
In the moment; right /Passing /Bliss /Regret /Regard

In the moment; night /The soul /Gruel /Sensation /Relax

In the moment; flight Elation /Ring/ Persuasion/ Collapsing okay!?

Spurned momentary bliss /Correction /Cessation /Tingle gild /Kiss

In the moment; crisis /Beginning /End /Beginning /And…

In the moment; alive / Light /Beam /Immemorial /Cry

In the moment; light /Life /Hiss in /Expire /Repeat


Here, Hereafter, and Now

Look around. The facade of legitimacy, security, righteousness, freedom, and libertarian honor is coming down. It’s coming down in chunks of mockery, exposed fraud, disgrace, and lunacy. Epidemic and pandemic explosions of ill swarm about the globe with calculated certainty. Injected, pressed, sprayed, and displayed by those of stolen authority and monstrous malevolence posing as leaders, journalists,teachers, diplomats and/or social administrators. It’s like a sick joke. The intentional eugenic effect of the anti life programming induces blindness to truth; it’s run much of it’s course, and we’re all under a spell (by degree). WE’RE BLIND!!

Doom not inevitable. Free thought is the threat to control domination schema, and though critical free thought level is predominantly low, it is immensely potent. Center spot drops of clarity on the surface of our culture make for the radiant ripples of awakening. With awakening, the overlords of control panic. Desperation ensues. Insanity mushrooms with an obviousness that makes our collective trance displayed overtly. It’s obvious! We’re in a rotating news headline cycle of utter idiocy! No!? “Breaking news!!! Donald Trump announces that he’s going to run for re election in 2020!! The announcement comes 980 days before the election. A record historically!! ” Next it’s the gun violence episode. Then it’s the sex violence episode. Then it’s the Russian meddling episode. Then it’s the crazy rogue nation tyrant episode. Then it’s the next celebrity U.S.presidential candidate episode. Then it’s the… Cycling, and ratcheting up, intently ad infinitum for the sake of opinion driving our bio software to division, as well as, attitude and activity hostility, or apathy, or better yet both. In mass we become racing discordant collective confusion models of detached cluelessness, with inventive thought unoriginality, and crippled imagination. Add in toxicity elements atmospheric, food, and medicine, and the recipe is cooked for mind locked, ill automatons tailor made, in prediction, to be controlled, fed off, and eliminated. This is also a mad strong recipe for escape.

Moment by moment, in places and spaces, cognitive bursts of awareness surprise the keepers with alerted common sense. Wait a minute?! This isn’t news!! This is programing!! It’s generational propaganda. In divine instance, left and right, shifts of consciousness persuade alternate concepts, questions of authority, and challenges of belief. Suddenly and gradually our current events scene melts psychedelically into comforting mysteries of silenced familiarity. The ghosts of integrity and authenticity revive. The fraud of system driven narration is exposed, compartmentalized, identified, and placed in it’s proper place: the intentional fiction for control place. Liberation wrests itself in hearts and souls. The flagrancy of fraud and ridiculousness has resultant undeniably. Free beings radiate living light. Helping helpers aid the infants of clarity through their shock. Foundation farmers feed the hungry of grid collapse starvation. Medicine shamans carry and heal the energetically wounded and deprived who have suffered the magnificently disgraceful effects of the modern world during the death throw breakdown. Societal structure fractures. Light beings of well being practice fissure permeation. Going right in the cracks they fill the dark recesses of our dying social/planet structure with the energies of free thought luminosity. As the harmony increases, so does the hope. Contagious the beauty! Sheer essence spontaneous lively revokes death knell conspiracy lie, and the suppressed harmony of truth rings. The world, the events of it (current and historic) torch in the truth lap of authenticity. Wake up all. We counter balance the attack of the kleptocratic power whores, elevate our being, and that about us, and rise to promise. Liberty, justice, health, and creative expression for all; here, here after, and now.