This blog site originated out of a journal. The journal contained observations of the sky. What I believed I was observing in the sky was deeply troubling. The verbal complaining, railing, ranting, and raving was having a really negative effect on myself and on my important relationships. The planes that so often that could be seen leaving trails in their wake had become an obsession. Guess what??? They still are.
Thankfully, the journal has worked as an outlet of angst. This is a channel for the obsessive thoughts and madness associated with the awareness of geoengineering. At the end of 2022, I would say that the better term would be hyper-geoengineering. The enormity of the up ramp in numbers and amount of volume in the sky observable in this area is very large. I have a regular view of the I84 corridor from the NY/CT state line to the Delaware River. The vistas and sky views in all directions are, with rare exception, littered with trails. All year my commute has had me on the road. There has not been a single zero sum day. The cloud covered days shield the eyes, however, the imagination and mind are stimulated every time the sound of an over flight can be heard. There is no reprieve. The journal entry for the end of 2022 is this, the past month has seen the amount of sprayed material in the skies above our area increase tremendously. It has seemed like an onslaught before, and this has been an increase on top of that. In a word, intense.
All the commentary about the consequences of this much pollution can wait. Reports are popping up with regularity now regarding the toxic downstream effects of filling the atmosphere with engineering materials. There are also articles, and reports, popping up on the plausibility of trails behind planes, and their effects. Geoengineering isn’t really a fringe issue anymore. The ramifications are sinking in. The awareness is growing, and the obviousness is making it impossible to ignore. The level of environmental and ecological catastrophe is what we are going to experience. We are now. My personal tolerance level for this witness is increased by logging another journal entry. At the beginning of 2023 it feels like we have reached an incredibly high point of insanity. There are many elements of the modern world that are weaponized against the inhabitants of this world. The “pedal to the metal” acceleration of atmospheric spraying from jet planes is, for lack of a better way of saying it, right above it all.