Each morning this sky watcher looks expectantly up. The geoengineering aerosol spray planes, which are so frequently up there, keen my motivation to raise consciousness; within and without. This morning’s sky window through the tree tops was crossed; not with spray trails, rather something much closer, finer, subtler, and organic. A silk thread, a spider web, is strung from one fine branch canopy top to another. Like a guide line, this morning’s fashion statement spans 20-25 feet, about 50-60 feet up. The extreme unlikely possibility of seeing this strikes me. Fo far, so fine, so random, and so right the light timing to make the shine, off the thread, which afforded this notice. The chances of this moment seems exceedingly remote. Moving slowly and pausing at dawn has made this instant witness real. What of the noticed? What of the unnoticed!? There’s a reason for everything, sensed and un-sensed. Think of it… The sensed is so very limited, and the un-sensed is virtually unlimited. But what of the sensing? What of the sensed? In all, it’s all one. The infinite zero. The eternal now. There’s reason for everything, and the web line still shows.
It’s a spider in flight, from the tree of origin. Trailing through the breeze, behind him a life line. Sailing into and from an eternity of spontaneity and speculation. Launched by instinct, there’s a confidence of necessity that this thread must be traced into this air space right now. Weather to travel the space, or begin the base of a new web net. The original expression affected by causal breezes that drew the webber into the cast of random objective, and discovery? What is left, to this observer is a line of discernment. It’s a boundary! A boundary I didn’t realize even existed. An infinite range of realty. Above, below, and through the boundary thread. A thread that is, by any estimated, virtually and statistically, never going to ever be seen by mine, or anyone else’s, eye. But it is seen! What other impossibilities are affordable?
Wellness in a world of ill. Survival in an environmental world toxic takedown. Coherence in a world of confusion. Healing in an injurious industrial matrix. Free thought in the propaganda box. Independence in a concentrated drug culture. Judicial peace in a world of war. Free energy liberation in an enforced nuke fission, hydrocarbon waste bonanza. Actuality in a paradigm of fiction, and manipulated virtuality. More and more remote each are becoming. Lost and overwhelming, we are told that we can’t trust organic sense. Only the man made tech plan is that which we can rely and trust. Inoculate! Inoculate! Inoculate! Secure your fortune, and fight. Go pleasure yourself, and go back to sleep. They hate you. They disagree with you. They threaten you. Prepare to fight. Fight! fight! Fight! This is the modern rally cry. This is the fallacious lie that’s largely unchallenged, and has a power over us which will insist we participate in running the collective fate into the ground. Actually through the ground, and straight to hell. The final destination seems certain, and changing course seems impossibly unlikely. Then again, so did seeing the thread. What’s missing?
Personal conviction and courage is in short supply among the sycophantic conformity whores that claim an authority in the hierarchy of society structure. It’s there by consent. We, as a group, still critically support traditional authority and information sources, as well as, the info being spewed. Awake, the balance shifts. Upon awakening the inconceivable/unreachable comes within range. The wayward branch high, morning light web thread gets seen! It’s threshold exposes an unforeseen fleeting lost hope, awareness, sanity, and resolve. To live! To love! To serve! By transition. By choice. By ancient futuristic reminder and choice. Any damage to our host is too much! Any damage!! Thresholds of existence that never get noticed, or do they? Choices of unity and harmony, integrity, and honor get made, don’t they? Challenges to everlasting bullshit scams get made, right!?!? Feels like it’s sink our swim time on the speck like colossus bio-dome spaceship earth. The next time my narcissistic vanity self is erstwhile yearning for the sex appeal perfect image to find in the, “dress for success”, mirror I look into for criticism, encouragement, and suspense; try to remember that the largely deceived unit looking back has been force fed, and swallowed a major slice of conformity control pie. It’s also the potential finder of a relief clause for salvation that’s as remote as a morning sky web thread that really isn’t there till I find it. Stop! Breathe… Find out the slim reality thread of our own. If by Grace it happens in unison, and on time, it serves as one of the threads basic to a woven integrity web that alters the current extinction path, thus reviving the wellness balance inherent to all. The changes work to assure that the dominion of ill will phase change sufficiently for well.