The Asteroid

Hidden in an iron embankment / Shrouded by frozen tears / The daunting dream of salvation / Escapes remotely, avoiding malice and fear

With the sick world waiting / Plundered under a spell / An eyeglass observes the cosmic hostility field / A specter, a fuselage brimming with hell

Heroically fashioned / Lost to the mind of his own / Remarkable candor bliss in a cone / Specifically waiting, waiting fore wrong

Speckled in moon beam / A loss by the light / Darkness overweening it’s shortsighted sight / The hero vaults luminous psychotically bright

Pathways returning candid and clear / A hitchhiking thought dream / Dissolves in the near / Nearing of the fortune fable’s irradiant clap

So far for the blaspheme / Surrounded about / The hero’s hence love force / Cycling through to abound

The fortune so nearly / Subsumed; nearly drowned / The black artists have failed to / Account for a crown

Merciful favor has arrived / a space cap of frozen rock / Heralding a hidden major; major blast shock / As an asteroid block

The hero’s fell chariot / Delivering him hot / To the equivocal citizens / Of prison planet earth, it’s members alocked…

Liberal with love the sun sets in the east / Masterfully leaving, heaving, bereft / Stamped with a love calm immeasurably free / The spaced rock had hidden the liberated me.