Not Denied Anymore

There has been an uptick in the number of articles coming out, recently, informing us that geoengineering is going to be deployed. This is the necessary industrial response to the fact that a near critical number of people are well aware that it’s already been deployed. Solar Radiation Management, and other geoengineering practices, have been in use for decades. They are gaining in intensity all the time. While I’m no scientist, nor the smartest about this topic, there are certain elements about this topic that are hard to miss. For one thing, the scientists that developed geoengineering technology have been compelled to describe the science in detail, with images of airplanes and everything. Then you look up, or look out the window, and there it is. For those of us that are not choosing to re-write our own memories, we know that this, behind the jet trail, phenomena is not something that has been up in the sky, and throughout it, traditionally through the years. It is increasing in amount. Now we’re on the verge of the official announcement of the use of geoengineering. I’m wondering if will there be some change in the way the sky looks after it’s confirmed?

Modern world authorities have perfected the Wizard of Oz art of denying the obvious. Modern world industrial strength wizards are standing right in front of us, levers in hand, telling us not to pay attention to the person with the levers in in their hands. So, the challenge is really within. Believe it, or not, then do the best with the information that can be done. Calling it for what one believes it to be is the right move. If industrial practices are meant to stop before the environment collapses they will. Otherwise, they will change radically and/or stop after, one would imagine. Either way the signaling is clear. The once widely denied practice of geoengineering isn’t denied anymore.

Come On Howard!

In 2005 Howard Zinn lectured at MIT on the subject of American Exceptionalism. Zinn, the author of A Peoples History of the United States, was squarely focused on the role of government, US Government, and the people working in it for their roles in founding and fostering inequality in the world that it is expanding into. The story of the divined manifest destiny tradition, an exceptional disregard for the basic rights of people, and it’s imperialistic legacy is undoubtedly lopsided historically in terms of any cultural righteousness. Zinn develops this point thoroughly. His continued emphasis, and reference to, the government and government agents as being the decision makers of unilateral national policy misses the mark. Presidents, ambassadors, and government representatives are announcing policy; not making it. The more he talked the more it seemed like the real drivers of imperialistic expansion were being given greater and greater cover. Presidents and national statesmen are puppets. They are puppets of corporate boards. It is the corporate entities of finance, medicine, and military that are devising and driving the agenda. How he doesn’t mention this is a wonder.

There is no question that Howard Zinn and many other historians are well aware of private corporations influence on the evolution of society, human history, and Earth’s overall state. By not including it in the discussion maintains the context corruption of our collective story that has us continuously coping with an intense collective identity crisis in which ideas of ANY exceptionalism can have seriously strong dis-unification leverage on us. It was discouraging to hear a guy with some real counter culture authority drop the ball. MIT with all the prestige, Howard Zinn with all the due respect he has, and a lecture recorded for posterity in the historical echo era of 911 have reinforced the cover for the world’s imperialistic corporate structure. Thanks dude.

Without throwing the baby out with the bath water, we’ll just have to take what we need, and leave the rest. Suffice it to say that any description of world affairs, evolution, and human condition that leaves out the albatross of corporate pressure is big time incomplete. Exceptionalism’s antidote is equality, and an egalitarian reality is cooperative not corporative. Hijacked governments are the political agencies that buffer the policy drivers of division and domination. We’ve all been reared to revere our societal legacies, and it won’t be easy to challenge them. Talks like Zinn’s at MIT in 2005 can be effective at making that challenge, but it won’t happen by going halfway. Uncloaking society’s technocratic plutocrats rather than pulling another cloak over them is the idea here. History, over time, doesn’t ignore, deny, or dispute the presence of corporate “would be” lords. Why should we? Why should Zinn? Who knows? At least it got the ball rolling on this affirmation. Another bit of coverup bites the dust. The barrier that the corporate fortress of coverup works to maintain, just got a little bit weaker.

Exactly What!?

Exactly what is left when everything’s gone? / The pen? The glory? / Half the animals, the other half trees / In the depths and above / The raven, the claw / I’ve spent my whole memory / Remembering it all

Exactly what can be said when everything’s dead / Shadowy echoes / Silvery seams / The shivers of reckoning / Bleeding out teams / Former masters retreating / Our minds down a stream.

Take now the misery / All of the screams / Exactly what were you doing / With Creation’s requiem? / Racing false dummies? / Tracing a scheme? / Or tearing a tear drop from the palm of a dream?

Bright comes the morning / The dawning alive / Proceedings of happening / Existing right now / Exactly what’s left not burning on fire / To be shared; bared for all? / A tranquil healing mystic respire

There Is Something Up

As aggravating and maddening as it is to see so many jet planes criss crossing the sky, leaving all this pollution in their wake, I sincerely hope that we, common people, here on the ground really begin to considerately acknowledge the presence of this activity in the sky. Rather than conceding to, ignoring, denying, or apologizing for the spraying in the air, really begin recognizing, considering, and taking responsibility for the elements of breath that we have to breathe. As individuals with real liberty in this terrestrial community it is important to be in touch with the environment. It is essential. Enough with the blind forsaken trust of handing off key blocks of survival to those that would tell me that, “It’s for my own good.” and “Never mind.” It will be great to know that an account is taken before it’s too late. Who knows what too late is anyhow. For all you know, it could already be too late, and these continuing flights are operating as a sinister victory lap over the doomed dispossessed of ignorance. I pray it’s not too late. For better and/or worse of anybody that might find out that they gave a god damn about something they didn’t think was real, look up. There’s something up up there.

On The Run

Remember when world affairs were characterized by a lack of stress? Ahhhh… Nope… With the possible exception of the dopamine charged Roaring 20’s it’s hard to identify when there was an era of no prevailing social anxiety; I can’t even remember really learning about one. In the terms of human civilization, peace really means temporary cease fire. The news of the world is long dominated by stories of threats, hardship, abuse, destruction, and strife. Times characterized by justice, peace, and harmony among people is more like a fantasy than a researchable period. Justice is more like enforced favoritism, peace is a concept, and harmony is no more than a formulaic pop jingle. The timeline of civilization is one long line of conflict with interludes of calm that happen in the echo of intense social stress, upheaval, and war. The war reprieves are like exhaustion breaks. We catch our breath, and re-convene the fight. I never really stopped to think about it. The story of human culture could be the story of an ongoing MMA grudge match. There’s no end to the fight; only breaks between rounds. From Africa to Asia, Europa, the Americas, and beyond we’ve been engaged in, and informed about, a protracted persistent struggle. The mental and emotional toll of this ongoing cultural phenomena is profound. Fighting, battling, and raging are “permanent” features of the “civilized” world, and we inhabitants get used to it like it’s normal. When I first searched the term -world peace- I noticed that the first description of the search is that world peace is a concept. No wonder it feels abstract. It’s time to turn the corner on this curious influence that our culture is going to be defined by how much damage can get done, and all the inventive ways to do it.

Behavior is charted on a sort of normalcy graph. Like stealing from your neighbors is not as bad as burning their house down, but not as good as watching out for them when they are not home. All the conditioning that has happened normalizing behaviors that really would be better off in a different place other than the, “That’s just the way it is.” place has done its worst. As a group we’re not just stuck in an “enemy at the gate” rut, we’ve been stuck. We’ve been stuck in this rut by factions that feed off the state of our being which develops with the underlying structural belief that we are being haunted by a persistent perpetual threat. Then into the rut, which is more like a trench at this point, is interjected the end justifies the means philosophical attitude about our security. The intense emphasis of this metaphysically imbalanced idea has, is, and will bring about catastrophic tragedy. Until this imposed notion that we need to be afraid is challenged, the events and collateral damage of demise will continue to manifest in an ever accelerating rate. Identifying, and being aware of, the spirit driving human nature is more important than falling back on a cliche. And to be sure there are innumerable acts of fairness, compassion, and helpfulness that happen all the time. Yet as Shakespeare pointed out in Julius Caesar, “The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones.” So it seems that by instruction, education, and persuasion that man can be trusted to not be trusted in any other way than me first selfishness. What’s driving this enduring prejudiced worldview!? Who are the benefactors of this skewed notion!? More importantly, what aspect of spirit animates those that pro generate and push the threat narrative?

There’s no reason to go through the entire description of the vampiric parasite here. Bram Stoker provides an insightful description of the vampire operating in our midst. Stoker’s brilliantly romantic, albeit tragically disturbing, story of Count Dracula describes a very curious habitation. Until the nature of the inhabitant is honestly faced, it remains present and lustily feeds on its prey. Honestly faced! The happenings of Dracula are not coincidental twists of an otherwise balanced natural operation. No, it is the intentional operation of a concentrated spiritual force. Once the vampire was forced into light, and held to account, it ran. It’s no coincidence that Dracula is the name chosen for this menacing count. Drilling into our galactic history is the way to begin to understand the Draco, their presence in our terrestrial realm, and what that means. The influence we’re under is real. The state of the mind and being are at stake. Challenging the forces and sources of information fed, and increasingly force fed, through traditional modern world sources is not a necessity or obligation It is an option. There is a resonant frequency alerting me, and others, to a truth that is unfriendly to face. We’re occupied and we are not in control of the occupant. That is a difficult pill to swallow. Once it is swallowed it begins to become clear that perpetual conflict is not inevitable. The notion is is rooted in selfishness. Selfishness is never fun to honestly face. It is recognizable in others and can be projected too. It needs to be faced within. Honestly, this I find challenging. The layers and waves of influence and conditioning have really buried me deep in the earth in which the parasite resides. Cracking the code of the incredibility of formal social insistences imposed by societal authorities has brought to light the senses of achievable autonomy. The parasite has made it into my mind! The archon, the mind parasite working in conjunction with the self serving, blood lusting vampiric parasite being animated by a much imbalanced spirit, has had its way. It has successfully persuaded legions of people that the only way to make it is to fight, and “that’s just the way it is.” I have found the liberty to say, “That is wrong.” Now, having found enough courage to admit I’m under an influence, challenge a selfish aspect of nature, and (with some help from others) shined a light on the parasite within, the parasite is in retreat. It is on the run. Looking about, it is plain to see that this is not an island. People of all kinds, all about, are acting compassionately and selflessly. In communion we come to find out we’ve faced our demons too, and the draconian vampiric parasite, with all the fear based control mechanisms it needs to exploit us, is one the run too.