This past week included a three consecutive day stretch of sky free georngineering. Skyward view after skyward view was welcomed with the relief vacancy of over spray. This is a rare phenomena these days. In fullness, and passing, cumulus clouds would build and fill up as billows, well defined against a background blue sky. Rare, rare, rare these days! Each cloud filling the air like a blissful imagination dream might fill the mind. What a relief! The relief reprieve, however, catalyzed complacency, right away. How quickly did I forget the headlong outrage of injustice, exploitation, and attack? While not completely cooled to the plight of endangered souls, health, and well being; the good feeling of being in a healthy “personal” space definitely reduced the urgency of working for the common good. Rats?! I’m still very much vulnerable to reentry into the blanket box of denial. Independent comfort is a sickness when one excludes common welfare and compassion for those suffering from imposed hardship and injustice. The advent of survivability relies on the conscious awareness of the real, dedicated purity of the heart, and service to the whole. The risk of falling prey to self centered ego darkness is still as high as ever it seems.
Remember, an energetically higher vibrational world is at hand. The paradigm shift of our space place’ singularity is being wildly realized. How could I forget that!? It’s esoteric, but it’s critical. Is the depth of my resolve so shallow that three days clear skies eliminate concern and dedication? I mean for crying out loud, every day should be devoid of spray planes! This is a time when rampant destruction reigns supreme in the culmination of the industrial age’s inevitable failure. The issues of degeneration, catastrophe, and collapse are very real problems right now. I forget the problem, and I forget to activate in the solution. The dynamic miracle truth is that every problem’s solution is withheld in the problem. The idea is to accurately identify the problem; not forget it exists. So what of it!? Well, having snapped out of it for a second, here’s the assessment as best as I can state it. Rating the issues of degeneration in our time feels less important than affirmatively stating that our collective stewardship is failing and injustice is prevailing.
For the record, this is what was being marginalized in my mind and minimized in an ego fit of perceived relief. Earth has had life on it for 4 billion years, and is experiencing it’s sixth mass extinction now. Mass die offs are so regular that counts around the world measure in tonnage, hundreds of thousands of tons of dead. Trees are dying off by the millions world wide. Bleaching is marking mass coral die offs world wide. There are nuclear contamination leaks from innumerable sources around the world, We see massive genetic modification of plants and animals world wide. There are 10-20 million tons of toxic aerosols sprayed into the atmosphere every year. There are wild weather imbalances all over the earth. Report after report of world wide humanitarian crises from Yemen, to Venezuela, to Somalia, to Syria, to Iraq, to… Millions of people face critical basic need shortages. People are victimized by rampant human trafficking all over the world. Oceans are becoming stratified, and there are wide spread red tide algae blooms. Neurological and breathing disorders are exploding. There is crazy new phenomena like thunderstorm asthma for crying out loud?! Every day there are heat wave casualties. That’s it. I don’t want to even continue. The point is that there are real problems. The degree of difficulty about remedy and healing seems very much overwhelming. Most people I talk to choose to deny any of this stuff is really happening. I’d like to choose not to forget.
We’re all conscious of something, and our consciousness is applied by choice accordingly. There are systems of control so deep, I suspect that the possibility of positive awareness is, by degree, impossible. Yet, when it comes to what is known, what is ignored and/or denied, what is remembered, and what is forgotten there has been enough exposure to resonant truth, and whistleblowing to make “accurate enough” discernment possible. With the propaganda machine, disguised as news outlets, intensifying it’s fallacy blitz, the obviousness of it’s invalidity screams forth, “Were making this up!” This blazing inversion of reality is an affront to sanity, but unfortunately the deep inroads that information institutions have made, over generations, a resilient grip on our trust. Maybe it’s time to consider a change. By broadening the base of input, and shelving preconceived notions of what is what, the possibility of accuracy increases. Who do I trust, and why? What’s my true motive in life? What are the real possibilities of existence? Am I part of the problem, or am I part of the solution? It’s important to remember, meaningful answers to these questions is the essence of personal base line purpose. Either this new earth paradigm shift stuff gets remembered, or forget it. Without working to be my best self, I’ll be going down with the ship rather than catching the energetic wave of transcendence which will elevate us (any and/or all of us) to a safety salvation state above the dire carnal desert of destitution which is growing by the instant. In Eternity every problem is solved. Because that’s already done, the problems in our modern world will fall by the consciousness force of free will beings exercising good will. The feeling here is strong that personal and collective salvation requires that the current actuality be fairly faced and not forgotten.