The awareness of our current mass extinction has a heavy preoccupation component on my mind. Reconciling ordinary daily living, knowing that biodiversity is crashing, is next to impossible. There’s a kind of cavalier dismissal of this crash by most who hear the news. Adding to the perplexity of this disregard is the fact that it is not a hidden story. Many, if not all, conspiratorially damning truths are buried in coverup, lies, and denial, but not this one. USA Today just had an article titled, Biological annihilation: Earth’s 6th mass extinction is underway. Hello?! This is only one of many many reports about the collapse of life on earth. Is humanity, in general, so disconnected from the natural world as to really believe that 70-90 percent of plant and animal can disappear dead without the human race realizing a massive impact to it’s own survival? Really!? It very much appears that our common focus will continue to be locked in on forced narratives of politics, fashion, pride, speculation, entertainment, and outrage while we kick the can of responsibility down the road without ever realizing we’ve kicked it off a cliff. Life is always supported by the Grace of God; it would seem that now we’re at It’s Mercy.
What about an about face? About face in a soundness mercy march. A march in opposition to failing (failed) material reward fraud. It’s not that we have more “stuff” than we will ever need (although we do), it’s that we have a fundamentally flawed idea about this “stuff”. We’ve been sold a bill of goods concerning true value, and have near fully bought it. It’s natural to be interested in the persuasions of material luxury status, but unnatural to sacrifice everything for it. As a civilization body we are demonstrating justification mechanisms magnificent. Rightness requires no justification! Sustainability is coming down around our ears in an engineered, calculated, catastrophe collapse, and we’re so brainwashed we think it’s normal, survivable, and okay! Wake up!!!
Industry, monopoly, and resource hoarding are the mania sins pushing global collective demise. Industrial, corporate, and financial leaders are going to pursue their kleptomaniac resource domination plans to the end, and that end is nearly absolute. It’s death. Wide spread death is not a possibility; it’s the current reality! By means of systematic deception, corrupt agents of danger have found their way into societal positions of trust. From here the defilement is soaring. Humans are as collateral as everything else exploitable and disposable. The infamous lunacy is that, in our minds, these agents and agencies still have some merit and credibility. The absurdity breaking point is long past. This is a message I can’t not carry. Witnessing an obvious and vicious obscenity, and not speaking up is not my choice right now. Just today I saw an article in the Scientific American titled Saharan Dust Brings Bacterial Blooms to the Caribbean. The report claims that people in the U.S. are breathing dust from Africa, and it’s fertilizing with trace metals. Ok?!?! So on the one hand, we here more and more about protecting the earth by making the atmosphere more reflective and the the oceans absorb more CO2 by spraying nano particles (dust) into the atmosphere and dispensing iron into the ocean; then when the result is more poisonous than prosperous the powers that be cover their “science” tracks with stories as absurd as this one about Saharan dust storms. I mean, it’s just this nuts. It’s obvious what’s really happening here. The next time an authority lets us know that they are working for our common good, keep in mind that is code for, your dead.
This is where the story turns, or may turn. The turn toward life is distinct. Each day the choice is ours to make. Life or death. The choice of death is heretofore obvious; it’s the perpetuation and continuation of the status quo. The choice of life has been manipulated so much that it’s hard to even recognize, but it means change. Change. Change. Change!! Change of diet. Change of routine. Change of priority. Change of mind. Change of heart. As has been mentioned before, there are healthy energetic alternatives that have been massively suppressed, and there is an alternative energetic reality place in which the disappearing dead from this realm are. These meek have inherited the earth. The rest of his are witness, whether we know it or not, to events of staggering and cosmic proportion. The hour is late, the condition is extremely intense, our wake up call is sounding, and destiny is in the balance. We either participate in the enlightenment cause of awakening to life and it’s jeopardy, or keep our head in the infertility sands of extinction.
In service,
The Synthetic Myth