Occasionally something will happen that makes obvious the absurdity of our conventional and accepted contemporary history narrative. On June 21, 2018 in the Russian sky southeast of Moscow a bright meteor was captured on video, as it flashed, on it’s way to earth. While the smoke trail lingered, the meteor flash itself was brief. For all it’s brevity, however, there are at least four, random, video captures of the moment of fire in the sky. My next thought is of American Airlines Flight 77. The plane that is said to have crashed into the Pentagon on 9-11-2001. Where, I wonder are we more likely to find video documenting a random aerial event? Rural sky southeast of Moscow, or the urban capitol of the United States of America on the property of the penultimate military installation!?!? Well, as noted, the meteor was captured on video, so… There is a publicly available video of the “commercial airliner” crashing into the side of the Pentagon, however, there’s no plane in the video. Reminders like this crack the mind with the pressure of over bearing insanity. How is it that there is no wholesale challenge to this flagrantly obvious cosmic scale lie? The magnitude of our collective denial dysfunction is off the charts, and this is another reminder of that fact.
This piece is about an imperative, practical, intrepid re evaluation challenge. I mean, after all, on any given Saturday afternoon we’ll sit around and complain about challenging, intensely important stuff, like whether or not a runner is safe or out at second base. But challenge a little event that helped unleash intense hyper violence, and broad based human rights nullification around the world isn’t really all that important, right!? Really!? A charming, eloquent, passionate, polite, respectful re evaluation of the co called “facts” that combine to fracture and fatigue our collective mind is imperative for the possibility of derailing a monstrous social science endeavor that has virtually all people in the genocide bullseye, and all 3D terrestrial life in the balance of depravity and loss. Evaluate, recognize, tolerate, and emphasize the suspension of disbelief, in order to access some semblance of integrity, accuracy, justice, and wholeness. For crying out loud, we so badly need a sanity breakthrough of the secrecy fraud matrix that it’s positively freakish! We’re, by and large, running around like we’ve got alligator’s mouths, and hummingbird’s asses. We’ll shoot our mouthes off about some politically determined righteousness rant, but we won’t move one simple inch in the direction of a real positive direction for free thought and/or true fact. Meanwhile innocent peoples all over experience the intensely unjust, power driven ultra violence, and we by major majority, don’t give a flying, you know what, about real reality. To what sustainable end can this active attitude possibly point!?
Stop. Breathe. Focus.
Stop. Breathe, Focus.
The calling is returned. There are more than many coherency awakening points. Point them out. -There is a public video that can be watched of American Airlines Flight 77 crashing into the Pentagon. Suspend disbelief, if that’s still possible, and watch it. -There are 3000 architects and engineers that have reported on the impossibility of the World Trade Center building collapses in terms of physics. Actual scientific facts. Read it. This is a bare beginning of a list so long that it clearly shows the incomprehensibly absurdly obvious truth that we’re clearly being pushed to the brink of critical inauthenticity and categoric demise. It’s the willful ignorance that is making us our own worst enemy. The fraud is the fuel of disaster, but only because we’re giving it consent. I recently heard Andrew Bartzis say that while it is the social systems are weaponized; it’s the people that are the ammunition. It’s high time we diffuse ourselves, and render the weaponry unloaded, impotent, and useless. Waking to our orchestrated narrative of sinister nonsense is the monumental first step in the direction of liberation, emancipation, fair evaluation, and recognition that our sum is the monument force for progressive change. Set aside, for a minute, the support that perpetuates the modern day narration of programmed incoherency and deception. Make way for a wave of truth, and the freedom expression of togetherness, love, justice, and welcome that it most naturally eternally spawns.