
What exactly are we referring to when when we say, “I’ll be glad when things get back to normal.”?? The time that we thought we knew that was existent in the days, weeks, months, and minutes right before we were told that a contagious health crisis had broken out? Is that the normal time? What really is normal in this sense? Is it a time in which a usual state prevailed that was reasonably sustainable, healthy, and ok; quote-unquote, normal? Is it a time in our freedom was free, and our liberty intact? My guess is that we’re talking about a time that’s in a bit of a vacuum, a figment of a fancy imagination. Everything certainly is relative. There are major ecological, environmental, basic human need, and okayness issues that are just as important now as they were before “so called” pandemic hit. Is that the normal we want back, or what!? It’s more like the actual normal is the normalcy of crisis events popping up, one after another, to grab our attention, and interrupt the recognizing and/or avoiding ever increasing levels of abnormality. So much for the cliche, “Normal.” How about reconsidering the whole concept of what normal even means?

A new gestalt is the foundation of what, heretofore, be referred to as normal. The parts of this body of ideas and understanding will include the forsaken facts of our millennium, or better yet millennia! All the marginalization of many core formative issues of our minds and times are routinely jammed into a box of “I told you so” by official tellers of what’s claimed to be our collective story. The diversity of truths that get dismissed by the railroading insistences of authority historians is monumental. Unearthing, exposing, and evaluating the dismissed, “it happened the way we said narrative” is the root of new understanding. It can’t help but be more authentic than what’s called history now. Until that stuff gets faced squarely, we can go back all we we want, the satisfaction of whatever one would like to call normal is gonna be mighty messed up. For the sake of brevity, let’s just say that ALL the theories thought of as conspiracy are the basis for evaluation in the quest of what I’m referring to as normal. Maybe going back isn’t so wise after all. Moving on.


Into the stream of consciousness, a welcoming introduction / Isn’t it amazing!? This land sliding discovery of growth / The mystical rhythms change can’t annoy / Embracing the time with all it employs

Here, I want you to see / Your mother remembers your reason to be / Don’t fret, deny, fight, or destroy / The ideas contained in a seed waiting, just waiting

The time might be, might be, or not / The stars have aligned recognize it or not / That bliss is sprouted almost invisibly right / Delicately loved respiring aspiring total delight!

Thanks for The Show

Tuning into the Biden-Fauci YouTube Town Hall was like rubbernecking a car wreck on the highway. We’re going to be on our way, but had to slow down to check out what happened. Pretty sad state of affairs from this view point. If millions of lives are supposedly on the line, then this passionless, faux passion full, and infantile recitation of presumed life saving information is sad. Culturally the, over produced, event is the next ratchet down on the dumb down scale. Each guy’s delivery was as disingenuous and hollow as a novice actor’s recitation of rote dialogue for a play they don’t care about. Real life never, ever, comes of this way. Never. If our collective circumstances are even half as dire as they’re made out to be, these guys would never be taking scripted idiocy questions from light weight, B list celebrities that care more about a schtick than an answer. The redeeming quality of this YouTube event is that it further tips the hand of the media director’s obvious effort to propagandize.

After tuning out, and thinking for a minute about where this message is coming from, a certain solace has prevailed. With all the technology available today, and all the really competent actors likely for hire, this is the best that the propaganda production team can do? That’s freakin sad. Stupidity events like this actually work against the monopolist string pullers that are endeavoring to gain, and/or maintain social controls. This Biden-Fauci YouTube Town Hall was a shit show embarrassment. It wouldn’t, at all, be a surprise to find out that viewers that actually support the fraud narrative of the modern world would reevaluate their position based on watching these two failures sleep walk through this puff piece. The best thing that the social engineers have going for them is that, with the rampant disinterest regarding the redundant clang of repeated false alarming and intently short attention spans, very few people actually watch. Word up. Thank for the show. It strongly reinforced the idea that independence from the modern control web isn’t just important; it’s very much achievable.

Real Power??? I Wonder…

It’s become redundant in so many ways to point out that societal heads, industry moguls, and many government figures are complicit in intense crime. The abuses of power exceeds almost all boundaries of imagination. Viewed in a scientific way, The results of the crimes are not much more than a statistic in the measure of predictable response. The setup provided by generations of eugenics driven social control is unquestionably effective at driving, and delivering specific belief patterns and systems. Belief that is almost perfectly protected from internal, critical thought, challenges. With definite elements of reinforcement, very few will challenge what it thinks, and/or trusts, is the ultimate authority. With this dedication, the purveyors of base line messaging have arrived at a place of exceedingly high authority and power. There’s no obligation to be responsible with that power, regardless of the calling to be. Now that another massive monopoly/kleptocracy scam has been whipped on the majority of earth’s population with precise broad based success, why do the power broker public figure heads insist on tipping their individual, and collective, hands? The scam plan is working amazingly well, but the scammers themselves don’t seem to trust that it’s working well enough. Why not? Why be terrifically outspoken about obvious inconsistencies of your own storylines? Why trumpet verifiable falsehoods, and idiotic suggestions? How can one be clever enough to basically dupe an entire world population to belief a story, as concocted as it is, and then jeopardize it by over repeating bullshit it’s built on? They have to be very nervous about something very basic.

Who Say Who?

Reverse beta testing in progress. Who says that the powers that be are the only ones that can run a beta test!? As quickly as the insistent wear a mask order was given, supported, and enforced, is just as subtly as they are, bit by bit, going unworn. Get used to it!

PSYOP pressere is always being applied tyrannically ivy our worldwide fascist down pressers. Nobody is technically allowed to think for themselves, and if some critical thought is happening, it will happen with an overlay of control, fear and confusion. So, as we’re all walking around with our compliance wear, ideas, and attitudes, I’ve made up my mind to signal my own, “get used to it” message. Unmasked… An unperturbed countenance is never unwelcome, and right now it’s working to an uncontrived expression of a loving PSYOP. Loving in that it is a non-hostile compensation to the mask directive that is meant to continue our reduction as people. Psychology not withstanding, we all benefit from seeing a smile. In a world of hurt, smiles go miles. Who says who, anyway, what kind of freedom you may or may not have. When it comes to facing the world, it’s time to actually face it. Right now for better, or even better let’s signal to ourselves and others that we’ll decide for ourselves how it will be. Looking around it’s nice to know that it’s not only me, and i’m fully on board; going mask free.


For those of us that have had the stress of trying to keep up with an unraveling false narrative, it’s nice to not have to do that anymore. It becomes increasingly difficult for the narrators of lies to hide their disquiet when facts outpace fabrication. As the old “baffle them with bullshit” strategy runs it’s course, and rams into the real; cracks, fissures and tears in the story fabric allow ever increasing amounts of light into the manufactured narration. Each ray of light exposes a bit more of an alibi system that can fail at any, if not many, points. The contrived, and ultimately baseless, fact base makes all the perpetuation efforts a preoccupation, an encumbrance, and an embarrassment. Perpetuating the narration now becomes a test of the determination of those needing to maintain it versus that which is challenging to expose it. On a good day it would be nice to say that we’re working to have an actuality and reality narration be prevailing, but it’s liberating to not have to spend a single second defending a topic, or series of topics, that are just not true.