Field Filter

The corporations that claim ownership of societal narration, governments,  the land, and everything on it have, by absurdity, jettisoned their credibility. Free thought pioneers recognizing the threat-lie perpetuated by hijacked official sources, are above control, and awake. Their exposure efforts are resulting in a chain reaction wake up. Social controllers are neurotic panic artists to begin with, but now it’s industrial panic. The result is the embargo of corporate good will, voracity, and justice. With exponential rapidity, societal/cultural procession has reached a singularity of futility and failure, promise and prayer. Necessarily, the ground of natural order, or balance correction, is now firmly established for a quantum paradigm shift. Survival, as it is, of memorial will, is going to require a higher degree of truth acceptance than the majority know right now. That acceptance leads to disconnection from the control grid, and control agencies are in the throes of intense application of toxic control element dispersion in order to hold back the building tide of positive awareness. The resulting environmental impact is heavy duty. Living conditions suffer, and suffer big time. Health disorders, collective un-wellness, and the proceeding biodiversity crash make it obvious that living creatures of planet earth need a protection plan that supersedes the security sham plan we’re told is, “for our own good”, and to keep us safe. The vast majority of human populations are having a security plan imposed on them by an untrustworthy complex. The Hegelian Dialectic in contemporary terms is at cosmic proportion, and the scientific eugenic controls are veiled in contradiction, secrecy, microwave science, and nano science making them hide-able and deniable. They’re not sensed in an ordinary way, but the fallout is unmistakable. Since the security plan, that’s being rammed down our throats, is being brought on by the same agents and agencies that also are the threat, it’s major league clear that any real protection has got to come from some where else.

While daydreaming awake, and contemplating what we’re exposed to in the environment, I perceived a field; a bio energy field with filtering features. A fluxing force field, tuned specifically to filter the harmful frequencies, metals, genes, and molecules that are industrially thrust upon us in the modern world. The dream field has a magnetic feature that prevents the atmospherically sprayed metal nano particles from reaching the lungs and skin. By not being absorbed, the negative neurological effects and cognitive damage that inhibits energy/spirit state raising is forestalled. Nervous system health is protected. A pineal contribution, to the wellness field, creates an EMF correction protection. Harmful microwaves are corrected so that the personal frequencies, which are of good health, are not skewed, interrupted, and interfered with. Much healthier biorhythmic flow, phase, and intensity is allowed, and body’s energies are protected. The personal force field acts as a UV filter so sunlight can be absorbed without the unwanted DNA damaging UV bands which interfere with our updating and DNA upgrades. Code health is protected. This filter field is a consciousness project of practice. The need for intuitive, wholistic, homeopathic, and shamanic help here is real. Prerequisite numero uno??? Wake up, and recognize the need.

The inversion of societal security and sustenance systems in the civilized world. (If you want to call it that.) is highly evolved. The systems are more harmful than helpful, and as harmful as ever. In accordance with the force field of protection, there’s got be to some very real cooperation. Cooperatively reunite with nature. Dig in on the interconnectedness of all. All our liberties and fortunes are inextricably linked. Access, access the rhythms of being; of well being. About and about the night-day phase of permanent, preeminent knowingness about the actuality of our individual wellness. Individual to collective growth illuminating and growing together with more and more peoples, species, and formerly outcast spontaneously disenfranchised provocateurs of incomprehensible conception. Outrage is in, and in without complaint. Abandon the full force concoction of normalcy for the formerly hidden truth of self and selves. Abandon conventional wisdom, embrace eternal diversity and paradox in the field of ok. Dig real food, clean water, fresh air, non-industrialized medicine, and an honest effort to harmonize acutely and overtly. Within the safety of the self generated filter field, a health and state of the being raises and integrates with being fields creating an amoebic collective of healing, rejuvenating a new wellness.

The atmosphere is growing of dwindling indifference. Compassion expressed for us and all, from me to you, you to you to me, to all, and everything everywhere in cosmically open love. The field filter, the toroidal field of our own, is in collection, buying each who brings it into effect, the enforcement of authenticity which overrides the techno-klepto system that is programmed to bleed us down. It’s indiscriminately killing everything in an omniblast of loss to the undead. The bleed out scenario is happening. It  goes through to termination. It can’t not. It’s been chosen by those that have rejected by source Light. For those of us under the influence of the energy harvest bleed out, we can wake out of the spell and choose the well. The ill filter field protects the soul of the sentient through the transcendental split of the awakening planetary rebirth salvation. Spirits unite in the encouragement schema; freedom, liberty, compassion and love protect.