Once In A While

Everyday, all the time, I watch the sky. Every once in a while, I talk about what it is that I see there. In the recent window of calendar time from December 14-17, 2021, here in southeast New York, there has been a constant dispersion of cloud material coming from jet planes overhead. It is not at all uncommon to see this phenomena, however, over these past few days it has been remarkable. There hasn’t been a single moment’s reprieve. There is constantly a jet visibly leaving a trail. Three’s and four’s in formation, parallel lines – 4, 5, 6, 7 lines wide, multiple crosses randomly scattered, square and trapezoid hash tags all over the place, fine lines, expanding lines, brief short lines littering the entire sky panorama, curved arcs, intermittent starts and stops, darker shade like lines over brighter “cloud” banks, faint prism spectrum panels, very long trails, not so long, short, very high, not so high, and actually pretty low cloud trails… The list of descriptions could go on and on. The trails are as multi various as clouds themselves. Because These trails are not an innocent by product of the combustion process. It’s disconcerting any time there’s a plane leaving a cloud trail. This week it has ratcheted up the attention to the next level of alarm. It has been an onslaught! The sky, here in this part of the world, is absolutely full of pollution.

Required Reading

The Epilogue in The Devils of Louden by Aldous Huxley is required reading. It is about transcendence; self-transcendence. The description of man’s vulnerability to choosing and/or being herded into a downward self-transcendence is compelling. Huxley’s insight into human nature, the condition of man, spirituality, and the practices of conditioning is exquisite. I started out highlighting sentences of the Epilogue, and quickly realized I was highlighting everything. The Epilogue is an amplification of the third chapter in the book. Chapter Three introduces, and develops the subject of the nature of man’s sense of self. The ideas are of the self and beyond the self, and the consistent yearning to be out of the self; to be someone else. The Epilogue captures the majesty, drama, and potentials, of character development for better and worse. It provides a third person like look at the effects of environmental stimulus programming on individuals and groups The objective third person perspective may diffuse the readers emotional pride and prejudice about what’s driving the self. While the effects of suggestion programming range from the dire to the delightful, it’s the power of suggestion that jumps out of the book. I could not help but re-evaluate my own truth after this reading. What’s driving me? Where do my ideas and attitudes come from? What is my level of sovereignty? Are the changes happening for the better, or worse? How objective is my view of things? Can I effectively identify the nature of that which is influencing me? How strong is that influence? What is becoming of me and us? The value of the truth can’t be over rated. So what is my truth status? The Epilogue illuminates brightly with rhythmic prose the workings of man. and has a resonant description of the impact of those workings on the culture, society, and the world. The clearer there view, perhaps the wiser the choice. Remarkable how simple the control can be. Beware the source of informational feed. There is a purity of drive, but realizing it is a trick, and Aldous lets us know, very well, what that looks like. Get hip. Get read. Read, among other things, The Epilogue in The Devils of Louden.

The Big Stuff

Skeptical skeptical skeptical…. Who isn’t skeptical about what government is telling us? Almost everybody lacks trust in the government. It’s cliche for almost everyone to remark, “They’re all corrupt!” Such is the prevailing attitude regarding the servants of society. Government function, that so often seems like dysfunction, is what drives opinions. Regular reports of corruption and crime, among government members, have served to fuel a prevailing attitude of distaste, disdain, and disregard for the whole body of political members. In fact, even the processes of government aren’t trusted either. Another newer cliche is, “The system is broken.” Yet, with all this said, when we get to the big stuff, all of a sudden, officials are taken at their word. Stories that come out of government sources are, apparently, valid. What exactly is the barrier of belief? What’s the threshold of trust, for the critical mass of peoples, between the information that’s questionable and that which is not. My guess is that it has very little to do with the political agents of the world that wouldn’t know factual truth even if it bumped right into them, and a lot more to do with the rest of us that aren’t critically thinking on either the big, or seemingly smaller stuff. The gut that something is wrong is right. I just have to get over the bridge of realization that it’s an important matter to verify my skepticism, and if it’s real, apply it where it really matters. It matters with the big stuff.

If Or When It Sinks In

It’s not at all uncommon to see athletes out of breath, winded, or exhausted. They’re always breathing heavily at one time or another. You kind of get used to seeing players catching their breath all the time. So, when a player is sucking wind between plays, you don’t think twice about it. All of a sudden, though, during a soccer game last week, that changed. The camera was on the footballer who was standing at mid field after the play had stopped. He was taking deep breaths. You can see a competitive shift take place on the player’s face. This guy’s no longer interested in the game. There’s something wrong. He reaches up and presses the finger tips of his right hand on the middle of his chest, just below his throat. A rapidly growing expression of distress is coming over this guy. He looks earnestly at the game official, and then at the other player standing right next to him. It looks like he’s beginning to ask himself a big question, “What!? This doesn’t feel right!” There’s a flash look of of innocence, of serious concern, followed quickly by a kind of relax. He starts to slowly sit down. He drops. Once on the ground, he’s quickly surrounded by feverish attendants. My gut turns, watching this scene unfold. Something, obviously, much more than a game score is at stake here. An ominous, haunting, sense about what has caused this dude to vapor lock on the field comes over me. The drugs. The drugs. The drugs. It’s really starting to sink in. It’s the drugs.

The multi pronged approach to mass dose people has hit fever pitch. There’s no mistake about it. The captains o\f societal influence want us drugged. There is no exception. The possibility that one can be generally, organically, healthy is out of the question according to modern world bosses. This is a madness scandal. The elimination of the idea that without a drug you can’t be ok is wildly alarming. That’s a massive reach! When is it gonna sink in that we’ve followed a societal leadership plan right off the rails. No such thing as drug free living!? Really!?

If it does sink in, before these chemical compounds do, maybe some sense of reason will begin the establish, or re-establish, itself. The whole idea that drug taking is an unavoidable necessity challenges every notion of liberty. Once the effect of the drug kicks in, we’re kicked out. Kicked out of our own lives. In the present version of the modern world, the drug maker is calling the shots. There’s no way to know who the heck made it, or even what it is. Isn’t it challenging enough to avoid the pitfalls of taking recreational drugs, at the risk of addiction, without the threat presence of some medical military agent forcing feeding us more? Intensifying the madness is the mystery as to why. Even the “authorities” that claim to know the reasons why, also claim to not know. Could be, maybe, maybe not, but take the medicine anyway. How in the hell can we trust this nonsense? Many do however. When is it gonna sink in that we are way down the tracks of rapid fire reactions to orders that add up to trouble? This guy’s running around on the field in the prime of his life, when all of a sudden the side effect grip of a drug pushers product plants him right in the dirt. Thank goodness the realization of the foolish, and fatal, nature of these capitalist concoctions of un-wellness sunk in before the damn needle did, because with these drug plans we’re going down. It’s not a matter of if: it’s when.