Metaphysics is the philosophy of that which begins and underlies all reality. Myths are the stories that make up the evolutionary record the sentient create to describe the manifest metaphysic. The myth story is explicit, intuitive, and imaginary. It’s like an imaginarium response that is sense stimulated by what is. Mythological stories are the means of communicating culture, practice, and place with the essentials for life procession, progression, heritage, and maturation from generation to generation one to another through rites of shared experience cemented with derived wisdom. It is time tested. Authenticity, potential, and identity is survived by the living myth; effectively maintaining the connection to our own DNA (which is mostly memory) and the penultimate reality bestowed divinely. There are big noticeable truth parallels rendered in seemingly otherwise unconnected cultures’ mythological themes. These are the lifeline themes of the coherency continuum which provides the body access to full collective/individual potential and destiny. Metaphysically speaking everything that is alive coexists in the eternal present with It, and the myth is the story of that truth.
The degree to which wisdom, memory, and practices that connect us to our fellows, the world, the universe, and ourselves, works for us is proportional to the effectiveness and purity of our mythology. The ability to evolve in full depends on the integrity and coherence of mythological lives. Healthy working mythology is fertile spiritual growth ground. Those that choose it’s truth grow into the astrological time/space metaphysical place of enlightenment that is meant to be. Once connected to truth, spontaneous clarity can happen, however, it is likely that in real time we would not even recognize it as being the truth that it is. Hence it is of paramount importance to have a healthy, dedicated, working core mythology on which we can rely be operating. We’re talking about the real story of time, space, place, and the characters called to inhabit. Any disruption in the living schema inhibits growth and stalls our evolution, personal and collective. It is literally the shared coherent traditions that save us, elevate us, and make our expressions as near to what they are meant to be as possible. We rise our fall based on the integrity of our mythology and the culture it breeds.
The life essence integrity of the preeminent mythologies of the modern world are in major question now. The profound influence of the I’m right, me first, techno, pseudo conscious, material pleasure demand culture has largely overrun the intuitively mystic, contemplative, service conscious culture. The imbalance of materialist mythology has an incoherency quotient which is noticeably manifest in inequality, confusion, conflict, and ill. Self created of the ego, the material myth is inauthentically delivered in twisted forms of commandeered themes lifted from the true and authentic. Systematically the mass is steered away from it’s connection to the truth, and led into the hopper of consumption by overlords of fraudulence and theft. This bastardization of our mythology now deprives us of metaphysical context. Not only is there mass disregard of the big picture in favor of acute immediate personal desires, but also is lost the ability to know at all the favor of basic common sense. It’s like narcissistic suicide. Dissonant conflict has become the prevailing default for the modern world in which our mythologies have been destroyed, coopted, distorted, and/or unmaintained. This is the formula for life loss catastrophe.
This is a seminal time. The living planet is at remarkable risk. Earth’s life support systems have been massively undermined. The survivability event horizon is upon us. Thanks to our dysfunctional mythologies and eugenically crushed cultures, a critical amount of world population is unaware of the pressing threat. Incoherent myth signals have supplanted the working ones leaving us unable to access our better selves, our awareness senses, and sentiments of caring. The resulting vacuum finds us focused on immediate gratification rewards and arbitrary irrelevant status paradigms of nonsense. The most shallow consciousness level is barely scratched as component masses rush to self sufficiency. The resources required to sustain the demand scramble dwindle quick. Meanwhile, the planetary power brokers, or colluded creep body of energy vampire parasites, perpetuate the false/failing myths which keep us disconnected from the metaphysic and indeed ourselves. Confusion reigns and the planet exhausts while a good number of us fail in numbing inconsideration.
Penetrate the malaise. This is the call and objective here. Be the light. Find the practices of eternity in song, dance, ritual, and worship which are presented and repeated in the review of cultural dialogue. Join forces! The mythological schedule is eternal; not lost but misgiven, forgotten, and relinquished unwittingly. Slow down. Breathe more deeply, more often. Find the compassion that’s squeezed into the reaches of our hearts by the love of personal material prestige. Activate on behalf of our fellows in need, and respond in turn by allowing others to minister to us. A revival is in store, but a shock awaits. Metaphysically speaking our retardation period has been critical and extinction is racing critically as Earth’s life support systems are on life support themselves. Mother Earth has provided us with the material of our being, and the nutrition of our survival. Man, I’ll tell you what… It is so time to wake up to Mother Earth’s rape, author ourselves with sincerity, drop material aspiration, and find/return to the course of mythos quality. The myths that describe the manifest metaphysic are about growth, bliss, life! It’s a wildly big picture with wonder scope stories of growth and life giving direction. The scintilla mini view of our current state is due to pass, and indeed it is. Shake and wake. It’s not a millisecond too soon.