The mythology of energy shortage and it’s hostages. This is largely the theme of our contemporary story. The bait we’ve collectively taken is the bait of form. By limitation we are systematically deprived of variety, and the ultimate form; free form. Form freedom allows residence in a field of fully expressive photonic light. A field characterized by harmonic peace, and experienced without the slightest exertion of effort. Meanwhile, deprived of form freedom, and lured into a form lock, the field constricts with glimmers through heavy mass black in which the most bare movements require great effort. Without popular awareness, choices are made for us as a mass demographic of all life here on terrestrial earth. These strict form energetic demands in fact require greater and greater sacrifice of the planet itself, and those on it, with lost regard for exhaustion. This is a mythology of futility, failure, collapse, tragedy, and waste. Hope resides in the fleeting arts expression which is born of the greatest gift… Imagination.
The raw abundance of energetic output of the imagination is incalculable. With a minute stimulus the imagining engine can expand to cosmic proportion. With the inherent ability to choose resonant levels, mind exploration reaches capacities in wonder. The manifest results of practicality and possibility are boundless. Here’s the massive seminal point of departure. Benevolence or malevolence!? Each has the same potential, although distinctly divergent results. One, organic sustainability and growth, the other desperate decay and waste. Imagination reality is forever. In one sense it is enhanced, and in the other it is handicapped. The price in malevolence is sure. Open minded creativity is a threat to wrong. Thus, creative sparks are snuffed and suppressed, resulting in the requirement of unimaginable pain to catalyze positive activity. Working imagination, as unarrested as can be, is helpful to the common welfare. Reactivation to right begins an upstream process of capacity to collective awareness and use to the greater good. We’re likely to find a long road back. Here to take heart in the notion that to begin a journey is to have arrived.
Distinction… Right and wrong, simple and complicated, innocent and corrupt, helpful and hurtful, giving and taking… We’re all vulnerable to material allure. Without realizing the energetic loss consequence of negative choice many of us want for luxury, comfort, power, and prestige. Here’s where I’m likely to make the fatal sacrifice. It’s not without the encouragement of convention, however. Initially this may be a very innocent choice. What happens next is defining and decisively directional. There is no rule that says the only path is an ascension path. The dissension path, the hidden reality path masked by manipulated mythology to exploit innocence and favor access of vulnerability. It’s been built on systematic controls over generations, and left most to us psychologically handcuffed and restrained. Now potentially begins a revival search. The search for the ghost lost imaginations of our own. On whom/what to rely? The suggestion here is to explore the contemporary and lingering lost myths of the visionaries. Mind relax… Observe to openness. Mind relaxing is not a regular practice of the modern world. Mind relaxing without the use of a drug is even more remote. Relax… Relax… Relax… The visionary tales revive maybe. The tales of the prophet, the quantum mechanic, the shaman, and the mystic may leak in. Perhaps the hibernating imagination in us will stir and find start up resonance to compartmentalize the material overload, and loose us to escape into the forever realm of formlessness, abundance, freedom, and bliss glory imagination for the benefit of all, overriding this manipulation myth of scarcity and shortage that defines our age and holds us hostage.
The Synthetic Myth