Imagine a planetary society under the influence of scientific and engineering control. A societal planet ship sailing the cosmic sea, on waves of events, cause and effect; effect and cause. It’s story may be anecdotal. It may be fictional and/or factual. It may be temporary. It may be eternal. Regardless, it is a story that has reached a modern industrial expression form that one might refer to as advanced. The ship carries a collective, it’s mind, and a boat load of karma that has been growing exponentially. It has sailed into the perimeter of a vast vortex. A whirlpool, imagined, by suspiciously trained unconscious conscientious deliberation, in the space-time fabric. The initial forces of a whirlpool vortex current are subtle. There is little indication that the ship has entered a field of attraction, nor that, without distinction, a secretive guidance navigation captaincy, by IT’S will, has directed the whole into the faint introduction zone of the vortex. Though virtually unnoticeable, the ship’s course has begun the circle. Oh premonition, Oh vision. Oh yes. Oh no.
The self installed captaincy operates by subterfuge. Hiding behind a lies; series of lies. Self service objectives are paramount for this faction, and disharmony and dichotomy is requisite to secure the co-opted fortune. Life on the ship is affected by the atmosphere of limitation, control, inauthenticity, and deceit resulting from the self serving history narrative spun to portray conquest driven idolatry mongers as divine heroes, liberators, and freedom ambassadors of manifest destiny. Identity confusion and crisis results, and a consequent collective nervous breakdown follows. News feeds in the modern tech/industry world are like schizophrenic maelstroms of fallacy defense panic. Alertness and awareness develops with progressively liberating, free information sources and intrepid truth agents, organically exposing the traditional mainstream narration factories and “news” outlets for the fiction frauds they are. As if the ludicrous repetition of obviously concocted script read news cycle redundancy (aka demonizing leaders of sovereign nations to justify imperialistic occupations, etc. etc. etc.) weren’t enough to have it known that contemporary “official” reporting is farcical propaganda, and a sardonically sad joke. A bit of research into pre-spun breaking news makes it clear that factuality gets inverted, twisted, denied, and/or made up. There does, however, remain free thought, and it is having a resulting consciousness wake up that is, without a doubt, developing in the vacuum of sickness confusion that’s been whipped up by generations of power elite, who’ve made deliberate effort to control and harvest planetary resources. The gravity of the immediate state of the shared reality experience also spontaneously spawns awakening. It’s intense, infuriating, scary, stunning, challenging, inspiring, and freeing. Serious evidence that the immediacy of personal and environmental wellness is stat level serious. The society ship is picking up mad momentum, and picking it up fast. Health, wellness, cognitive, and environmental conditions are falling faster than Australia’s flying fox bats, toxifying as much as the the vast oceanic algae blooms, and spreading like radiation. The current extinction event indicates, that there is an event procession that is pointing directly to conclusion. The whirlpool current has gotten stronger; the rotation circle tighter. The physics of organic order take over.
There are points in the entry phase of the whirlpool influence area where it is able to be escaped. With the right kind of directed vector, the ultimate pull can be avoided. Rotating, however, into the the three dimensional parabola funnel neck of the whirlpool vortex changes that feature exponentially. Once in the neck, event intensity, rate, and consequence become virtually critical, and the inevitability of reaching singularity becomes near certain. Eventually, the escape velocity goes to infinity, there’s a threshold of no Relative return; beyond it, and you’re going down the drain. Eternity in a point! The societal ship is well into the whirlpool neck. Compressed more and more tightly into event collapse, individual sentient psyches, within the collective, reach their own ultimate status. Either wake to the truth, and deal with the corresponding shock tolerance challenge, or bury the head deeper into the sands of denial, and meet a very real penultimate truth while working to blot it out. ‘News’ outlets now must work unyieldingly to explain the absurd within pre-agreed normalcy biased context. Narration is pulling apart at the seams. The ship is being subsumed, and disappearing into a quantum field spiral. The energetic twist/tear/split, transformation, chaos, and reorder insists that the occupants of the cosmic vessel meet their immediate eternity in terms of madness and/or bliss. Spiritual, mystical, practical, and cooperative love practices will be the bastion of salvation and survival.
Lean into the inward spiral. Prayerfully, those that are still willing to think for themselves, humbly take a place in the line of collective leadership. By taking over the steerage of our ‘space’ ship, that the doggon controllers have long lost their control over, a steerage can be made for salvation. This means to point toward the singularity with selfless intent, rather than selfish. Go for it rather than resist. The atmosphere will immediately cleanse and freshen. Quantum levels of solution based remedy will flash fill all the currently sickened areas of life, economy, and environment. The issue will be reconciliation. The actual experience is undoubtedly catastrophic from any thing line a conventional point view. ‘Making it’ in the survival of madness and death sense will require largely new found levels of faith, acceptance, and trust. The mystic rises as the paradigm falls apart. Entropy races in focused compression into it’s negative anti. Recuperation! Creation! Mass chaos at the astrological scale and re-order. The ship, and all on it, have de-ceased. The concept thoughts of the previous expressions are unrecognizable from there former. Now, however, the collapse compression is fully released in the miraculous transcendent conversion of compression to expansion, genocide to genesis, ignominious decay to fruition, condemnation to compassion, judgement to assessment, death to life, and symbiosis of dark/light in more potentials than the most far out fractal can describe. The event is fully on. It’s survivable… Hang on. Imagine we’re here. Mercy! Mercy! It’s ok.