Gone Underground

Out in New York on I84 traveling through Duchess and Orange counties there are some immense warehouses built along side the highway. These facilities are freakin enormous! There are tractor trailers galore parked all over the lots and loading docks. There’s no doubt that many consumers are gluttonous and insatiable, but there is no way that this much space is required for conventional commerce. The recent new development of yet another colossal amount of acreage has me pause. What is this really for!? This warehouse redundancy isn’t for any traditional merchandise handling. No way! All of a sudden it hits me. It’s for provisioning! Burgeoning, and expanding underground communities need support and supply. These are access points for the underground world. It has for years been reported that subterranean complexes and networks, have been developed as like safety getaways that can be inhabited when the surface of the earth is no longer life friendly. Bunkers for the mega rich. The underground would definitely need surface support. Commerce is the cover for these bunker provision terminals. Supplies are being stockpiled, and the building materials are being staged for going into the earth. There’s no doubt that resource hoarding on earth is commonplace, and there’s no disputing the un-sustainabilty of the modern world. Tthere’s a demographic of people looking to get to safety, and these look like the gates. It’s no fun to think that the state of world wellness is in such jeopardy, but at least the prime movers of polluting and exploiting are running scared.

Deep, deeper, and deepening into the earth is the burrowing and burying of the panicking pack of parasitic kleptocrats that are on the run like the horny young guys from the movie Porky’s were when the mock axe murderer stormed into the swamp brothel. Advanced awakening is billowing through society around the world, Formerly cocky corporate captains have lost their collective sea legs. The web of perpetual lies and alibis, used to trick/force people into believing, the now flagrantly obvious, societal narrative frau, is collapsing. It’s coming down like a Jenga tower, or, if you will, like towers WTC 1,2,7 One can’t even begin to keep pace with the rapid fire lies of the self appointed authorities, and their puppet political hack flack lackeys.. All the talking heads have basically reached functional apoplexy. So, with traditional journalism, long hijacked, dead, the grass roots groundswell of coherent independent journalism is coming on, and can no longer have the lid held down over it. Censor independence all you want. The surge of truth is blowing open a hole in the fraud fire wall. The parasites that have been leaching off the living planet for millennia are exposed, and nobody is more afraid of the truth than the liar. Faced with this fact combined with the once hospitable environment turning hostile, the most prolific cheaters and thieves of our world are looking to escape, with many heading for the bunker. It would be one thing to say, “Good riddance”, but these reprobates can’t leave even the most nasty situation alone. There’s an insistence on putting the scorched earth pedal to the metal, making an already painfully toxic situation worse! Liberty could sure use some help and resuscitation. It can’t hurt that it’s traditional enemy is running scared, and heading underground.The ensuing vacuum on the surface of earth isn’t all that healthy. We’re going to need help. We’re going to need a lot of help.

The sense of being overwhelmed, rendered helpless, and hopelessly unable to be liberated from the programs of evolved social organization is not unusual at all. It’s the effective result of generations of deliberate and powerful personality manipulation and eugenics driven scientific application. The aggressors that have committed to these programs, their development, and their use have made a catastrophic choice. Any contradiction to this falls totally short. Any need for secrecy is an instant admission of wrong doing. Period. The beneficiaries of the capitalistic/monopolistic money wealth generation, security, and accumulation have dug themselves a very real hole. It’s a karma hole. In the present state, our karma clearing practices are going to be intense. For those that have actively participated in creating so much lopsided karma of harm the consequence is cosmic. It probably makes sense that petrified cowards would want to go hide from the sun, and the miasma earth’s atmosphere has become, but the reality is that they are all bailing in with others just like themselves. Good luck with that. On the surface we’ll await the miracle, and see in due course, what that is. Fatefully may eternity smile. Those that couldn’t stand the light have got underground.

Awareness Advocacy

It would be nice to think that awareness advocacy is not a pestilence. When the sense of alert inside is alarmingly urgent, it is very difficult to not sound off a siren call of warning. The repetition of the alert, however, while pretty consistent, isn’t welcome. So, the matter at hand, for raising awareness, becomes one of expression, and it’s form. The point is not to beat someone else over the head with observations that they don’t want to hear. The mitigating feature inside the messenger that creates repetition, however,is the thought that the info is so key, that at some level, everyone should want to be aware. Not the case. Shut down, dispute, unfriendliness, and schism is common. Recently I heard someone say that if the truth were told in a way that it could be understood, it would be believed. So…. Now the responsibility as an awareness advocate is to find a way to be responsibly discerning, and meaningfully informative.

Compassion and love of others that I perceive to be asleep, and seem to be fighting to stay that way, is challenging. Checking up the internal pride about being right is challenging too. Righteous ranting excesses are selfish, damaging, and counter productive. It’s so important to not forget that the Devil could care less about how right a point of view is as long as there is an argument about it. As far as the spirit prince of disunion, discord, and hatred is concerned, the more stubborn, personal, bitter, and hostile an argument is, the better.Righteousness works communicatively with confident humility. The basic internal attitude that remembers that we’re all equal, regardless of what our point of view may be at any given time. We all have our reasons for our current view point, and it’s valid. If the real objective is to work towards improving the quality of our shared reality; arguments and fights can’t happen. The best way through a defense is to never raise it, so an inspired sense of good timing is invaluable. Selfishness is also thereupon for wanting to get the satisfaction of seeing desired changes in others happen. Patience. Patience. Patience. The patience of knowing that a valuable message has been delivered regardless of how it seems to have been received is fundamental. Trusting that a valuable message has been delivered has to be premium. There’s satisfaction in not getting riled up! Man, I’ll tell you what?! This often gets emotionally tricky!!It’s especially tricky when others are smart, pointed, and motivated to aggressively, or passively dismiss, marginalize, and/or disprove what has just been offered. Letting the issue lie without argument is sublime It can be. People carry messages; Providence does the changing, and does it in It’s time.

What of the means? Laughter is good medicine, so satire might very well be a very good tool. Success is avoiding being mean spirited and angry, enjoy spreading insights, poking fun at our shortcomings, and keeping the expectations low. Who knows how far liberation can reach with some good natured humor? No question that the modern world has enough power driven operations. It appears that much of the modern world’s shared reality conditions are running rapidly and dangerously into the red. In a big way, this is no laughing matter, however, the dire expressions, sarcasm, criticism, condemnation, intolerance, hostility, and un-love are very apparent, so an anti-pole of actual levity may provide an important pause. A pin point moment of freeze frame clarity which affords each the most useful view of the world available at some important moment. The road to hell may be paved with good intentions (and some not so good ones as well), so when all is said and done it’ll be nice to be remembered for having had the best lemonade stand on that road along the way.

Butt Out of Our DNA!

I was listening to Dan Winter lecture on the properties of DNA this morning. The graphics included in the presentation brought the subject to life. The delicacy and precision of Creation working sacredly in Deoxyribonucleic Acid shines in the tissues of the living, shimmering with brilliance. The incredibly harmonious information processing systems with divine capacities of integrations awesomely defies imagination.. DNA is integrating the instructions of development within while also constantly in tune with the update messages from without. Way beyond amaze!!!

The DNA molecule has been decoded to provide someone with ordinary vision the opportunity to see this supremely extraordinary nucleic acid. There it is! The most majestic mandala. The most harmonious rhythm. Ebbing and flowing. Squeezing and releasing. Respiring effortlessly expressions of purposes galore! Life, life, abundant life in glorified relief. Here is the adherent of promise. Pure consciousness has dreamed a process into being that works in ways that fiction could never compare. It’s perfect functioning perfection in the sub cellular molecular happenings of life. Never distressed by entropy or organization, the building block systems of life rest comfortably in each instantaneous eternity in the procession of universal existence. It’s the cosmic keynote that could seemingly never be, and nothing would ever be without. It feels beyond the senses, and heals beyond diagnosis. Graphically, molecular insights reserved for the mystic and the shaman has been witnessed, by me, of the perfection of DNA that is beyond enhancement or improvement. The news, however, these days is littered with reports of modern science’s ability to alter and treat our DNA in order to “help” us out. Pardon me, but I’m going to take a major pause on that one. Not so fast.

Here we are with the bold rumors, assertions, and claims of modern (ancient) science that it’s to be trusted. This so called “science” is like an albatross of speculation. It’s a cryptic reminder of the Lucifer Experiment. The experiment of intentionally choosing to deny the Prime Source of Creation, and technologically improve on Nature. Improve on perfection ourselves, and claim dominion of natural energetic forces. The idea and concept of purposefully, mechanically leveraging control elements of the cosmos to improve upon perfection allures with the perpetual temptation of possessing ultimate authority. Immediately, prideful contempt of true Power reigns in those that have forsaken it. Cosmic level envy displaces passion with desire, veneration with ambition, Grace with will, fulfillment with want, and promise with loss. Let the engineer take a seat in the seat of Creation, and proceed at one’s own risk. Power lust’s provisional intent is a willful exit from the Light. As quickly as rejection of free energy (Grace) and truth happens, is just as quickly as there is an immediate need for a supplement. Vampirism/parasitism take over. Insuring control over nature means insistence on re-creation. Lie supplants truth, and the entire ensuing narration grows increasingly incoherent. From the most simple superficial lie and manipulation to DNA deep interference, luciferian mechanical controls know no bounds of depth or depravity. Hence, progressively an all consuming atmosphere of inorganic control matrix surrounds us all. There is a determined insistence on getting inside our bodies, and souls, which hold the light fragments of Divinity, and it’s power. The modern structures of control are now saturating all perceptible reality, and dominating our systems of belief. Every effort, and the full available force, is now in effect to get to the seat of instruction. The last threshold has been penetrated. The parasite is in the DNA. It might seem that the final frontier has been seized, but in reality the intruders are, in fact, petty hacks that have actually succeeded in bastardizing themselves, squandering their own inheritance, and burying themselves under more karma than Zeus himself could unpile. The destiny of the parasitic assailants is a sealed inevitable failure. But what of those that remain?

The operations within the helix, within the thought, within time, and within imagination are beyond language, beyond time, and beyond ordinary view. It is here that the majesty is spawned and carried on. It is here that instructions and communications are carried out and executed with cosmic precision.. It is here, and from here, that life’s promise is prompted, instant by instant. Seeing it is like watching an inward/outward pulsating holographic rainbow apple. Utter tranquil amaze, independence, and fulfillment is resplendent with untainted glory in whatever remains of the organic. This is the order of the off limits declaration. It’s one individual’s declaration. It’s sovereignty. It’s ultimately free. Parasites can poison the water, air, food, and media with all the intentional weaponry they can muster. All these basic environmental elements which have been securely tainted, laden, and filled with the nano, and EMF, tech that is meant to deprive all life of it’s liberty, and steal it’s strength, is successful to a degree. But it’s one big whiff on those that don’t go under the spell of education, medical, media maya. Fear is losing losing losing it’s grip. The door of access has slammed shut on the sovereign sentience of well being, and it’s DNA. Word to the ministers of the modern world,” You have reached a perimeter you can not cross. Your medicine has been flushed.’ The way is straight. The codes that reside in the eternity of splendor, divinity and growth beauty are prevailing, and the so called “junk” DNA has switched on. The entire life package now hums with spontaneous organic enterprise. To the parasites that have picked the dishonorable path of energy harvest and kleptomania, “Butt out!” The spirit journey path of sovereign souls goes on, and you are out of gas.

Bottoming Out

Like a shattered mirror of randomly scattered shards of littered, splintered light beams glinting as sparkles of phantasm, the pieces of exploded coherence settle as the food and founder of new bred creation. The inevitable bottom crash has happened. The collapse to the floor of willful insistence has been gracefully utilized as a propulsive break through of a glass ceiling. A ceiling of limitation imposed by the expensive parasitic warlords of lust, vampirism, and kleptomania that have been feeding on the hearts of innocence and tearing domain decency to shreds. Ultimately the correspondence of recovery corrects and effects healing. Corresponding blindly at inception with ignorance, innocence, and immunity, the new organisms of antidote and promise exorcise exploitation leverage thus withholding sovereignty. Everlasting preeminence a-broads and abounds. Finally we can breath resurrection, reflection, and at last ignorance of profound deception lies. The sky’s the limit!