
The Synthetic Myth was created because of an awareness disturbance. The intense suspicion that official stories were distressingly departed from reality and fact prompted action. Omission, distortion, and lies crush the chance of accessing our actual selves. Reality based ideas and attitudes are compromised, jeopardized, handicapped, and badly damaged. This is a truth quest, and today driving across town the spirit of commitment to that cause was redoubled. Redoubled by the overhead witness of jet planes streaking criss cross the sky leaving cloud stream after cloud stream of engineering’s darkest application in their wake. By the time the sky had hazed over into it’s, now all too familiar, industrial skyscape of ill my dedication was again confirmed. The Synthetic Myth is activated!


We’ve been altered and so has our home. Systematically, chemically, informationally, intentionally altered.

Nature has majesty of balance. Planet earth’s harmonious relationship with itself, it’s neighbors, it’s occupants, and it’s surroundings make it a jewel of the cosmos and an incubator of expressive forms. Millenia upon millennia, civilization after/upon civilization, species after species, and culture upon/after culture the wonder sphere adjusts, rebalances, and renews it’s destiny purpose of life, life support and propagation. Virtually perfect integration, compensation, and regeneration prevails as the realization of survival is shared with each member of it’s diverse occupant societies. It’s characterized by sustainability. We’ve all inherited these qualities in ourselves, shared bountifully. The biospheric life entity earth is a platform nonpareil. The planetary experiment launched in this part of the Milky Way has also provided the inhabitants with a unique possibility, opportunity, and feature. We’re afforded not just a connection to, but a relationship with the terrestrial home. Mother Earth.

Ancestors of earth have had an intrinsic link and fundamental connection to our planetary host. Our DNA may be stellar, but our bio connection is home. To relate and witness to this amazing body has often triggered veneration, wonder, love, and respect. Our unification has been complete, felt, and understood at a sub cellular level. The biologic host is the base, a firmament of reliable dynamic response constantly morphing energetically to maintain conditions in which the living can’t help but blossom. Cosmic forces, internal changes, transformations, energy surges, and evolution updates are all cohesively joined spontaneously for eternal benefit as we proceed to enlightenment. Our birthright is purity and our destiny is the fullness of divine expression. The X factors in the equation? Free will, outside entities, and the influence of Dark, Light and Dark.

Terrestrial earth has proven to be an exploitable resource. In spite of the generous abundance of giving (and the wish to continue) a desire to dominate is seeded. Stories of near antiquity include the arrival of the extra terrestrial, and the propensity for resource gathering/hoarding/stealing. With no intrinsic relationship to our home base, stewardship is casually disregarded in the race to garnish wage and wealth., material and vitality. The result of this exploitation is the torment test of survival and subsequent struggle. This contradicts our affinity and commitment to our earth, so elements of the dark side persuasion principles are thrust forth by agents animated by evil. The resulting dysfunction and confusion put everything at risk including survival. Now proceeds the grim deliberation of theft, the vampiric assumption of energies, and the broadcast of harm eternal, systemic, purposeful, and executed. Extra terrestrial disregard and wrong doing chosen freely has brought about a most inorganic response and effect; control/domination. This inorganic, parasitic, intentional plan interrupts and badly damages earth’s natural abilities Fast forward to the time when it can’t support it’s own weight, and it’s original life support systems are taxed to the max. We’re right upon collapse and thanks to the Dark lies and resulting confusion the once conscious cognitive inhabitants fight to deny that there is any threat to the greater well being. There is a perpetuation of exclusive pride and false promise; conflict abounds. The alterations are nearly complete, and have terminated in many of us.. This majestic miracle sphere is reaching nadir. The wonderful beautiful, care giving planet Earth has just about lost it’s ability to compensate, balance, and save us. And we don’t care.



Damning Feedback Loop

With a lack of awareness and by operating broken we slip, then race, toward inevitability, a ghastly inevitability of despair and loss; total loss. Without healing repair our damaged attitudes feed on themselves as we close ranks and lash out at perceived threats presented to us by the same agencies which engineered our breakdown to begin with. The feedback loop of all damning feedback loops. We are left closed, fearful, empty, and lost to our core connection foundation. Our condition is characterized by ruthless justification of harm, rampant dishonor, near pure immorality, and purposeful disconnection. We become a severe threat to ourselves and our environment without even knowing it.

We’ve had help, systematic help, being directed into boxes of conformity. Malicious, as well as, well intended mentors and guides have pointed us consistently in the direction of stranglehold mind boxes of unquestioning compliance. The taboo to question authority has overridden our heart honor and  has lead vast legions of free beings into the prison of freedom’s anti pole and confusion. The social engineering systems fueling this progression have been desperately, routinely, hidden in the lie details subsuming even the most generous hearts into it’s complex. Our current state is wrought with intense raveled complexity and power. Our innate releasing mechanism has been disabled and reprogrammed. The natural organic response to signs is dismantled. We know the difference between right and wrong, yet when triggered our response is failing. Any correcting and rebalancing to sustainability doesn’t happen. The perpetrators of deceit and control thus succeed in distorting order procession while tipping the delicate balance of fate, a balance which cannot afford to tip too far without jeopardy. This is an advanced phase of the control archetype for anti life wrong and we don’t recognize it, know it, or care how important (critical) it is. This is the consequence of our constructed malaise, hypnosis, and broken condition. The need for a clear awakening is for sure if balance and sustainability are to be realized. Without clarity there is no hope. The agencies, entities, and forces of anti life darkness can swallow even the most promising beauty. There, right now, is no substitute for awakening.


Basic awareness seems increasingly lost. Our disconnection from issues of consequence and relevance pass with disinterested regularity. Common ideas of caring consideration seem obvious (clean air, clean water, real food, real medicine, common sense, safe/fair practices). Our routine response to these issues is automatic. A Pavlovian response of caring is consistent in the refrain, ‘I care! Of course!’ Yet when news of toxification, failure, and poisoning are presented the response is like reverse polar. Information is immediately dismissed as suspicious, unimportant, farcical, hyped, political, false, and/or conspiratorial. In spite of obvious indications, and evidence, of peril our dismissal is quick. So quick!? Like a programmed rapid response to deny. Basic awareness is missing, and with it is gone our ability to listen with a measure of objectivity. We’re shutting down. Conditioning programs of compliance have done their worst. We’ve been broken. Ideas of control and persuasion are not new, and on scale we’ve been exposed to real, consistent, long term, systematic conditioning efforts burgeoning with technologic enterprise. The system speeds up, and so do we. There are some among us that realize the programing, remain relatively free, and sound the warning alert. We get pissed at the alert messengers as we decease in a miasma of control believing that no such dangerous agendas could be at work, nor is our environment is under attack. We’re broken. And now we operate broken!

The consequence…

The cure…