As the Corona World Turns

Daily developments in the corona societal soap opera. The toilet paper vacuum is being filled in with a fast production product hitting shelves fast enough to alleviate the shortfall.

Update: It appears that rashes may be an early indicator symptom of Covid 19, and there has been an increase in rashes on the inner thigh, ass, and face.

Update: Ten thousand shipments of Econ-green TP have been recalled for contamination of irritating form of formaldehyde.

Surprise! Surprise!

You could almost, on one level, have guessed that the apparatus of fallacy was doomed to fail. The level of desperate denial among the perpetrators of industrial disease and kleptocracy was soaring with success expectation of their control dominance. It left them vulnerable to underestimation and surprise. With pinpoint focus on their age old self service plan of parasitic energy theft, a true organic groundswell of organic counterbalance developed virtually undetected. With totalitarian belief in means of technology, eugenics, surveillance, violence, drugs, confusion, and fear, the parasitic planetary hijackers progressively developed a critically large Achilles heal blind spot. In it grew an innocence agency of goodwill. Surprise! Surprise!!

Now the puppeteers of high finance and societal power pull their panic the populace strings, but there’s no more obedience by majority. What!? The transition has happened. The police state storm troopers pull rank, but it falls in dismiss. The trigger gets pulled, and the gun doesn’t shoot. The retaliation is in the form of another long stem rose slid down the barrel of a rifle. The paranoia germ and signal are deployed, but the people will not fearfully go to their room and stay there this time. The game is up! There’s one more threatening clamor call that the economy will fail bellowed by the finance ministers and their sycophantic mouthpieces. It falls as well at the feet of a firm humanitarian community that has already gotten an organic planet/nature based life support economy rolling and functioning. “Keep your money, and everything it buys” is the rejoice refrain. Surprise! Surprise!