What Do You Know!?

Saturday walking into the supermarket I noticed a hand written note like flyer on top of a potato chip display. I picked it up. The one sided, one page note read:

This is a…    Wake Up Call!

Global omnicide is taking place.

Aerosol spraying in our sky!    IN ALL SKIES!!!!

All cloud trails behind jet airplanes is an intentional spray. The chemicals being sprayed are toxic. They are poison to all life, destructive to earth’s natural systems, and helping to destroy the protective ozone layer. There is not much time to waste in terms of identifying and stopping this practice. Condition urgent! Get informed!

Go to: geoengineeringwatch.org   and    thechembow.com

WAKE UP!!!!!!

It was a pleasant surprise to see this info flyer. Exposure of this practice is very important in my view. Being familiar with the subject, and both of these websites, had me leave the flyer behind for the next person that might see it and read it. It also made me realize that it’s time to do more to spread this info myself.

The Energy Paradigm

Lighting fire in a terrarium has a conversion effect on the gasses and balance of the environment inside. In a terrarium the scale of earth the conversions have been subtle, gradual, sure. Combine the gradual nature of the change with the living planet’s ability to adjust to imbalance, and you have the ingredients of very sneakily disguised pollution effects. When the industrial, and luxury, and convenience components are factored in, it’s easy to see that we’ve developed a status quo that will logically resist reduction changes. This is the point that now begs consideration. Rather than breaking down a climate reality that seems like an insistent point of debate, what about looking at the cultural, formulaic equations, and attitudes regarding the industrial legacy of collection and distribution of hydrocarbon fuel? What is a fair price to pay?

The original ready availability of fossil fuel made it like a no brainer. It was like a return of one hundred fold. One unit of energy in, and one hundred out. Over time the ratio changed. When one unit in returns fifty, twenty five, ten, six you could still see, perhaps, the viability. As the ratio continues to change, speculation grows. What happens when it is required to put two units of energy in to return one unit out? What makes this viable, reasonable, or sustainable? Sure it’s still available, but at what cost?

Here now speculating, I’m thinking that the plan is this… It is going to require two units in, or more, to get one out. But we put in the two units at the cost of $3.00 per unit, save it, and when the market shortage hits the fuel sells for $9.00 per unit netting $3.00 profit, thus maintaining viability, right!? As crazy as this sounds in the global, gas filled atmosphere of the planet,  I’ll bet anything that this is the rational. Planetary health is at the mercy of merciless industrialists which seems devoid of consideration for the survivability of the terrarium Earth.

Conservation and paradigm change seem important right now. Speaking for myself it feels urgent, but man, I’ll tell you what, it also feels equally difficult. Fair to say… Try


Public Advocacy

Who is it that provides advocacy for the public!? It says here that the U.S. Government is looking to seek charges against Julian Assange. Can the operations of the flailing culture of flagrant corruption and fraud be anymore obvious? This past November a well known real estate developing playboy with a penchant for making tabloid headlines by splashing himself from one high profile, self serving, culturally disposable, entertainment driven, narcissistic waste of time to another, made a presidential run. By capitalizing on supreme discontent, a self promoted image of success, and a giant wave of damning information leaks that exposed terrific criminality of his opponent, this spoofish character of superficial buffoonery was elected to the head of the executive branch of the United States Government.

In any kind of reasonably mature, credible, working society it would seem highly unlikely that a high ego character that thrives on making vices virtuous could ascend to the highest structural level; yet it is not without it’s cultural markers of popular thinking and attitudes. In many of the political rallies on the path through the campaign, the candidate capitalized on his opponents indiscretion, and crowds could be heard in a resounding refrain, “Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up!” This most passionate chant was made by a distinct part of the populace that’s not just disgusted with their governmental misrepresentation and leadership, but has come to realize the exceedingly high level of rank, absurd, criminal corruption, and treason perpetrated by “elected”  officials. Essentially, many of us became hip to the fact that we’re being taken down in a social/political system that does not just favor the few exploiting offices at the expense of all that is honorable, just, and okay; but there is also criminal intent to undermine the common welfare. This obviously planned new world order is depriving citizens nationally and internationally of their basic human rights, as well as, needs. Civility and survivability is being trampled by the progenitors of corporate/industrial exploitation which is stealing up all the planetary material and energetic resources. Citizens are nothing more than expendable collateral in the scheme. This is what many of the nations people are waking up to. The charlatan, game show, presidential candidate was big time able to play on this awareness!

In an era of information truth suppression, fact advocacy is a punishable offense. A big part of the information wave of disclosure comes from people inside the establishment system. The gut feeling here is that a lot of people can’t reconcile for themselves not blowing the whistle when they’re aware of such egregious wrong. There can’t not be leaks when the growingly intense pressure of criminality, purposeful fabrication, coverups, lies, and sovereignty obliterating treason builds up behind a dam wall of fraud relinquishing to the power of truth. It’s not just going to leak through, it’s going to pour through! However, the suppression efforts by the organized criminals in the branches of executive, legislative, judicial, and press make initial info disclosure deadly dangerous. It takes courage to conduit the truth. Julian Assange through WikiLeaks has made the personal sacrifice to make it possible for the whistleblowers to have an outlet, and for the rest of us to get a glimpse into the abyss of untrustworthiness of our “representatives”. WikiLeaks made the news, we got better informed, and the candidate, posing as “anti-establishment”, capitalized on the foment to gain momentum popularity to the tune of, “Lock her up! Lock her up!”

Now today on 21 April 2017 what is it that is in the news!?!? Here’s the CNN headline, “Sources: U.S. prepares charges to seek arrest of WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange”. And where is she today??? There don’t seem to be any reports of the former 2016 Democratic Party nominee being brought up on any charges. So, the acceleration of social and civil indignity continues to be pressed with equal determination, maybe more. Who knows how long, and by what means, the popular will can continue to to be suppressed. With this blatantly obvious level of criminal contradiction, it would seem that reconciliation, if not anarchy, can’t be far off.


Desert Visit

A recent visit to Joshua Tree National Park revealed an intense concourse of life. On display was it’s resiliency, tolerance, and determination. Dehydration warning after dehydration warning explain in relief that the conditions here are stark severe. It’s dry! Unless this is your home habitat, you better drink, drink often, and don’t run out. Yet here in the arid hostile Mojave there’s an abundance; a tremendous living abundance center pieced by the Tree of Life, the Joshua Tree. Driving, walking, looking, standing, and staring down and around with delight driven awe of the witness to life prospering, like all over everywhere. The objective of Creation is on display, proliferate. The expression that is life cannot be denied, and the balance of the interconnected ecology supports itself in full, each it’s own for another, and all the rest. Flora, fauna, plant, and animal interdependent and unique. Oh, for the overwhelming majesty for the first time desert visitor that did not know what to expect. Coming to an information sign along the path with a quote that reads, “When you try to pick out anything by itself, you find it hitched to everything else in the universe.” -John Muir. Clarity builds. It’s the variety of form developed inter-connectedly, together and balanced in the host environment that makes sustainability real. So real, in fact, it flourishes in plenty.

Adding to the experience, at once, is the landscape. Stone formations characteristic and formidable, rise and defy. Balance and assembly of a majestic anti gravity tide of lifted fallen rubble, and boulders piled as if by imaginative giants deliberate of skill and patience. Piles everywhere, cropping up repeatedly across the area as far as the eye can see. The rock crops rise up out of the seemingly inorganic grit of the earth that happily bursts with foliage, determination, and color. The sunlight feels strong here pouring over the aggressively strident landscape. There’s no doubting now the obviously aggressive resiliency of this hearty-beauty ecosystem. No wonder this area has been sectioned off specially. Today humans are here. Visitor after visitor passes this way and that; sightseeing, camping, hiking, climbing, exploring, and experiencing this desert wonderland accentuated even further by mountain and valley views. We’re all here taking in the scene from Pleasant Valley to the San Bernadino’s. And not unlike other big sky phenomena places, the landscape here creates a feeling and perception that the sky is broader, wider, bigger. Forget big, the sky seems huge. Huge!! The sky… The sky… Oh?! That’s right. The sky… There they are! The air pollution compression oppressor is everywhere. There’s no escaping the belligerent press of the sky plane overspray of the atmosphere engineers. This has become the omnipresent metaphor for the inescapable assault of industry on everything, everyone, everywhere.

This current Southern California visit has not been without recognition of high traffic sky spraying. Now in the National Park the overlay prompts a deepening emotional impact. The abject lack of regard for the miracle of creation this poison permeates takes on devastating dimension. Often the thought of, “How can this be?” comes to mind. Now it’s hammering! How can this be!? With Eternity’s fortune yielded right here on the desert floor, the spray agents of control affect a wildly offensive display of aggressive contamination consequence. Again and again and again the heart feels like it’s breaking; erupting with outrage and folding in sorrow. Again the burdening helplessness feeling peals over like a thousand blankets of lead wool. It’s like a mass of dampening, suffocating, depress. How ironic is it that at emotional crisis times like this, the calm down survival strategy is to breathe, breathe deeply, and try to not freak out. (Often the thought of the respiratory process at the molecular level takes hold. What am I breathing?) By the time we reach Keys View for an overlook I’ve lost count of the number of spray planes that have traced over our heads. We park and start by foot up to the overlook. It’s a popular spot, people are all about. This is surreal.

At this point at Keys View there’s the prevailing sense that few realize the state of this moment. It’s as though we’ve individually, and collectively, lost a relevant perspective about the world, the environment, and our place in it. All of us are on this hill going through the motions of admiring one of Earth’s wonders without the cognitive consideration that the entire vista is smudged into obscurity by an acrid sickness smog built hazy under a sky of controlled aerosol spray; innumerable grid lines are dissipating into an intensifying haze furthered by the fortifying contribution of yet another spray pass. The people pass softly offering quiet hushed tones, gazing, posing, and photographing themselves before the smog, like it’s an obligatory duty based merely on the fact of being here. My sense is that internally we all know something’s wrong, we just can’t shake our normalcy biased long enough to really get in touch with it. There is no doubt that this is an unsustainable practice. The permeating miasma infects. The resultant ill works to deny us of the sovereign aspect of our own journey, it’s validity, meaning, purpose, and in fact our freedom. We’re in a veritable gas chamber complete with a fading world class landscape view. Oh, but for favor! Oh, but for a pinch to wake from a nightmare mistake that this is not really happening. In subtle numb-shock I feel like I’m making a beleaguered retreat back to the vehicle. In the car, industry’s fabled chariot of handsomish pride, we belch our way back to the valley. We check the fuel gauge to see if we have enough gas to take the long way around. As difficult as it may be to quantify the anthropogenic effect of one more cell full of fuel, exothermically converted into exhaust, it can be qualified quick… This is mad sad sick.

Research has provided some insight and understanding about purposes of the atmospheric aerosol programs. Programs likely including S.D.I., weather control, communications, and solar radiation management are likely the main ones. The sense here is that there is also a nefarious human control element as well. While leaving that for another discussion, suffice it to say that the environment is under heavy manipulation control assault, and the strong belief here is that these programs can’t go indefinitely without severe repercussions. These known impacts to the world, it’s health, and the health of everything on it is the reason for making these observations, and this witness. This is an attempt to stay connected to nature. Admission is the first step to recovery, and at The Synthetic Myth that step is taken regularly. As a population group, we likely would have some opinions about how macro earth impact plans are decided upon. There’s also a likelihood that we may not agree with what is clearly being decided for us. First, however, we’re going to have to check up with our collective default agreement that permits the power brokers to do basically whatever they please.

In all good will and service,

The Synthetic Myth