Reality is created, and de-created, by consciousness. The characteristics of perceived reality is about the state and level of the present consciousness, evolving as a function of awareness. Penultimate awareness is unavailable to almost everyone, however, functional awareness isn’t. It seems fair to say that the quality of a reality is directly proportional to the quality of the experience for those experiencing it. So, the quality of local, to planetary, reality, and it’s evolution are in the balance. The logistic balance of, timeless, spaceless, awareness. Without succumbing to the outrage reports of regurgitated programmed redundancy, and facing up to reports of true, on the ground, intrepid reporting, it’s pressingly obvious that there are legions of individuals, and desperately real groups of people, plant, and animal, for whom life experience has become very difficult, distressing, diseased, and powerfully hostile, Not to mention that the planet is wildly polluted and having unprecedented burn down. There’s a dark force contribution to our mutually shared reality, and while it’s surely, cosmically, balanced by light, there’s a landslide of trouble for a lot of beings right now, and it speaks to an effectively gross lack of awareness among a substantial number of our fellow earthlings. Humans hold a lot of cards here! And it’s become clear we’re not playing with a full deck.
So, what do you know!? How is it known? How certain are beliefs? How willingly are beliefs challenged? Why? Why not? Questions, questions, and questions about the rudiments about what is known, why it’s known, and how consistent, even with itself, is it? For example, what do we believe, say, about the sturdiness of big city buildings? It’s fair to say that a nearly all of us belief that the construction is sound, sturdy, reliable, and virtually, totally safe. How many of us are reluctant to enter big buildings because we think it’s gonna come down with us in it, on it, or under it? Juxtapose this belief with the official story of WTC building 7’s collapse. Alert! Ignorance is not an excuse. Mutually exclusive believing is like the touchstone of the lack of awareness. The unfolding reality which proceeds from the corresponding consciousness of confoundingly confusing beliefs is dire. This example is a profound metaphor for the forced, and enforced, line of narrative crap that is force fed, and repeated through our, so called, civilized social systems of media, medicine, education, entertainment, and archive. It’s resulting in the take down of life by man’s own, founded in unawareness, choice.
Hope is in the explosion of the programmed “normal”. A vast, mass, psychic upheaval resulting in the displacement of trained, entrenched, willful ignorance and personal pleasure pursuit in favor of critical free thought, restored sensitivity for the extinction illness plight of so many of our fellow travelers, and a breakthrough of awareness about the placebo and industrial disintegration of our forgotten, denied, consciousness capacity. We make our reality. Internal un-wellness and unawareness roots the dystopian fever of helplessness, burnt skin, starvation, dashed promise, torturous cancer, neurologic decay, spellbinding stupidity, ultra violence, injustice, and hate. Meanwhile, the internally well trumpet the salvation of truth in the wailing refrain sounding conquer, “Wake up!”
What disunited, disconnected, selfishness sycophants fail to realize is that denial results in continuing down the power grip path of progressive failure; inevitably resulting in waste, distaste, and dishonorable inauthenticity; disaster! The unaware squander the positive postulates of bliss, and cultivate, ashes in the mouth, witness to the horror of materialistic greed. By the disfavor of forfeiting the essentials of enterprise, to the factions that have orchestrated choruses of discordant purposeful confusion for the expressed purpose of confusing and exploiting us and the world we’re on, we all sink through lowering energetic density levels to the really eventual death bottom of dark. There’s a turnaround in store, but are any of us prepared for the singularity transitive rapture it is!? Wake up! Re-look outside in.
Consciousness creates reality. What else could be expected for a big part of our personal/collective experience but hardship when we’ve got heads full of junk, ideas full of holes, disunity belief systems, blood/brains contaminated with aluminum, thiomersal (and who knows what else: vaccinations!), not to mention, intense opiate fentanyl proliferation, and massive environmental toxicity that’s being poured, pricked, and sprayed on us at an industrial rate. Meaningful color, light, and life experiences are fading from our temporal perceptibility like a none stop ebb tide. Not only is our ability to counteract this progression warped and handicapped by having no recognition, we largely don’t/can’t care. We’re apathetic! This fall is the cosmic PK effect of a Cartesian implosion that has secretively permeated the ground of our existence with the vast majority of humans providing tacit consent to the programming, all because other versions of ourselves, and ourselves, bought lies that were being created, and perpetuated, by self imposed authorities that never had a survivability stake in this planetary experience to begin with. This is resource exploitation at the galactic level, and the human mind capacity has dwindled down to the contempt place which has us really believing we’re the drivers of the universe through technology, and the the mystic is the one that is cracked. Wrong. Dead wrong.
The sure bright spot is in the awakened, free thinking, heroes that have realized that the true shame is in not challenging conventional norms, sharing stuff that “sounds nuts”, braving mockery and alienation, and providing wellness charity in the creative expressions of truth that ARE still accessible. By virtue of generous unitive prayer, compassion, love, random acts of kindness, that make life experience joyful, even if it’s only for an instant, and practicing an alertness which increases awareness we raise consciousness. Every, really every, little bit importantly counts.