
Not to be mistaken. The subtleties of loneliness are rooted in the ever slow slight persuasions of independence, preeminence, and marginalization. As the event procession of man’s irascible run from nature rumbles, crumbles. and crashes, our so called civil servants fumble with braggart self congratulations of superiority, authority, and latest widespread latent linguistic poison. The ability to provide anything like coherent reasons to justify emergency actions escapes like daylight at sunset. Fleeting, fading, going, going… We, as a world community, are well down the road of having a dominant class at the wheel. This scenario is played out, and the society leadership class can no longer avoid absurdity. With each passing press conference, interview, or lecture more of us bail out on the failing message. All the politico self righteous outrage and tough talk can’t hide the staggering loss of perspective and leadership. So for each fraudulent failure at the public disgrace level of collapsing narrative. fare you well. The audience has disembarked.

Illusion and delusion are close relatives. Knowing one or the other might make either recognizable, however, without knowing, the chances of accessing reality would be as likely as hitting the bullseye of a dart board in a neighbors garage from a blind folded arrow shot from my backyard. It’s a double conundrum to consider that even if the bullseye’s hit, the person holding the bow still doesn’t know it happened. This is a sucker’s trap. For anybody that has managed to get to a place where they actually believe that signing some piece of paper, or giving some kind of order actually provides them jurisdiction over another, guess what? You’re in a spirit trap. It’s an isolation trap of slipping through illusion into delusion. If and when recovery from falling into this state begins begins, wondrous revelations may very likely manifest. How could I have been so mistaken? How could I have been so wrong? How could I have not have known?

As Bob Dylan said in the song It’s Alright Ma (I’m Only Bleeding), “But even the president of the United States/ Sometimes must have to stand naked.” The reconciliation of karma happens, and unsustainable BS can only be supported so long before the inevitable collapse into the collective alchemy of love. Isolation prevails in a moment of truth. The realizer of fate is at their own personal nexus point. Favor is ours for the choosing. Each own’s foundational principles are brought to bear. Buffets of charm, interdependence, humility, and unity assert a mild persuasion. Peacefulness or torment ensue. The entire incarnate cycle is refined to this exact instant… It’s not a given…. About face and reconcile in the embrace of care and repair, or not. There’s basically no boundary of despairing loneliness which awaits on the path of insisted isolation.

Frame Job

With generations of secretly calculated, planned, and executed worldwide imperialist operations of subterfuge, deceit, hyper violence, and war now burdening the purveyors of these self same monopoly agendas, you can see the circle is tightening around the mayhem progenitors themselves. After corporately false flagging themselves to the top of the material aspect of the societal totem, the captains of the dominant industrial complexes are cracking in panic. The appearance of this is clear in the explosive bonanza of chaos events, and the coordinated paranoid finger pointing associated with them. Fascist fat cats, with disdain for any challenge to their self claimed authority, continue to license further kleptomania operations. Majority populations have traditionally toed the line, and complied without providing critical resistance. Now, however, we are. To simply ask questions is to exercise a power that neurotically freaks out societal leadership. We’re talking about some heavy weight cowards. Thus there’s a progressively closing circle getting tight on the “leadership”. The geography doesn’t lie.

Frame the enemy to justify retaliatory response. This classic control strategy for the imperialist, the monopolist, the capitalist, the kleptocrat has run it’s course, nearly completely. It is, right now, sputtering, and running out of gas. The circle of “business” enterprise was, and remained for a long time, as big as the world; the world plus!! Systematic long term exploitation of earth’s resources has generated intense karma, and now big time suspicion, mistrust, and courage to face the source of the present undeniably terminal nature of our collective ill. It’s gotten this serious, and the critical mass of awakening has switched on. That mass is affecting a paradigm switch; by switching from service to self to service to others. It’s power can’t be false flagged off, nor redirected to do further harm. The parasites, that have long efforted to control the world, not just know that their impotency is rising, they are feeling the pinch.

While the residuals of attacks linger like fallout around the world, the ranks of the militarized strong-arm is closing. Add this up…Practice blaming, attacking, and accusing any and all entities which “seem” to stand in the way of material gain… Build up “apparent” strength that is gained through conquest of people’s and resources… Dupe history’s narrative with tainted self righteousness, and then proceed to abuse the favor by overrunning decency, honor, and liberty to a degree that even the most prolific super computer could not compute… And guess what!?!? Big time karmic back blow!!! It’s inescapable, and the spirit piper of this monumental disfavor will be paid. For any of us that participate in, or consent to, willfully doing harm, there is no defense from the monster that will eat us from the inside out. The string pullers of our worldwide society are running out of rope. They know it, and it shows . It shows in the demonstration of armed protection around the traditionally symbolic seat of planetary power. Each era of class domination has written a chapter demonizing one savage breed to the next, one enemy of the state to the next, one terrorist group to the next until the only last thing to do is to actually blame EVERYBODY! We’ve basically all been framed for the crime of not choosing to destroy our host planet with requisite gusto. No one really has to defend themselves from a crime they did not commit, and liars don’t really need to be forcibly overthrown. The internal turmoil is the prison of one’s own device, and the rope that’s been taken is way more than enough for a hanging. You want your control so bad??? Take it. It’s on obvious display right now that our social controllers feel compelled to barricade themselves in. Can’t see how they don’t realize how obvious the crimes are, and that they are locking themselves in with their own worst enemy. Oh well.


Lines, colors, objectives, and cries are fading. The whole scene is becoming faint. Ordinary operation of daily affairs has it’s familiarity. Familiarity has it’s residues in incompletion. Pass the same things enough times and the scenery is so common that the details have relatively low importance. The attention is turned more toward the direction than the place. Stop and look around? Stop and observe?

Recently it has seemed like a good idea to make a deliberate effort to slow down. Slow, slow, slow, slower, stop. Stopping. Observing. Most everything seems so known, so ordinary. There’s that in it’s place. Those are, more or less, always just like that. The chatter and hum is equal to the hour. This is basically as it could be expected to be. The weather is, and the commentary follows. The news of the world breaks to the relative delight of the interested. Commonly has developed among the humans a skitter scatter pace of each own’s kind of race. There’s a trumpet in the media pipe that becomes audible by many anthro-means… Problem! Problem! Problem! Be safe while you deal with the problem! There is a clarity here; a distinction. Without interrupting…. Pause.

Apples and Orangutans

Can there be a greater disparity of terms? In the inverto reality of our modern world, the working definitions of dialogue and conversation are up for grabs. A riot squad of (dis)contents demonstrate in the mass media theater for the re-enforcement of the pandemonium message and authoritarian outrage. Contradictions of terms are running out of the media pores like sweat off a grave digger in the sun. The self same ambassadors of hyper violence point the finger at people throwing chairs with condemnation. Forgotten,and overlooked, are the phosphorous bombs, the burnt skin, the depleted uranium, and the friendly fire trauma that has all been authorized by the war whores that reside in their security chamber until they are cued to go hide in a drama pause. There’s not one responsible leader in the entire doggon impasse. Not one leader of any variety. On the one hand we have a group of primarily protected sycophants that run their mouths with commandeered, fraud, authority, and on the other hand we have civilians that are forced to go through their daily life without knowing which sickness laden fire bomb is going to randomly explode in their neighborhood, or which birth is next to be defected by the radio munition that has contaminated everything after broadcast discharge. To the perpetrators of the current divide at all cost narration, of so called news, thanks for comparative obviousness of ill. This isn’t apples and oranges. It’s the radical departure of standing under a shower, or under Niagra Falls. We’re comparing apples to freakin orangutans, and it’s obvious.


Who’s to say? When it comes to throwing their weight around, and impressing it’s interest on others, international corporations have no contemporary rivals. By hijacking governmental bodies the corporate influence runs socially deep. The main hijack prize is the USA. It has become a preeminent imperialist enforcement tool. The resource gold mine that the continent is, combined with the calculated social science misguidance of the peoples has mobilized a munition rich mercenary force for empire. It has a flaw. It had to manipulate it’s work force into believing that it’s nationalist cause was legitimate, sound, and right. Illegitimacy impregnates the foundations of the imperialist structure with rudimental fissures. Staggering it is, crumbling down the scales of promise; forsaken for the sick psychotic greed of insatiable parasitic lust. Not only can a house divided not stand, neither can this.


The city of Arali has to be evacuated. It’s the largest evacuation in history. The order has been prompted by a China Syndrome event many layers above the city. Officially this was not supposed to be a serious threat. All the assurance of the past several months, however, has evaporated. An emergency alert has been issued. Experts now say that the situation is much worse than they thought. This is not a potential, or pending crisis; it’s an active one.. While most evacuation notices are usually met with a high degree of skepticism, there are not many skeptical now. The memory of the city of Or, it’s wicked contamination, and complete annihilation by the Fukushima meltdown has never been forgotten. More than half a million people perished as result of that Daiichi event; about two thirds of the total population. Reports at that time diminished the severity of the damage and threat. Now it seems as though the same events are unfolding here. It would seem that we have reached the point at which we might re-think trusting officials to responsibly, and faithfully, provide information of real value and worth. The luxury of this reconsideration may be afforded one day. The highest priority now is to to try to reach the radiation free perimeter of the rapidly approaching nuclear fuel core from above. So much for the safety retreat of the underground city.