At the risk of redundancy, it’s worth pointing out, again, that there are kleptocratic control agents endeavoring to dominate earth’s natural/energetic resources. They’ve been doing it for eons, and securing the assumed privileges and rights to earth’s resources requires control; control, control, and more control. The vastly unknowing populace doesn’t realize the scientific nature, or the power, of these controls. Yet through the multi-faceted control grid there is no existential element left un-interfered with. All life’s code of originality has been manipulated into counterfeit. By grabbing the control levers of media, medicine, religion, education, science, finance, agriculture, government, and militia; the oligarch kleptocrats systematically block potentially free thinking beings from having access to their higher selves, the corresponding consciousness of that higher self state, or the true spirit progress path. Amidst, however, the orchestrated defilement is an awareness fueled recovery initiative. It’s building for wellness, and the control agents know it. For the resource heist to succeed, and the perpetrators to get away with it, the recovery base of free thinking has to be snuffed. The anti-life power brokering sociopaths, that have made the dedication of take over control programing a sick dark art form, conspire to double down. As awakening to well being blossoms, the control programs go into overdrive, and it’s a full on press.
With blast furnace intensity comes the onslaught. Combined fraud racing media and spin speed with criminal ‘journalistic’ coverup. Full throttle pressing of virtually counterfeit fiat currency. Mass mandate neurotoxic laden vaccinations. Wicked intense toxic chemical spray geoengineering assault. Mercenary armies provide blinding war attack ultra violence, resulting in serial death counts, and refugee waves. Radioactive war games. Ramped up and further ramped up international hostility threats. Tsunami level opioid social flood addiction death. Populating AI drone and robot take over. Pressure pinching political correctness violence. Unyielding disinformation campaigns, and broadcast lying. Ever increasing intensity microwave exposure. Gruesome campaigns of human harvesting; stealing organs, children, histories, sovereignties, and narratives. Conspiracies so sick they defy imagination. Compromised minds are so dysfunctionally distracted there’s no chance of comprehension, true belief, or resistance. Genocide proceeds with systematic engineering precision into a cosmic abyss of rapidly approaching total loss. Herein, however, lies exposure and the key to alertness. By virtue of flagrancy, the operatives, and operations, are exposed. The shock of truth awareness is striking waves of people daily. The salvation side effect of the control programming is a wake up. A wake up to justice, well being, charity, honesty, rebirth, and action. How despicably futile is evil!?
The growing wake up is poised to flash with initiative for the right and righteous equilibrium balance. It’s happening! Caring light beings shine their focus onto/into the black hole void of confusion, disfigurement, and death; changing it, revealing it. Fear/anger darkness dominates the earth, it’s field, and all the, would be, free within it; yet behold, we begin to breathe. Inhaling ever available grace, and increasingly available help and exhaling ill. Once personal liberation takes hold. Take heart. The consciousness of newness, healing, justice, and love emanate from individual souls, as well as, collections of souls which joins earth in the rebirth process of promise. The shock of initial awareness feels stunning, lonely, and hostile. We are not alone. There are free thinking freedom/light workers among us. They are outside the military march; independent of the politically correct conventional wisdom box, while also in it. They can’t not help; and based on the current flagrancy of the attacks on us, our host, and the terrestrial community of living, there is a growing likelihood that more and more beings who are, and have been, shielded by denial will be forced into a psychic change place of meaningful assessment, courageous choice, and total reinvestment of personal will from self first establishment to common good initiation. Personal choice is paramount. Shake free to be free. The onslaught of control, now more fully on than ever, is leveled by the social engineers to keep us stuck and at bay. The intensity of the attack has component power to override our willful ignorance!! It does!! Thank all of Creation! Dormant and twisted survival instincts still have the original root. Find it. Choose it. Turn this full on press of control into the unexpected life return drill which elevates, liberates, and conclusively creates the bounty bliss thrive condition that the earth so majestically is rising to provide, and the dark force monopoly vampires will, and are, working desperately to destroy. Our need is Creation’s opportunity. By working together we usher in the dawn beyond the press.
In service,