A Great Cheer

There is no way for a neophyte, novice, or someone just coming of age to really understand the intensity of compromise, depravity, stress, and inevitable collapse that comes with supporting a lie. Part of the human condition is to test limits of decision making. Secrecy, however, is the first demand of the commitment to dishonesty. Secrecy and sickness are linked. Like an intensifying haunting, the apparent cool of initial personal gain progresses to trouble. Without the correction of admission, life’s path and spirit states become an intensifying, eventually searing, discombobulation of mind, body, and soul. Every defense of dishonesty and fraud is another lace in the straight jacket of one’s own confinement. It is in a type of blindness do intelligent beings enter the program of deceit. Consorts and conspirators determine to install the best truth cloak they are able, thus perpetuating distorted understanding Wrong is unjust, and those on whom the injustice reigns have their liberty interrupted. Systemic deceit programming furthers the progressive advancement of bullshit narratives, the karmic stakes grow big, and the difficulties are complex. To be caught up in a system of deceit is as important a challenge to face for growing spiritually as can happen. Without question those that work in the service of wrong will eventually find themselves at the gates of hell.

The attractive allure of temptation stresses one’s sense of right and wrong. Personality types not withstanding, progressive wrong doing is devastating. The dark power of exploitation parasitically inhabits various beings. Many of these beings are people. Progressively, an inhabited one will know no such thing as restraint. The inhabited host is now, in part, animated by the guest. The resulting behavior has a range. From white lies, to petty theft, to planned injustice, to mad debauchery, So it is that a takeover be known with greed, incredible lust, and the most breathtaking acts of treachery. The snowball of disaster will gain a type of quantum karmic inertia. The despairing environment, or stage, in/on which the procession of events plays out is the environment in which the actors of the reality play must reside. It’s the world one makes, and we’ve got to live in it. What of the world, however, for the ones that have not bought into the dark force allure? The environment is polluted, yet there are honorable, charitable, honest people in it; not to mention virtually the entire populace of the rest of the animal kingdom. Fate is likely a dynamically morphing determination of a chosen world. Since not everyone is committed to a world leveraged to benefit themselves first, the fate of the world isn’t driven solely by power driving corporate brokers of me first material gain. In spite of the fact that power broker influences are not really seen for what they are, nobody misses them. There are choices to make; important ones.

The ramifications of the movement of wrong burdensome. Over time the burden intensifies for sure. Nature, and the universe are balanced however. Nature’s unyielding and constant equal and opposite balancing properties compensate for all the efforts of injustice. The cosmic balancing force is working perpetually always. So, lopsidedness is an impermanent state of conditions that are just plain out of balance. At the risk of being philosophical, let’s say, “That’s life.” So, for anyone that has tipped over on a bicycle, gotten dizzy, or gone too far one way or the other emotionally or physically, it is not a reach to say that when one has lost their balance they are likely to tip over and fall. The state of one’s being during the fall is a most relevant property. If my life is in large part in agreement with the requirements of complying with the wrong, then I’m at risk of the illnesses in a despairing world. As the walls of treachery and control close in, the stress of reconciling growing fantastical incoherencies of red hot gas lights will become increasingly more difficult to tolerate. Breakdown is inevitable. There will appear to be no way out. Like the toll to cross the River Styx, we are paying dearly for this life of trouble. There is another way.

There is no way to sugar coat this. The persuasion to commit to a system that has been created, cultivated, maintained, and advanced to exploit the resources of the environment in which it resides is very difficult to not buy into, if not cave into. The normalcy of the reliances, and dependencies, of an advanced social system are sure, and there is a maya which disguises that same system brilliantly. That is, until the failure, which is inevitable, and collapse ensue. Eventually the flaws, discrepancies, and wrongness become glaring and obvious. Systemic lie systems have very sticky features. It is very hard/impossible to let go of that which one has come to believe is an essential need for their well being. In spite of the fact that the system is, and has been, attacking all the subjects within it without restraint, a dedication to it will insure that the intensification of dire consequences will continue. There is an out.

Voices of confidence have quizzically, curiously, and interestingly contradicted the long running narration that an organic nature based life can be enhanced, and improved upon with technology. That is the wrong idea. That is it! Technology cannot improve nature, or any natural system. Period. Obviously machinery will be. A healthy relationship with machines is a question. What is it really for? In one persons view, let’s say machinery should not exceed the limit of recreation. Once technology replaces an organic system with an attenuating dependency, look out. Add profiteering to the mix, and hang on. The downstream effects of these elements of truth are devastating. The reconciliation of the karma created with the evolution of the, “improve on nature with tech” plan is its progenitors dream, and the rest of ours nightmare. Yet we, in a very naively distorted way, fuel it. This is the point of departure.

To be fair, detaching from advanced technology is extremely tough, and clearing any small amount of the staggering black karma that has built up by generations of hostile wrong doing, self serving, injustice, and anti life programming is very difficult. It is transcendental. It’s simple. It is way not easy. It actually sucks. Yet once the clearing happens, peace fills in. A very noticeable, and rewarding peace. With all the unmistakable warring, continued injustice, and advanced wrong that absolutely can’t be missed in the most perceptible version of world currently, a real sense of purpose displaces some of the disillusionment with it. Purposefully into the difficulty of clearing bits of the mountainous karmic reality wreckage can be a choice. It feels like a type of civil disobedience, in that perceived harm and wrong doing is not met in kind. It’s the desperation of being fed up with the direction of events that prompts this experiment. In it is found an alternative source of motivating energy. There is a power that brings sustainable life thriving order out of any chaos. It is the power that one is persuaded, by corporate conspirators, to surrender in favor of a cheap techno facsimile. A facsimile we have to pay for! A great cheer it is to know that this life giving power can be claimed, and reclaimed, rather than be given away.


I was sitting yesterday morning by the lake in the southern part of the Adirondacks. It was very calm. A foggy cloud covered the entire lake, and almost totally obscured the profile of the surrounding landscape. The sun had already come up; it lit the fog to a soft bright white hinting the gold of sun. This lake is lifetime familiar to myself, as well as, many members of the community which reside here. The dusty stained surface is calmly undulating with slack random directionless waves. Surface “pollen like” stains are all over the surface. They are rare here. Maybe occasionally the lake surface has a pond like characteristic, but it is rare; very rare as far as I’ve known. Below the surface can be seen something more. There are fine bits of material floating in suspension in the water. From the surface to the bottom and all around is this stuff. I’ve long heard of degrading water qualities in lakes, and other aquatic environments, all over the world. This lake has been noticeably clean, and like consistently pristine looking and smelling. In spite of a consistent community effort to protect this body from invasion, I always wondered about the encroachment of degradation here. Has water quality foulness made it to this lake? With that thought I gander at the morning sky above the fog hanging at ground level. The perverse trademark skywriting trails mark the sky above. A breeze comes up. The fog cloud immediately begins moving. Across the lake in this direction comes the fog cloud, thinning as it moves. The profile of the hills and small mountains come quickly into clear focus. A complete change of scenery has happened. The green late summer landscape is brilliantly clear and shining with the morning sun. Now the broad view of the sky is visible. There is an extensive panorama of white “cloud” lines above. The trails have the appearance of a complete coverage fan. A fan that has veins converging at a point on the horizon. It’s as if all these flights are coming from a variety of spread out places down on this end, and meeting at a common destination up on that end. From my perspective, this is a most gruesome observation. How long will this spraying programming be allowed to be officially denied?

Personally, I am past the anger, although the critical thought and overall concern levels keep rising It is also very impact-fully difficult to come to terms with the first hand witness of, what looks like, environmental degradation. Sitting lakeside pondering these thoughts, the exercise of sky writing is on in full force. Each line in the sky is being traced with another, and another, and another, and… The beginning of a new day.

This is a travel day for me. I’m driving back in the direction of New York City. Those sorties that were happening over the lake are not restricted, they are everywhere. Layer after layer the lines lye. Lying like a ladder, with the rungs getting closer together, like finer teeth on a comb, in the direction of the city. Thanks to the concentrated coverup of the elements in the atmosphere, and how they get there, one would have no way of knowing what that stuff is. Except perhaps for symptoms that are noticeable. Among innumerable possibilities, right now there’s an undeniable foreign particulate permeating clean water and the COVID din is happening again. A New York Times headline reads, “Why Are So Many Players Getting Sick at the U.S. Open?” Fear pornography is the propagandists preeminent weapon, and high profile targets are going to stay in the cross hairs. The question is sustainability. The guess is here that the entire “control the globe with technology” plan and strategy is going to crack. Nature will not indefinitely support the methods, and the inhabitants of the land under attack will not indefinitely support the story. These elements are definite.