Right Above Us

This blog site originated out of a journal. The journal contained observations of the sky. What I believed I was observing in the sky was deeply troubling. The verbal complaining, railing, ranting, and raving was having a really negative effect on myself and on my important relationships. The planes that so often that could be seen leaving trails in their wake had become an obsession. Guess what??? They still are.

Thankfully, the journal has worked as an outlet of angst. This is a channel for the obsessive thoughts and madness associated with the awareness of geoengineering. At the end of 2022, I would say that the better term would be hyper-geoengineering. The enormity of the up ramp in numbers and amount of volume in the sky observable in this area is very large. I have a regular view of the I84 corridor from the NY/CT state line to the Delaware River. The vistas and sky views in all directions are, with rare exception, littered with trails. All year my commute has had me on the road. There has not been a single zero sum day. The cloud covered days shield the eyes, however, the imagination and mind are stimulated every time the sound of an over flight can be heard. There is no reprieve. The journal entry for the end of 2022 is this, the past month has seen the amount of sprayed material in the skies above our area increase tremendously. It has seemed like an onslaught before, and this has been an increase on top of that. In a word, intense.

All the commentary about the consequences of this much pollution can wait. Reports are popping up with regularity now regarding the toxic downstream effects of filling the atmosphere with engineering materials. There are also articles, and reports, popping up on the plausibility of trails behind planes, and their effects. Geoengineering isn’t really a fringe issue anymore. The ramifications are sinking in. The awareness is growing, and the obviousness is making it impossible to ignore. The level of environmental and ecological catastrophe is what we are going to experience. We are now. My personal tolerance level for this witness is increased by logging another journal entry. At the beginning of 2023 it feels like we have reached an incredibly high point of insanity. There are many elements of the modern world that are weaponized against the inhabitants of this world. The “pedal to the metal” acceleration of atmospheric spraying from jet planes is, for lack of a better way of saying it, right above it all.

Imagine The Dream

The scales had tipped. Prejudice was running high. Everyone had their own ignorance and bias. Politicized perversions skewed all manners of observation and perception. Official instructions and news routinely contradicted itself, running a gamut of the mondo bizarre. Discernment had become a vaguery. Confusion prevailed insistently. Cynicism and doubt had become the forward guard for the vast majority, of people, that were plowing headlong into the endeavor of preserving a paradigm of decay disguised as “the way”. Absolutes of apathy, irrelevancy, imbecility, hostility, injustice, dishonor, and fraud were burdening the limits of tolerance and understanding for those that had not yet succumbed to the overload distraction hype. Nature is in balance. Lopsided existence has a term limit that will never be ultimately defied. Ordinary reality breaks down intermittently with falling renewal cascade, and the era of self service was crashing to term. Selfishness and self serving systemic social functioning had created a planetary vacuum. Into this vacuum is rushing waves of energy. Astronomers are reporting that Earth is receiving extra energetic waves, pulses, and beams from the cosmos. Make of it what you will.

Imagine the dream of spontaneous compassion. Organized, deliberate expressions of love increasingly pouring into an environment. Multi-various forms of aid, healing, friendship, and relief offered as help to any need. Like waves of grace energies of healing pour over all of us; over everything. Life, however, is still life, and the human maintains a quantum key; choice. Being offered help is one thing, accepting it is another. A prevailing sickness is going to make help threatening, unrecognized, unnoticed, unappreciated, rejected, and denied. Jaundice in the modern world of inversion isn’t easy to overcome. A world turned upside down and inside out by corporate agencies of heist operating in a vast void of conscience have devastatingly distorted attitudes about health, wealth, and well being. Capacities of feeling and sensation have been overtaken. Key, organic, reflexes of basic care and consideration for one and another have been overridden. The overall body of world society is not well. There is a prevailing illness and malady. A major, and rudimentary feature, of the malady is spiritual; energetic. There are healthy cells left in the sick body, and anything uncorrected can be corrected. The basics of every solution are built in to each and every problem. There is help. The most far out concepts are readily accepted in dreamscape. Reports of strange and persistent radio signals arriving at earth from far off in the cosmos is interesting. It makes me think that the race to the bottom, lead by corporate industrialists here on earth, is a panic move. Panicked kleptocrats that lost the genocide race, and know there are far too many dreamers that never went under the spell of apologizing for a nightmare. Real people that did not fearfully lose love of their fellows, abandon critical thought, were still willing to offer and receive help, and woke up in a dream of healing supported by waves of antidote energy streaming liberally all over as a counterbalance to epochs of exploitation which had nearly killed everything. A closing lotus will reopen.

…to be continued.

Who Say What

What meets the eye is one thing. What it is that is meeting the eye is another. There is much more than meets the eye, and the language used to describe the observable world is unreliable. The delicacy of describing what appears to be is lost. The power of language is, and has been, an exploitable resource. There are manipulative agencies that have leveraged language to further their own interests. Part of that leverage has dumbed down a mass of intelligence while those that hold that intelligence forget they have any. Communication mediums (languages) lose their verse, mode, and meaning while all of us using language lose the ability to describe anything. The power of language is lost on the average person, exploitation grows, incoherence and contradiction grow too.

For years now it has been pointed out that these planes flying around are leaving behind trails of trouble. The official vernacular has consistently mocked the notion that this is true. That is until today. While constantly using language control to control the truth, the official deniers of what meets the eye can’t out describe themselves. They fall into versions of description that literally inch their way into effective description, but we’re all too mind set to know anything about anything about what actually is. It is now being admitted, albeit in continuously lost terms, that jet planes flying around leaving “contrails” (their term) are doing harm. Hello?!

Way Past The Waste

After pointing out that the forecast for eighteen hours of snow at temperatures above 32 degrees Fahrenheit seemed odd, I was given a weather breakdown about how temperature in the atmosphere make this scenario possible. So, what actually happened? Well it snowed alright. The longer it went, the wetter it got. Eventually the precipitation transitioned to rain. The total accumulation is about a quarter of the prediction, and the question of the forecast was more accurate than the forecast itself. So much for the apologetic breakdown. This topic would not have much meaning, in the big picture sense, if I believed that Mother Nature were in charge, and weather is unpredictable. That is not the case. I believe that a nightmare of Henry David Thoreau proportion is happening.

“Thank God men cannot fly, and lay waste the sky as well as the earth.” Henry David Thoreau. The topic of weather modification, the aerosols that are used for it, and the effects are inconsequential to most. They are, however, very easy to research. It’s not like a hidden topic. While I was outside last night shoveling the wetenning snow there was a parade of flights overhead that could not be missed. Those planes could not have been all that high. They were loud. One after the other, after the other, after the next. Nonstop from 9:30 through 11pm. Then this morning when I went back out to deal with what’s left of the sloppy mess, the parade was still going. There’s no heavy traffic airport near here, and I’m frequently out there at all hours, and never heard anything like that. What’s clouded by those clouds on this stormy night is Thoreau’s black dream. Geoengineers are pouring it on these days. It was remarkable to witness.

One can speculate as to why weather control has become this desperate onslaught, but while we’re all wondering how long the next migrant train is, or who’s running for president in two years, or how fast inflation will slowdown, or how many stolen files are locked up in Mar a Lago there is atmospheric engineering running full throttle. As we were saying, many fallout elements of atmospheric engineering programs are reported on all the time. We just don’t connect them to the geoengineering program; in spite of the fact that predictions of the programs detail exactly the phenomena that is now widely observable. Whether it’s nano air pollution, contaminated rain and/or snow, micro plastics everywhere, epidemic algae blooms, rampant breathing disorders, or water freezing above freezing the down stream effects are on us. Chicken Little was right, and maybe not hysterical enough. The control sky of a crumbling detour from sanity has peaked. It won’t stop the desperate atmospheric control scientists from continuing their effort to create the reality they need, but we are way past the waste.

Persistently Astonishing

Why is it that 9-11-2001 events of terrorism are not held up to actual scrutiny? The Pentagon is, without question, among the most heavily secured installations anywhere. It’s so far fetched to think that the video evidence of Flight 77 hitting the building is accepted anywhere as proof that supports the official story. Yet we all operate as if the official story is true. It’s taught in school, so generations of people have no clue about the world they are in. Astonishing. Anyone see a plane? And for crying out loud, does anyone really trust Dick Cheney? Freakin astonishing. We have got to wake up.

911created the political wilt whip intense hyper, and toxic, violence on people that had nothing to do with anything like what we were repeatedly told. The World Health Organization covered up Iraq’s nuclear nightmare of western use of depleted uranium munitions in their communities. The same WHO that BS’d us then is the same WHO we’re told to trust now. This is a very sad joke. We have got to wake up.

I’m not going to force feed images of the Iraqi kids that were born with congenital defects from all the nuclear exposure. I do believe that people should look up the birth defects in Fallujah. It’s the permission, and the tacit permission we give to allow an out of control industrial complex to do whatever it wants for it’s own interests that has (and is) resulting in cosmic level crime against humans, and all life. This intensely anti social behavior is all taking place while we wring our hands and dwell on crap stories like the Biden laptop, covid updates, January 6, Mar-a-Lago, Putin’s army, and on, and on, and on… My word are we lost?

There’s Something Going Around

Another head cold. Another dry cough, runny nose. And another sore throat. Chills! You too!? There’s been something going around. People are sick all over. Doctors offices are packed. Another season of sickness is on us; another season of encouragement to join the expanding ranks of the shot up and sick. It never ceases to amaze me that we hear an annual and persistent repeating revolving refrain of, “Don’t forget to get your seasonal shot.” and “We didn’t choose the right strain to develop the vaccination for.” It’s breakthrough infection on top of breakthrough infection on top of… It’s not just for the failed CV-19 vaccine no protection protection we’ve all been BS’d on. It’s all over, and ongoing. Failed, and failing, medical practices are so all prevailing that they have established their own medical legacy. Sad, lopsided, and tragic.

Think of the preoccupation associated with getting on board with the prescribed design for “health” and “well being”. Appointments, automated scheduling, followups, specialists, prescriptions, pharmacy visits, second opinions, billing, actual sick time, and the regular conversations required to discuss the conditions all require our time; precious time! We’ve been swamped by this modern world notion that we are either sick, about to be, or we’re sick and don’t know it. Whatever the case may be, get to the doctor, get there now, and make an appointment to get all your boosters and updates. If you can’t get an appointment just get down the the local pharmacy and get your free dose. It’s unbelievable to think that this much of a dedication needs to made to having a life, or being well enough to live it. We are encouraged to collectively ace anything like natural processes out in favor of industrial ones. From one perspective industry has become preeminent; from another it has become preposterous. Talk about passing at your own risk!? Ever stop and think about what kind of cycle we are actually in?

A good friend is committed to the modern medical way. Totally committed. Not only that, but shares an influence with others that have them totally on board too. These people are lucky, right now, to not be in the hospital. During the summer of 2022 they were quite sick with covid after the full battery of CV vax and boosted vax. Now, here in the fall of 2022, after the flu jabs they are laid low with the flu. A couple of them are very ill. At what point does one stop and say, “Wait a minute here. This can’t be right.”?!? Obviously health is important. The intrinsic belief in a hippocratic foundation for our faith in doctors has been built on generations of reinforcement for sure. It’s time for a wide angle view of medical evolution. There are more departures from purity of plan than can now be tolerated, and it shows. This doesn’t even take into account the environmental influences that contribute to un-wellness.

The soap box topic of environmental toxification is one that is usually good to start up a hard to stop rant. We are, however, products of our environment. Among other pollutions, the ever increasing number of planes flying around making clouds is a nearly daily reminder that the air is polluted. It rains down on everything. Is it any wonder that there’s something going around? The rant can stop there. Finding ones way in the modern world is tricky. Who to believe about what, how, and why is a humongous question. For the sake of discussion, at least let it be recognized that there is a medical industrial complex. It is definitely working in cahoots other big industries, and my guess is that it needs us more than we need it. Let that spread around.