It’s not personal. There are so many decent, respectful, dignified, well meaning people that look at the cinema screen of the modern world report, and trust the validity, as admittedly confusing as it is, of it’s messengers and message. In spite of the, FRAUD!! We’re being lied to, urgency of the hour that I feel, it feels equally as important to be an active bystander, observing the phenomena of life as objectively as possible. At once, upon absorbing, what sounds like, the regurgitated conventional narrative, from whomever may be speaking it, allow it to ground. Let the actual ground diffuse the potency of information, and transform the elements of ill into something better, and amplify the elements of okay to a higher state. It has become abundantly clear, to me anyway, that direct dispute of anyone’s point of view right now, is an unproductive challenge. It seems real clear that the perpetuation of the notion that everything is under omnipresent threat has a lot of us digging in our heels in order to defend ourselves, and maybe more importantly, our point of view. As important as it may be to relax and take it easy during interactions, that’s a nice challenge right now. However, there’s a terrific upside…
Month: December 2020
It just fell out of fashion. Being in lockstep with the parroted call for social compliance has lost it’s flavor. It took no time for the post perennial pride to evaporate and dissolve once the fragrance of free thinking began filling the senses with fulfillment. There just are no satisfactions of the modern world that weigh in with piercing wonder of authentic sublime reality. The rendezvous with truth emanated out of the spastic wandering of lost initiative and cause. The common message of plain virtual worship had fallen flat, and there stood the savage of the real. The spontaneous grip of attraction took over without cause. All motion was set into a preeminent memorial gear of incubated DNA. DNA switched on by a signal from the remote. The on switch is presently eternal, defying prediction and prevention. The ensuing plasma swirl is manifest as the one being of all, and all one being. So much for now withholding the unfolding of life in abundance, for the former conventions of the modern world have fallen precipitously out of fashion.
A Bubble
There’s a bubble… There’s another. Someone must be blowing bubbles! Yes, they are more concentrated over here, and, as usual, there’s a couple kids following them. It’s a delight to chase, wave, blow, pop, or assist bubbles along their way. The imagination may rivet with the experience, and you can skip right into the field of lightly floating random impermanence. This one’s quivering. This one is small. That one’s tiny. Hey?! That one’s huge!! Bubbles cast on a light breeze stream; moving suddenly, gently, and chaotically on currents, or haunt hoveringly adrift in the still. Pause with one individual, and it’s characteristic shine. A light quivering amoeba of bubble quickly morphing into an elastic sphere. The bubble body lifted along on the invisible. It shines like a convex transparency mirror. The reflection of the world about the bubble is distorted clearly; make of it what you can… beauty. The interior atmosphere of the floating vessel is remotely separated from the one surrounding it. What’s in there is it’s own. Now this one bubble has been here awhile. It’s hardly noticeable that it’s boundary is a thinning film. It’s gone! This one did not go by popping, and the little splash of residual splash; it simply vanished. So…
Flexibly dreaming, the thoughts of the mind reside in a neuro-enviro-atmospere. Bubbling thoughts of belief shimmer their truth. Reality bubbles for each, and their own. With the enforcement, and reinforcement of what is and isn’t the beliefs are channeled into conformity or nurtured for freedom. How important is this? How long can it last?
Be The Leak
After paying my first visit to the cancer center to support someone recently diagnosed, I came away thinking, “Man?! That’s more than I thought. Way more than I thought!” While there’s really no way to be, at all, engaged in today’s world, and not be aware that cancer is common, this is something else. Cancer reality did not seem that real, until it did. Not just for the impact on the life of a person, but for the compound impacts on all these people’s lives. The profound compound impact that shows in the multifarious forms of decaying countenance and posture with the parade of patients arriving for their appointments. How many lives are interrupted here? There’s an incalculable butterfly effect to each persons heritage and case. The heart of destiny, design, and fate are being challenged as the direction of each life path is railroaded by circumstances, and the modern medical response. “What choice do I have? I’ve got this, and now I take the prescribed treatment: that’s it.” The emphatic tone of this statement reinforces the, now sure, sturdy skepticism of how open minded we are, modern technologies of all forms, and who to trust. There’s a call to advocate, humbly advocate, for questions of the formerly unquestionable.
Compassion. Compassion. Compassion pressure is building up in the body, mind, and (likely as always) soul. It’s surging, spilling over into thought, word, and deed. The witness of sickness, protracted sickness, endurance, and death at the current rates and levels, all over the place, is overriding the “me first” objective. But for the Grace of God, an illness anywhere, is an illness everywhere. Retribution, condemnation, self righteousness, and self justification have run their course. Turn the focus onto root reality, as best as possible. It’s abundantly clear, at least to me now, that fighting fire with fire has terrible side effects, and no downstream sustainability. The internal call to good will is pressure in the quantum pressure cell of wholistic dynamics. Leak, spill, pour out the good will. Be the leak, join the spill, and if it is to be, bust out in a flooding, pouring wave of good will saturating the abundantly parched ground of our existence. Who knows if our collective pride in, and commitment to, our traditional paradigm will breakdown. When I broke it began to look like our actual needs are much more, and less, of what society’s evolved design says they are. There’s like a need to reach need. Self awareness preceding environmental awareness, and compassion was being denied. The cosmic disturbance of the help paradigm, not only defies prediction, and thus AI’s algorithm, it unlocks a miracle wave of healing that requires nothing more than a channel. Love flows. Flowing so much that there’s an atmosphere of beneficent assistance in which individual needs get met mutually. Come to find out, there’s a lot of help available! by and large, we’ve seen enough, way more than enough, injustice, sickness, and suffering. Will a change of heart/mind happen? In whom, and when?
The Last Breath
The first breath apogee, spontaneously arriving with gags and gasps. Breath, smoothing urgently relaxed, transitions from the amnionic to the gaseous fluid. Nearly immediately consciousness is lost in the forgotten present of always and integrally automatic. Like a metronome bellows rhythmically swelling, absorbing the molecular gas mass in which the animal swims. Each cardiovascular miracle enterprise proceeds joining inner and outer atmospheres with a contingency. Fate, a furrow, finds passive arrival expectations. What do you have to breathe? I want to wander the landscapes of fine fine promise. Enduring the collapse of birthright innocence. I do believe I may be choking!
Core outbreak peak disease symptoms rage and rise under the fire horizon. Each scale of mercy rains down it’s own mystery. Like what made the blue heaven? What of the wandering, so called cloud, drapery? Sunlight shining through disfigured prisms of alkaloid metal shades of dispersed nano chaff. Suspicion’s mind opens to what the eyes see only in the fractured disaster of metallic tinting to a passing cloud’s transparency, but not in the incendiary breathable dope dust that is prevailing, descending, and surrounding us everywhere. There is no more glossing over the permanency of the atmospheric contamination status. I want to exhale toxins, not inhale them.
Life’s choices forever abound; or do they? After having spent all this time being herded into a belief coral of complacency and conformity, honest evaluation of basic life needs is in jeopardy. An ultra-fundamental basic is that the air is safe to breath. The terms of this discourse are barely describable or discussable. The mind, nor temperament can tolerate the topic of the unthinkable…. the unbreathable. Now the jet plane plumes, the fallout clouds, and the total mistrust of any “official” assurance of safe/unsafe levels of anything combine to motivate the creature me to reinvent myself. With each breath distancing from the first one, each inhalation, which the whole life process depends, extends closer to the last one. Wether the termination of this incarnation come sudden or slow, it feels mad important to make them count in the good of transformation from the increasingly toxic to the progressively pure. The sacrifice will pale in the light of the penalty for not exercising the effort to harken a most basic, and fundamental, shift. Shift from the inorganic to the natural. Resume, restore, and aspirate what evolution had manifested as a breathable atmosphere pillowing Mother Earth. Depart the miasmic, and draining, technologic world for the ebullient natural one. There is no doubt that the transgressing “progress”of the modern world has lost any form of credibility, and the re-evaluted personal contract with Creation is the code. To the modern world, “Thanks for the lesson on what to do if I want suffocation and disease.” Now, mindfully aware that the term of choice and chance is limited, and who knows how short, I’ll be thankful for that of the air which still supports life, return it with favor, and keep it happening until the last breath.