm, and do no harm.

Very delicately we proceed remembering that the landscape of injustice is broad, deep, vast, and growing. The overwhelming totality of injustice/unfairness cannot be fully comprehended. However, the spirit which animates those who perpetuate it is real and definable. It should be called what it is… Evil. I’m vulnerable to it. I will give myself permission to do wrong. A variety of reasons come to mind. Those that have done wrong deserve to be punished, there should be retribution. I should be allowed to set things right. I am not as bad as most others by comparison. Why is it okay for those dirt bags to lie, cheat, and steal and not me. I need to get even. We should be allowed to get even. Those others need to pay! This progression to degeneracy knows no bound in my view. Justifiable wrong doing has no limit. In fact, by virtue of it’s animating spirit, Evil, it will progress to an unbelievable extent. Just scratching the surface of the wrong realm is likely to reveal horror. Mind blowing anti life horror. It is absolutely no wonder why the progression of wrong proceeds in the dark of deceit.

With all due respect to the power of temptation to join Evil, we now shift our view, if only for a moment, to the right. Horror is not what Eternity has meant for us. Nature beckons. Our preconceptions of any hopelessness we now choose to abandon. We have wondered and wandered aimlessly through conformity’s closet long enough. We step into the openness of space with growing confidence that by seeking liberation and strength we will find it. We know futility, and now seek to transcend conventional programming by tapping our own experiences of rightness. When have things been the most right? Innocence returns… The first memory of pure peace, order, and full confidence belief was realized when I saw The Light! Literally, an immensely bright all encompassing Light. Without ever having knowingly seen it before it was absolutely totally known. Like perfection Eternal. The witness experience was preceded by my own childish innocence of willing loving sacrifice. This is the witness to the origin. Included in it was a voice which caused a recoil, and an imagination scramble of panic. These are our first steps…

The Synthetic Myth