About Face

As the collapse of industrialized society proceeds through ever advanced stages, the principles of the architecture and engineering become easier and easier to see. Monopolistic combines, and the captains of them, have created a societal model that has had its utopian veil thin so much that the dystopia of its truth is all but seen through. It is hard to imagine how this all but transparent veil can be held up at all much longer. Discernment of contemporary actuality is incredibly difficult right now. However, there is an interesting contemporary phenomena that has developed. Of course, like most aspects of the modern world, the development is fast. The most outspoken individuals of our recent societal upheaval are fading and disappearing like people pulling an Irish goodbye, or a David Copperfield vanishing act. It’s increasingly difficult to find the previously, omnipresent in every media everything, heavy sway influencers of ours lives. All the “official alerts”, virtue signaling, fear mongering, and shaming accusations adds up to one big ball of incoherency guess work, and the purveyors slip out of sight. As the procession of events continues, and the evolution of understanding increases in clarity, the characters that brought us the previous critical updates of our lives get harder and harder to find. The cowardice of not being to follow up on all the tough talk is a clear indication that the talk is cover. These freakin people are all the same. They have alligator’s mouths and hummingbird’s asses. Hiding behind titles, security details, and rigged laws isn’t enough. The nearly complete disappearance of these once major power players says it all… None of it was true. None of it!

The entire premise of the carbon fuel/petroleum based industrial era of societal evolution is fundamentally unsound. The, oh so famous, leaders of the industrial revolution were/are preeminently selfish. The goal has always been to gather, guard, and continuously expand the harvest of resources monopolistically. All for one, and it’s all mine. The ensuing abuse of all the branches of governance, science, and ever intensifying predatory philanthropy has created a societal imbalance of magnificent proportion. Nature is an eternally working system of compensation and near perfect balance. The current eccentric IS being compensated for. Correction can not not happen. The industrialist kleptocrats, that rely on imbalance, absolutely know this. The bet that one can beat Nature to a place of perpetually, feed me alone, free resource is a loser. We are all finding out, whether we know it or not, this fact. Those that believe, and have acted as if, everything is theirs are spastically pulling levers of control in effort to avoid the rest of us clearly seeing the Wizard of Oz like rouge that has been in effect. There are some valuable lessons to be learned by experiencing this civilizational train wreck. In short, it is fair to say that whatever the mouthpieces of the modern world narration suggest to do next… do the opposite.

It appears as though the sycophantic, lightweight, opportunistic, technology launderers that have had so much recent influence on societal affairs don’t really need to be removed at all. Once they are called on their line of story, and not genuflected for, they vanish on their own. These power grabbers have no power. That’s why they frantically, fraudulently grab for it. They exploit leverage. Leverage that tempts the rest of us to GIVE them power. Literally give away our energy. It’s a huge energetic resource, and the planet’s energetic resources have been distortedly abused to create the leverage. Misunderstanding and types of ignorance are unavoidable and part of the deal; yet so is intuition, learning, and understanding. Thank you to the line of misanthropic talking heads that have perpetuated this headlong failure; from Joe Biden, to Don Lemon, to Benjamin Netanyahu to Douglas MacMartin, to the Cuomo brothers, to Jacinda Ardern, to Justin Trudeau, to Bill Gates, to Anthony Fauci, to Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, to Rachel Maddow, to Jim Cantore, to Boris Johnson, to Rochelle Walensky, to Peter Hotez, to Steven Colbert are the names that come off the top of the head. Some of these people maintain a level of audacity that allows them to continue to face us, and lecture us on further levels of distraction propaganda, but shameful cowardice continues to reduce their credibility to all time low, and demonstrate to the growing knowing, rest of us, a very real direction to liberation and reprieve from the modern world’s dogged demands. About face. We’ve been repeatedly been told the exact direction to not go.

The Benefit of Intensity

The kleptocratic class of syndicated corporate, self imposed, dictators of world affairs have confidence, and faith, in their control tools. The wrong obviousness of themes like, “Borrow you way out of debt.”, Peace through superior force.” is lost to the “trust us”, “must be” propaganda politics of the modern world industries developed to harvest all of our attention, interest, and resource. Unless all of us dopy minions inhabiting the vast communities making up society at large don’t drop into lockstep with the coded demands delivered to us through sycophantic “yes” puppets posing as chief executives, legislators, prime ministers, and justices then the intensity of the control tools, are increased. So all the different war forms, which are the tools of control, progressively become gratuitously abused. The upside of this abusive intensity is that, one by one by eventually many, it blasts through the denial of the existence, viability, necessity, and truth of these controls. Waking up to madness is the benefit of progressively intensifying harmful conditions, and is a valuable redeeming counter balance to the protracted tragedy of all those that find themselves on the business end of all this spastic warfare. One thing has been demonstrated without any question, the levels of barbarism, the agents and bosses of the current corporate world, has no limit. Truth of the disastrous failure of relying on toxic control tools still resides as denial for swaths of the human community. That, however, hasn’t proven to be any kind of brake system for the controls that have clearly run out of control. The hopeful optimist presents as if the world’s pressures of control will relax and stop. In one person’s view that can’t happen soon enough. An inside upheaval, displacement, and rearrangement of all our current understandings is the prerequisite. Surely, this is the major benefit of the circumstantial intensity of the present environmental and existential now.

Flimsy and Cheap

The undead terrorists that have spent millennia rigging social systems for their own personal gains have so overplayed their hand that they have come to look like a silly cheap joke. Wound up and set up actors all over earth are executing shootings, false flags, pseudo scientific attacks, energy weapon and munition abuse. All the while the news (hard to believe anyone still trusts) reports support all the engineered warfare as being legitimate geopolitical and geophysical phenomena. These reports are flimsy and cheap alibis for all the manipulation schemes conducted to leverage political and public opinion in favor of all out imperialistic aggression. So aggressive is the onslaught, and so pervasive, that it cannot be escaped or avoided in this, most common shared reality bubble, terrestrial realm. Even the weather is modified and controlled.

Geophysical manipulation is a duly tested practice and is abundantly obvious in the area of weather modification and control. Here in the northeast part of the United States we just had a hyped weather event. The hype included a winter weather warning. The warning is on the phone. There are warnings up and down the interstate. The forecast is rain, wind, and apparently snow, ice, or slush. The sensationally promoted weather event is scheduled for Sunday int Monday. On Saturday I got out early, and was out all day. The only way I can describe what I saw in the sky Saturday would be with intense hyperbole. Early, often, and unyielding throughout the day were daunting, thickening, and constant stream billows emanating from criss crossing jets in every direction; non-stop. Seeding clouds is basically a primitive technology. It’s cheap weather control. The insatiable social controllers that (so clearly) desperately want to dominate every aspect of the human race attention span are, among other variations of inhumane, weather hacks. Decades and years of “augmenting”/creating winter weather has resulted in type of geophysical, or weather, crash (or crashing). More and more manipulation is required in order to achieve the same “winter as we know it” result, and I just witnessed it.

One can only wonder how much material is delivered into the atmosphere to make the huge, thick, deep banks of the “whatever” chemical clouds that fill the sky and the approaching front. All I know is that after watching the sky for years, the current phenomena is off the chart intense. Winter watches and warnings in recent years, and again this week, fall impotently short of each and every sensational meteorological alert hype. Collectively we are in a different climate place. I count it as a damn shame, and a blessing that manipulator failure is upon us. Awareness of paradigm collapse/shift is at an all time high. To be standing in the shoes of these cheap and flimsy geo modification hacks is the last place you would want to be. Like Dylan said, “It’s a hard rain gonna fall.”

Ensuing Prayer

For who shall it most relate in a world of non stop propagandistic fate. On and on the full battles cry. Bomb blasts screaming and bleeding a concussive post beat. Rhythmically drumming a deafening desire, a drastic dream. We’re leaving now forgotten the last lost faint chimes.A freedom to lose the lesser extreme. Our handles fave fallen, so we grab the red sand, beneath what’s left of the palms and the man. Broken and fatal no less recommend. How to stand by while reckoning the damned.

Fateful for sure a blindness repose. The last of the times memorial compose. The matter is ours, the exterminant kind. Servile repentance, a child, a flower child of mine. The hands they are blasted, the eyes blink burnt blind, the feet seep green heavy, casualty shell deafening shattering mind. The tacit referrals have spun up my spine. I leave this a plenty, a prayer on the mind.

Breaking… Down.

One of the more rewarding aspects of witnessing the modern world collapse is watching critically important, earth shaking news stories wisp, fade, disappear, and die. As soon as these critical “Breaking News” stories run up against actual accounting and reckoning, they are gone with a fawn, a wash, and denial. The next thing you know, nobody said that, the situation was fluid, and another breakthrough crisis takes place. This entire news cycle drive to distraction has spun right into the criminally absurd. Headline news failure is now so abrupt, shock and awe events are basically D.O.A. If it were not for the abject tragedies of this dark modern world faux journalism comedy, all these wars, illnesses, and outrages would be laughed off and dismissed out of hand. Every now and then it comes to mind how much energy goes into bringing all these orchestrated events to bear. What a waste! These disaster event progenitors have no regard for voracity, and just like the stories that ensue from the fraud, they are fading into irrelevancy. The dark anti life consciousness that today is failing out has been in progressively intensifying operations for generations and millennia. While it goes down, a consciousness rises in the ebb and flow of resperative equilibrium. Alert! The next critical news story is breaking… down.