In the shrill dyspeptic outburst of disqualification, discourtesy, dishonor, and disrespect of the national presidential “debate” glared the stark evidence of collective societal dysfunction. Clamoring idiocy on matters of relative unimportance which have been cranked up by the propaganda machines of political correctness, disinformation narration, and social control science rules the hour. Each participant is hyperactively reacting in fit and furrow to primarily irrelevant hot button questions of degenerate provocation, delivered specifically to leverage polarization. As true epidemics of perpetual war, environmental catastrophe, addiction, suicide, illness, and debt throttle up to breaking points, and beyond, the talking points of the hour are regurgitated tit for tat bafflements of condescending mumbo jumbo. Supreme Court nominee!!! Health care!!! Covid!!!! Incompetency!!! Liar!!!! One fast way to get nowhere, or regress… Get the puppet post presidential candidates to the mic, have Wallace ask them A.D.D. driven political correctness question of manufactured importance, and watch the insult spectacle. SNL satire can’t do justice to this laughable loss, and waste of time. Time, and attention, are way too valuable to waste it treating exercises like this as being in any way credible.
On the plus side, thank goodness for the obviousness of the idiocy. The fascist marionette theater , we call American politics, is right in our face. The gratuitous nature of the national farce reality, we have collectively consented to, is now on full display. How great was it to see the Declaration of Independence on the screen behind these two guys during the “debate” dog and pony show? The Declaration signaled through the “train wreck” of failure on the stage, right to us about what we’re depending on. Our current freedom status is in tatters. While these knot heads are running their mouths about ‘broken record” socially bi-polar paralyzation narratives, we’re all coping with solitary confinement trauma! There are way more cases of isolation ill than any dang flu virus. Criminal! This “debate” debauchery has driven the main point as far home as ever… This social system, and the people of authority in it, have way passed the point of diminished return, or use. Depend on it at your own risk.
The significant point, perhaps of all points, is that our government, any government, only has the power we give it. It only has the power I give it. So, a major thank you is in order for the recent obvious display of incredible dysfunction. Other than the bit of time required to make these observations, there’s no more investment in the narration of state sponsored ridiculousness. Like a lot of people that see through the smoke screen of assumed control, I’ve been moving independently. The independence of spirit is being cultivated. The independence of thought is high priority. The truth of independence is manifest in the active realization of intrepid renewal. Lead, follow, or have a nice day.