The Curtain Keeps Inching Higher…

With fewer and fewer people following the Wizards’ orders to pay no attention to those behind the curtain, there are more and more people applying their professional skills to lifting the curtain, and traditional news is reporting about it. Scientists in the Sierra USA are sampling this year’s historic snowfall. In the fresh-fallen snow they are finding micro-plastics pollution. We are way past the point of the undeniably of atmospheric spraying. These filaments are in the snow (and rain) because they are in the air. They are in the air because they are sprayed up there for patented atmospheric engineering purposes. Thus, the intentional contamination of earth has gone exponential. People can keep working normalcy contortions as long as they like, but the denial option is running mad short. This is like an annihilation phase of an all system breakdown. Reaching this level of mainstream exposure, and environmental ubiquity means permeation. As intense and wide ranging as this all pervasive saturation is, there are still more “next level” amounts of contamination that graduate surrealism in ways that skyrocket the rational mind.

With all the inexplicably irresponsible, contradictory, and ridiculous information about viruses and diseases that are promoted, broadcast, printed, and reprinted, the average thinker is left to their own devices to understand environmental health and medical mania, as well as the sources of it. In my view, Covid is an all lab sourced bio industry product. The idea that CV-19 like some far out singular natural long shot is naive. The germ warfare industry has innumerable types and varieties of germs. The only thing unique about SARS-CoV-2 is that it was the one that got chosen for distribution in 2019. The SARS bio-weaponry material was spread and sprayed by aircraft, hyped by broadcast, further activated and exacerbated by 5G, and made lethal by intentionally dangerous medical procedures. The whole idea that anyone would try to defend themselves by taking advice from those that are actively harming them is an almost incomprehensibly difficult concept to grasp. Yet the harm keeps multiplying and multiplying. Inputting mRNA is chilling enough, but the overall draft plan for this gene therapy is staggering because the animal kingdom is in the cross hairs too. This has to be end game stuff. Zoetis is the Pfizer subsidiary producing the poison. Inoculating pets, zoo animals, and wildlife with more experimental veterinary SARS-CoV-2 mRNA material is an industrial reach that is terminating the last shreds of willingness about trying to salvage anything of the modern world’s operating social systems. With each passing instant it seems wise to do the absolute best to distance ourselves from this failure. With a, cosmically abnormal, disastrous bio-crash happening, and the luxury of denial gone, this signal goes out again and again. Wake up!

Beyond the Puppet

Future tripping about a reality that does not exist, influenced by distorted descriptions of what did, and presently operating with mangled facts is proving to be a real formula for the degeneration of culture. Various combinations of fracture, fury, apathy, disillusionment, forfeit, and demise among people is routine. The formula of failure is advanced whenever the next modern day puppet gives a current events update on the state of the modern world. The depressive nature of our collective being defies the promise of life’s abundance that is inherent with the gift of having life. At what place, through what avenue, and at what source are the counter conditions of unity, calm, interest, faith, engagement, and fulfillment found? It must be at a place beyond the puppet. There’s something that the puppet is obscuring. For better (there’s always room for improvement), or worse (situation critical now in my view) there is no better practice than to look to see past the puppet.

Theater concentrates the real. It concentrates the surreal. The signaling within the myth world of the theater has degrees of purpose and intent. Theatrical space is the metaphor for everywhere. In space is resource. An imminent resource of resources is attention. You’ve got my attention. One automaton puppet after another marionettes scripted lines of a dramatic sequence to a real within the Real. Come to understand that the audience can trust the producer and puppet master only so far. While the fantasy, conjured up in the play, may have a ticklish appeal with seemingly limited risk, the risk of surrendering to the appeal is beyond fantastic. Fantastically the puppeteer may now steer the audience. A romantic trance pulls the audience toward a magnetic pole of the string puller’s desire. The theater as a tool of control now has transcended its place, of higher cultural integrity, with a broader perimeter than it should be allowed. But who’s to say, and when? “Don’t you dare rock my real!!”, clamors the audience as the puppet turns its back. The puppet masters admire the control of the audience which is now also at their finger tips. Like an irresponsible hypnotist, the puppet masters embark on a series of experiments on the audience which proves to be menacing. It’s not a given that the experiments should turn for the dire, but they sure have. Also, there is no story line so dire that from which the audience, or some member of, may not retire. However, the plot line, and development of a modern day marionette drama on this world stage is severe enough that Stanley Milgram would most surely blush. Retiring is, right now, a very strong suggestion.

There’s really only one way to begin to get an idea about the actuality of the setting in which the audience resides. Suspend the belief created by the romance of our play. Sever the tether animating the puppet. Let the puppet fall. Hold steady with an attention beyond the fallen actor. Look beyond the puppet. What’s there? Who’s there?

There’s Obviously An Attack

The glaring disparity of resources in our world by the means of systematic, organized, kleptomania is in our faces. From Jeff Bezos’ multi-amazing mega yacht to the mile long Kentucky food line, an equitability balance of nature has been effectively flipped. This shredding of equality is unreconcilable. Nobody(s) “earns’ this much fortune, and the rest of us are not “slackers’. The rigged societal system we all do our best to get by in has reached the terminal velocity of unravelling. Like a high speed pinwheel flying apart, there are tatters and shreds of storylines flying out of the behemoth current events mainframe as controllers throw every tidbit of “news” at the wall hoping that some of it will stick. Everything that doesn’t stick gets denied or re-defined. Watching the controllers panic sink would be a great source of comedy if the stakes were not so high and so many beings were not having their basic rights crushed. This crushing is forcing more and more of us to re-evaluate who we trust, and with what. This is a challenge that the control class won’t tolerate. There is way too much fear for that. The end of this serious slavery epoch has come to term. The galactic cast of slave holders that have run so much of this miracle planet into ruin lack the honor to bow out with anything other than disgrace. It’s high time to step aside, and let them go. When the rulers are no longer obeyed their grasp is cast, and freedom fills in. Free thought is growing, and it is the threat to the system, and this the controllers know is the last stand.

It strongly appears that the self appointed ruling class of earth has had it with the other inhabitants of “their’ planet. The corporate cowards are armed to the teeth. They hide behind layers of mercenary security lines while pulling the strings of hyper violence, engineered pestilence, zero sum distraction “news”, and spastic finger pointing. Each passing hour is greeted with another ordinance exploding on battlegrounds randomly delineated by whimsical bitterness wishes and spite. There are ignition sparks, lighting of toxic infernos everywhere. All these catastrophe events, wars, and security threats are so obviously manufactured that even the comatose are gaining awareness of societal fraud. One by one by one hundred and one the ranks of the awakened grows. As the sycophant pack in which the power hungry parasite class of so called “leaders” is faced with challenges of actual, factual, reality there is desertion. As the ranks of the thieving corporate kleptocrat parasites thins, their concentration increases. With less and less low hanging fruit to steal, they turn on each other. The out shoot of this disastrous failure is an outward bound attack. With greater and greater numbers of perceived enemies, the fighting goes stratospheric. Every weapon available is turned on, but the cooperation of the foot soldiers of empire is getting less and less. A brand new, yet eternal, balance point is in achievement. While there’s obviously an attack, and it’s damn serious, it is a death throw. Clearing the karma of this epoch of harm is going to be way difficult, however, we’ll be free of the parasitic class that never had the sense to realize that when their plan fully fails, they disappear. What an amazing time!!