
One of the serious challenges associated with awakening is shock. The “cannot be” or “how can this be?” realization of the lengths some people will go to in order to protect there own personal interests is breathtakingly shocking. It is very difficult to reconcile stories of harm, exploitation, depravation, death and destruction which seem to be running full throttle. It’s not unlike the shock of first seeing bodies bulldozed by the nazis, or the bone piles of The Killing Fields, or the brutal burn poisoning of the hibakusha. The shock of history seems to wear off and pass into a compartment of disconnected conviction that those types of offensive humanity crimes couldn’t happen again. This is the witting and unwitting fortification of denial. When and if this denial breaks, however, in fills the shock. Recently it’s been like continuous shock from learning that the environment and everything in it is under relentless attack by monopolistic enterprises bent on extracting and procuring every last bit of resource without regard for the fallout. Dealing with the heavy feeling of threat has check mated one last move of faith. Either to dig into living a faith or fall off into the abyss of fear and it’s requisite rage. The recent search has provided hope, big hope. It’s in the realm of physics and consciousness.

Energies have been man’s fetish for nearly his entire existence. You can make the case that we’ve been willing to compromise our character early and often to make energy and power our own. The industrial revolution ratcheted up the demand for energy sources and the pursuit of supply. The atomic age began not far into the industrial age, and energy potential exploded. This is the point of departure and revolution. Revolution of awareness and application. Not only did the physics world provide access to the energy to mass relationship, it introduced the monopolists taboo nightmare… Free energy. The nearly immediate suppression of free (zero point) energy has set our collective path for modern development in a rut of resource hoarding, un sustainability, and un survivability. In order to secure personal fortune the majority of us have been misled into the spectacle of convenience and luxury while we speed off to oblivion. The corporate profiteers didn’t even hesitate to really throw all the earth into a nuclear threat at the temptation of nuclear power profit. Now there’s resource war going on and we’re in the cross hairs of control with just a ton of jaundiced compromise, and a power structure that is desperate to keep us confused about the bill of goods we’ve been sold. This is clanging more and more like an absurdity when we realize that the mere mention of zero point is systematically withheld. We’re only getting half the story. The lethal half!

Just like the ying and the yang, where one draws out the other fills in. The full spectrum of discovery and invention await deployment in welcome and full. The spirits of among more Faraday, Maxwell, Plank, Einstein, Bohr, Schrodinger, Born, Curie, Reich, and a sincere nod to Nikola Tesla for the benefit of the best including the mind bogglingly huge amount of free free free energy. Turning the corner requires dealing with the shock of facing the truth of our own depravation and denial as much as the truth of our betrayal. Once the corner is turned however, our innocence is likely to become infused and our imaginations fired. The solutions to the problems of our time are daunting, and the perpetrators of deceit are dug in deep. Rooting it all out and surviving in some form of relative collective health is going to be massively cathartic. God’s Grace is sure. It’s findable if we search, and again we look to the physicist for the science on which the spiritual is founded real. Now is the time to conjure up the psychic support for the physicists, mystics, shamans, intuitives, visionaries and inventors of our day. The quantum mechanic lets us know that consciousness creates reality. The hour is late… Wake up.


The pen is mightier than the sword. Full power! There is no way to have publishing ability and not use it right now. Today’s view has pushed me to the brink of comprehension. Beginning with the introduction of ‘his excellency’ at the United Nations, and the first words out of his mouth after the pleasantries. And I quote, “Let me recount the progress we’ve made in these last eight years.” Stop right there… Your standing in the city where the echo of an urban explosion is still in the air! Innocent unsuspecting passersby have just been fending off stab attacks! Rioting in the streets of the latest riot city, Charlotte! Fish washing up dead by the hundreds of thousands all over, in and around the nation, in fact the world! Routine detonation of nuclear weapons! Leaking nuclear power plants! Fukushima!!! Contaminated aquifers! Gag orders on federal agencies! War on whistleblowers! Huge destruction of bombed out cities in a proxy war with Russia in Syria! Countless dead and displaced in Northern Africa and Middle East! Massive overreach of executive power! Massive increase of the national debt! Toxic municipal water supplies! Insane neurotoxin exposure! Teetering economy in a world of collapsing economy! This is all off the top of my head.

All the previous list is what we are forced to tolerate in our minds if we get anything like true journalism, and can begin to wrap our minds around them without losing these self same minds. (Not easy) Today, however, I personally was pushed over the edge of organized restraint in response to a specific phenomena. Sky crime! Today, all day, was spent under an industrial attack sky of intentional deliberate pollution as we get sprayed into submission! This overwhelming sky spray program is the straw that consistently breaks the barrier of phenomenal shock for me. I’ve seen the damn exemption from the law preventing populace spraying. It’s drastically absurd and amazingly sick! This is my two and a half cents on a day of profound witness. Now this message enters the cyber ether realm of consciousness contribution to counter balance disinformation, obstruction, double speak, false narration, blatant lie, reverse speculation, fraud and deceit which all conspire in dissonance. There is particular focus on the  plane spray obscenity, which is being used as an enhanced dissonance program! Well… to whomever it may concern… It’s not working on all of us.

Justice speaks.


Consciousness. Awakeness. Awareness. Here we have a contemplation and an extraordinary occasion. This topic absolutely explodes with expansiveness. From unity to duality. From spirituality to relativity to quantum physics. The magnitude of consciousness potential now is easily regarded as infinite.

In our finite cause comes introspection. How conscious am I (are we)? What is our potential? What are the limitations? Internal and external searching for the knowing of what IS by accessing resources of archetype. Stories of antiquity and insight. Cave dwelling artists. Stone molecular information storage and energy collection/transmission. Free energy cosmic resonance. Alchemy. Astronomy and the interior universe of imagination… Oh! Oh! William Blake’s remark, “Imagination is the body of God.” It feels like remarkable brilliance. Humility. The vast infinitesimal, eternal and infinite. Now with the approaching paralysis of awe, I wonder…

How in the brilliance of capacity for generation, growth, and inspiration do we struggle? In spite of the potential to proliferate and thrive much of human society is in atrophy, constriction, and succumbing to the suffocation of demise. Why? How?? It’s in the choices. The choices granted through free will agency. The polarity balance necessity of all the universal forces of Nature equal and opposite. Indistinguishable at their zenith equal and opposite. The choice to deceive and control for personal gain at the expense of the greater good is, and has been, in full operation. A definite, precise, and widespread control is that of the consciousness tool, the nervous system. Drugs, threats, dissonant info, and absorption technology work against our nervous system. Thus allowing  the collection of formerly free agents and the stealth theft assumption of their energy radically interrupting consciousness development, individual and collective. This is very much our immediate state here on planet Earth right now on the observable timeline on which most of us agree. We also agree, unfortunately, to disregard the eternal call to survival being sounded through the genocided cultures and tortured souls that have littered history up to our contemporary now. We’re asleep! We’re virtually anesthetized to our inner reality and our external circumstance.

The sense here is that there is a resonant frequency which overrides our conditioning and will effect an awakening. A meaningful awakening which will let loose the power of healing in our imaginatively inspired consciousness. It’s my understanding that this is recognizably real (it’s measurable) and it happens. The impact is miraculous to amaze. The spread of science systems for theft, disaster, disease, and poison that are being purposefully pushed in the world today must be met with just such miracle to avoid calamity. It is beyond any cognition what meaningful solutions will be like. Conditions have become remarkably abstract. However, the surface has been scratched on an awakening body. Through the ages inspired imagination movement has provided common good resources that the agents of darkness have had to hide, suppress, and commandeer to further their own personal cause at the expense of the many. Upon awakening the realization of these and other updated resources can help in our collective recovery and survival. As essential as awakening is, it is not without it’s challenge. It is a severe challenge for each of us to face the actuality of our compromised, crippled consciousness and awareness. Yet, as awareness comes about and awakening happens the fortune of anti life agency retreats as balance may begin to become restored here in this place…

Working Authentic Mythology

The authentic myth is that upon which we can rely. It is born of innocent response, sufferings, and insight. Through collective witness we attach and connect to the rudiments of existence as humans, becoming animated with life giving favor. Here there is effective, functional, foundational, formulaic relation to ourselves, others, and the world we find ourselves in. Based in truth, the myth provides sure critical path guidance to healthy, meaningful, purposeful, abundant living. The authentic myth is not a construct of any individual consciousness or mind. It is a response to supra conscious awareness and witness to coexistent true reality. Survival and expression is our reason for being, Life, characterized by free will, has a choice of living afforded through the stories of essence that we experience through active participation.  The authenticity value of these stories is known by experience. The authentic myth is recognized by personal and interpersonal harmony. Conflicts and growing pains of being are reconciled as the participants are engaged, enhanced, and supported by the nature which bore them. Active practice results in thriving free, full, and rich.

The synthetic myth is a truth quest searching for and enabling access to the authentic. All seemingly separated elaborate mythologies, or religions, have common core similarity. The similarity at the common core is what the synthetic myth is. It is our commonality. The true working myth insures prosperity and growth. It is the ultimate through the supra conscious, witnessed by the collective, and realized by the individual. not the other way around.

It is impossible to detach wholly from reality or the world. The interconnectedness of all makes this a fact. It’s natural. It’s fair to say that we’re part of something, we have our perceptions, and we are familiar with different stories. Whether it’s Goldie Locks and the Three Bears, or Apollo 13, or who won the Super Bowl we are aware of some story. The degree on which we rely on them varies for sure. There has been here, and in many other places, references to known stories of history including their relevant effect. Now revisit 911 as a big part of the modern myth. By now many can tolerate the notion that the socially known facts about the story of September the 11th of 2001 are not entirely true as they have been told, retold, reinforced, and maintained. This story of the acts of murder and destruction is evolving and morphing in the collective awareness schema. As an operating mythological story construct it is not holding up. The truth essence at it’s base is suspect at best and is really better described as corruptly false. It has been irreverently realized by the individual(s), thrust upon the collective, and defiant of any greater consciousness. It’s witness is proceeding in destruction, suffering, perpetual conflict, and anti life mania. As subjects under the umbrella of question we lose our contact. We lose our contact with each other, ourselves, and our world. In order to internally and externally maintain our support of the dysfunctional lie myth we maintain contempt as we atrophy, decay, and destroy. Without vindication, alteration, and a real distinct about face of consideration our fulfillment is certain in ruin. There’s no substitute for routine, substantive, regular, real evaluation and re evaluation of what we think we know, the stories we believe, and the myths that we rely on. There is very little room left to backslide any further into confusion, disharmony, and conflict. Our tolerance level for upheaval, and our nature’s as well, has been pushed to the break brink. Eternity looms and our choices have never seemed more important. How much, I wonder, free will remains to make them?