Human history is haunted with genocide. Running parallel with human expressions of beauty ranging sublime to subliminal is the gruesome vicious devastation of genocide. For most of us, the preeminent example of gross genocidal expression is that made by the post World War 1 patsies known as the National Socialists of Germany. The documentation of Nazi savagery is well known. The use of science in the practice of extermination speaks to a level of anti personnel behavior that only evil could admire. That said, one can learn a lot by conducting scientific experiments, regardless of how heartless the practice. For many subjects of legendarily dark scientific rouge, they would cross a threshold of sinister mystery, and enter the gas chamber.
Report after report after report continue to announce with frequency and detail about the “engineering” of earth’s atmosphere to “protect” the inhabitants of earth from the impact of their own inhabitance. These plans are presented as a prospective by governmental sycophants sighting “scientific” evidence suggesting that there is a need to take control of geophysical systems. So here come the “scientists” describing the practices of spraying matter into the atmosphere that is going to “help” us. It is officially, up to this day, nothing more than a proposal, and series of experiments, about the practice of gassing the atmosphere. So, for those breathing the air being experimented on, it is really about the concentration of the material used in the experiment.
Along with reports of “engineering” earth’s atmosphere is the reporting of atmospheric toxicity. Invariably reports indicate the presence of aerosolized material occurring and recurring. For years now, reports have referred to PFAS, ‘forever chemicals’ as having saturated the planet. These and micro-plastics are everywhere. From the highest peaks, to the most remote places, to the seas, and inside the tissues of the living they show up everywhere. It is not always easy to forget about difficulties breathing. Especially if allergies are bad, or a cough and cold ensue, or bronchitis hits, or COPD develops, or “COVID”, or pneumonia develops. Medicine works to relieve symptoms of breathing conditions and disorders so we can go 0n breathing the air in our atmosphere. The same atmosphere that “scientists” tell us can be engineered and modified to “help” us. It sounds like there is “scientific” evidence to suggest that these “scientists” know what they are talking about. Any way this story gets sliced, the idea is the same. The plan is to have everything in the planetary terrarium atmospheric chamber get gassed.