The Authority Within

As the structure of the modern world narration collapses under the weight of miscalculation, inauthenticity, falsification, and outright lie the “authorities” that have participated in the promotion and perpetuation of the, now glaringly incoherent societal storyline, can no longer keep their balance. As the vacillations of fact reporting reach whiplash contradiction extremes, the mouths of the tellers twist and cripple to babbling silence. It’s as if every other word spoken relates to some completely unrelated idea. Only the most committed puppet or parrot can mimic the preprogrammed garble they’ve been tasked with delivering. To achieve even a hint of composure when delivering the present crap contention seems to require that the agent be in a zombie like state . The narration collapse is leaving a vacuum and chaos. The order which comes out of this chaos is ours for the choosing. Personally, and collectively, we’ve got a chance, a perennial chance, to access, understand, and choose a guidance system of actual reliable authority. It’s in and about. Find quiet from the clamor. Listen in the quiet for the true authority which speaks within.

For how many millennia, now, has the common person been under the influence of the overriding powerbroker (king, boss, judge, priest…)message??? Legitimacy has been crowded out by generations of power abuse. The inability to see this is the denial and delusion brought on by the repetition of encouraged, masked derelict schizophrenic mantras of misguidance. I’m tired of telling myself that it’s going to be ok, when the ok I’ve been persuaded to believe in is a selfish one. It’s a ruse. It’s a trap! Trapped into a frame of mind, body, and soul that contradicts nature. The persuasion that there is a right way to do the wrong thing has run it’s course. The mouth piece minion puppets of the techno/klepto have used unmerited authority to crowd us into a suffocating solitary room, and a trap door has opened up beneath us. The parts of the conventional narration that are illogical, or don’t add up, are written off as necessarily secret or conspiratorial. What a tired cop out! Word up. Good deeds are not done in the dark, dastardly ones are. Time out!! Up and about, into the light. The clamoring decaying alibis of the slumping parasites who’ve sold out to the corporate banking bloodsuckers, claimed authority of our lives and world, and willfully run the whole living miracle plant body into the ground have spun out. The leadership I’m choosing now is the cosmic unity force that elevates, saves, and delvers the guidance as an authority within.

For Better or Worse

Focus on a problem, and the problem gets worse. Focus on a solution, and the solution works better. There is an almost irresistible urge to point out what’s seems to be going wrong, and why. There’s sickness all around! There are injustices galore! Who can be trusted!? There’s intense corruption! This all seems so weird! Politicians are fascist puppets! We’re being herded off a proverbial cliff by a hyper selfish group of parasitic kleptocrats! Can’t you see that our news is propagandized weaponry? The environment is being aggressively toxified! We’re consenting to, and cooperating with, a system that’s working to eliminate us! And they’re charging US to do it! Can’t you see what’s going on!?!? Wake up!!!! This is an outrage! You should be shocked! For better or worse these are not uncommon world view perspectives, nor responses to them. I, along with some others, am getting pretty good at pointing out where injustice resides, where freedom is lost, and where liberty is deprived, but at what point does that seem to contribute to real meaningful improvement? To be fair, these precious elements of life have never seemed to be more harmed, or at greater risk. So… Is identifying a problem really the solution to a problem, or does it show that there’s the need for one. From this point of view it looks like the modern problem is founded in the spirit, ideas, and actions of gratuitous taking. If the anti-pole of problem is solution; what then the anti-pole of taking???

Give and take for better or for worse. It’s a challenge to not grab for mine while at the same time pointing out how others are stealing theirs. How do I know it’s not envy ruling the roost? I mean who’s really bullshitting who!? The temptation of material ease and luxury has me. I’ll give later, gotta get now. Suddenly, there’s a sense of the surrealism of presence. An extrapolation down a wormhole of relentless depravity, carelessness, unchecked ambition, and furiously impersonal disfavor pops me out with meaning. This here is the twilight zone. It unfolds. An egalitarian reference point pierces the consciousness, the linkage of eternity, and everything in it, becomes visible. Now a serious question can be asked. What is it that you really want? Pause…. Bell strike…. Pause…. I want to succeed without alibi. Fair favor for everyone! It’s for, not from. It’s peace, not stress. It’s give and take. It’s mine and yours. What’s given is what is kept. Keep what you give, and it’s greater than this. For better or worse, dwell on a solution, share favor and find the world beyond the routine repetitive problems on which have regularly relied.