
What’s to say that the path of technological industrial progression has been the only or right one. There are certainly unexplored as well as discouraged paths of tech discovery and application. What about alternate moral ethical application? This inquiry produces a queer feeling of suspicion. I’m suspicious that the exploitation of limited natural resources, and the corresponding blame for the negative effects of industrialization is reaching it’s climax. Pondering the seminal crossroad spots in the industrial time line spotlight the butterfly effect. The butterfly effect of Wardenclyffe Tower is the point of departure for this consideration. What was happening with that tower? What energy potential was it tapping? Was this to be a free energy enterprise? Was the idea stolen, hoarded, and twisted to be used for the benefit of a few at the top of the industrial pyramid? Nikola Tesla’s story is big about intuitive genius, and how his technology was stolen. The potential for a shape shifted timeline is immense. Social evolution hinges on critical path choices made by agents of industry. Individual and collective power motives have set the stage for the realization of sustainability, or the lack thereof. Symbolized in Wardenclyffe is the possibility of knowing an entirely different world and social reality. This whole contemplation brings on a feeling of constrictive straight jacket pressure. The pressure of knowing that imagination freedom to benefit the common good is routinely commandeered by the power leveraged few for their own monopolistic inclination. Now how do we, the greater collective, Houdini out of this straight jacket of deprivation and theft?

Lurching for the truth of reality. What is the essence of righteousness? I mean the captains of finance and industry have persuaded us that we would benefit from having, and gain greater life quality by using/possessing their products. In some cases we’re told we need these things. Then we’re blamed for the negative side effects of the self same production. The carbon footprint stuff. This is where we suffer from a story which lacks coherence. Our ability to know ourselves, and our right place depends on the truth of our story, and there is no doubt it’s being withheld, manipulated, distorted, and falsified. This is where we suffer from a weak mythological backbone. Help here is of significant importance. It seems clear we need it. But what will have us want it?

The desperation of our common cause may eventually take hold. With life guidance we see that the collective holds the true power. Real power is totally immaterial! The compass of effective morality sets itself, we follow. Then we see, feel, and execute the principle of balancing personal gain with the common good. We encroach on core coherence as belief systems boil in the refinement vessel of common sense and calm reason. The truth path allows transcendence of credited  difference fabrications, thus synthesizing our stories into a fused story of familiarity to so so many. It’s possible. It’s available. It’s real.

We’re reaching a climax of events which will provide an ultimatum display. The synthetic mythology is a means of knowing each other, realizing a common truth, while our current timeline proceeds with a chance for survivability.