Lost In Space

Now that our flyboy friends in the rarified air of material fortune have begun joy riding to the fringe of space, we can all fly along vicariously to admire with wonder, not just what these guys are seeing, but what they might be thinking as they see it. Are they thinking that all the work and planning was worth it? The thousands and thousands of pounds of fuel through the R and D all the way to the live flight. How about the environmental impact of the launch itself? I mean any amount of atmospheric damage is inconsequential in relation to an afternoon rocket ride that allows a few minutes of weightlessness, and arguably as great a window view ever for our heroes. What might the thoughts of these tycoon fat cats, with their bellies full of caviar and champagne, be as they pass over Yemen, for instance. Does the thought cross the mind of these intrepid space cadets that they are right over tens of millions of starving people?

It strikes me that we’re witnessing a breed of civilian that have their heads so high in the clouds that aloofness gets an entirely new parameter. The stunning lack of regard for the proportion of world imbalance on display, in this keep up with the mega Joneses space race, is downright embarrassing. Forget callous cluelessness… These guys are lost in space.

Sold Short

Long lost, to the memory banks of modern understanding, are the evacuated former realities of healthy independence. On scales of compassion, humanity originally had it’s place among the flora and fauna in the landscape of prosperous liberty. In reality bubbles of their own, seemingly separated “primitive” societies, have proven to have remarkable consistencies of mythological tradition. The richness of each culture, developed by generations of cooperation with the environment, adheres to posterity as artifacts of hope, fulfillment, and lesson. For kids born into each savage community of caring there is little discrimination, and by rite individuals are dutifully loved, disciplined, nurtured, and reared. Ritualistically each member is folded into the body of collective purpose. Love exposure to the real self grounded, with honor, helps provision the space from which harmonization with the world can be. Identification is not a struggle in the embrace of the traditionally structured community. Thusly experiencing the trials of legacy, hardship, ecstasy, and bliss of the group, each member links with a purpose, as perfectly as nature would have it, growing the spirit, and inhabiting themselves in ever reaching capacities of fullness. Nirvana perfection can wait. Never, however, does the quizzical assumption of separation from nature interrupt the prevailing consciousness. Then comes the lie…. Preeminence.

The infection of all of our’s identity is founded, big time, in genocide. We’re all here for a reason. The stable natural balance resulting from multi-variable points of view and existential determination is essential maintaining the rudiments of true living. (True living being -the mutually beneficial, equitably even give and take relationship between each organism, it’s surroundings, and everything in it.) The suggestion that any being is more right, worthy, more necessary than another is a lie. The preeminence lie is presented, re-enforced, perpetuated, and defended by vanguards of disgrace. The seductive promise of the rewards of superiority are whispered into the ears of many. The whisperer is aware that the possibility of spread insures that the likelihood of manifest injustice is only a notion away. It has taken major ;league root on earth. The downstream effects are devastating. The devastation goes exponential when the realization sinks that the purveyors of this fix are not only eager to disable human beings as effective spirit agents of stability, prosperity, and growth, but also to rapaciously, violently, and tenaciously exploit the environment that supports all life. for it’s material value. A healthy world is no longer something we pass on, or inherit. Peoples are divided, split, pit against each other, and eradicated so as to devastate their imbedded spirit power, and eliminate their ability to counter balance the massive eccentric that planetary looters have forced on. The suggestion that ancient/modern ideals of preeminence, for any damn reason, has sold us all infinitely short.