The Ship of the Collective

There is no doubt that there are factions directing the ship of our collective fate. There is also no doubt that those factions could care less for our well being. In fact, all the science, and technology at the disposal of the social control agents in these factions are willfully, willingly, and intentionally doing us harm. Every imaginable kind of harm, in every imaginable way. We may never know exactly who these individuals and factions are, but we can do one thing for sure… We can evaluate the entire popular narrative, every official source, all the peer pressure, and stop doing what we’re being told to do by these factions. We can stop participating in torpedoing our own collective fate ship.


So often conventional wisdom is delivered emphatically with sure confidence. So much personal experience, however, contradicts the rigid declaratives about peoples, and what they prove to actually be about. All the images and stories of people at each other’s throats is routinely unfound. Again yesterday down in Point Pleasant New Jersey there were loads of people of all walks of life mixed together happily. There was no overbearing threat of danger or suspicion to be found, heard, or sensed anywhere. Again, and again yesterday, all the persuasions that we the people are our own enemy has been defied, and the only screams of surprise were the screams of joy among those loving their surprises which were popping up in the funhouse.

Follow Your Heart

I’m visiting the relic of my spiritual guide’s abandoned home. There is snow inside the house. The snow has drifted into the corners of the great room in which I find myself. This is the room in which we had met many times. On the wall beside the fireplace there is a faux impression on/in the wall. I remembered that there was once a window here where the impression is now. The impression captures my attention, and I begin observe it. The impression is moving, morphing, and kind of melting. It’s my spirit guide! It’s his impression moving and gesturing like an animated sculpture. It’s great to see him again!

There’s a message coming through the apparition. I’ve known this guy well. His eager manner and determination is obvious in spite of the fact that he’s at peace. Very deliberately, the apparition sculpture, faux texture, on the wall is telling me to do that which he realizes he could have done better, and more… With the appearance of a phantom left hand, on the winter wall, he reaches to the solar plexus spot, and points in. Follow your heart. With this the entire event scene evaporates. Follow your heart. Thank you Jay.

Who, Exactly, Is Bullshitting Who?

Once seen, there’s no way to un-see or un-realize the present truth. Fear trauma and normalcy warping headlines now hang like trappings on a bulletin board. The former supposed reporting authority has been tossed up. The new news compartment for traditional journalism sources isn’t just propaganda; it’s truth inverter. All information is being twisted by filters of mind control purpose. No one is trusted, or allowed, by the print bosses, or social captains, to think freely. The news isn’t fake; it’s twisted. Modern day reporting is accurate in this real way; what is isn’t, what isn’t is, what’s marginalized should be emphasized, and what’s dismissed is essential. The blame game is rigged with those screaming crime the loudest being the most guilty., and the righteousness of the blamed is tectonic. Indeed those that are suggesting, demanding, that they be trusted are penultimately untrustworthy, and the subtleties of having progressed to this place of one hundred percent complete hijack of traditionally trusted information sources are beyond bound. The subtleties of the science mind controls potentials are astronomical. Traditional journalism at this point is a pass at your own risk trip. Read critically, I find hope in the twisted reporting. Recently I saw the article of the hawk killing chicken that had been a lonely woman’s best friend. Hmmmm…

The article about the bird on bird attack was a source of terrific optimism. Algorithmically there is nothing in the news that is done arbitrarily, or without purpose. In this case, the vilification of a subject operating instinctually in the natural world is the point. Identifying the innocent victim of a sad random act of nature is another point. Catalyzing feelings of unfairness in this situational equation is the objective. The reason I find this particular story is a stout stalwart of hope and enterprise is because of who the villain is. All beings have their brave power characteristics. Members of the modern world are lacking some mighty important ones. Honor, intuition, and courage are right at the top of the list of what we could all use much greater capacities of. These traits among peoples are a very real threat to the BS narration of civilization in this modern time. Ironically enough, these happen to be the traits of the hack that preyed on the chicken. With a further twist, the chicken is probably as exploited industrial food species as any, and the hawk’s populations at one time had been so messed up by many different human operating practices in modern industrial time that they were on the brink of extinction. Not to mention, that the lady who was leaning on the chicken for friendship, service, and support was probably doing so because she couldn’t emotionally reconcile what she was seeing in the nightly news. This bird kill article was delivered specifically to invert my internal attitude to what’s perfectly well ordered in the natural world. Who, exactly, is bullshitting who?

Hatched in tree top vaults of heaven / An incubation tube in the back of a lab / Favor found fortune an interminable tussle / The witness admires with remarkable dread / Freedom from captive longing splashed red / Our loss is our gain the story re-read / The honor is savored rewarding the dead / The true curse accursing the miserable un-dead