It’s A Secret

Being born in 1964 in the USA, has meant coming of age in an era of the advanced modern progression of industry, technology, microprocessing, media, and AI. Underlying almost all of it are the corporations that drive the culture. Corporate world reality has become so entrenched that is virtually synonymous with reality. Corporations have their own agendas. The amount of transparency the corporate, and financial, leaders have has always been up for grabs. It’s in the atmosphere of this banking/corporate influence that world views and attitudes of influenced right and wrong have developed. Secrecy is part of the experience. Within and without, the secret is a variable in the function of personal development. Originally, the secretive life was internal. (Don’t tell anyone that I just did “it”. I know I shouldn’t have done “that”.) Combined with the secrets kept from us, from Santa Claus to suicide, and secretiveness becomes an inherent part of who we are. It’s foundational to the life experience, whether I know it or not. Put this micro mystery into the macro atmosphere of the overarching corporate social science machinery, and there’s no wonder why beliefs and identities range from ok, to aloof, to confused, to disillusioned, to psychotic? From the start point on it has been a personal relationship with a controlled meta-reality existing within, and without, that has unbounded capacities of incoherence, strangeness and surprise. The constancy of secrecy is core. When secrecy is accepted tacitly or actively, beware!! On the periphery of the secrecy identity is a suspiciously looming truth. You’re only as sick as your secrets.

We’re all travelers on this path of life. The experiences of our heroes journeying the yellow brick road are meaningful and graduate their characters, but how different is their world view after Toto pulls back the curtain on the wizard? The clairvoyant may see through the ruse, but the rest of us make our best guess of what really is. What a twist! Official directions handed down through our government, schools, and media lead no where at best, down a blind alley if we’re lucky, or off a cliff if we’re not. This is critical! There’s like a form of existential vulnerability directly linked to the commitments made to beliefs. Beliefs that are encouraged, cultivated, and reinforced by round after round of controlled info that veils the real key aspects of meaning behind secrets. Well, we’re only as sick as our secrets, look around. What’s it look like? How sick are we?

Statistics are reliable and unreliable. Statistics can be found, or created, to support or challenge any case. In the current place, of our progression and evolution as peoples, we find ourselves in a pressure oven of information. Discernment is tricky. Discernment is very tricky. Political correctness, language control, and peer pressures are on big time. We’ve come to accept certain standards like, “Your better off not knowing.”, “It’s a matter of national security. It should be secret.”, “There would be panic if they knew the truth.” As a group we’re providing consent, and secrecy is the accepted norm. This isn’t going that well. So where might one find a reliable source of truth about our state, and the state of the environment about us? How about back to where the relationship with the secret first began? Inside. How sick, or well, am I?

There are a lot of voices shouting authority.. Discretion is made freakin difficult because you always have to consider the source. Who can be trusted anyway? Well, for whatever it is worth, right now, personally, there is very little internal conflict. It feels like there is a pretty good motivational balance between being of service to others and being of service to myself. Since there is an inherent suspicion about the honesty of this assertion, suffice it to say that it is possible for one to reach this place. Live’s can be open books. When there is nothing to hide inside, one likely will have a pretty good awareness of one’s real; investment in conventional societal narration one actually has. What stake do I have in the broadcast “truth” being true? I feel like I have more to gain in challenging popular beliefs than ascribing to them. As I see it, there are legions of people struggling with epidemics of un-wellness from addiction to dysfunction that are closing in on us all behind the camouflage of normalcy insistence and the finger pointing of self righteous phonies. How sick do we have to get before the re-evaluation of the cover up miasma we’re trying to press on in? It’s ultimately no secret that, as a whole, we’re sick, and getting sicker? We’re only as sick as our secrets.

Something to ponder… There’s nothing wrong with being a healthy cell in a sick body, and health, healing, and wellness is ultimately an inside job. In the interconnected universal schema of the actual natural world, everything is contagious. Good health is as transmissible as ill. Collectively we’re being bogged down, and sick, with the weight of a toxicity, routinely denied by the insistence of a pride that can’t admit it got duped. There’s also severely limited awareness of, and pursuit of the the healing powers of nature itself, for those too are closeted in the secrecy vault by marginalization and dismissal. So… Is it possible that the illnesses of the world are of some unknown origin, or do we secretly know? Here’s the secret to turning the corner on the negative effects of anything that’s denied. Admit it. Whatever it is that has been hiding will be identified, and at that point it’s power to injure, harm, and restrain goes away. It is possible to get better.


Just how powerful is the maya-anic spell we are under!? Well, to be sure, there’s no expertise here on end times conditions or events. That said, look around. There’s fire, flood, famine, violence, sickness, mania, and sublime confusion all over the place. I’m finding that it’s possible to stay calm during this maelstrom of societal and environmental unraveling, but man is it unsettling?! It is devastatingly unsettling! If these current events scenes aren’t rapturous, what are? Yet, referring to these same current events with many other people is returned as marginal, and referred to as some kind of normal. This has got to be result of the corruptly created maya; the illusion. Impressively powerful spell we’re collectively under. People’s senses are dulled into a sort of fatal malaise. While the world drowns, AND goes up in smoke, we’re still planning bucket list vacation excursions, and filling out fantasy league rosters. We’ve all heard about the boiling seas, red tides, and the other descriptions of an end having been foretold, but what of this feature of ignorance, denial, and dismissal. Maybe it’s predicted in there somewhere. Either way, it’s confounding, startling, and sad. If and when the acknowledgment of the brokenness of basic conditions in the modern world sink in, reconciliation is going to be a premium of massive capacity. While it’s true that we are meant to thrive, based on the progression of our demise, from here on in, only the strong survive. Have mercy on us all.

Awake, awake the morning break / Deep dense clouds rain / Blocking the sinister sun and it’s burning light / A glimpse a peers a window earth to sky / A patch of blue spreading new / A dawn, a break, a welcome view / A version of radiant delight / Toxicity creasing decreasing / Embrace the forsaken… Bliss