Some Kind of Precipitous Fall

You really have to wonder how close to a mass awakening flash point we are as a world community. There is an obviousness to social control strategies that have reached the level of glaringly unmistakable. A classic is the strategy of attacking yourself, and blaming your enemy. This age old tactic has been used so many times that it’s rare to NOT see it used and utilized. When the news came across last week that a Saudi oil facility had been attacked, the first thought was,t it was an inside job. Of course the enemy of the state was going to be blamed. Of course! As the days proceeded, the rhetoric rapidly died down. Collective outrage is limited to a ho hum. It’s like that without even really realizing it, we citizens now intuitively know that official stories are a joke. Then comes the official stand down; fast and quick. Almost immediate revision from accusation to speculation to quizzical numb skull double talk characterizes the cowardly retreat from the event rhetoric that the war mongering elite would like to use to perpetuate the planetary resource heist. It’s all BS, and the back down is the coward response to the resultant skepticism of masses of peoples that have clearly started taking traditional narration sources with a major grain of salt. Reflex shock and public outrage has been spent, and critical free thought is naturally resurrecting in the vacuum mind space created by the suspension of belief which we’re basically forced into by the flagrantly fraudulent war crimes that western nations commit on themselves. Whether it’s born of skepticism, insight, fatigue, apathy, or intuition. is hard to say. It’s probably some combination of every it all. The collective flash point has to be close, very close; if not passed.

I can only think of one responsible response. Stand on the principles of eternal and pure justice. Begin and/or continue to move forward as individuals, or groups, that have a determined firm fast commitment to do no harm; no matter what. Cycles of violence only increase in intensity, and we absolutely can no longer tolerate this increased negative karma of harming others, the world, or anything in it. Our interconnectedness to the whole has been minimized, ignored, and forsaken beyond any healthy reason. The precipitous calamitous fall from grace has become cosmological in scale. The exponential collapse of collective wellness is racing through ranks of individualls. The environmental contamination is critical in it’s rate and concentration. This external condition is indicative of our inside state. It’s messed up!!!

The fairness response is organically built into the vast majority of us; it’s reflexive, spontaneous, and real. It’s the natural balancing aspect of being that has been engineered to a minimum in the species holding the keys of the highest impact to the planet; people! Once the final jenga block of false narration is pulled, the whole lie structure comes down. Then the flagrant disregard for honor, voracity, justice is seen for what it is. The selfish disrespect for the liberty, sovereignty, and lives of the populations of ‘collateral’ that are kept enslaved and killed (literally genocided) becomes clear. This is some shock, but sovereignty returns upon awakening. Take the consent back that social leaders have ANY authority. Unjust treatment of anyone is unjust treatment of everyone. See it for what it is, withdraw consent, stop the industrial decimation that virtually all of us insist on, and breathe life into the movement for life now. It’s so about compassion, forgiveness, and love. It’s humbling to think that all our material insistences and aspirations have been way critically wrong, but hey!?, they have been (and are). The uncertainty, and suspicion, about making the internal about face back to nature may seem counter intuitive, but with the jenga block of reason to believe ANYTHING out of the mouths of our ‘leaders’ points out one thing for sure… We can’t do any worse, and while we’ve got further down to go (after all we are still breathing… sort of) there’s really no where to go but up.

Burn Down… Up

Well, what do you know? A liberating unity movement has leaked through the societal engineering security AI firewall. Guess the algorithmic AI system didn’t learn fast enough, or maybe it learned too fast. Either way it failed to detect, anticipate, identify, and intercept the prayer antecedent to a new online video game which has gone viral. Designed by a case steward that was moved by concern while witnessing worldwide wildfires. The smoking trees, landscape, and wildlife prompted him to create the firefighting game; Firespit 2020. The raw intrigue, realism, adventure, passion, heroism, safety, loss, sacrifice, and salvation shot without delay the game to take off. The design lent itself to a very real spontaneous cooperation. The guttural response of nature’s humanity swells with caring and compassion for the virtual/reality linked graphic metaphor for planetary incineration. The daily opening novelty statement has acted as a prayer, an inadvertent prayer. The statement/prayer that welcomes players every day is encouraged to said out loud, then repeated. As a result, a spirit wave at the existential explosion scale has mustered and moved. Anticipated, and yet unnoticed, by the scraping AI, this prayerful awareness shift has bolstered a flip in the planetary dream-vision-objective from the prevailing disparate ruinous material grab agenda to the selfless help your fellow trip. The deep inherent harmony of the upswell flies directly in the face of the industrialist rapacity draconian dogma of exploitation and kleptomania. Every attempt, by the banking/industrial elite, to kill the fast growing good will movement is optioned in. A high stakes of survival on earth have been realized. True Life can’t ever be ultimately snuffed.

Like good cinema, theatre, the virtual reality is charged with the participant’s committed belief. The game scene is suspiciously calm and benign. Moving by air over the forest, the landscape comes into view; stark relief. Oh wonder! Oh splendor! Both dappled sunlight, full sun, and gray, majestic forested vista to behold. The striking beauty brings forth an internal veneration response, and delight of appreciative affection for Nature’s creation and display. It could be the foothills of the Pyrenees, the Alps, or Andes, or the Himalayas, the Catskills, or any spirited rolling landscape of lush hill and valley enchanted forest of the most fantastic order. Now there’s a haze. The senses are dirtied, and you can feel it. The smell of camp fire makes a virtual intro through advanced versions of Firespit 2020; which has become an international craze. Now the landscape begins to surely din. There are engines and voices in the distance. Louder they crawl. Crawling into the gamer’s conscious awareness. Something is wrong. Dust and wind blow a dry mass over the scene and player. All virtual and sensed through the application of intense graphics and simple manipulation hardware. The growing forest burn down comes to life. There’s an actual facial heat/dry suffocation effect that prompts the involuntary survival mechanism, and shock awareness purity. Screaming wounded run in panic. The smoke gathers in choking concentration and intensity. With a heavy heat press prevailing all over the head and body; overwhelming the protection layers. Sweat, dirt, blood, and tears all flow in the smoke drawn atmosphere that has over taken while tearing apart the lush incinerating forest. Fire laps abound. The recent fire tornado phenomena breaches every level of conception , care, or worry for for anymore conventional standards to be upheld. It’s a raw savage brave new world. Creation starts again. All the commands, all the methods, and all the technology dwarfs with the onrushing inferno outrage that is driving many players into a passion panic to save the environment. This spirit leaps forth out of virtuality and into reality. The rapturous event horizon transcends formerly static belief, as a burgeoning consciousness of forgiveness, compassion, and healing springs forth in surprise. Each moment holds it’s own explosion of calm transcendent liberation passing surely from staged survival to thriving ebullient ecstasy. Thank almighty Almighty that freedom is free, and it is A L I V E!!! Cycles do not hesitate their truth to become. It will only darken until light. Brave the dawn. In the cool clearing of one long desperate dawning night. Now together breathe. Breathe. Breathe.