Not to be mistaken. The subtleties of loneliness are rooted in the ever slow slight persuasions of independence, preeminence, and marginalization. As the event procession of man’s irascible run from nature rumbles, crumbles. and crashes, our so called civil servants fumble with braggart self congratulations of superiority, authority, and latest widespread latent linguistic poison. The ability to provide anything like coherent reasons to justify emergency actions escapes like daylight at sunset. Fleeting, fading, going, going… We, as a world community, are well down the road of having a dominant class at the wheel. This scenario is played out, and the society leadership class can no longer avoid absurdity. With each passing press conference, interview, or lecture more of us bail out on the failing message. All the politico self righteous outrage and tough talk can’t hide the staggering loss of perspective and leadership. So for each fraudulent failure at the public disgrace level of collapsing narrative. fare you well. The audience has disembarked.
Illusion and delusion are close relatives. Knowing one or the other might make either recognizable, however, without knowing, the chances of accessing reality would be as likely as hitting the bullseye of a dart board in a neighbors garage from a blind folded arrow shot from my backyard. It’s a double conundrum to consider that even if the bullseye’s hit, the person holding the bow still doesn’t know it happened. This is a sucker’s trap. For anybody that has managed to get to a place where they actually believe that signing some piece of paper, or giving some kind of order actually provides them jurisdiction over another, guess what? You’re in a spirit trap. It’s an isolation trap of slipping through illusion into delusion. If and when recovery from falling into this state begins begins, wondrous revelations may very likely manifest. How could I have been so mistaken? How could I have been so wrong? How could I have not have known?
As Bob Dylan said in the song It’s Alright Ma (I’m Only Bleeding), “But even the president of the United States/ Sometimes must have to stand naked.” The reconciliation of karma happens, and unsustainable BS can only be supported so long before the inevitable collapse into the collective alchemy of love. Isolation prevails in a moment of truth. The realizer of fate is at their own personal nexus point. Favor is ours for the choosing. Each own’s foundational principles are brought to bear. Buffets of charm, interdependence, humility, and unity assert a mild persuasion. Peacefulness or torment ensue. The entire incarnate cycle is refined to this exact instant… It’s not a given…. About face and reconcile in the embrace of care and repair, or not. There’s basically no boundary of despairing loneliness which awaits on the path of insisted isolation.